When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, July 16, 2002

I've just re-read both Bridget Jones' Diary and Edge of Reason, and I find the practice of tabulating one's emotional and pharmacological states in accounting format rather fetching! So maybe I should initiate such a practice here, if only to keep up with existing "best funky-diary" practice. "A list; wonderful instrument of hypotyposis"

Games to be played:
Assassins 2
Heroes of Might and Magic IV
Warlords: Battlecry 2
Age of Wonders 2
Project Earth: Starmageddon

Games playing:
Neverwinter Nights
Grand Theft Auto 3

Movies to be watched:
Lilo & Stitch
Reign of Fire
Road to Perdition
Ayurveda: The Art of Being
Mean Machine

Animes watching:
Condor Heroes(the anime version is a surprisingly robust remake)
Deeper Samurai Kyo
Cowboy Bebop

Animes to be watched:
Argento Soma
Gatekeepers 2001
Infinite Ryvius

Books to be read:
rest of Glen Cook Black Company series
Guy Gavriel Kay's Tigana
Jack Vance Dying Earth Cycle(it's all in one complete Fantasy Masterworks omnibus now!)
Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow
Robert Anton Wilson's Schroedinger's Cat(finally found a secondhand copy in this funky little bookstore near my previous workplace)

Cigarettes - 4 Cartier menthols, 1 Marlboro light(purloined from a colleague)
Alcohol - 325ml of Carlsberg Special Brew
Drugs - 0
Number of suicidal thoughts - approx. 14
Number of panic attacks in heavy traffic - approx. 2000
Number of ... ah fuck this whole list thing.

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