Trying to sort through and rename the many pictures my brother-in-law took on the trip, I realise that:
1) Since he was gey kiang [Ed: Tried to be too smart] and kept using manual mode, a lot of the pictures end up looking... weird. And not just in terms of under/over-exposure
2) He likes to take multiple shots of the same thing
3) He likes to take the most uninteresting shots
3) Worse, he likes to have multiple takes of the same uninteresting shots
(Translation: Don't blame me if the photos suck)
This is what happens when you give a technological victim a digital SLR and let him upload pictures from his memory card every night.
Selected pictures from the first 2 full days can be found at the bottom of this post, or in the relevant travelogue posts themselves.
Someone on my visit to Washington DC: "u were there for only a day?
haha u seem to have seen more of the inside of outlet malls than actual america"
Chara: "Why does Starbucks in the US suck? (Don't you agree?)So do Macs and Burger King.
Perhaps these are the things in Singapore that we REALLY take for granted :p"
I don't know about Starbucks, but McDonalds and Burger King both have more variety and are more authentic, so I totally disagree.
Someone on Krispy Kreme: "it is pure evil contained on a ring... don't tempt me devil
and it melts in your mouth, that layer of glaze...ahhhhh
maybe its prohibited...i think its classed with marijuana....soft drug"
Message left in my guestbook:
"emma watson's email is ***@aol.com, try it someones talked to her!"
"Steven Lim's Say no to aids commercial (after you see this, you don't wanna have sex anymore)
See? It really is effective in stopping the spread of AIDS!
Someone else: "erk. the steven lim video not only puts you off aids. it puts you off sex too. or even eating."
Flypower - "Welcome to FlyPower®. In case you are interested, you have now entered the only site on the Internet totally devoted to the intricacies and pursuit of fly powered avionics."
Out There: Toilet Eatery Bowls Diners Over - "Foodies are feeling a little "flushed" about a new restaurant in Taiwan that serves them food in pint-sized toilet-bowl dishes. And, yes, the food is designed to look like something that belongs in pint-sized toilet-bowl dishes."
Selected Princeton photos:


Ivy. I'm told not all Ivy League universities have the titular ivy though.


Dei Sub Numine Viget



Stained glass

Two-fer at PJ's Pancake House
Selected Gettysburg/Amish photos


Guide and cannon

Eternal flame peace memorial


The rare monument to Confederate soldiers

The engineer who saved the day

Horse and carriage at shop

Someone doesn't like my brother-in-law

Amish boy

Amish girl

Flower at Ephrata


Ephrata view from fence