When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, December 10, 2004

"Advertisements... contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper." - Thomas Jefferson

Random Playlist Song: Trevor Pinnock - The English Concert and Choir: Handel - Messiah - He Was Despised (Contralto, Air)

He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.

He gave his back to the smiters, and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: he hid not his face from shame and spitting.

Random Trivia bit: The word "jactitation" means "boasting". (Pretentious words for Pretentious people)


Days Were The Those: My Uniform Fetish

"Somehow, the uniforms, especially the No. 4, has this knack of making skinny guys look bulky, fat guys look trim, and guys with good bodies look like Greek gods. I don't know why; perhaps you guys, who have actually worn the uniforms, can enlighten me more on this."


I don't know, I still look like shit in my prisoner's clothes.

"Somehow I think many more men would be tempted into signing on if SAF recruitment ads featured hunks wearing No. 4s being surrounded by crowds of admiring, submissive, worshipping babes, as opposed to the current ads featuring not-so-handsome guys crawling on all fours, covered with mud, sweat and camouflage paint."

Meanwhile, updated my essay on the futility of military security with some new information about encryption and computer security (scroll to the bottom).

Also, I heard of a PES F Psychiatric case who went to Cambridge on a government scholarship. So much for the urban legend about what happens if you see the SAF psychiatrist.


The ethnic groups available for selection in NUS's e-Services application:

Chinese, Malay, Indian, Eurasian, Other Asian, Caucasian, Others, Slovak

Maybe we just became a refuge for economic migrants from Slovakia.

NUS has just raised its school fees by 5%.

Someone: "the NUSSU has sent an e-mail to our accts with a "dear fellow students" message. i'm thinking of sending a reply but struggling to not make myself sound as if i'm frothing at the mouth."

I have a better idea. We can abolish NUSSU and the money saved can be used to subsidise our school fees. Or since we now sell alcohol on campus at Munchie Monkey's (managed by NUSSU), the booze money can be used to pay for school fees. Oh, and they can lift the no smoking rule, sell cigarettes, draw some yellow boxes for the smokers and use the profits for the same purpose; as we have learnt, banning something is stupid and ineffective. What you need to do is legalise it and regulate it for maximum gain.

Other suggestions:

"aye fire the admin staff they r very ineffective at handling things. make everything computerised totally
or abolish the christian clubs. just allow one" (Does the school subsidise religious clubs?)


I'm feeling masochistic, so I shall give myself a headache by cutting and pasting illegible text:

"tis entry doesn’t concerns cny. It concerns yi hang. L I am so confused!! I dunno hu I lyk. Well,actually yi hang is quite gd. He is responsible, good, quite carin, humourous, a bit bian tai, dun really get angry, all in all, he is very gd. But then wat bout jasvin? I oso dunno. L I seldom c him now. But 4 yi hang………I tink I really lyk him. Cos sumtimes when he keeps tokin 2 jasmine, I fell kinda jealous n wants 2 noe everythin tey tok bout……n dunrin e cny perfomance rehersal, I kept lkin at him….. n when he lk up frm his lion head(he was performin e wu shi) he smiles at me, n I smile bck J yeah…I kept lkin at him………n on cny eve which is e day of e performance, I missed him, but dunrin e finale, I tried 2 lk at him but tere r 2 many ppl around but at e v v v v end, I lked at him n I tink he tried 2 pull e eyebrows of e lion which I am v v v happy 2 c him doin tt!! J J J ARHHH……….HELP!!!!!I tink I am really in luv wif him!!!help!!!!!!!wat shud I dooo????? L YI HANG……I lyk u………."


Friend's ICQ info: "I refuse to budge and defect to MSN!"

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