When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, February 03, 2006

An exchange:

Anonymous said...
Psalm 14:1
Thursday, February 02, 2006 11:43:49 PM

Agagooga said...
Matthew 5:22
Friday, February 03, 2006 12:04:42 AM

Someone: fuck.
thats like playing blind chess.

After that, it became unblind. Whee.


Subject: Thanks for your feedback.

Senders email: themindcafe@themindcafe.com.sg

Really thank you for your feedback.
We will look into those problem area that you have mention.
We will strive to be better...


The Mind Cafe
@Boat Quay

Wah, proactive. I like.


Why does everyone keep asking me if I've finished packing?! Gah. I feel like eviscerating the next person who does so.

Someone: it's like asking about the weather

Me: gah
it's equally inane *facepalm*

Source: "The slogan for the Sentosa Flower Festival 2006 is 'Let a million flowers bloom' :P"

Someone: (@$^& salesgirl at the apple store in wheelock place tried to evangelise to me.

she came up to us and was like "are you guys pc or mac users?"
then gave us this card "how to switch to a mac" with 10 steps and offering of a free workshop.

this is like church, only worse.

i wanted to say something mean but she looked like one of those waiting for A level results types and i didn't want to make her cry.

i saved the card
i'll take a photo and post it.

my friend was contemplating buying an ipod
but i convinced her that best denki had better pricing and free coupons..... hee

we were only there to ogle and check out the cases....
damn, did not expected to get preached to.

Me: card?

Someone: yes, she gave me a card! 10 steps to swtching and free workshop!
i told you it's like one of those "how can my soul be saved?" pamphlets.

Me: uhh
at least she only pounced when you were in the store

Someone: it was after i told her we were only browsing


The Youth.SG Blog » Blog Archive » Guess Who? Post #1

"I am Youth.SG because I represent modern youth who always think of ways out whenever we meet challenges. To me, nothing is impossible if I really want it.

I dare !

I’m a carefree person, open to new ideas and always striving for the best. I love challenges. The more difficult the challenge, the more excitement I get. There is nothing to lose. I have nothing to worry about. I dare to make mistakes and learn to be wiser by making them. I just do my best in everything I do.

As youth in Singapore, we’re really spoilt for choice! It’s easy to find like-minded people who I can spend time with. I’m a very active person who cannot just sit down, always wanting to do something in my free time. I will usually go shopping with friends, watch movies with my girlfriend or play snooker - my favourite past-time. I’m quite good at snooker, you know. :-)

I can also be an armchair sportsman if my favourite sports are on TV eg. the EPL. Most of the time, I hang out at Orchard Road, as it has many shopping centres, and I can also people-watch…"

Me: Do you pluck eyebrows for a living?

ignoreme: do you like yellow color?

Julian: eyebrows… hahahahaha…
might want to drop by tangs and ask him yourself? :)
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