Friday, June 07, 2002
(clip (petulantly) 'ed's shouldn't abuse their powers and spout untruths!!!)
[Ed: Football sucks. And non-admins shouldn't remove the editor's comments and claim opinions are untruths for fear of strange things happening!]
We (the royal we) should not trust admin "ed"s with bad spelling, yes? (hearty chorus of 'Yes'es)
*We are Not amused.
(Will post the question later for alluvya to answer)
Skipped lunch, so i had a large gelati waffle cone (WHEEeee... if you've ever tried the Lygon st gelati you'll know why... it's blissful heavenly cloud-stuff) and went shopping- bought Charades with Audrey Hepburn! and Cary Grant, for $10.
I wanted to watch ET today but there was no time as I had to return in time to go for duty. So in the end I ended up watching Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron with Screwed Up Girl.
Interestingly, the horses did not speak English, but neighed and grunted all the way, except for intermittent narration/voiceovers by the protagonist. This was rather refreshing. Of course, it could also be that they wanted to save money :)
And there was an irritating song sung by a very airy guy, who turned out to by Bryan Adams, whom I've not heard around for a long long time. Which doesn't say much actually, since I don't listen to modern music. But the airiness. The airy singing. Oh, deliver us from the unbearable agony!
There's this shop in Suntec which specialises in antique guns, but they also have a smattering of nice swords and axes. They had a complete suit of armour (with sword) for $7,588. Not bad, though it's authenticity did look a bit suspect (even to my untrained eye, primarily due to a heart symbol egregiously located on the breastplate).
And I saw Shuyu in This "Lian" Fashion. She's highlighted her hair. Ooo.
On the MRT home, some guy started talking to me. He started suggesting I run some, and thought I was in Sec 3. He was very happy for some reason to find out I was a slave, and claimed that a local degree was better than an overseas degree because it was cheaper and the exams were easier. Or something. Turns out he was from the RI Class of 1952, and he spent one term in Hualalalala. Apparently RI boys were bad in Chinese last time. Some things don't change! Too bad I had to get off at my stop.
With the advent of EZ-Link, not only can we not pay an easy to remember, universal bus fare of 60 cents, we also don't get bus tickets, useful for scribbling things like my URL, anymore! Darn.
Thursday, June 06, 2002
Darn... i'm hungry again. Sushi place is closed.
Still haven't found anyone to go to trengganu with me .... Ex-classmate (who returned to malaysia to study) isn't free; he went there before and waited till 3am for the turtles to come but didn't spot a single one.
serene's blog is ""?? *boggle*
Wednesday, June 05, 2002
i love Jelly Belly Beans!!!
And i love my description (though i can't stand the taste of tangerine JBs, Island Punch beat them all the time!)
What Jelly Belly flavor are you? I'm -
i think i was the worst psl, andrew. i broke rules, didn't bother to remember my psg's names or birthdays, didn't counsel them adequately, or even plan sessions properly. ah well.
I wrote (and by some odd coincidence) published writing
was it the eotw one?:) i was going to have it read after your untitled poem, but i forgot to bring the book. the ho couldn't stop grinning after she heard your name.
*Must be more sensitive to people's feelings. Will not refer to friends (or friends' blogs) as ditzy.
they'll understand you meant it in the nicest possible way if they really were friends, yknow:) i call juditz that without any malice.
i thought "dude, where's my car?" was funny, but i wouldn't be if i had bought tickets for it:) i'll catch the sequel on vcd, my degenerate friends have a knack for procuring those.
also, being the only female member on this blog, i feel it my duty to remind you of my worth. ;)
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
Hmmm..... just realized "a fire-fly" is just 3 vowels (and an "s") away from "raffles". Darn [Ed: Weird Cappers blog eh. Why don't you join it? :)
'ice fall
"Wondered what the females would do if the men went to war."
they'd masturbate or engage in passionate lesbian sex, i imagine.
No we wouldn't. Not all the time anyway. That's because females do think about other things than sex, sometimes.'
I think i'm un-patriotic. Dis-loyal in a sense. Am I? i was the one whom eugene, my fellow psl, got mad at during the last peer support meeting 'cos i got sick and tired of the feel-good cheering and the dis-individualisation process and just gave up. And told one of my sec 1s about.
