Sunday, October 23, 2005
[On writing on the OHT] My pen's so clear. I'm happy.
You attended yesterday's lecture. Then why are you here again?... *Is told that it's not the same person* I remember... something wrong with my memory.
It's so carefree to be a teenager. [Me: So what are we? Not teenagers, not yet adults.] We're half fucks.
Different slop. Slop is also different. (slope)
[On doing badly in the midterm] If you're hardworking, if you're consistent - you can do well [overall]. [Ed: But if you're consistent and you did badly in the midterm, you'd do badly in the final too...]
I have been told that, very sneakily, some of you tried to do the same question twice [using a different method]... Some of you tried to do the same question twice, in the same way. I don't know what you were thinking of.
[On underemployment] They spend 3 hours working. Th rest of the time they're talking.
This is a very exciting model, the RBC model. We're going to go on to another exciting model - the Keynesian business cycle model.
[On sticky wages] Can you imagine if you went to your mom and asked for your allowance to be indexed to wages? I mean inflation? Your mom would go crazy.
[On writing assignment answers on the board] From next week onwards, if you have not presented, I will ask you to present. If you have already presented, I will not let you volunteer.
My project mates - they do their work. That's all I ask for... They speak English. That's all I ask for. Very basic requirements - do you work and speak English.
We have some unknown ver'rye'er'berls (variable)
I saw this guy in Arts. He looks like the Obi-Wan Kenobi... the beard. (like)
Is the function of a wise choice (Y's)
You have to know how to get the results. We are economists, not mathematicians.
Last time, in NJ, after drinking a can of green tea I would run around the school, because I got super high.
[On the ultimatum game and economic irrationality] You may ask: If Player II cannot get [a better deal], why wouldn't he reject [it]? I don't know why... That is the definition. He cannot do better... If I play the game with you, if I want the whole pie for myself, you will reject [my offer]. I agree with you.
Delta cue'bee (cube)
[On Nach equilibria] You may ask why you choose [this module's code]. it's because you cannot do better in any other module.
[On the Jack Rabbit] I don't need it any more.
In the past, when I was a much more hornier bastard, SCGS was my first choice... That was 1996. Now SCGS girls all cannot make it.
[After going through the mid-term] Write your name, then you can leave. Enjoy your life. Exam is nothing.
Not everyone has the same level of sexual interest. To some of you this will be puzzling, to others it will be obvious.
[On Horrobin's theory about fat, creativity, eccentricity and schizophrenia] You have to be a little bit disconnected from reality to be creative. Really creative people are really quite strange.
[On forays out of the classroom] I had the opportunity to help with an orang utan... Not Ah Meng, another one.
We're nice people. We smile. Men are more likely to read too much into the smile. It is adaptive to risk a rebuff... If 9 out of 10 women slap your face and say 'bugger off', it doesn't matter if the 10th woman smiles and, you know?... Bad manners are good for genetics.
I was terribly tempted to bring in a snake this morning and present it in the middle of class... How many of you would leave now if I had a snake in my pocket? No?
[On depression] There's a risk you might kill yourself. Don't do it. It's a bad choice. You will always recover and feel better. Always.
[On hunter-gatherer societies] Suicide wasn't an easy thing to do, short of taking a large instrument and falling on it.
I've got free copies of Time Magazine's October 26th issue here. They're free... [Student: Will it be used in the exam?] That is such a disgusting reply... All you think about is passing exams. You're here to learn. [Me: You could make this a non-examinable module] [Other student: Or you could give us the A straight away]... If everybody is somebody, nobody is anybody.
[On the OHP screen's string blocking the whiteboard] This is so infuriating. World Class University dangles the string in front of the whiteboard.
How do you recognise a psychopath when you see one? [Student: When he starts charging at you] You've got a sort of mad ax murderer complex.
[On psychopaths] Imagine the worst sort of car salesman and magnify him 5 to 10 times.
We were just discussing Psychopathy... Failure of conscience... You, of course, are stricken with guilt for coming to class late.
You might want to see if 'executioner' is listed in the government directory. My money is that it's not there... Effort is made to distance themselves from it. (them)
I'm told that the hangman, the axman would always ask forgiveness from the victim to be, which was always given because the victim wanted a clean cut... No lingering doubts [on the axman's part]
Name reasons why people kill each other. *silence*... You have difficulty in thinking of reasons. I am encouraged [as to your lack of homicidal tendencies]
In India elephants raid distilleries to drink the alcohol. The caretakers come in and find them sitting around with their trunks in the air.
[On how drugs actually make you feel worse] I used to smoke... the way I gave it up was by smoking until I felt sick.
The burger is $1. Everything else is 4 or 5 times the price. So the guys eat 2 or 3 a day. [Professor: I'm getting an insight into student economics]
[On fat being in in human history] Ruben's women, Titian's women... were fat... Laughing Buddha - he's fat, there's no other way to describe him. He's globular... if you look at the advertisements before World War II, the women are voluptuous. Substantial, and big.
