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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

It turns out that my prophecy that you would theoretically be able to get a NUS module for fewer points in later rounds (contrary to the system's intent) has come to pass:

"i decided not to bid for mno1001 in round2a and 2b coz the limited slots available were really ridiculous and banked that some slots for other categories of students did not take up would be free in round 3A

my dangherous gamble paid off, as there were total of 95 slots available in round 3A and bidding wasnt that hot today

for round 2 if i had won i would have paid at least 900-1000 points or even more for mno1001
but i only got the module for only 372pts for round 3a

well i also got screwed for another module
i paid 800 points for it in round1a(siao ppl!) and my buddy got it in round 3a for 300 odd"
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