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Saturday, May 15, 2004

Conservatives are seriously deluded

Obediance to Authority - "Milgram's classic experiment pitted the subject's moral beliefs against the demands of authority... Around this time (early 1960's) research was being conducted into the authoritarian traits of Germans in an attempt to explain how the attrocities of World War II could have taken place. Milgram's study demonstrated that these traits were not confined to Germans and were not confined to certain types of situations (eg war). This was a profound and extremely thought provoking discovery."
This reminds me of how slave foremen in NS have meta-preferences imposed on them, regardless of their pre-existing moral beliefs.

ANTI-CAPITALISM: Modern Theory and Historical Origins - "The ancient Spartans were anti-capitalists. They banned all forms of money, precious metals, and gemstones. Overnight, crime disappeared. The quality of life and all things in Sparta became the highest in all of Greece. Instead of focusing on the accumulation of wealth the people developed other ideals for living. Health, athletics, dance, music, social activities, artisanship, and of course, dominating other countries... Since no-one in Sparta worked like the devil to sell shoddy, decadent consumer goods for quick cash, they found themselves awash in free time. They spent many hours a day participating in athletics, watching ahtletics, playing music and dancing. Teens were allowed one hour of privacy each evening with their lovers. So abundant was the free time of the Spartans that they were virtually all musicians, with free communally owned instruments. Decadence and extravagance were eliminated as ideals while health and happiness became paramount. Without the icon of profit driving society today we'd approach the same ideal."
As can be told from the extract, the author is seriously deluded. He's evidently forgotten about the Helots, who let the Spartans focus on WAR (not culture), and the Spartans were dour people. Happiness was hardly paramount, and health was important only to drive the war machine. Basic economics and a knowledge of the human flaws which make his alternative economic system untenable evidently are too much for him to comprehend.

"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the other forms that have been tried."

The corollary: "Capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the other systems that have been tried."

Cold Turkey -- In These Times - Entertaining ramblings by Kurt Vonnegut about nothing in particular

Shoujo Attack - "Your job: guide little "shoujo" ("girls" in Japanese) from the entrance to the exit in each level... instead of digger lemmings, here you use Demon shoujos to blast holes beneath her... Another funny touch is that instead of bomb (which splatters all the lemmings in Psygnosis' game), you have tentacles as a way to give up ;) "
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