When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, February 25, 2003

I shall be indulgent today and rant without much discipline or focus.

I had duck noodles for breakfast today. It was pretty good. Unfortunately, in my morning daze I forgot to ask them not to put chili :( Later, at 11 am, the people at the range got us, the butt party, wanton noodles. Not bad too, though it also had chili. Roti Prata was starting to get tiring :) Less than 2 hours later was lunch. It seems the Muslim cookhouse's cook came back from leave - I'd not seen all the dishes served for lunch before. Well, the curry tasted the same, but at least it was a different colour! And they also gave us the fish that Malays are so fond of - the one with grey flesh and lots of bones: ikan kembong or mackerel, I think.

The SCV repair man gave us a new modem today since the old one was found to be spoilt. A new white Surfboad SB4100. No more disconnection problems! But on the flipside I might have to start paying for broadband and my fixed mobile phone charges. Unlike Xephyris, my schedule is not fixed enough to moonlight ; why is everyone into tutoring??? Or maybe I'm just lazy.

Sometimes, I feel like ranting about some subjects that I have touched on in the past, but keep coming back to again and again, probably because I am still bothered by them (or rather, -people- bother me with them). However, that is in very bad taste, so I won't indulge in it here.
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