I wrote (and by some odd coincidence) published writing that started off "I didn't care much for the place" describing it. And was railed for it- both for being reminiscent and nostalgic, and for being critical and not "doing the right thing". Got complimented unexpectedly - from tai heng (which i was greatly appreciative for (= ). Who allegedly detested his years in are jay see.
*Must be more sensitive to people's feelings. Will not refer to friends (or friends' blogs) as ditzy. At least not publicly. *
Sunday, June 02, 2002
Esmond looks good with black hair, with his fair skin. Then again, today (rather yesterday) was the first time i ever saw him with black hair.
Should i call home? Parents should be back by now... then again they might worry why i'm still up (and i can't say i was studying... because i wasn't!). Then again they might not know the time difference.
(btw, the one in the middle of the movie poster has the same look that vampire cum preener has. And is white to boot. )
Anonymous comment: Wow... are you sure that they're guys? That one (the one on the centre) has such nice legs!!
Another: Of course lah... guys have nice legs.
Yet another: Thing is, he *shaved* his legs.
And as i elaborated to gabriel on saturday, I think i can prepare better pasta than the ormond kitchen staff - using a packet of Home Brand semolina spaghetti, a bottle of Five Brothers pasta primavera sauce, and a microwave that is. As i did for my Real dinner. If there's something i can't stand it's the weekly pasta nite on saturday (The only thing worse is when they decide to make a weekday dinner Pasta nite). But sunday brunch makes up for it (= Speaking of which, i should invite my friends down for the ormond sunday brunch, I hardly used my brunch card, and it's still got, like 10 brunches left on it for this semester. Ah- the sunday during exams .... or maybe the sunday after! Then we can go shopping after that! ( = *wheeee*
I like my current hair-length. It's at a manageable, appropriately-fluffy state (and it still fits under a cap, like before on bad-hair-day-Friday) but it's troublesome to make it look neat. Now at least.
I was reading a quotation on a note- "Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his mid-gut" and blinked. And blinked. And read it again- "Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might". Awww... embryology!!
Was just showing the rest of the pple in the computer lab how to open netscape. IT people are trying to install Windows 2000 on all the computers, and format them, and in the process, the Start menu on all computers was fiddled with. Now only MSIE, accessories, command prompt are available. I opened netscape directly by running the executable file in c:\program files\netscape\communicator\program\
After Grease OST... was playing my Wow cds again... sometimes i wonder what sally thinks of this guy who at one *down* stage, kept on playing the jars of clay/rebecca st. james' songs in his collection (6 in total); and spent the whole weekend listening to the Grease soundtrack (i think i can practically write out an arrangement for the theme song "Grease")
There's a feedback section on the Topclass website for students in the medical, dentistry and health sciences faculty. I felt like requesting the lecturers and faculty staff to refrain from referring to medical/dental students as "the brightest we have in this university"; to avoid swollen heads.
Galen claims there weren't any babes in see aye pee this year. (*boggle*) Then again he wasn't paying much attention to the other cappers.
Church of Christ's website is finally.up, and the 9 and 11 am services are listed as "Vibrant Contemporary Worship", whereas the 7pm is "Creative Dynamic Worship". I wonder what the difference is.
Darn scanner isn't working... or else i could scan in the Sorority boys picture with the guy who looks like vampire/preener. Oh! IMDB would have it... heh heh heh....
[Ed: When their less-than-stunning female forms earn them an invite to a "dog catcher" party at their old frat, they decide to brave the harassment so they can grab the rest of their belongings from the house and make a clean break.]
This is disgusting. Screwed Up Girl took a personality test (there must be 50 - no kidding - cluttering her weblog by now). A Diablo 2 personality test. And she's never even played that game. !@#$%^&*()
I've just finished playing Final Fantasy X: International, and I can truly say that it has one of the most touching endings I have ever, ever seen. It's something I'm going to remember for a long, long time. If you haven't played it, maybe you should be giving some thought (serious thoughts, at that) at finding some way of playing Final Fantasy X. The story itself is worth it.
Of course, if you play the International / American version, you're going to have to suffer through the horrible, horrible Tidus / Yuna voiceovers. There was this one scene which almost made me want to break down and cry, and it wasn't because it touched my heart. Urrrrk. Still, the story's worth it. Then, after you complete the game, watch the "Another Ending" for a wonderfully optimistic "I'll find my own tomorrow" message from Yuna herself. Of course, you want to see Rikku again as well. (At least, I did.)
