Wednesday, May 03, 2006
"We also have long winters in the northern part of Scandinavia. Many years ago they tried to clear the railroad between Kiruna and Narvik (north of the artic circle) using a big locomotive to push a jet engine backwards along the track. It did not become standard procedure. Perhaps too noisy or too efficient."
Someone on NUS library AV material restrictions: dvds must use code to borrow
only some codes can
it applies to all dvds or av materials with an "r" at the back
the stack code of the material
u go run through the linc
some documentaries like from bbc dont have r at the back
most movies have r
this is in accordance with the copyrighting laws
or the dunno what restriction laws
Me: not copyright
Someone: cos a 19 year old student can watch r21 films for certain modules
according to a prof, there's even porn in our library
it's a module regarding american pop culture or something
then there's a component regarding american porn
Me: you know about lawgate?
Someone: hahaha
seah shuqi, stirring up shit since 1996
Me: why 1996
Someone: cos that's when i knew you
prior to that people just stirred shit up for you
e.g. giving you a BCG
Me: jiekai is a useless flipflopper
Someone else: your description of jiekai is very apt
someone else i know used the words, "his ass must hurt from sitting on the fence so much"
i can also tell you i once heard someone described as "so misogynistic he makes gabriel seah look like constance singam"
it was hilarious
Me: hehe
just because I do not respect the PC view on women makes me misogynistic? ;)
Someone else: it's convenient shorthand
i mean, calling you misogynistic is convenient shorthand
it's like calling george bush stupid
he isn't
Me: gah
Someone: i went sdp rally just now
cna got 1 video cam
mata got SIX
2 trained on stage, 4 on crowd
Someone else on NUS camps: when we have events that involve the SDU funding, we have to sign a silly agreement that shows that 1. we have met a stipulated male/female ratio, 2. we will play a minimum number of games that involve much contact between the sexes
its damn funny la
Someone on NUS library AV material restrictions: dvds must use code to borrow
only some codes can
it applies to all dvds or av materials with an "r" at the back
the stack code of the material
u go run through the linc
some documentaries like from bbc dont have r at the back
most movies have r
this is in accordance with the copyrighting laws
or the dunno what restriction laws
Me: not copyright
Someone: cos a 19 year old student can watch r21 films for certain modules
according to a prof, there's even porn in our library
it's a module regarding american pop culture or something
then there's a component regarding american porn
Me: you know about lawgate?
Someone: hahaha
seah shuqi, stirring up shit since 1996
Me: why 1996
Someone: cos that's when i knew you
prior to that people just stirred shit up for you
e.g. giving you a BCG
Me: jiekai is a useless flipflopper
Someone else: your description of jiekai is very apt
someone else i know used the words, "his ass must hurt from sitting on the fence so much"
i can also tell you i once heard someone described as "so misogynistic he makes gabriel seah look like constance singam"
it was hilarious
Me: hehe
just because I do not respect the PC view on women makes me misogynistic? ;)
Someone else: it's convenient shorthand
i mean, calling you misogynistic is convenient shorthand
it's like calling george bush stupid
he isn't
Me: gah
Someone: i went sdp rally just now
cna got 1 video cam
mata got SIX
2 trained on stage, 4 on crowd
Someone else on NUS camps: when we have events that involve the SDU funding, we have to sign a silly agreement that shows that 1. we have met a stipulated male/female ratio, 2. we will play a minimum number of games that involve much contact between the sexes
its damn funny la
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