When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Someone tried to irritate me by claiming that I was against freedom of speech because I got upset when he posted a post on *my* blog, including quotes identified as being from me which I had not authorised for release, after I specifically told him not to, and when idiots were flaming me on the issue. I said it was akin to calling someone homophobic for getting upset when two gays were having sex in the person's bedroom after he told them not to do so and the khalwat squad was 2 minutes away.

I asked some people if they thought the Marxist "Conspiracy" could happen today, and almost no one knew what I was talking about. Gah; the power of almost 2 decades of official silence.


"Asian values" in Hong Kong - "went to hong kong in the summer and boldly wore a black halter top in the streets. big mistake. i got a lot of stares from guys on the streets--young, old, middle-aged. it wasn't a good feeling to be so noticed. hello, have you never seen a woman before? not only that, but when i went over to a lingerie store to ask if they sold any bras for the halter top, the saleslady said, "oh, no we don't...the girls in hong kong don't wear halter tops! it's only those women from the west who wear such revealing clothes, coz you know, they're very 'open'.""
Repressed individuals are often very perverted in private.

Fundies are invading our schools are screwing up the minds of our young with religiously-motivated, misleading, moralistic or simply eroneous sex "education" talks/lessons, and some even get government funding. I wonder what the future holds for Singapore with the stealth invasion by the fundies - hopefully our teen pregnancy rate won't rise.

The Return of the Puppet Masters - "Some scientists believe that Toxoplasma changes the personality of its human hosts, bringing different shifts to men and women. Parasitologist Jaroslav Flegr of Charles University in Prague administered psychological questionnaires to people infected with Toxoplasma and controls. Those infected, he found, show a small, but statistically significant, tendency to be more self-reproaching and insecure. Paradoxically, infected women, on average, tend to be more outgoing and warmhearted than controls, while infected men tend to be more jealous and suspicious."
Whither free will?

Hot for Teacher - Students rate profs online—and vice versa - "Visiting ratemyprofessors.com yields similar assessments of thousands of professors at nearly every college across the United States and many in Canada. The forum isn't as flattering to all its subjects. Notorious defense attorney Alan Dershowitz gets several glowing reviews from students at Harvard Law, but also a "Horrid—a name dropper and cares for nothing except for his own personal self-aggrandizement.""

NTU Chronicle - Students frown on “legal squatting” on campus - "Legal squatting is cheap. For $20 a month, a student can stay in an occupied hostel room and use all hall facilities."
Goodness, NTU is so much more progressive than NUS! The joys of not having to be the Premier Institution of Social Engineering...

RAPE: High Risk behavior - "Even a common sense question about the victim's pre-rape behavior will provoke an outraged tirade of "you are trying to blame the victim!" Extreme ferocity on the part of many victim advocates is often unnerving to those merely asking an honest question about foolish behavior. It is important to remember: Any extreme is bad. The truth usually resides somewhere in the middle. No woman ever deserves to be raped. But certain behaviors will put a woman in danger of being raped. It's like playing on the railroad tracks and then being outraged when injured by a train... The advocates would have you believe that you can have power and control over your life until something goes wrong. Then it is all someone else's fault. That is a critical flaw in their ideology."
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