Need I mention the fact that I'm a sucker for such endings? They always get me. Every time. Then there's that wonderful vocal track, Suteki da ne (It's Wonderful). And those beautifully rendered environments. And those lifelike motion captured character animations. And the improved Sphere Grid system.
Go play it.
This is my story...
Because large groups always eat at relatively cheap places, we ate at Burger King, and 4 of them King Sized (one of the myriad of suggestions I made end 1998 or so, earning $25 in vouchers for my effort) their meals - and managed to finish everything! I remember the time or two I tried that option, I felt totally sick even without finishing everything on the tray. Oh well. No wonder they reduced the price of King Sizing to 30 cents. They now have Prawn Cutlets. Nice, but too little is given for the $2.90 price.
Then after that we went to watch Panic Room. Good movie, and interesting camera techniques, though I think there are way too many shots showing Jodie Foster's cleavage.
Apparently the USSR was not a party to international copyright laws, so the Ak-47 Rifle was shamelessly pirated. Aww.
In Tiong Bahru Plaza, beside the U2, there is a shop called U2too. Its range of merchandise doesn't seem to be drastically different from U2. Hmm.
Bought 4 pairs of shorts for homewear. Yeh.
Restored Post
2 of our sergeants seem to have been getting stricter recently. One uber relaxed one, who seems to smile when giving drill commands and whom everybody but Roy and me think looks like Brain from Pinky and the Brain, but we two think looks like Pinky, has become ever so subtly more strict - he was the one who made us do 6 rounds around the parade square last week when previously, we'd not even run round the parade square in the mornings, and he's been knocking people down more. Which may be why people have become less taken to singing the Pinky And The Brain theme when he approaches. The other is the previously mentioned "garang" sergeant, whose professed philosophy of "whack hard, give lots of welfare" has become more evident recently (He actually promised us many nights off if we performed well, but so far it seems nights off are all given in company level, so). He's become a lot more particular about us shouting loudly, tightening our boot laces, locking our arms when marching and doing drills properly recently, and on tuesday and wednesday our reward for going to the parade square earlier than other platoons was to be knocked down (as a "lesson" in how to lock our arms when marching). We are also now supposed to shout when talking to him, even one on one, but thankfully that has lapsed somewhat. I reiterate my stand that shouting damages the voice, so making us shout is actually worse as eventually we will not even be able to attain the pre-injury level!
Whenever we are given physical punishment, the others dismiss it as "nothing". I think if the Army now is like cutting off one arm as opposed to the past's two, and Gryphon Company was cutting off one hand, SMM is like cutting off one finger! :) Though the bottoms of my palms keep getting sore. And I think my hands are becoming rougher by the week. Oh well.
Someone went to stick a cute cartoon of a pig's head on the ice machine in the cookhouse. Hehe.
When it comes to the treatment of insects and other monsters, I think much of my platoon is rather hypocritical. When I kill giant ants or giant spiders, people scold me and moan about my cruelty - "What did the spider do to you?". However, when other people use lighters to burn them (sometimes to a crisp), trap ants and spiders in syringes and put them in a near vacuum for a periods of time and make them fight deathmatches with other insects, no one utters a word (at least not that I've heard). What they do either kills the insects painfully (if they -can- feel pain) or leaves them permanently damaged, while what I do gives them a quick clean death such that they won't come to the bunk to terrorise us.
Jeremy was bored, so he was drawing Lord of the Ring parallels. He claimed that Steven looked like Saruman, I looked like Bilbo (?!) and he himself looked like Sauron. Right.
Last week, we saw a new face walking around camp observing us (one day, she was wearing a witty shirt which said: "Junkies University. Brain cells may come and go, but fat cells live forever!"), and of course, the others were evaluating her (Incidentally, the evaluation was 'not bad'). This week, she got her No 4. She'll probably be the newest female instructor. But she doesn't have the army look. She has slightly dyed hair (isn't that disallowed) and looks like she came from the Poly. Run while you can!
