When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, April 14, 2005


[On instructor evaluation] The product you sold me is defective. I'm returning him for a full refund.

[On handing up stuff] Who will take this mighty responsibility upon their shoulders? Thanks ***, I knew you would.

Some mandatory draught (momentary drought)

[On instructor evaluation] I will vanish into the shadows, before all the cursing and the 'Dr *** is a big fat...' [start]

[On a counter] The reception, there. The 'ding ding' bell, there.

Not even mun'ly (monthly)

[On error values in regression] Everyday you have tsunami, right, how do you estimate GDP?

I don't know what USP is. That's why I come here. (didn't, came)

Monty Python game, or something (Hall)

Some very in'tyou'tive (intuitive)

Phua song distribution... 'Phua song' is French for 'fish' (Poisson)

I'm just differentiating. Moronic thing.

Hello, are you talking again? Pay attention. It's coming out. You don't believe me? Ahh!

Okay, I give you one minute to talk while I look for the transparencies.

This is what you have for the subsidy... *flashes graph* Nice or not?

You should come and see me... When I see your name and your marks are at the borderline, one mark for an A Star. I can give you one mark. You must have a personal relationship with me. So you must come and see me. What was I talking about?

You might have to go through a few I-T'ray'shions (iterations)

[On a National Geographic clip with no sound and only Old Chinese subtitles] Now you guys speak Mandarin, so you should be able to read this. Mother tongue specialists: start translating.

If you had a life before this module, which I don't think you had, it was boring and seriously misguided... After this module you see the world in a new way.

[On playing Devil's Advocate] You can have an essay... Last sentence: 'I don't think any of this makes sense'... You get 5 points for amusing me.

[On the unique feature of human females compared to other primates] What's unique here? [Student: Erogenous attachment to mammary glands.] That's a very technical term. To put it bluntly - large breasts.

30% of Filipinos believe that children are god-sent. They have no idea children come from sex.

Your pigeon: your pigeon knows Picasso. Your pigeon also knows how to walk upright. So it must be closely related to us.

[Student on laughter in humans indicating interest: She can laugh all she wants but in the end say: 'We're only friends'] [Everyone: Aww!] This is false signalling. Next time that happens to you tell the woman: if you laugh, it means you must be interested in me.

[On uniquely human features] Big breasts: that's basically it.

[Professor: There's been lots of surveys showing women dind't think a longer penis mattered in sex.] LIARS! *Raucous laughter* [Other male student: {He speaks from} Personal experience]... The nerves in the vaginal lining only extend 3 inches in] [Female student: How does he know these things?!]

The larger penis size in humans is not very well understood. Here's an essay topic for you guys.

[On penis size] Anomaly. We must put it on our list. But it's not like Intelligent Design can explain it either.

Rare view of the module (review)

In Singapore a lot of people learn about Evolution not by learning about it and forming reasoned opinions about it.

[On ID proponents] It often comes from non-biologists. Chemists, physicists. Talking about things they probably shouldn't be talking about. Just like I shouldn't be talking about quantum physics.

They're offering a full ger'mutt (gamut)

Tray leers (trailers)

core don off (cordon)

What's the ray'sh'yearn'nell for this? (rationale)

A monopoly will generally lets to lower quantity and higher price (lead)

You are donning what [sweater] - Chelsea? [Student: This is RJC]

David Beckham has a hairstyle that looks like a grasscutter mowed him over.

[On his Indian and Chinese groupmates] Of course you can make out which of the 2 is Gundeep and which is Lina.

Lina wants to earn me (own)

[On budget hotels] They charge a daily rate of 40 to 80 dollars. Or a two hourly rate of 40 dollars. So they just - yah, you know.

Summer tay'vern compared with... better box (Tavern, Betel)

[On hotel room designs and budget hotel product differentiation] Yesterday's newspaper - [Mount] Fiji there. [Other student: Fetish] Other hotels: Underwater. [Other student: Even weirder fetish]

[On places other than Hotel 81] They don't have the 2 hour rule, so they maintain a clean image.
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