It seems someone has been cataloguing and posting all the weird stories that come out in the Straits Times and the New Paper which relate to sex (well, most of them) and Singapore. How cute. We can rival Ma-laysia now!
Among them:
- the 15 year old boy who, in 2000, died from auto-erotic asphyxiation while clad in shorts and his sister's sports bra (a search for that, after discussing with someone the possibility of accidentally commiting suicide by playing with a gun) was what led me to find the page in the first place)
- the police finding 1,200 blue tapes... in the police quarters at Pearl's Hill Terrace
- A US doctor advocating male genital mutilation for all male babies
- Parents sending Private Investigators to spy on their children
George Bush unmasked!
A Singaporean Personal Blog makes the top 40 of Daypop!
Australians bare all in anti-war protest - More than 700 women have posed nude in Australia in a mass protest against their country's support for possible military action against Iraq.
Hahaha - Gulf War 2: The Reckoning - ROFL.

A poem a senior of mine wrote:
"The second poem is the distillation of my love of my national service experience."
And if I ever go to war
I'll kill my bloody enemies
My bloody fucking enemies
Are those that try to get me killed
And first and foremost in their rank
Are those that send me out to die
And first and foremost of that scum are those above me high in rank
The men of bars, the men of stars
The old men ruling by the vote
For love of country scream for death
My death my death my death my death
I'll rend their guts and flay their bones
No matter which side they are on
My bloody fucking enemies
Are those that try to get me killed