Tuesday night was OC night! So we got to dress guys up as girls. Most of them weren't very convincing, but some were quite good. For some reason, the 'cheap slut' look was in, so most had all manner of tasteless clothing. And many of them didn't shave! Ugh. Folie, our section's Miss SMM, was quite pretty in his outfit. Only thing was that he didn't have a wig. Roe, Section 9's Miss SMM candidate, on the other hand, had this gigantic pink wig and a matching pink boa. While waiting for the results, one of the more convincing "girls" actually did some bodybuilding poses. And then proceeded to wipe "her" sweat with "her" left breast (which seemed to be triangular bandages).
For OC night, someone managed to arrange for 3 real girls to come down, all in matching pink tanks and black hot pants. 2 of them joined the sergeant many people always make fun of for the opening dance (He can dance quite well actually). Of course, they were being evaluated while they were there - "Her butt and breasts are very big... They have the figure. Large hourglass figure... Enormous, you know... Usually, girls like that, [are] very fat... [They aren't] But they have the shape." Sigh. But I do wonder where they got them from.
In the end, my fears were not entirely founded. Our platoon was the only one which did a sketch on army life per se (With Jeremy doing a most excellent impersonation of his namesake). One did one where their instructors had a reunion 20 years down the line, another did a terribly boring and draggy news bulletin and the last a "SMM radio show".
Starved for news, I did what I would not normally do - I read the New Paper, since none other was available. Apparently some woman was sentenced to death by stoning in Pakistan for having sex outside marriage - she'd been raped. But then, since there weren't 4 reputable muslim males who'd testify to having seen the rape, the rapist couldn't be convicted. And her allegation of rape was taken as a confession that she'd sex outside marriage. But then, if 4 muslim males has witnessed the rape but hadn't done anything, then they wouldn't be very reputable, would they? The problems with basing law on the letter, and not the spirit (and a healthy dose of common sense) of the [1300 years old] holy books.
Also in the New Paper was a good quote from someone - "In Democracy, the people place limits on the government, not the other way around". Or something. That was in relation to the rubbish about out of bound markers. I think the article on religion and moral panics was really quite good, though of course some would decry it as the product of ivory towered academics' idealism. They do err too much on the side of caution over here (See? I see not some more sinister intent). Now, what's politics doing in a bookout post? :)
Our catheterisation practice amused most. For some reason, they liked to play with the model penis (not that I didn't poke someone with it once though). For the demonstration, Folie had to put the model in his pants. Oh well. Some fuss was made about female sensibilities - how come they're so privileged? Tis unfair. I also want to be protected from the sight of [mostly Malay] male genitalia in the bunk!
I saw my first private first class! Some reservist guy.
On Wednesday, we were going to have a fantastically early night off - we were going to be able to book out as early as 5:40pm. However, we were delayed by 1 1/2 hrs in the end because someone's cupboard was smashed and his handphone was stolen. So we were searched, and then had to strip to our underwear. Well actually if we'd been a touch earlier we would've escaped - we were the first platoon at the guard room and the first row was almost out of the gate when we were called back. Pity that Simon chose to mumble in response to our sergeant, so he went into the guard room to sulk for 2-3 mins.
Yew Yew bought 3 extra sets of uniforms with his credit, bringing the total to 8 sets. Wah. I actually have an evil plot for using up the $226 of credit we get every year - buy 500 tins of Kiwi and resell it on the black market.
We were supposed to go to a "Service Quality Centre" for 2 days to train our customer service skills. Unfortunately, they cancelled it and we're being forced to take block leave next friday and saturday. So I'll only have 7 days left till december! Stupid SAF. "You can only take leave when the SAF wants you to" - A sergeant in BMT. I think I can kiss the thought of overseas trips goodbye till 12 June 2004. They could actually give us an "off" (meaning we've to come back anytime they call us, but our anemic 14 days of annual leave won't be burned) but they were too stingy. Oh, well actually I've guard duty on Friday. I wonder how that'll work out.
I think I'm losing touch with the world, especially with Singapore, because we don't get newspapers. And merely reading one magazine a week is not enough. It'll have to do, I guess...
