When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, January 29, 2006

"People who get nostalgic about childhood were obviously never children." - Bill Watterson


An advertisement I saw in Lucky Plaza read: "Cultured pearls. Classic and elegant.. A woman's acquired taste'. Now, the question is about how to stop them from acquiring this taste in the first place.

I wonder if it's possible to find Terry's Chocolate Orange in Singapore. Mmm.

I thought the Ketchup Song in Chinese was bad. Then the other day I saw part of the music video for Numa numa in Chinese. D'oh!


3 fish were swimming in the canal.

1 fish hit concrete and floated there, stunned.

The 2nd fish hit concrete and said "DAM".

The 3rd fish didn't hit anything, and swam on through some turbulent water, into a wide area.

The 1st fish said "How did he do that?"

The 3rd fish yelled back at the other 2,

"That wasn't a Dam. That was an Malaysian bridge. When 2 fish run into it, It falls over!"


Religious figures : Epilepsy.com - "Saint Paul's seizure-like experiences are the best documented of the major religious figures. On the road to Damascus he saw a bright light flashing around him, fell to the ground and was left temporarily blinded by his vision and unable to eat or drink. Paul is thought by some physicians to have had facial motor and sensitive disturbances coming after ecstatic seizures; they have diagnosed him with temporal lobe epilepsy which occasionally developed into secondary tonic-clonic attacks."

The Shock phone for self defense - "The shock phone has a huge battery and when triggered by a switch, activates the shock mechanism. One simply touches the body of the hoodlum and that is enough to send him into spasms. The device will not cause any permanent damage; however it is enough to make him forget his motives. The other features of the phone are not worth writing about, it has a monochrome display and extremely sub-standard features (those that are remind us of the handsets that were in the market about 304 years ago). It is primarily a self defense weapon and that also explains the optical effect of a charge (as shown ) howver if it is not enough to deter the menace then the phone is more than capable of givng that person a shock."

Apple caught cheating on RSS standard - "The Photocasting feature in Apple's updated iPhoto application violates numerous internet standards, according to several dignitaries from the RSS community."

The Workers' Party of Singapore Website / Manifesto 2006 - It is finally online. Notice also how media reports frame it as the government attacking the Workers' Party, rather than the PAP attacking the Workers' Party. Man = Party = State = People = Nation.

Rationally Speaking: Vatican confused about Intelligent Design - "What does it mean for Facchini to go “beyond the empirical horizon”? And doesn't his conclusion invalidate his plea for separating science and religion? Such are the contradictions of people who use their brains in the lab but have to hang 'em outside the Church doors on Sunday mornings. And yet, it is precisely this sort of logical incoherence that makes fundamentalism and creationism so attractive to many people: when one rejects the empirical-scientific worldview altogether one doesn't have to reconcile the way things are with the way one wishes things were. Will we ever grow up emotionally as much as we have developed intellectually?"
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