Dogbert: You're always complaining about the management of your company so I decided to do something about it. I used my billions to buy your company!
Dilbert: You're going to fix management?
Dogbert: No, I just wanted to stop all the whining. You're fired.
Genetic sexual attraction - "You're 40, happily married - and then you meet your long-lost brother and fall passionately in love. This isn't fiction; in the age of the sperm donor, it's a growing reality: 50% of reunions between siblings, or parents and offspring, separated at birth result in obsessive emotions. Last month, a former police officer was convicted of incest with his half-sister - but should we criminalise a bond hardwired into our psychology? Alix Kirsta talks to those who have suffered the torment of 'genetic sexual attraction'"
Soldier Of Surrender - The Official Magazine Of The French Army
Superman leaves Physics 140 class at University of Michigan - "Some student at our school (University of Michigan) dressed up as Superman, went into a class, answered his ringing ... all » cell phone, tore off his clothes to reveal his uniform, and ran out of the room. Classically hilarious"
A non-NUS student should try this at NUS to see if they try to punish him. We can add this to the list of reasons why Singapore CMI.
In the same vein: REACH! A Lecture Musical
This is even better since it requires an extended presence and collaborators. Time to scout out NTU (I'd never blend in at SMU, unfortunately)!
Are You a Supertaster? - "If you're a vegetable hater, go ahead and blame your parents: How intensely we experience bitterness in our broccoli is genetic."
cl1p.net The internet clipboard - "With cl1p.net you can copy and paste between computers. Just enter in any URL that starts with http://cl1p.net (example: http://cl1p.net/counsellor/) and post. Then from any other computer enter the same URL and copy."
Are ants disease-carriers? - "We'd be lucky if we were as sterile and disease-free as an ant. Ants almost never get sick compared to humans. You introduce far deadlier microbes into your body simply by using two unwashed fingers to touch your cookies than would a million ants."
And there's the protein too. Mmm.
The Straight Dope: Still smokin’: What are the long-term effects of marijuana? - "the discovery of endocannabinoids, the cannabislike chemicals that perform important regulatory functions in the body... "the endocannabinoid system [may be] nothing less than [the body's] naturally evolved harm reduction system" (Melamede, 2005)... Research suggests cannabinoids kill cancerous cells in cases of leukemia, lymphoma, breast and prostate cancer, etc."
Easter bunny gets the boot in St. Paul - "A cloth bunny and pastel-colored eggs with the words "Happy Easter" were taken down from the lobby of the St. Paul City Council offices...'Someone complained'"
Sounds like they work the same way as the police in Singapore.
Right to Create - "The freedom to create is an essential human right, with us since time immemorial. For most of world history, an individual could invent at will, using any idea that they encountered or that occurred independently to them. Today, this right has been deeply eroded. Right to Create is dedicated to exposing the abuses of patent and copyright systems, demonstrating that limiting the power of the Intellectual Property Regime will result in a better world for inventors, industry, individuals, and society as a whole."
Ah, no doubt more 'grumbling'. To prove the sincerity of their convictions, they must all try to get into Congress so they can change the law!
Weight Watchers recipe cards, circa 1974 - "These cards mystify me. None of them have calorie or nutrition information of any kind, and in some instances it's hard to tell what's dietetic about the recipes at all, except that they're unspeakably grim. And yet also, completely insane. They appear to be from a much kookier era of Weight Watchers. There's a certain serve-it-at- your-next-key-party freakiness to a lot of these dishes."
Blue Ball Machine (Classic GIF Returned) - Good stuff. And no, not another Lemon Party.
Marathon fundraiser crosses line - "A fundraiser dressed in a suit of armour and pulling an 8ft (2m) dragon has completed the London Marathon in a time of eight days and 13 minutes."
Piglets seek Moscow Olympic glory - "The third annual "Pig Olympics" have been held in Russia where the pigs might not have flown but they did show their prowess in several activities."
Germans against Hitler. Who resisted the Third Reich and why did they do it? - "Accepting a narrow definition of resistance as 'active participation in an organised attempt to undermine the Third Reich' three types of resisters are identified: those who became disillusioned with the Third Reich, those who acted out of necessity and those who resisted because of political, religious or moral principles."
WFMU's Beware of the Blog: Cheesy Euro-Disco - "Aficionados of the genre understand that when it comes to Cheesy Euro-Disco, it's all about location, location, location. And props. Props and location, in the opposite order. Dancing cossacks are also helpful, but not absolutely necessary. A succesful Cheesy Euro-Disco video needs to be set in outer space, a bucolic meadow, or involve power tools, football-helmet-sporting bikini babes. Or involve dancing cossacks."
Whole Soy Story The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food - "Scientists who have studied the use of soy protein in animal feeds over the years have discovered a number of components in soy that cause poor growth, digestive distress, and other health problems. To list just a few of these: Protease inhibitors interfere with protein digestion and have caused malnutrition, poor growth, digestive distress, and pancreatitis. Phytates block mineral absorption, causing zinc, iron, and calcium deficiencies. Lectins and saponins have caused leaky gut and other gastrointestinal and immune problems. Oxalates-surprisingly high in soy-may cause problems for people prone to kidney stones and women suffering from vulvodynia, a painful condition marked by burning, stinging, and itching of the external genitalia. Finally, oligosaccharides give soy its notorious reputation as a gas producer. Although these are present in all beans, soy is such a powerful "musical fruit" that the soy industry has identified "the flatulence factor" as a major obstacle that must be overcome for soy to achieve full consumer acceptance."
MessengerAMP - Winamp / MSN Messenger Plugin - "It displays your current Winamp song in MSN Messengers 'Personal Message' field! Since MSN Messenger 7, this is possible with Windows Media Player, but hey, who wants to use Media Player? Use Messengers "What I'm Listening To" or "Now Playing" feature with Winamp!"
Improve Your English Video on Metacafe - "German coast guard ....Funny"
Identity of the Designer — A Fire Breathing Rabbit - "While some may consider this an accident, the whole event is actually intelligently designed. If you look closely, you can clearly see a fire breathing rabbit, responsible for sending the place up in smoke."
Sure beats Holy Toast.
Aninote.com - Dear_fan you are mighty - Nice e-card to send to all my fans.