We have to pass 10 IVs to pass out, but from what people tell me of their IV experiences, it seems SAF medics aren't very skilled. When Kairen was IVed (for a fever), the medic hit a valve once and missed the vein the second time but pumped the saline in anyway, causing an oedema (a large bulge under the skin - thank Andrew G for providing the term). When Royston got hit recently (also for a fever, and a 37.6 degrees one too), the medic also missed the first time and so the senior medic had to take over. And he felt more tired and lethargic after his IV and his fever got worse, making him miss our section outing to Cineleisure. Oh well. Mayhap they give the lousy medics to those whom they think are trying to skive (low fevers, presumably). Actually I hear that besides unnecessary IVs, some medical officers give more punishments to those they think are trying to skive - one medical officer at Maju used to order the medics to stick their gloved (but unlubricated!) fingers up the rectums of patients reporting sick for diarrhea because he thought all 'diarrhea' cases were fake.
On Friday night, I was bored, so I finally sucuumbed to blandishments and ran 2 rounds around SMM with Roe and Sargunan. When I returned to the bunk, everyone was very surprised, happy and shocked. And Kenneth asked me for 4D numbers. Gah.
Simon calls me "Englishman", and indeed as in BMT I think I am the one whose English is the best in the platoon, though my standard has dropped somewhat. However, even Steven, with his degree from Murdoch University in Australia (and who boasts of having had to plough through texts so arcane that even his father, a University Lecturer, cannot comprehend them) still gets puzzled by the words I use and my sentence structure. Oh well. Some accuse me of using bombastic words, but they seem perfectly normal to me. But then, that was the impression I had of the denizens of vis-a-vis (the Yahoo Groups Group), when I first joined them on it.
The so-called Smoking Hut in the camp looks more like a Smoking Prison to me. It even has bars - the walls reach partway up to the ceiling, and the rest of the distance is covered by grilles.
We had Casualty Evacuation in Built Up Areas (CEBUA) on Saturday in Sungei Gudong (which is so expansive, it looks like Malaysia - with so much land given to the SAF, no wonder we're running out of space in Singapore!). It's actually supposed to be a full day event, but they wanted to be cheapskate and so squeezed it into Saturday's schedule. In the end, 1 1/2 hrs of bookout time was eaten up.
I saw a tin of Soya Oil (not palm!) in the kitchen of the cookhouse. Wow. I wonder if they use it all the time, or if it was just for show.
"[On my 'snack' bag] Do you have a turkey in here?"
"[On a cartoon of a pig's head stuck on the ice machine] Pig's head? Cannot... Ice not halal already (The ice is)"
"[On torturing insects] We don't intend to kill them, just do some permanent damage."
"[On the female dancers brought in for OC night] Her butt and breasts are very big... They have the figure. Large hourglass figure... Enormous, you know... Usually, girls like that, [are] very fat... [They aren't] But they have the shape."
"[On physical punishment] Excused ah?... Cannot do exercise. Later, do area cleaning for 1 hour."
"Look at Zhang, wearing a poncho and talking on the handphone. He's trying to be Count Cuckoo (Star Wars II reference)"
"What time is it? [Other platoon mate: Time to get a watch]"
Saturday, June 01, 2002
Post 153 (67 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Siobhan
Subject: Obi Wan Wit...
Date: Sun May 19 18:34:00 2002
Just seen the film a second time, and noticed something I missed the first time.
When on Khamino and sending a message back to the Jedi, Obi Wan tells his R4
unit 'R4, scramble code 5 to Coruscant, care of the Old Folks Home...' which of
course patched him through to Yoda =)
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 156 (64 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Renna
Subject: >Hidden 'Easter Eggs'
Date: Sun May 19 19:12:15 2002
Siobhan writes:
> Ok, these are what I spotted so far:
> In Palpatine's chamber, the Senatorial Guards are now dressed like the
Imperial Royal Guard, in the full red armour.
> The Death Star hologram.
> The exact same 'pose' at the end of Empire was at the end of Ep II.
> Thr burning 'Naboo Cow' in the final battle
> That's all I noticed on my second viewing =)
Actually, the pose from Episode II is reversed from that of Episode V; the
droids are on the opposite side. But that's neat and twisted. ;) Also, Episode
II is the first to have the camera tilt *up* after the opening crawl; all of the
others tilt down to the action.
And for those who remember the girl with the braces in Episode I, that's Lucas's
elder daughter; she's the pudgy Twi'lek in the club. Also appearing in that
scene are Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best (I've yet to see them myself, or I'd be
more specific).
Happy hunting ;)
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 159 (61 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Cy
Subject: >>>Hidden 'Easter Eggs'
Date: Sun May 19 20:42:15 2002
Liria writes:
> Maxus writes:
> > On the naboo landing platform there are 3 yt-1300 freighters to the left.
