I got this thick envelope in the mail informing me that on my reaching my 21st birthday, my Kidneys, Liver, Heart and Corneas would be excised for transplant in the event of my demise. There is also provision for opting in to the Medical (Therapy, Education, and Research) Act (MTERA) and being more generous: for donating more than the four said organs (eg lungs, bones, skin) and for purposes other than transplantation (treatment, education and research).
Undoubtedly, these are worthier causes than donating your body to Gunther von Hagens. Besides which, he has all those corpses of executed Chinese prisoners to use.
The question, then, is how many parts, and which parts? Transaction costs will be at a minimum, because the helpful chaps at MOH provided postage-paid forms. On the other hand, the dignity of a funeral is rather diminished if there is no reasonably intact body lying in a coffin to grieve over. I wonder if they'd accept my volunteering my brain for transplant :)
Decisions, decisions.
Anyone not on Gmail who wants to try it? I have 3 invites left. [Update: 2 left as of 26th June, 1AM. None left as of 26th June, 11PM!]
I saw someone on Soulseek with all 12 volumes (153 CDs) of Bach 2000.
*whines* I want! A complete (used) set on Amazon.com goes from US$971.25. A new one retails for US$1,199.98 (with FREE Super Saver shipping. Gee, how generous of them).
Jerald informs me that the domain name "gssq.com" is already taken up by a Korean. What a pity.
No matter, g-s-s-q-dot-blog-spot-dot-com is already on everyone's lips.
Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: a neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne (as published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal)
"Somewhere at the top of the Hundred Acre Wood a little boy and his bear play. On the surface it is an innocent world, but on closer examination by our group of experts we find a forest where neurodevelopmental and psychosocial problems go unrecognized and untreated.
On the surface it is an innocent world: Christopher Robin, living in a beautiful forest surrounded by his loyal animal friends. Generations of readers of A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh stories have enjoyed these seemingly benign tales. However, perspectives change with time, and it is clear to our group of modern neurodevelopmentalists that these are in fact stories of Seriously Troubled Individuals, many of whom meet DSM-IV3 criteria for significant disorders (Table 1). We have done an exhaustive review of the works of A.A. Milne and offer our conclusions about the inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood in hopes that our observations will help the medical community understand that there is a Dark Underside to this world." (courtesy of Come Here For Free Brain Haemorrhage, in on of its posts not about worms, worms and more worms)
I love revisiting the seemingly innocuous tales of our childhood to find out just how warped and perverted they really were.
Bill Clinton on Rwanda:
"It's very interesting though: the only people who have never excoriated me for it are the Rwandans. When I went there and apologized to them, their response was, 'You're the only person that ever even said you were sorry. There were other people who could have helped us, too.'" (Salon.com interview)
"porn stimulates the mind but games can't"
The Indian Shankar Drum Ganesh Machine !! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Zladko “Zlad” Vladcik was to perform his very popular techno-ballad, “Elektronik – Supersonik” - Luther says he's as bad as Gunther. But at least Gunther can sing tunefully and doesn't go on interminably.
I wonder how the people at Kontraband pay for their bandwith, seeing as they host so many movies. It's a really good place to go to see good ads (ie those not made in Singapore and Malaysia) like this random one, especially since AdCritic no longer provides that service. Singapore's CNB could do better by using this ad, for example.
"ERN005PC" (KANA) - A CPU in the shape of an anime nurse girl.
Mobile phone eats hijacker’s bullet - "The bullet entered Steyn's hand and came out the other side and was stopped by his mobile phone before it could enter his temple and kill him."
China censors online video games - "It has set up a censorship committee to monitor games following the banning of a Swedish game called Hearts of Iron, which portrayed Manchuria, Tibet and Xinjiang as independent nations. A previous Norwegian game, Project IGI2: Covert Strike, incensed officials for its portrayal of the Chinese army. The committee is charged with banning content that 'could threaten national unity'"
The truth hurts, don't it?
Special preview of Level 2 of Luther's game - Darkness

Oops. That belongs to Level 1.

Notice that the RGS girl has become a CHIJ girl.

This is the original draft image, before my input :)