When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

One of my classmates was drinking a cup of hot chocolate, and used his little finger to scoop up the foam and suck it. Yucks.

Neither of the 2 teachers in my history module had heard of the Cape of Storms story. How odd.

The library here is really big. Celtic studies alone gets enough bookcases to fill a small bedroom (with space to walk among them).

People did very badly on the mid-term for Monetary Economics because they said they were unused to MCQs, and those we got were hard or rather, tricky, and there's no partial credit for MCQs. They should try PH1101E or Chinese AO.

There's a construction company called "Werklust", which translates as "Desire for Work". Uhh.

Haircut prices go by gender. I wonder if a butch would be charged as much as I to have a haircut. I should import some malaysand indians and set up a chain of low cost kapsalons - "Virgin Cut" or "EasyCut".

Baby-Tees seem at the market: "It's cool to be Dutch"; "Touch me [and below, in a slightly smaller font] and I'll kill you".

Dutch mayonnaise is really da bomb, being nice and thick. I had some mayonnaise in Germany and it was awful - piss weak, thin and runny.

Pizza is relatively cheap here. A housemate ordered a 23cm one for €6,50.

I finally saw Parmesan at the market. The stall also sold sambal and pepper cheese. Wth.

Besides not rotting, peppers are also quite sweet. Just how sweet I didn't realise until I had a bit of the red paprika my housemate was eating raw.

How many colours can you see? This was originally white. Note also the cute fluffy bit at the right.
Incidentally, contrary to popular belief, this is not mine. My food has never gone this spectacularly bad before. Someone left this in the fridge for weeks. In MY section, damnit. There was mold on my melon when I returned from Germany though.


the well fore (welfare)

focus on the veach (wage)

[On trade unions opposing liberalisation of labour mobility] They should complain, but not too much

[On opposition to liberalisation of cross-border labour movement] Not every person knows International Economics theory

you feel up side (upset)

I'm from slow vey kyah (Slovakia)

nurdery (nursing)

[On saying something inaccurate] It's okay. I really like making big mistakes. Let me throw more oil on the fire.

[On the British] Ultimately they would succeed above the Dutch because they were less violent. [Dutch teacher: The next point, moving on...]

[On reasons for European domination of World Trade in 16th-19th century] Are there others? [Student: Natural Superiority] Took the words right out of my mouth. The rest of the presentation will be about that, of course.

[On picture of sailing ships in a Powerpoint slide] I've discovered that if you do this *shakes OHP screen* it looks like the ships are actually sailing. Powerpoint doesn't have it [the effect] yet.

[On making an essay due sooner] We want to make sure you do the readings for June the 9th. If it is due on June the 9th, we can't be sure you'll do the readings.

[On the mid-term exam] Or the teaching of the course is so bad that it leads to this unanimous failue.

The most common exam in the States. Everything is multiple choice there. I studied there. Maybe I got influenced.

I had to place some questions to differentiate the very very very good students from the good students.

If you hate multiple choice exams, don't study in the States. Don't take courses like this.

[On MCQs] Some people are lucky... they play lotto... Probability analysis.

Any complain'ment... Email me: ***, your course sucks (complaints)

Guys, open your ears. Expand your ears. (?)

[On coming late] You're early for the break, or you're late for the start of the course? (tutorial)

I'm not like Keynes, so I care about the long run.

[On plotting residuals with autocorrelation] Can be quadratical (quadratic)

You're a very good par rot (parrot)

[On estimating the Taylor Rule] You might be unlucky, and have no correlation, or you might be lucky and have autocorrelation and have to learn more Econometrics.

bee tah (beta)

You have this cue'bersome procedure (cumbersome)
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