> >
> Anyone notice the ships on Coruscant and Geonosis (sp?) already have the
triangular shape of Star Destroyers?
> (This is near the very end.)
> --Lir
Also when ani/padme are landing on naboo dock, off to left are couple Falcon
type ships, and read CGI people substituted an asteroid in a scene for one of
those naboo cows. like that shoe from the first trilogy in the asteroid field
iirc. =)
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 175 (45 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Sen
Subject: heh
Date: Tue May 21 12:17:52 2002
A long time ago
war was beginning...
Yoda: What happen ?
Anakin: Somebody set up us the droids.
Windu: We get signal.
Yoda: What !
Windu: Main hologram turn on.
Yoda: It's you !!
Dooku: How are you gentlemen !!
Dooku: All your jedi are belong to us.
Dooku: You are on the way to destruction.
Yoda: What you say !!
Dooku: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Dooku: Ha ha ha ha ....
Yoda: Take off every clone.
Yoda: You know what you doing.
Yoda: Move 'clone'.
Yoda: For great justice.
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 179 (42 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Rakassa
Subject: >easter egg?
Date: Tue May 21 20:08:41 2002
Liria writes:
> Anyone else notice the symbol on the ship Obi-wan is flying is
> similar to, but not an exact match to the imperial symbol?
> It has a few more points going toward the center, like 10 instead
> of 6, but it's close enough. Is that the Republic symbol? I
> thought it was something different.
> Just a detail. =)
> --Lir
It was 8 instead of 6......and yes its the republic symbol, and yes Empy adapted
it for his new order, but its nothing new, thats been the symbol of the old
republic all along :)
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 185 (36 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Rakassa
Subject: >>>>>>>>>>>Wow
Date: Tue May 21 20:47:33 2002
Bubbles writes:
> Bubbles writes:
> > Bubbles writes:
> > > Quastara writes:
> > > > Hmm.. I thought she was in excelent actress in both, but the character
of Anikan has sucked royally in both. And the 'lame' movie, "where the heart is"
is a REALLY good movie.
> > > > "."
> > >
> > > her performance in Mars Attacks deserved an Oscar
> > >
> > > People were lining up to hire hire her after that one.
> > >
> > Dude, how 'bout the scene where she was almost sucked out of the storm
cellar by a tornado. That was a classic.
> >
> I am not a dude. I am a chick.
Take it to rn feminism :)
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 200 (22 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Siobhan
Subject: Republic 'Clone' Ships
Date: Sun May 26 18:53:46 2002
Ok, being the pilot princess, I've done some investigating into the true
designation of those Star Destroyer style ships seen at the end of Ep II, and am
pretty certain I've found the answer.
They definitely look 'Star Destroyer' type, but I couldn't find any 'SD' pics
that matched. Their definitely not Imperial Class (1 or 2), nor are they Victory
Class. I was beginning to think I'd been finally stumped.
Then, while checking other capital pics, I spotted the Interdictor. It was
almost an exact match
m), save for the globes containing the gravity well projectors. I was pretty
certain I'd found the ship, but it was an Interdictor, not a warship.
So, I started to dig further, getting info on the Interdictor class. I
discovered (from SWRPG d20: Starships of the Galacy), that the Immobiliser 408
was most successful Interdictor ship design, and that the Interdictor 408 was
built by Sienar Fleet Systems onto the heavy cruiser hull of a 'Vindicator'
class Star Destroyer.
The original, standard Vindicators were armed with a typical mox of tractor
beams, ion cannons and turbolasers, making them effective heavy cruisers. These
ships were extensively used by the early Empire, and even later when full Star
Destroyer squadrons were not available and lighter ships would not suffice. Most
were specifically designed to function without support craft and carry up to a
full wing of fighters.
As a historical note, the first Vindicator class cruiser that wasn't eventually
converted to act as an Interdictor was 'Savrip', which patrolled Mid Rim worlds
during the height of the Empire. 'Savrip' was eventually captured by Alliance
Commandos and renamed 'Molator'. The ship then served as an armed diplomatic
vessel for the Rebel Alliance, flying from planet to planet in the Outer Rim
while attempting to find support for the Rebellion.
