When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, March 19, 2002

For Everyone's Entertainment, here are some more Job Soundbites - presented in disjoint "paste from icq/journals" pastiche. Cull what coherence you can.

"...fucked up woman who wasted two hours of my and senior's time bragging about her 3 million ringgit condo."

"erm... there's this idiot bangala i mentioned also.. he can't write so he spent 20 minutes signing his name(he was just drawing out patterns.. like carving some mural)
there's the fairly cool security guard who used to work in australia. he brought in a million ringgit loan today through his contacts with this guy who's the local president of a gas extraction company..."

.."here was this one guy who said loudly : "i have a few million dollars in this bank and i will withdraw it if you don't fix this machine(Cash deposit machine)"

"the pressure is entirely from the GODDAMN FUCKING CUSTOMERS.
the assistant manager is even more stressed out than i am and the manager.. god knows what the manager is doing..."

"but will get pressure from supervisor soon.. because right now i am in the "learning" stage.. but soooner or later have to go hit sales targets and make sales reports..."

"basically i am a
receptionist +
secretary +
customer service +
bank teller +
financial products salesman.."

"every morning everyone has to get into a Cultural Revolution-style self-confession where they admit how many mistakes they made the day before.."

"wah lan.. the people.. GOD
some indian guy actually threw a brochure at me just because he couldn't understand what it was saying despite trying v. patiently to explain to him..."

"and yesterday had to deal with this customer trying to bail out her husband from jail..."

"...not to mention being the de facto receptionist/secretary for all the back room staff and other officers..."

"....i must've said "XXXXX bank XXXX branch speaking how may i help you?" at least 200+ times today

"....today manager called me to talk to her - she sort of scolded me for missing a business meeting(because we had gone out to meet a client who WASTED TWO HOURS OF OUR TIME BRAGGING ABOUT HER WEALTH) - then told me that my sales targets were not that important, not to worry abou t it, yada yada, concentrate on deposits and loans(because those are part of the BRANCH targets)

then regional PFC supervisor called me and pretended to be a customer to test my "skill".. then she gave quite a lot of zhai sales tips to improve my technique.. then reminded me : "hit your targets ah??"

then assistant manager today told me to learn more about branch operations, don't be just too focused on sales, help out the back staff a bit.. when everyone else has been telling me so far to concentrate only on your duties because have no time to do anything else..."

"...anyway, today my senior was nearly in tears because her transfer request was turned down...."

"On tuesday, at this ther branch i was temporarily assigned to, another PFC was begging the regional PFC supervisor(who took me there) for a transfer in front of me.... it's very unnerving to see that, particularly on your second day of work in that line."

it's not all bad
i get to run credit checks on people:)
and i know a bit more about my relatives' financial state than i did previously:)..."

"...today we met a client.. a loanshark..
his office is so disturbingly like what you imagine a loanshark's office to be from the movies that i almost thought that he copied it off some hong kong movie.. (the barely occupied shoplot, the unmarked stairwell, the gray, smoke-hazed office, the fishtank, the "chinese organisation" banner, the guan yu altar, the smoking henchmen lazing around, the fat ta ge at the desk with a video screen attached to a closed-circuit camera aimed at the stairwell)..."

"... I should add that I was thrown into work sans training. That's right, you have to question the sanity of any commercial bank that allows someone with my sloppiness, near-illegible handwriting(even to myself), and utter contempt for humanity into a position where I have to deal with people's financial transactions. No training, no familiarisation. Simply a "show up at work on Monday" order, and I was immediately herded to my desk and instructed by my *very* frazzled superior on how to open accounts, all the while she was fending off her own horde of customers..."

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