When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Feedback on the multiple posts sytem so far:

My No 1 fan blah blah: "headache for me
i'd rather u post one shot, and i know how much i have to browse
instead of browsing thru so much
cheat my time =D

Tym: "I lose my reputation as someone who posts interminable posts that no one bothers to read through

But that's the most distinctive thing about this blog! I will now go whack brown on the head...

Oh, they're good. But I just dont' (sic) see them as Agagooga style ;)"

Oikono: Perhaps as a compromise to blog layout, you could have a few post on specific topics and one on short random balderdash?

fan: I lose my reputation as someone who posts interminable posts that no one bothers to read through

Yeah that. Long posts please.

cowboy caleb: Thumbs up. Go for it.

lynnylchan: Yeah don't break up your posts. You're a rambler by nature. hahaha (now I've made you sound like some sort of ivy).

tinkertailor: trust me - those pple who like your posts long don't actually read everything.

cherub: u got ur own style, and i like to read it differently from the other bloggers.

yah, so keep to anything u're comfortable with. :)

Johnny Malkavian: fuck lar, i tell you your posts are too long all the time, and you do nothing

Sanz: i think the entries are better now for urs
easier to follow
last time i tend to skip ard

i really like ur new blog format
finally..i noe wat u re writing
last time i used to be very selective of wat i want to read and not read..cos the post are so long
now..at least i see the focus..and read most of it

xue: Please take his advice. The main reason why I don't read your blog regularly is the length of posts!!! Divide them up according to subject please. It makes for easier reading. You're not being a hits whore, just considerate and (dare I say) improving on your style. :P

jeffyen: I think one needs to understand the way to read this blog.

The key, which I've only just discovered days ago, is to understand the ***s.

*** means that the stories before and after are completely unrelated, and you
have to 'switch gears' and digest the next story.

Once this is clear to the reader, the entries become very easy to understand and
it won't be confusing at all! Yes, it *might* seem long, but that's only an

cloudsis: i wanna tell you that i still prefer ur old way of blogging

Deadly Mist: I read your blog because I've liked the style of it from Day 1. I don't think breaking it up serves any purpose, nor that it would make it any more readable?

But that's just my personal opinion.

felumpfus: long = guud.

SM: But I like your usual style of long postings..... and despite that anonymous' comments, i do read through all of it

to me it doesn't improve much, because you don't have a habit of titling your posts
previously when it was a long daily posting, you didn't have to. with shorter ones, titles become important.

it is slightly eaasier to link
with the shorter posts, you won't get that accomplished feeling of seeing high numbers of comments. like, 22. it'll be split up into 3, 5, 3

[shorter posts] less intimidating? only for idiots.
you see, with the level of English there is in your posts, it's hard not to intimidate
unless you wish to pander to the lowest common denominator of the civilised wannabe elites in Singapore

your blog is of the more impersonal newsy kind
when broken up into bits, it looks more and more like a desperate newsprint rag of traditional media
one advantage of the Internet wrt news is that long posts don't look as intimidating as on newspaper print so you can afford to write long

merge the one on jap occupation with johnny malkavian with mods for next sem
that's my optimal length ;) [Ed: Just under 3 1/2 pages on Firefox with 1024 x 768 resolution]

My evaluation:

Somehow, I feel naked when I post short posts. And I don't mean short by my standards. So perhaps I'll switch to shorter posts, but still have them at a halfway decent length, combining really short bits (preferably thematically linked) into one medium-length post - I'll suffer from diminishing marginal (even negative) returns if I have 20 ultra-short posts a day anyway as opposed to 10 short ones. Posts that are of decent length and can stand on their own will be pushed out anyway.

As for post titles - screw it. There's no point coming up with banal, uninformative titles (a quick scan of the first line will inform one about the subject of the post anyway).
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