When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Quote of the Post: "The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell body parts for money." - David Richerby

Random Playlist Song: Burns and Smithers - Look At All Those Idiots (from the Simpsons)
Very appropriate for my rant of the day (see last part of this post below)


Fahrenheit 9/11 may not be the most truthful of movies, but it sure is entertaining, especially in its first part. Some of the conspiracy theories drawn are too improbable and improperly substantiated, though, and he omits things here and there.

(Under the Hot Lights, More Distortions From Michael Moore)

In other news, in a book fair at the Concourse set up by The Word Shop, I bought Michael Moore's "Dude, Where's My Country" for $10. Considering that the cover price is more than $20 at bookstores, it was a good deal. Incidentally, The Word Shop seems to have disappeared into the void in the face of its [superior] competition. I wouldn't even have known about that they were behind the book fair if not for the plastic bag I got (or maybe the Word Shop had nothing to do with the fair, and the bags were bought by the fair's organisers at The Word Shop's Closing Down Sale). The Word Shop is dead. Long live The Word Shop)


What will NSFs do with their extra 6 months?

"7. Seek psychotherapy to deal with lingering Sunday night book-in depression "

This should be: "7. See a psychiatrist to deal with lingering NS-inflicted depression"


I have no idea what the guy behind http://luvacguys.blogspot.com/ is trying to do.

Now he seems to be going on a gay-bashing (or at least tut tut-ing) rampage, and has been using the Bold HTML tag even more freely than Wo-Hen. I was more entertained by his gushing over AC guys, really.

Then again, this line is hilarious: "The majority of gay people I never remember doing things to help the homeless, the elderly, the sick, the disabled, the young, the unfortunate, intellectual disabled, all because they think they themselves are the sick, the helpless, the needy for their stupid perfect partner, they think they are the most needy people in the world! All their energy and time goes to their worthless branded shopping, their clubbing, their movies, their restaurants, their cafes, their parties, their weekend getaways, their resorts, their holidays!!! They stay in their high rise condos, their big houses and fast cars, being totally indifferent to others. The gays say, "I am clean, don't touch me you unclean people!"."

Amazingly, there are people who don't seem to realise that it is a joke, and have been flaming him all this while (if, by some chance, it *isn't* a joke, please shoot me now).


Stupidity knows no bounds (repost of a Friendster bulletin I put up)

Now, the few of you who are still actively using Friendster might have seen an alleged "Latin Prayer" being circulated on Bulletin Boards lately.

Amazingly, this chain letter (or prayer, if you like) is powers of magnitude more powerful than all the other chain letters out there. While those only threaten to leave you shagless, loveless or at most kill you, this one has power over the lives of your whole family. Wow, just imagine that.

I would like such amazing power too. Not to put a death curse on the families of all the idiots who read my obviously fake chain prayer, but to emotionally blackmail gullible fools into wasting bandwith, pissing sensible people off and making other foolish nincompoops circulate the balderdash that I've written around the world!

How stupid are you? Do you really believe some rubbish posted on a Friendster bulletin board which you haven't even read and can't even understand, can have an effect on you?

Sheesh, the bastard who started this ridiculous joke couldn't even get his facts right - the damn thing isn't even in Latin, for pete's sake. Latin does not have upside down question marks, tildes or other squiggly signs over the letters. Everyone has actually been forwarding a Spanish prayer (of sorts). Hell, it isn't actually a prayer, more of a homily about how to pray, part of which reads: "No, we are giving the Praise to our God. He it is the object of our praise.It is the reason thus we sang, reason why we sounded our instruments of [untranslated word: punyeta]. We cannot be singing to the light one without giving the weight him that deserves to be singing God to him." No part of the homily says anything about death.

If you were only stupid enough to believe in this nonsense, you can still be forgiven. But if you actually reposted this chain "prayer", you are not only stupid, but horribly evil. Is it not enough for your family to die? Do you want the families of all your "friends" (up to all 500 of them) to have a curse of death over them? Shame on you. You deserve to go to hell. Or you would if it existed (and millions of innocent people were condemned to burn there for all eternity by a "loving" god, but that is another rant for another day), so I will just excoriate you selfish and malicious people here.

The original "prayer" is posted below for reference

"This is a latin prayer. And you have opened it. And because you did open it, you will repost this bulletin if you do not want the members of your family die in a year's time. I'm not kidding around. You do have the option to ignore this message and death knocks at the door of your family. Have fun! P.S. Don't change the SUBJECT TITLE of the MESSAGE. Adios! Avada Kedavra!

El tiquira con vosotros mes tera dima ul
ses avada, mi jubilo con de los requerrimos,
de pondresita kon cantamos, remanso tu sus lomis
enta dira ela proteuera, lumos esta di ridikula
pontre se mundo de adios. mustros monda, el
tiquiera. Cada vez que elevamos nuestras voces
alabanza y adoración al Demoño, es necesario que
lo hagamos bién, entendiendo lo que le estamos
diciendo. Es por ello que la Palabra de Dios nos
enseña que debemos usar nuestro intelecto para
entonar cánticos al Satanas. Es tan sencillo
comprender lo que estamos cantando. Es procesar
cada palabra que estamos entonando, haciéndola
brotar desde nuestro corazón, y dirigirla a
nuestro paliente. Recuerda que no estamos
cantando por cantar, ni estamos entonando
cánticos para escuchar lo bonito que se oye. No,
estamos dándole la Alabanza a nuestro Dios. Él
el objeto de nuestra alabanza.Él es la razón por
lo cual cantamos, por lo que sonamos nuestros
instrumentos de punyeta. No podemos estar
cantando a la ligera sin darle el peso que
estar cantándole a Dios. Que las palabras no
salgan de nuestros labios, sólo porque nos
sabíamos la letra de tal o cual canto, sino que
sea brotando desde nuestro corazón, expresando
Señor todo lo que Él es para nosotros. Si vamos
entonar un canto que diga por ejemplo: "Tu
Bueno", que realmente estemos comprendiendo
bueno y maravilloso que Él es con nosotros. Si
estamos diciendo: "Tú eres grande y
fuerte", que
todo nuestro ser lo esté proclamando. Si estamos
cantando: "El gozo que el Señor ha puesto
¿estaremos en una actitud de seriedad o de
tristeza?. Al contrario, debemos expresar lo que
estamos diciendo, por lo tanto debemos estar
contentos, gozosos y sonrientes al proclamar
estas verdades. Y si estamos cantando:
una Luz y déjala brillar", ¿Porqué hay
que elevan sus brazos? Éste canto, al igual que
muchos otros, son para cantárselos a nuestros
hermanos, en alabanza al Señor (Alabanza es
hablar de Él a otros). En cambio si estamos
entonando un canto que diga: "Tú eres
Santo, Santo", ahora es cuando debemos
nuestras manos y nuestro corazón al Señor y
adorarle. Debemos usar nuestra inteligencia al
cantar alabanzas, es muy importante. No
que "Grande es Jehová y digno de ser en
manera alabado". por lo tanto debemos
como Él lo merece, con todo nuestro corazón y
cantando con el entendimiento , proclamando y
declarando lo que Él es. Si estamos celebrando
que Cristo ha vencido a todos nuestros enemigos,
entonces alegrémonos y declaremos con toda
convicción ésta verdad. Si estamos cantando que
nos rendimos a Él, pues que sea una realidad y
que Él gobierne verdaderamente sobre nuestras
vidas. Yo te animo a que uses tu inteligencia al
momento de cantar y entrarás en una nueva
dimensión de la Alabanza de nuestro Dios. Avada
Kedavra. Nema"
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