When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, October 12, 2002

And now I will go attempt to play Stronghold.


Stronghold was great fun. I think I'm getting the hang of it. Now, however, I am required to type things for my mother. Gah.

"Professional Portfolio Form
Accreditation For Senior Teacher Appointment (Yr 2003)" (Read: Shameless Bullshitting)


Woah. Whaddaya know. 20 months left!

I love SqrSoft Advanced Crossfading 1.75!


I'm told Bayley won Drama Feste this year, with an adaptation of 1996's play - "5 people sitting around a table arguing". A bit lame, "about how they couldn't write a script, so they sat down to sort it out and the ending was them taping the whole conversation and using the scenario as their actual play which they acted out", but beats angst so thick you can cut it with a butter knife. And Hullet's was politically incorrect, insulting prefects, slamming ruggers and social studies (ie Propaganda Studies). And it has a transsexual too.


The focus in the game seems to be more on the Military - there are 4 times as many Military as Economic missions. I'm currently done with Economic Mission 2 of 5.

But I think I tire of doing things like accumulating 500 units of cheese ;) So I'll move on the Military missions. Just as soon as I type the next batch of bullshit for my mother.

Using archers to shoot the naughty rabbits who nibble at my wheat crop sounds like a most interesting proposition (I can just hear Bunny Killer yelping now...) ^_^

I quake in fear at the prospect of facing the inestimable might of the imp... err, omnipotent one - He Who Must Not Be Named!
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