When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, March 21, 2002

Weekends seem to pass so fast... spent saturday on the phone chatting with people. Sunday was... church, then household shopping in the reject shop, then met melvin tay's friend for lunch. I didn't know how to recognise her, but she said to meet at Nike Melbourne and later mentioned something about the infallible "RI look" of all schoolboys from there. Also went to the asian grocery store- picked up green tea, instant noodles, wasabi peas. Now i gotta get a proper big pyrex bowl for instant noodles and other similar microwave-prepared foods. Bumped into aunty janet in chinatown- (i didn't even know she was supposed to be in melbourne~!). Went back and ... can't even remember what i did in the evening, suspect i didn't accomplish any work.

Monday was so not a blast... long school day, then while jiaming & co. went to watch gosford park (5 buck cinema tickets!) I went back for college tutorial. Someone stole my sandwich, so I had to bring a salmon roll to school.. classes! classes! Somehow "school" doesn't correlate to university. (if only it were the Unseen University....) Can't seem to remember what I did at night.... think I was reading pratchett's "The colour of magic"(octarine). Oh, now i remember... there was supposed to be friends on TV at 7.30, but it wasn't there... sigh sigh sigh.

Tuesday... wasn't that much better. Woke up, discovered my wallet was missing. Panicked. Panicked again. Panicked a handful more time before going to school. Spent classes in a panicky state, and left word with everyone I knew about my missing wallet. Last time i could remember using my wallet was to buy a rice ball from the second level vegetarian place in student union the previous afternoon.
Night: went to audition for the ormond play. Great fun, embarrassed myself totally over and over again. Won't get it though. Then went to com lab- got an email- my wallet had been found in melbourne business school dustbins by cleaners, handed to the school office. Went back to my room after being out of it for 2 hours, to find my father had left 5 messages for me to call him back in the last 2 hours. He also left word with chaowan, and tried to ring the com lab. About my missing wallet.

Wednesday: Rushed down to melbourne business school to collect my wallet. Apparently, my wallet and another lady's wallet had been found in the dustbins on Monday nite, devoid of money (mine was suspiciously devoid of my medibank private card as well as my photocopying card). Plan to file a police report.
Went for first field visit to clinic/medical centre. Outlying place called meadow fields medical centre (during icm, broadmeadows-the district- was discussed, and it was referred to as the "poorer place" as compared to Tourac- where bungalows cost $1m upwards), almost all the patients in the 2hour visit were elderly turkish men/women who spoke little english. The middle eastern doctor could also speak turkish, and was explaining a little abt the cultural sensitivities involved- e.g. headscarves, not shaking hands with the women. I asked if he was muslim as well, and he replied affirmatively. Not much apart from sitting down and (pretending to be ) looking interested in people speaking in rapid turkish to one another. I caught an "insya allah" and "assamualaikum" and "waalaikumasalaam" here and there, though (=.

Thursday: Woke up woefully late, arrived 15minutes into the lecture. Too woozy to wake up, and it was starting to get cold inside. Fortunately thursday's the good day- 1 lecture plus maybe 1 practical. Went to sarah's place for lunch (and got berating for not being A Nice Guy and offering to help wash up, =p ) then to prac. Darn. Forgot to
a) returrn books to rowden white,
b) file police report
c) see kitchen staff abt re-starting my sandwich orders
d) study as hard as the people around me seem to do.

Oh. And i just discovered blue/orange tickets are sold out all the way till 30 march. Hrmmmph. Grabbed lotsa brochures on the way back from vic arts centre the other day. Arts precinct is a great place- esp compared with the meagre touristy locales and artificial settings in singapore.

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