Random Playlist Song: Muppets - The Cat Came Back

Iraqi Driving License
Wowbagger commented, in a previous post's comment thread, that: 'I find HvK's conducting often overly "heavy". He flooded the market with his recordings, but most of them are mediocre.'
I wouldn't quite go that far. His other stuff is okay, it was just the particular track I heard that day.
The definitive lyrics from Zlad's "Elektronik Supersonik":
Hey, baby. Wake up from your asleep. We have arrived onto the future and the whole world is become...
Elektronik, Supersonik
Supersonik, Elektronik
Hey, Baby. Ride with me away.
We doesn't have much time.
My blue jeans is tight.
So onto my love rocket climb.
Inside tank of fuel, is not fuel, but love.
Above us, there is nothing above, but the stars, above.
All systems gone!
Prepare for downcount!
Five, Four, Three, One, Off-blast!
Fly away in my space rocket.
You no need put money in my pocket.
The door is closed, I just lock it.
I put my sparkplug in your socket.
The sun and sky is bright like fire!
You and me gets higher and higher.
Part of communication wire!
Only thing can stop us is flat tire.
Hey Love Crusader, I want to be your space invader.
For you I would descend the deepest moon crater.
I is more stronger than Darth Vapor!
Obey me, I is your new dictator.
For you is Vee'noose (Venus), I am Mars.
With you I is more richer than all the Tsars!
Make a wishes on a shooting stars,
Then for you I would play on my cosmic guitars!
Ladies and Gentlemens
Fast-en your belt seats.
We has commenced our descent,
I trust you enjoy this flight,
as much as you enjoy this accent.
Now, Back on earth is time for downsplash.
Into sea of eternal glory my spaceship crash.
People have arrive for to cheer me from near and far.
And as I block I open door and shout:
"I am world's biggest washed up superstar!"
As for sure as the sun rises in the west
Of all the singer and poets on earth, I am the bestest
Come, let me put ring of Jupiter on your finger,
Then like a smell around you I will ever linge.
Okay, it's time for end, no more will I sing.
Let me take you back in time.
I want for you to experience "Big Bang"!
*Shows Nuclear Explosion*
Long Live space race!
Long Live Molvania!
I still prefer Gunther.
Ed: One line corrected thanks to En Ming. That's what you get when you nick lyrics from elsewhere!
Apparently Nata de Coco didn't come from Malaysia after all, but is a traditional Filipino dessert:
Nata de Coco Case Study
Sometime ago, I suddenly got deluged with Friendster messages from assorted strangers from around South East Asia, all wanting to be my "friend". Freaky, very freaky. This is another reason why Friendster is evil :)
At first I thought luvacguys was a big joke. After all, you had lines to the effect of "Ahhh! So nice smelling" (when describing the secret toiletries he used for radiant skin) and gushing over cute AC guys by a male who proclaimed that he wasn't gay (bi at most). I can't quite remember what he said, or exactly how he said it, and he purged most of his archives, but those who read his gushing will know what I'm talking about.
Now, he seems to have morphed into a homophobe who throws biblical passages about with wild abandon. Still, no one reading his writing would think that any sane person could write the following in all seriousness:
"They are not only UGLY in the insides, but UGLY on the outsides!!! These people God will repay what He owes them. Okay to summerise it all: stupid ugly inside-and-outside people know shit! STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!! DO NOT TOUCH THEM!!! DO NOT LET THEM INFLUENCE YOU!!! THEY WILL MAKE YOU UNCLEAN AND IMPURE!!!"
"I will take down the gay shops in heeren. I will take down that toto/4d/soccer betting corner in Cheers store in Cineleisure. You guys must buy and watch that "Mother Theresa" VCD from Sembawang music shop. You guys must see and/or buy that "World Hunger" T-shirt from 77th street in Heeren. So many guys in town wearing pink. I am not gay. This is me as a non hetro and non homo guy writing my blog, like it?"
Now, with his launching of a personal attack (a laughably bad one, I might add) on someone, I am forced to conclude that it is either a very sick parody, or a product of a truly deluded mind.
"There is nothing more for me to say to you Adri, except to take things easy and get your emotions in check before you ever leave the house. Camomile tea would help, and not too much spicy food like onions and garlic, they will truly MAKE one horny so cut it down please."
I really don't know whether to laugh or to cry.
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