When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, December 29, 2003

Speedy Gonzales: Banned in the USA - Cartoon Network officials have banished Speedy Gonzales from their day and prime time lineups for fear of offending Mexican Americans, but fans of the Mexican mouse hero are fighting back

Claim: Donald Duck was once banned in Finland because the character doesn't wear pants. - Status: False.


Dr Bob's Skeptical Quiz. Some interesting archived questions:

Why was the Linux computer operating system given its dual-boot facility?

Answer which NOBODY GOT - well, not exactly -

* Because when Linus Torvalds was developing Linux, he also wanted to play the DOS game Prince of Persia and he had only one computer

Of dead bodies of persons found drowned in the ocean, 100% are dead but 70% of them have something else in common - what is it?


* Their flies are undone.

Scandinavian food: Why are cloudberries more expensive than lingonberries?

One of these is right:

* Because cloudberries cannot be farmed and have to be picked wild.
* Cloudberries obviously grow on clouds and getting to them is not so easy. Berry pickers are forever falling to their deaths from balloons, and off the wings of gliders and small aircraft. Needless to say, they tend to drop their baskets of berries on the way down. Extra money must be charged for cloudberries to cover funerals and ongoing labor recruitment and this makes them very expensive indeed. Sometimes cloudberry pickers land on lingonberry pickers, which ruins the lingonberries too, but more often they fall into bodies of freezing water.

If you fall from a ship in Arctic waters, what should you do?

Answer: (from some people, probably consultants, who have obviously never done it)

* Since death by freezing is believed to be worse than drowning, swim like mad for the bottom.

What unusual effect would you observe if you mixed 500ml of water with 500ml of vodka?


* There would be markedly less than 1000ml of fluid - 941ml has been claimed. I tried this but I cannot remember the result, or anything else for that matter, including how I came to wake up in the arms of a tattooed sailor on a steamer bound for Vladivostok.

I wish I were as witty.
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