Other SW Geeks, beat that =)
Lady Siobhan 'Darkmasque' Krieg, Imperial Navy, Princess of Pilots and Riot
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 202 (20 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Glenn
Subject: Yoda
Date: Sun May 26 21:20:28 2002
Yes yes, flame to hell on why I'm wrong and I'm a bad person and have no
morals...but did anyone else feel the Yoda fight scene really wasn't all that?
It got me going for a second until I realised all he was doing was spinning
around and looking nifty, without actually thinking about disabling or disarming
his opponent. I mean hell, did Count Dookie (from Gummi Bears) just say, "Gee,
guess I'll watch him spin and make some inadequate blocks because I know he
won't actually think about disarming or disabling me in any way." I know Jedi
are pansies, but jesus. The fight scene felt the same as the fights in LotR,
but LotR had the atmosphere, scary-looking people, and proper clashes to make it
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 204 (19 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Maelstrom
Subject: Yoda's fight
Date: Sun May 26 21:28:06 2002
I agree to some extent, because it was a lot less cool-looking the second time I
saw it (as opposed to the first time when it was a surprise and people were
cheering in the theater). But come on, give Yoda a break...
When 900 years old you reach, fight as well you will not, hmm? ;)
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 209 (14 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Backlash
Subject: >Anakin in SWII
Date: Tue May 28 15:13:26 2002
The only really funny part in the movie was "You don't want to sell me death
sticks. You want to go home and rethink you're life."
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 216 (7 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Maxus
Subject: >Republic 'Clone' Ships
Date: Tue May 28 18:02:39 2002
Since I knew I had seen the information before, I did a little research today
and found the following:
Acclamator Class Trans-Galactic Military Transport
(this is the ship referred to, but unidentified in spoilers 200)
Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering (subsidiary of KDY)
In addition to its crew, the ship can carry 16,000 clone troopers and their
support faculties and personnel- plus 80 gunships, 320 speeder bikes, 48 AT-TE's
(All Terrain Tactical Enforcer), and 36 artillery pieces.
Some extras for your personal enjoyment:
The clone trooper gunships seen on Geonosis:
LAAT/i (Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry) Repulsorlift Gunship
Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering (subsidiary of KDY)
Crew: 1 pilot/gunner, 2 aux turret gunners
Cargo: 30 clone troopers and 1 IM-6 Battlefield Medical Droid
OR 4 speeder bikes
Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter:
Delta-7 Aethersprite Light Interceptor
Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering (subsidiary of KDY)
armed with 2 dual laser cannons
The hyperdrive ring is seperate from the fighter and I didn't bother to write
its info down.
The symbol on Obi-Wan's fighter:
A disc with 8 spokes- the icon comes from the Bendu Monks' study of numerology-
the number 9 (the disc plus the spokes) is symbolic of the "beneficient
presence of the Force in a unitary galaxy."
Also of note- the symbol Palpatine chose for the Empire is a defamation of the
above icon- two of the spokes are removed.
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 218 (5 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Kess
Subject: Changes to Return of the Jedi?!
Date: Thu May 30 20:21:25 2002
Sacrilige, says I. I know most of the male population out there
is just drooling to see more shots of Natalie Portman, but in
Also rumors about everyone's favorite Gungan JAR JAR showing up
in A NEW HOPE. Which, if it happens, Star Wars fans around the
globe will burn miniature George Lucas figures in effigy, no doubt.
After all, if all of these stories were written before the release
of A New Hope, why the need for changes? Isn't Georgie omniscent?
Apparently not... This was printed on Ain't It Cool News, so it
must be true -- see link below.
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Post 222 (1 more) in spoilers:
Poster: Gqc
Subject: ep4 changes
Date: Fri May 31 16:56:16 2002
Inside an Imperial conference room abord the Death Star, various officials are
arguing about various issues.
Grand Moff Tarkin : Grand Moff Binks, would you please unveil the true power of
this battlestation.
Grand Moff Binks: Meesa pushen dis button, cause biiig bombad explosion, breaken
up dis planet "Alderaan."
Computer: Self destruct imminent, countdown set to 20 minutes.
Grand Moff Binks: oopsa, wrongsa button.
Computer: Self destruct sequence changed to 3 minute countdown.
Computer: Self destruct sequence overridden.
Motti: Cease this foolishness, Jar Jar, or I shall cease to believe in your
Vader: I find your lack of faith... disturbing.
