Heh heh.
Random Playlist Song: Trevor Pinnock - The English Concert and Choir: Handel - Messiah - He Trusted In God (chorus)
He trusted in god that he would deliver him; let him deliver him, if he delight in him.
Random Trivia bit: Honey is an amazing substance. The medicine of the bees. These incredible insects have their own pharmacy product which humans have used to treat wounds.
While honey's thick consistency and moistness provide protection and a healing environment, the sugars draw dirt and moisture from the wound site, protecting the wound from outside infections; the moistness also allows skin cells to grow without forming a scar. Bacteria growth is also inhibited by the acidity present.
The bees' enzyme in the honey breaks down into hydrogen peroxide which is a very effective disinfectant. Add the properties of an anti-inflammatory and pain killer and honey is indeed a valuable remedy.
Special honeys are required to be of any use. The supermarket product has been sterilised and is ineffective.
(Insect Physicians - Creepy Crawly Medicine)
I think, in just over a semester in NUS, I've gotten more quotes (file-size wise) than from anywhere else in a comparable length of time.
The quotes file for NUS weighs in at 111KB. A distant second is quotes from my time in slavery (sans SMM and Obedience School [BMTC]).
A fellow hater of M$N Instant Messenger:
"You can't rename your contacts which is very important considering how everyone changes their nick a million times.
You have to download stupid MSN plus or other patches like polygamy which makes u more enslaved to other stupid MSN products and patches, just so you can rename your contacts and open more than one MSN simultaneously because of their stupid 150 limit. Don't understand why they can't allow us to open more than one MSN client from the start. They didn't expect people to have more than 150 friends? WTF? Just because they're losers doesn't mean everyone in the world are!! Start a campaigne against Microsoft's MSN"
Bastila: There is a bond between us, I do not dispute that. I can feel it, as I'm sure you can. The nature of that bond and its effect on our mission remain in dispute.
Main character: I think you're interested in more than just the 'bond' between us.
Bastila: Please! I'm a Jedi. Such feelings, such attractions, are... well, they're beneath me, quite frankly.
Bastila: I admit, I find you intriguing. Uh... I mean, I find your command of the Force intriguing. But my interest in you is purely academic. I'm sure you can understand why.
Bastila: I'd like to ask you some questions, given our relationship.
Main character: Our relationship? Is this some kind of clumsy come-on?
Bastila: I was referring to the bond we share; the one the Jedi Council spoke of. If I actually was interested in you, rest assured I could come up with a better approach than this!
Main character: Whoa, guess I touched a nerve there, huh?
Bastila: Touched a nerve, no. Getting on my nerves, most definitely. I suppose this is what you men consider being witty. *sigh*
Bastila: Now, are you going to answer my questions? Or would you rather just keep annoying me?
Main character: Uh... the second one.
Bastila: I see you intend to be childish about this. I guess I won' get anywhere continuing our discussion right now, would I?
Bastila: I suppose I'll just have to speak to you again later. Hopefully you'll behave less like a little boy and a little more like a... like a man!
Main character: You have something you want to ask me?
Bastila: I do. How did you know?
Main character: Well, you keep staring at me. See anything you like?
Bastila: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met! Besides, I know you can't be serious, since I was purposefully *not* staring in your direction.
Bastila: I am a Jedi, remember? I have far too much mental discipline to reveal what goes on inside my mind with such obvious physical clues.
Bastila: My thoughts remain hidden, including whatever my feelings are for you. Uh... I mean whatever I feel *about* you. uh... I mean whatever I think *about* you.
Main character: You're so cute when you're embarrassed.
Bastila: I... that is, you... Why must you be so impossibly infuriating?
This is why it's more fun playing as a male character than a female. I'll attribute it to game designers being male.
Jerald has notified me of the existence of a Qute icon set for Miranda.
Ah, now my Miranda experience is complete.