[On writing on the OHT] My pen's so clear. I'm happy.
You attended yesterday's lecture. Then why are you here again?... *Is told that it's not the same person* I remember... something wrong with my memory.
It's so carefree to be a teenager. [Me: So what are we? Not teenagers, not yet adults.] We're half fucks.
Different slop. Slop is also different. (slope)
[On doing badly in the midterm] If you're hardworking, if you're consistent - you can do well [overall]. [Ed: But if you're consistent and you did badly in the midterm, you'd do badly in the final too...]
I have been told that, very sneakily, some of you tried to do the same question twice [using a different method]... Some of you tried to do the same question twice, in the same way. I don't know what you were thinking of.
[On underemployment] They spend 3 hours working. Th rest of the time they're talking.
This is a very exciting model, the RBC model. We're going to go on to another exciting model - the Keynesian business cycle model.
[On sticky wages] Can you imagine if you went to your mom and asked for your allowance to be indexed to wages? I mean inflation? Your mom would go crazy.
[On writing assignment answers on the board] From next week onwards, if you have not presented, I will ask you to present. If you have already presented, I will not let you volunteer.
My project mates - they do their work. That's all I ask for... They speak English. That's all I ask for. Very basic requirements - do you work and speak English.
We have some unknown ver'rye'er'berls (variable)
I saw this guy in Arts. He looks like the Obi-Wan Kenobi... the beard. (like)
Is the function of a wise choice (Y's)
You have to know how to get the results. We are economists, not mathematicians.
Last time, in NJ, after drinking a can of green tea I would run around the school, because I got super high.
[On the ultimatum game and economic irrationality] You may ask: If Player II cannot get [a better deal], why wouldn't he reject [it]? I don't know why... That is the definition. He cannot do better... If I play the game with you, if I want the whole pie for myself, you will reject [my offer]. I agree with you.
Delta cue'bee (cube)
[On Nach equilibria] You may ask why you choose [this module's code]. it's because you cannot do better in any other module.
[On the Jack Rabbit] I don't need it any more.
In the past, when I was a much more hornier bastard, SCGS was my first choice... That was 1996. Now SCGS girls all cannot make it.
[After going through the mid-term] Write your name, then you can leave. Enjoy your life. Exam is nothing.
Not everyone has the same level of sexual interest. To some of you this will be puzzling, to others it will be obvious.
[On Horrobin's theory about fat, creativity, eccentricity and schizophrenia] You have to be a little bit disconnected from reality to be creative. Really creative people are really quite strange.
[On forays out of the classroom] I had the opportunity to help with an orang utan... Not Ah Meng, another one.
We're nice people. We smile. Men are more likely to read too much into the smile. It is adaptive to risk a rebuff... If 9 out of 10 women slap your face and say 'bugger off', it doesn't matter if the 10th woman smiles and, you know?... Bad manners are good for genetics.
I was terribly tempted to bring in a snake this morning and present it in the middle of class... How many of you would leave now if I had a snake in my pocket? No?
[On depression] There's a risk you might kill yourself. Don't do it. It's a bad choice. You will always recover and feel better. Always.
[On hunter-gatherer societies] Suicide wasn't an easy thing to do, short of taking a large instrument and falling on it.
I've got free copies of Time Magazine's October 26th issue here. They're free... [Student: Will it be used in the exam?] That is such a disgusting reply... All you think about is passing exams. You're here to learn. [Me: You could make this a non-examinable module] [Other student: Or you could give us the A straight away]... If everybody is somebody, nobody is anybody.
[On the OHP screen's string blocking the whiteboard] This is so infuriating. World Class University dangles the string in front of the whiteboard.
How do you recognise a psychopath when you see one? [Student: When he starts charging at you] You've got a sort of mad ax murderer complex.
[On psychopaths] Imagine the worst sort of car salesman and magnify him 5 to 10 times.
We were just discussing Psychopathy... Failure of conscience... You, of course, are stricken with guilt for coming to class late.
You might want to see if 'executioner' is listed in the government directory. My money is that it's not there... Effort is made to distance themselves from it. (them)
I'm told that the hangman, the axman would always ask forgiveness from the victim to be, which was always given because the victim wanted a clean cut... No lingering doubts [on the axman's part]
Name reasons why people kill each other. *silence*... You have difficulty in thinking of reasons. I am encouraged [as to your lack of homicidal tendencies]
In India elephants raid distilleries to drink the alcohol. The caretakers come in and find them sitting around with their trunks in the air.
[On how drugs actually make you feel worse] I used to smoke... the way I gave it up was by smoking until I felt sick.
The burger is $1. Everything else is 4 or 5 times the price. So the guys eat 2 or 3 a day. [Professor: I'm getting an insight into student economics]
[On fat being in in human history] Ruben's women, Titian's women... were fat... Laughing Buddha - he's fat, there's no other way to describe him. He's globular... if you look at the advertisements before World War II, the women are voluptuous. Substantial, and big.