More tales of his duplicity and dishonesty. I don't like Dubya either, but this is disturbing.
Regarding the Torture of Others - "Looking at these photographs, you ask yourself, How can someone grin at the sufferings and humiliation of another human being? [...] People do these things to other people... Americans, too, have done and do them when they are told, or made to feel, that those over whom they have absolute power deserve to be humiliated, tormented. They do them when they are led to believe that the people they are torturing belong to an inferior race or religion. For the meaning of these pictures is not just that these acts were performed, but that their perpetrators apparently had no sense that there was anything wrong in what the pictures show... Shock and the awful are what these photographs announce to the world that the Americans have delivered: a pattern of criminal behavior in open contempt of international humanitarian conventions."
"Broken Engagement " by Gen. Wesley Clark - "Recognizing the power of our values also means understanding their meaning. Freedom and dignity spring from within the human heart. They are not imposed. And inside the human heart is where the impetus for political change must be generated. The neoconservative rhetoric glosses over this truth and much else."
Puncturing neo-conservative delusions. So much for the road to Jerusalem lying through Baghdad.
Abu Ghraib: US security fiasco - "If your goal is to hang an innocent man, then torture is an expedient; he'll confess, eventually. But if your goal is to learn something you didn't already know, then you must use a different approach... Invading Iraq was big enough, and presumed easy enough, to satisfy the basic political requirements. That the Iraq campaign has actually undermined the war on terror is of no consequence in the Bush calculus. It looked like a mighty blow against the forces of evil, which is all that he and his entourage thought necessary."
Singapore: a model for China? - But as someone pointed out, in Singapore people trust the government, whereas they don't in China.
Arkansas woman has 15th child - Father says mother might want to have even more
Primary 6 students say goodbye to BCG vaccination - Argh. How did I miss this, 3 years ago? No more will generations be marked with 2 scars, but only with 1! Pity about the "smooth contour of many a slender left arm", then.
"You are so pure in mind and heart,
In aspect, too, so mild,
I wonder that you ever could
Implant your wife with child."
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."
"There is nothing more debasing than the work of those who do well what is not worth doing at all."
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