When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, May 23, 2004

Strunkenwhite Virus - Named Strunkenwhite after the authors of a classic guide to good writing, it returns e-mail messages that have grammatical or spelling errors. It is deadly accurate in its detection abilities, unlike the dubious spell checkers that come with word processing programs... "I got back this error message: 'Your dependent clause preceding your independent clause must be set off by commas, but one must not precede the conjunction.' I threw my laptop across the room."

The Jesus Landing Pad - Bush White House checked with rapture Christians before latest Israel move: "The problem is not that George W. Bush is discussing policy with people who press right-wing solutions to achieve peace in the Middle East, or with devout Christians. It is that he is discussing policy with Christians who might not care about peace at all - at least until the rapture."
Somehow I'm not surprised, though the actions of some staffers may not be representative of the beliefs of the rest.

H.S. Student Hospitalized After Drinking Lab Chemical On A Dare - "A student who drank a chemical from his high school lab on a dare was recovering in a hospital, but not before a scare. The student drank the unidentified chemical on a two-dollar bet at the school"
Well done!

Can ‘Star Wars: Episode III’ be saved? - "Fire Lucas, fire Christensen and resurrect Ed Wood from the grave"
I didn't think Episodes I and II were that bad - it's probably the "all new movies suck and only old ones are good - the last good movie was Casablanca" syndrome again. Though I *do* have low standards for movies.

It was funny till Voltron appeared and weird things started happening for no particular reason


What To Do When Your Woman Gets Lazy

"Your woman has become a wrinkled vegetable in the relationship, that much is clear at this point. Needless to say, she is not going to do anything about it. So, if you're serious about keeping her around, then you'll likely have to take the initiative. Here are a few tips.

The Star System
Go to your local supermarket and get yourself a little notebook and a few packs of those little foil star stickers. Each day, whenever your woman does something worth noticing, give her a star or two.

For example, if she actually makes herself look half decent, give her a star. If she makes you a great dinner and asks about your day, give her two. If she wakes you up with oral sex, well maybe you shouldn't be complaining to begin with. Then you can set up an award system for a set number of stars that she receives.

Think of it as a Pavlovian experiment. Apply positive reinforcement and teach her what she has to do if she wants to receive a treat. Once she starts racking up some points, then you can use the following to treat her to something exquisite.

5 stars: A personal massage
10 stars: Dinner at a nice restaurant
15 stars : A sexy outfit
20 stars : A treatment at a day spa
25 stars : A piece of jewelry
50 stars: A weekend getaway
100 stars: ...Time to propose

Nip the problem in the bud…"

A moot problem for those without women.


"i just know who he is from hanging around USP Chatterbox

but i have an inkling i knew him way back as PaRaDoX
he used to haunt the girls' school channels if i'm not wrong"



"They have taken evil and called it good, under the banner of self-righteousness, and by this they justify the most horrible ideas and wishes and then have the gall to pretend they believe in love."


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