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Friday, April 15, 2005

The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell body parts for money. - David Richerby

Random Playlist Song: Virginia Kegel - I want a Boob Job for Christmas (Han points out the significance of the name "Virginia Kegel". Sorry, I'm TSAF.)

Every Christmas morning, underneath the tree
Lots of lovely presents, are waiting there for me
And though I'm quite delighted, it's hard to get excited
Who needs another sweater? Hey Santa
There is something that I'd like a whole lot better!

Are you listening, Santa?
I've been a good girl this year
And there's only one thing that I want

I want a boob job for Christmas, big old knockers out to here
It would make me proud to be endowed like the Playmate of the Year
I want a boob job for Christmas, make them big and make them wide
The only blimps as big as these say "Goodyear" on the side

Male chorus:
Heaving hefty happy hooters
Squishy gushy g'lactic shooters
Loads of curvy cleavage on display

Woman: Woo!

Male chorus:
Lusty busty watermelons
Each as big as Mount Saint Helens
That is what she wants this holiday

Woman (speaking):
Santa, give me this one gift.
It's not my spirits that are sagging, it's my boobs that need a lift!
Oh Santa, you know this Christmas season, give me a pair of juicy jugs
And you can be the first to squeeze em!

I want a boob job for Christmas, spongy silicone balloons
Who needs a boat? I can stay afloat with my bulging chest pontoons.

Male chorus:
Bursting beeping bouncing bozos
Wild and wiggly whopping waldos
Nestled in a cup that's Double D

Woman (speaking): Yee hoo!

Male chorus:
Massive milky meaty mammaries
Big and 'nuff to feed 2 families
Santa won't you listen to her please?

Woman (shouting): Santa, please!

Male chorus: Brr!

I want a boob job for Christmas
And when you've done that Santa dear
If it's okay, send my way
A nose job come next year

[Addendum: Thanks to Prowl for suggesting the word "pontoons".]



"You can pimp me in any way you like. I'm very cheap and sellable."

Thus saith he.


The furore erupting over the blog of a certain racist PSC scholar "Cheng Zhan" is disturbing and reminiscent of a vigilante lynch mob.

The sort of witch hunt is counter-productive. Replying to venom with venom doesn’t solve anything. Plus, you just drive this sort of sentiments into the ground, where it doesn’t disappear, but merely festers.

This is beginning to look like McCarthyism.

Another voice of reason: "I’m scared much more by the vitriol in some of these responses than what the guy actually wrote.

Comeon, the boy is an undergraduate, 21 at most, writing in a personal blog. Maybe some of his attitudes are screwed. Maybe he needs a lesson in anonymity or political correctness… but calling him a retard, a piece of excrement, a bastard who needs to be shamed, deserving of incarceration in an asylum?

I honestly doubt he’ll go anywhere in the civil service (in any modern work environment, for that matter) with this attitude. Let him learn his lessons in the real world; he’ll either get burnt and we never need to worry about him again, or he’ll move on as a better (or at least more sensible) person."


On the problem of defining predators and parasites:

"Well, the real problem here is that you have been exposed to too much science as defined by physicists and chemists. They look at the world in a peculiar way and come up with clear-cut definitions for things like speed, energy, work etc... Then they built a body of theory around those definitions. In the end they are really proud about how clean their world is and don't realize that it is an artificial simplicity that is of limited value (e.g., physicists have yet to figure out how to predict where a tennis ball will come to a rest if I were to throw it with a certain velocity against the wall of SR6... So, what use are all these clean definitions?).

Biologists live in the real world that is messy and where exact definitions frequently fail but they realize that it is nevertheless useful to categorize phenomena. They tend to characterize the extremes and state that there is a gradient in between. Try that approach for "predator" and "parasite" and your confusion will vanish."

Heh heh. I wonder what the physicists and chemists would say... Inter-disciplinary rivalry!

My brother in law was trained as an electrical engineer (a paper engineer only, though) and claims that Biologists are failed Chemists (since Biology is "just" a sub-discipline of physics and chemistry, describing the chemical interactions), and that Chemists are failed Physicists (since Chemistry is "just" a sub-discipline of Physics, since at the atomic level it's all Physics).

So I told him that Physicists are failed Mathematicians. He conceded that, and said either that or they want something more tangible to work with. I then said that everyone is a failed farmer, but he failed to get my point...


Someone: if only programming lecture had mendelssohn's sonata as BGM [Ed: BackGround Music]
i love webcasts :)

Me: then what BGM does it have

Someone: girls slapping boys on their backs
there's a better way of saying that but i don't care really

it's true though. you asked what BGM mah. and some suppressed giggles, and a lot of handphone vibration noises

Me: got slap meh
that's not BGM what

Someone: got. silly girls. talk too loudly, slap so hard.

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