When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, April 20, 2002

I've been neglecting blogging...... suppose i could blame it on the tests.

But i've been having a lot of good times after the tests, right after the test I met up with Janice to prepare bible study- Ephesians 2:1-10; on salvation by grace. The BS stuff's easy to go through, except for the odd question or two with awkward phrasing.

Though i get sick of hearing "exceptions to the rule". Anatomy's full of them - like this principle should hold EXCEPT for the cases where they don't.

Anyway, yea i was talking abt bs prep- started branching out, and i brought up what crystal told me abt the first part of John relating how Jesus was present at creation and how the world was created "through him". Following that train of thought..... after a while janice got a bit panicky and asked how we started talking abt creation. I reminded her i brought it up because my friend had told me about it and she was quite relieved. And later she went to consult emily and vyu kien about all the unanswered questions.

And after that we went to paper chase for dinner (janice thanks for giving me lifts every where! But there's practically no chance you're reading this, so i'll just have to say it in person) bak kut teh... with bits of pigs' spare parts in them! Yum! And i was hearing about how ocf is full of gossip... and how many couples in OCF started purely because third parties started rumours of attached couples ... which sounds so sad.... well not exactly sad if they're happy together, just that they won't have a particularly romantic beginning to look at but what are beginnings anyway?

And I think messy, awkward break-ups are the hardest things to handle... i mean, there are the ones that end on bad notes and neither party really wants to communicate with the other (which makes it so awkward socially) and there are those that sorta leave things hanging.... with the expectation that one party doesn't want it to end and that there's still hope some time in the future. I guess they pop up when new relationships start. And there are the ones that end on a better note ... but there's always hurt, pain and abandonment, and distrust.

Anyway, back to my life. Med seniors were telling me more about med in college square, met tiffany again in the corridor, and vyu kien gave a lesson on ephesians derived from watchmannee's "Sit, walk and Stand". Good, but i had trouble catching up, and he kept glancing at me with worried looks at my confused expression. I was in lecture mode, copying as much as I could register, and putting big question marks next to lots of things. Went thru them again slowly the following day, and it all fitted together very well and made sense. Janice drove me home ( =

Thursday was... quite a day. Played badminton, albert said i was improving. But i should stop jumping to hit high ones, I keep missing every time. And i managed to smash once. Then I forgot all about my feedback interview while playing badminton, felt terrible about it, but it got better when i found out 2 others had missed theirs. Will have to apologise profusely next week and try to contact my tutor. I think i'm subconsciously avoiding it knowing it'll bring bad news- since I turned up 5 minutes late for 2 tutorials (it's the first lesson on tuesday mornings!) and hardly prepared for either of the 1st two tutorials- leastways I did my reading, but didn't cover all the topics, or didn't present them as they should have been.

Quite-boring tutorial on enzyme- testing enzyme action (an enzyme in glycolysis in cellular respiration) by measuring accumulation of of a metabolic product, NADP+, by its ability to absorb, erm, light of wavelength 390nm or thereabouts. Waiting for albert- to go shopping for birthday present, then realised all shops were closed by 5 or 6.

Since it was still part of the Chenyi's 5-day birthday celebration, we were supposed to go down to tiffany's apartment. Girls were still having baseball training, so we went to watch for a while and i showed tiffany and albert around ormond. Who pointed out i messed around with much more toiletries stuff than a normal guy should. Baseball looks so fun.... passing balls to your team players, the victorious contact of bat and ball, and the impact of ball on glove. injuries though.

In the end we went to intersection for the half price pizza and pasta, waited there for over an hour (but it came out to $3 per person!). Jiaming and i started talking about geppers/RGSers/NYPSers which must have bored chris and tif stiff ... and of all people we met 2 nanyang teachers there, they were working for postgrad qualifications, masters in education. Apparently it's mostly the dissertation, their contact hours are like 2 early evenings a week and otherwise it isn't like going back to school at all.

I think I come from a very sheltered background/surroundings. Chris thinks my way of thinking is too school-centred, and I replied that for 6 years, school Was practically all my life. I suppose except for church... but in conflicts between school activities and church activities school almost always came first. And that was part of my self-indulgent post-prelims-depressive-state last year ... and someone had the cheek to twist it as a reason why I shouldn't consider going for a relief teaching stint in RI. I mean, i seriously think i would have done a better job than other unnamed people who went there (but i would say from what i heard, my seniors did it well).

Andrew gan

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