When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, December 09, 2005

"The average man, who does not know what to do with his life, wants another one which will last forever." - Anatole France


I've found out that the friend whose Macintosh laptop dropped from the level of the cushion on a chair to the floor, and whose hinge connecting the screen to the rest of the laptop came out has been charged ~$1,000 repair by the nice folks at Apple even though it is under warranty.

Now, although warranties do not strictly cover this, any other laptop manufacturer would have repaired the laptop (especially because of the shoddy manufacturing), at most voiding the warranty after repair (as happened to my Nokia phone after a MOP smashed into the pocket where it was in, cracking the screen so all the liquid crystal flowed out). Furthermore, ~$1,000 is ridiculous - you might as well get a new Dell for that price.

Apples - deceptively cheap (then again, her model cost about $2,000, so they fleece you even for non-bottom of the line models). Now I know how they cut costs.


Me to someone complaining about horseriding soreness: At least you're not male

Someone: You always know how to make a girl feel better.

Me: Thank you, err, I think.
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