Grand Moff Binks: Meesa sorry, Motti, Isa make it up to you.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Jar Jar, no!! Do nott touch those buttons again.
Grand Moff Binks: Okeday, mesa go back to my living cell.
End of article -- What next? [cfFhnpq(rem)u?=]
Did some studying .... Got this weird niggling at the back of my mind for the last few days- i remembered sending an email to ralph to find out how things were going, sometime around the time my mum received the call from his officer. Finally got around to digging up my Yahoo! outbox and found i sent it on sunday the 12 of May. Followed by an email replying joel, and the next one was dated tuesday 14 may- the email i sent out to my class with his ward no. and details asking them to visit him.
Which means the day i emailed him was the very same day he was admitted to changi general hospital.
*Fumes* *whines* *buries face*
It's been 3 weeks already... and the *doctors don't know very much abt what he's got ... 3 whole weeks... God, please heal him ....
(From THIS is TRUE for 26 May:)
TALKIE TOASTER: Residents in Hooke, Dorset, England, were a bit shocked when toasters and other appliances began talking. In Russian. "It's unnerving," says John Dalton, chair of the Hooke Parish Council. "Normally it just makes toast." The problem has been traced to a high- power BBC radio station a mile outside town. The station's spokesman notes that "two different types of metal next to each other can pick up a radio signal. The two bits of metal act as a very basic diode and turn the signal into sound." He promises technicians will help homeowners clear up the interference, but first "I'd love to hear the toaster." (PA) ...Maybe later -- it just left on a world tour.
My BMT section's gonna meet again later. I hope at least half of us will turn up this time!
Here's a crappy video. And another one.
under the excuse
a) i needed to find out if i had to bring my sleeping bag back to singapore for it (turns out i do, unless i bring something equivalent along)
b) i needed to find out how to get there. Turns out kuala trengganu is quite quite far away... east of penang or thereabouts. Might be taking a bus into johor, and taking an internal flight from senai or something like that. Hmm.... bus to johor, teksi to senai airport, internal flight to kuala trengganu airport, teksi to SEATRU centre in the universiti kolej (it looks quite nearby on the map-with-no-scale)... arriving at 8.30am. Hrmm.. which is quite early, i'll have to set off at, like,
Oh no!! the only flight to kuala trengganu arriving in the morning of 29 june before 8.30 am is a subang (KL) flight to kuala trengganu, 7.30am to 8.15am!!! How am i going to be at subang at 7.30am?? Hm... bus into JB/subang airport...?
Don't really to inconvenience parents or relatives to drive me in .
and Jitterbugs- and the ymca website for their june/july classes. I even went to the nature society (singapore)'s page to look at their activities in that time.
and thinking abt holiday plans.
Have nothing to look forward to today except for
a) finishing today's quota of studies
b) student service. Not actually looking forward to it - 2hours of Student service is such a waste of time... esp in exam periods!!! I feel like skipping it and paying the $24 fine; i earned that in my paid student service last week already. But i'm already planning to skip the one on the 15th of june, after my last paper (going on shopping trip with jiaming and the rest to chadstone!!)
Okay okay... i'll go back to studying ....

because i thought this
picture was pretty, laura of told me this: "you enjoy sitcoms,
popcorn, horses, and perhaps surfboarding. you lost your virginity either very early (under the age of eleven)
or very late (over the age of thirty). you take politics and religion very seriously, and when you were a kid,
you had a penchant for getting lost in shopping malls and/or amusement parks. your favorite color is most
likely blue or green, and you are terrified of spiders." whatever will
laura tell you??
You know there's nothing quite like the stranglehold of the unilinear narrative when it takes thirty-odd years before anyone publishes a photo of our country's founding father looking furtive. Skyscrapers are usually stronger than history and horizons. The last time I saw a proper horizon here was at Lim Chu Kang cemetery during Qing Ming. When anything is designated as an Enhancement Project start worrying. Or in other words, whenever people see photos of places here that haven't been touched yet, they say it looks like another country.
Teng Qian Xi
I don't like the second-wrule-dot-com. The advertisements, I mean. The last time i was back in singapore, i saw a poster outside the National library (desecration~!) advertising the website; it had a Ernie and Bert on it- subverting sesame street! (And i don't like "Bert is evil" websites either.)