When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, December 11, 2004

"Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source." - Ron Nesen

Random Playlist Song: Trevor Pinnock - The English Concert and Choir: Handel - Messiah - All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray (chorus)

All we, like sheep, have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way, and the lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Random Trivia bit: Guinness once had an ad campaign that proclaimed that their beer was 'Good For You'.

For a time, some Irish hospitals prescribed Guinness Stout to their post-operative patients to help them regain their strength. Some people even thought that using Guinness for bathing newborn babies was a good idea!

In West Africa, where Guinness Stout has a large and devoted following, Guinness is not only touted as being "Good for You" but it is common knowledge that "A Guinness a day will harden your stools"! Watch out makers of Kaopectate and Metamucil, your share of the soft stool remedy market may shrink dramatically once this gets around. Also, a local nickname for Guinness Stout is "Liquid Beef". (Beers Through The Years)


The "Military Uniform Fetish" thread on Singapore Army Stories is hilarious:

"Uh... guys, does anyone have a thing for girls in No. 4? Not school uniform (even though that's attractive in a different way)"

"Seriously, even when I walk on the streets, I would watch the backview of the guys in uniform, and giggle myself silly and blushing at the same time *beams* well, backviews, simply cos they look better that way, more room for fanta...erm, imagination I mean... I even.... tried his 2 diff uniforms on cos i tot the uniform looked yummy! somehow, number 4 makes them looks as if they have all authority over me, and that... they are in control. *roarrrrrrr*"

"putting an army uniform on a regular is like putting and shirt and tie on a dog. simple as that."

"The Army uniform miraculously makes a man look manly, strong, self sacrificial and commanding. A uniformed man makes me, and many other women I believe, feel protected. And appeals to the xiao nu ren type of women. Even if you can't bring yourself to admit it to your friends, you are that sort deep down."

"I'm a big hentai fan myself, I think it's funny! Probably my male pals show me such pics because they know all that."


I just filed a Gecko layout bug on text selection on StevenLim.net. The coders are going to freak out when they visit the site.

Maybe I should try making a testcase so they won't be traumatised. Heh heh.


Subject: How to Quit Smoking. . . .

Message: Collect and play fighting fantasy gamebooks! Just like me, i have not smoked a single cigarette for 2 months, since i purchased and played fighting fantasy! Thanks to all of you!! I'm so happy!! Instead of buying a pack, i save the money for my next FF gamebook.

Ho ho.


"The true test must surely be whether racial minorities perceive themselves as receiving equal treatment (notwithstanding Constitutional protections) and whether the Government makes changes both attitudinally and structurally to ensure racial equality.

As long as the law continues to state that racial equality is too "sensitive" to be discussed openly and publicly — even at the forsaken Speakers' Corner — I will continue to believe Singaporeans are not mature enough to think about and debate the issue of race.

Our "equality" is the product of a well-managed system, rather than a genuine tolerance and acceptance of each other's difference."

Paul Tan on the faux Racial "Equality" in Singapore


KOTOR Conversation Thread of the day:

Main character: Handon is lying.

Bolook: Why do you believe that?

Main character: Fat people always lie.

Bastila: Don't be absurd. Can't you be serious?

Bolook: That... is a novel assumption. The degree of corpulence in an individual has not been scientifically linked to honesty and I find your adherence to that belief... remarkable.

Bolook: It does not, however, constitute evidence.


Hatemail in Guestbook: wow. why dont you get a life instead of complaining about everything.

My response: You could also get a life instead of flaming people who complain about everything :)


Funny commercial about cowboys who herd cats.
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