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Saturday, March 06, 2004

More Search referrals:

Bukit Batok Chinese Medicine Infertility - Chinese Medicine for infertility is more likely to make you *even* more infertile.

are there anymore hentai simgirl games that i can try without signing up - I don't think so.

superhero steven lim - I love Handsome Boy, Steven Lim. Don't you?

"raffles girls" nude - This was followed 20 mins later by: "nanyang girls" nude. Underage Singapore schoolgirl porn sure is popular.

tumbled down factory poser

"infantry jokes" - Here's one. Why was the gay infantry platoon so proud of themselves? Because they were the "Queen of the Battlefield" Har. Har. Har.

sylvester zaogeng - (If it refers to the cat) He's already naked, why do you need him to zaogeng?

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DIY bust enhancement massage - See what they're doing in Thailand.

naked pictures of piqua girls - What are piqua girls?

"pms" and "girls living together" - I think the person was looking for the period synchronisation thing.

Krusty Burger uniforms - See this.

gotong-royong (pot-luck) - Indonesia boleh!

nus blog fuck - I don't think Singaporean students are that open about their sexual liasons just yet.

singapore girls enhance bust advertisement - I wonder if bust enhancement is so popular and in the mainstream elsewhere.

email pictures of xray bottle stuck vagina - Ouch.

underwater tomb at macritchie reservoir - Maybe it contains gold to solve any financial problems Thailand has.

Raffles junior college zaogeng - I'd suggest Kazaa, but it seems Kazaa's dead in the water. I wonder where all the aficionados of S'pore porn have fled to.

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Can I see Serene's big boobs? - No.

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gabriel friends - HAHAHA. Ahem.

SAF Ward - A really nice place to be, I'm told. You get to watch TV the whole day. I went there once and it was really spacious and the air was cool.

pussy eating halal - I don't think so. Haram! Haram!

anna hug raffles - ?!

pictures of people eating feces - Eek.

pixel porn gssq.blogspot - ASCII porn I assume

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melayu sex weblog

guiness world record for longest earlobes - Should be some Indo-Chinese tribe

forum + "Raffles institution" + gay

samurai swordsmen penis - I doubt they were out of the ordinary.

sword of Gabriel - My sword's rusting due to lack of care. Maybe if I get a good longsword I'll polish it every week.

chio swimwear - More chio than the people in them, at any rate.

"national service" malaysia nude - Birthday suits beat the disgusting blue uniforms anyday!

"plush sushi"

tomoko answers simgirl - Sorry, I didn't manage to complete that game either.

Website of Big Bird and Kermit the Frog Stoned - Bert is Evil has a brother site now?

Erotic elves legolas yaoi - Melding them with the Japanese tradition (and drawing them with gigantic eyes, I assume) is just plain wrong.

"how to" "opt out" eldershield - I doubt my blog's a good source of information on Singapore government policies and mechanics

"travis ho" singapore age - One year my junior.

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nude photos of fucking contests that gets past filters - Filters are pretty easy to bypass.

What is the disease in which females are born with male - Cloacal exstrophy, perhaps? Or Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia? I'm not an expert on intersexuality.

kermit fucks piggy - That'd be a sight. Bestiality!

balanced reports about expats having animals - ?!

I'm thinking of trying NewsMonster but I think most blogs I read don't have RSS/Atom feeds.

Mystery MP3 of the week.

Someone has responded about how Bob Manahan (aka Zordon) died. At least he passed away peacefully in his sleep.

[Addendum: Since the site is now down, here's what it used to say:

"Posted by Rob Petitt on February 07, 2004 at 00:27:05:

In Reply to: Bob Manahan aka Zordon posted by Agagooga on September 28, 2003 at 05:58:07:

: Does anyone know how he died?

How much information do you want? I can tell you that he passed away in his sleep in San Jose, CA. What I had heard from his brother and father was that it was a heart issue, possibly aneurism. Some might list this as a heart attack.

He was a very close personal friend of mine for many years, going all the way back to the late 1960's. I think of him every day."]

The Ultimate Crossover

The Year: 1997

The Place: Earth's Pacific Rim

The Problem: Zedd and Rita have attacked!

The BIG Problem: There's no Zordon!!

Without the Power Rangers, Zedd's first attacks can't be repelled. The Pacific Rim falls victim to a massive air strike, destroying most major cities and forcing the human survivors underground. But don't count the survivors out just yet....

The Ultimate Crossover pulls characters from:

Power Rangers

VR Troopers

Superhuman Samuri Syber Squad


Big Bad Beetleborgs

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Seven Days

Sailor Moon

Stargate SG-1

Masked Rider

The Sentinel

Gundam Wing


Harry Potter

Action Man

Real Ghostbusters

Max Steel

The Ultimate Crossover, a dual-author project between Jennifer Bigley and Ellen Brand, is still in production. Basically, Ellen's waiting for Jen to get off her duff and write the first few segments. Watch for updates in The Castle Times as they happen.

Sounds promising, if they actually get down to writing it.
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