When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, January 01, 2004

It's very, very easy not to be offended by a book. You just have to shut it. - Salman Rushdie

The Charity of King Wenceslas - If you think about it, really, both the poor man and the "Good" King's behaviors are very suspicious. I totally agree with the writer.

Minas Morgul - Ignore the title. It's an interesting page with little gems on a wide variety of topics. Most rare these days.

Brothers 'United' after unusual pact - A Manchester United soccer fan donated cells so his brother could have a life-saving transplant -- on condition his sibling switched his support from arch rivals Manchester City.

Ben told me the last time that to get film-quality 4R prints with digital images, you need them about 1MB in size. Bah. The 1024 x 768 on fine (medium) quality images that my mother took in Vietnam came out indistinguishable from those printed from analog film.

A certain aspect of American politics puzzles me - namely the thing about the South shifting its allegiance from the Democrats to the Republicans about a half century ago. In fact, I'm led to believe that the two parties swapped characters and agenda around that time.

Some people accuse me of being racist when I call it "Malay 2 for 1 Pizza". I beg to differ, for the term is purely descriptive. Look closely and you will see that -all- of the people in this picture are Malay.

For those of you celebrating your year-end bonuses:

The mystery of the 13th month bonus

When the British were in Singapore, they were being paid weekly & they argued that Singaporeans were actually being cheated into believing that the 13th month pay is a bonus.

Singaporeans are being paid monthly which is equivalent to 4 weeks pay coz there are 4 weeks in a month.

As the British were paid weekly, it worked out to the same. You see, there are 7 days in a week. 4 weeks in a month. 12 months in a year. Then 12 months should work out to 48 weeks only. But 1 year worked out to 52 weeks!!! Hence the 13th month is your own pay (not bonus??!!).

So, the British argued that there is in fact no bonus at all??? It is a very simple calculation that stunned many!!!! BONUS??? What bonus??? . #$%*@!!!
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