Corporate Gibberish Generator
Your Randomly-Generated Corporate Gibberish:
At China Aviation Oil, we have come to know how to grow virally. Our technology takes the best features of RDF and CSS. What does it really mean to mesh "perfectly"? We believe we know that it is better to upgrade interactively than to recontextualize compellingly. The metrics for 24/7 bloatware are more well-understood if they are not customer-directed. We apply the proverb "Strike while the iron is hot" not only to our interfaces but our power to deliver. Without Total Quality Control, you will lack models. The development factor can be summed up in one word: scalable. Think user-centric. Think long-term. Think customer-directed. But don't think all three at the same time. We pride ourselves not only on our feature set, but our newbie-proof administration and simple configuration. Do you have a game plan to become bricks-and-clicks? What do we implement? Anything and everything, regardless of anonymity!
I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine
- John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged", by Ayn Rand
In "Atlas Shrugged", Ayn Rand portrays the fallacy of the commonly held altruistic idea that we should live for others - and / or expect others to live for us.
Ultimately, we are each responsible for our own self. Period. Anything else we claim to be living for is ultimately going to lead to a contradiction.
As the quote I had a few days ago goes: "We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know." - W. H. Auden
Mysteries of the universe: What does it mean when in movie credits the crew have letters after their names?
- Wayne Wahrman A.C.E (Editor)
- David Cohn CSA (Casting)
- Garry Ulmer CAS (Re-Recording Mixing Supervisor)
- Jeffrey L. Sandler MPSE (Supervising Sound Designer)
I found a whole string of qualifications on a Sony page: "ACE, ADG, AMPAS, ASC, BAFTA-NY/LA, CAS, CSA, DGA, HFPA, LAFCA, MAHS, MPEG, Nat. Board of Review, Nat. Society of Film Critics, NYFCC, PGA, SAG Nom Comm., SDSA, VES, and WGA Members and a Guest Are Welcome"
The Return of the King Extended Edition 4-DVD set is $80 at Borders. Daylight robbery, with the cost of production being what it is, and considering the number of copies likely to be sold and that they've already more than covered the film's production costs through box office takings, sales of merchandise and the previous DVD release of the non-extended version.
Oh, and not to forget the ridiculous region codings for DVDs which just infuriate those who actually pay for the product.
And the MPAA and RIAA wonder why people are driven to downloading stuff off the Internet. Try to screw consumers and they screw you back.
"Tip: Bejeweled is very effective in picking up girls. Try it if you don't believe me." - Heh.
James Dobson's War on America - "It's one thing for a religious leader to control his 'church' with an iron grip, quite another when he interferes in the lives of his employees and colleagues. The author goes over in excruciating detail how, as his marriage was faltering, his employer and so-called friend would talk to his wife and then confront him at the office on her behalf, regularly met with the marriage counselor he'd recommended to the couple to discuss their case and confront Gil at work afterwards, and eventually booted Gil from the radio show after his divorce in order to avoid any potential negative feedback from having a divorced man on a family counseling show."
WorldNetDaily: A threat to vaporize 100 Muslim cities - "I propose that the U.S. immediately adopt and publish the following nuclear doctrine: In the event of a WMD attack by terrorists on the U.S. homeland or U.S. military facilities overseas, the U.S will immediately and without discussion use its immense nuclear weapons capabilities to destroy the 100 largest Islamic cities on earth, regardless of state, and destroy all of the military facilities of Islamic-dominated states. This will include all of the capitals and at least the 10 largest cities of all Islamic-dominated states and the "holy" cities of Mecca and Medina. In addition, North Korean cities and military installations will be destroyed."
This guy is mad and has no grasp of geo-political realities
Who was Typhoid Mary? - "Mary Mallon was a carrier of typhoid. Although it was (and is) widely believed that she herself never became sick with the disease, it's far more likely that she did become sick and recovered. Regardless, she was a cook in a house in Mamaroneck, N.Y., for less than two weeks in the year 1900 when the residents came down with typhoid. She moved to employment in Manhattan the next year, and members of that family developed fevers and diarrhea, and the laundress died. She went to work for a lawyer, until seven of the eight household members developed typhoid. Mary spent months helping to care for the people she made sick, but of course the contact made many of them worse."
[Me: Mysteries of the Universe] They should make that into a module