When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, November 07, 2001

This is disgusting. There are 6 Bubble Tea outlets in the Ghim Moh area, 2 around the unfortunately named 'GM Food Centre'.

Saw a Raffles Guy. There was this ACJC guy around her. Andrew Gan claimed that they were siblings, but maybe not. Eheh. And both of them had collars lined blue on the inside (ACJC shirt, and the newer RGS PE-Shirt, which is disgusting like the older RGS PE Shirt, but in a different way.

This one looks plain uncomfortable, with rough-looking fabric [and apparently feels uncomfortable too]. And a collar on a PE shirt??? But the old one was disgusting because the collar became loose after a few washes [flopping around when worn, exposing their invariably black or grey coloured sports bras] and the material became transparent. *shudder* Disgusting. Almost as bad as Unspeakable Sights.)

And more people who hiked their skirts improperly! One plump ACJC girl. The last time I saw one so obvious, it was this Indian CJC girl at Shaw House, whose skirt was maybe 1/3 shorter at the back than the front. This one wasn't so bad though.

ACJC friend (in A03 equivalent combi!) on AC girls:

Most AC girls brag about doing it. [Ed: From Melvin's descriptions, I'm not surprised. But then Melvin has his weird ideas, which are sometimes even more mind boggling than mine]

Most try to be wild. [Ed: From their reputation... Which JC now holds the 'highest abortion rate in Singapore' title now? Started off as CJC. Not so sure about now.]

Most tuck more than half of the socks into their shoes so that they'd look like ankle socks. [Ed: I'd think they'd be 'hot' enough to get proper Hot Socks!]

Most fold their skirts up so that it'll look short. [Ed: Explains why the longest skirt in ACJC is 3 cm above the knee. But why don't they just hike the damn things up? Or are they afraid of hiking the back too high?]

Most desperately try to straighten their hair. [Ed: Asian hair's already quite straight. Adela is the only one I know of with curly hair, IIRC]

Most are just plain stupid. [Ed: Don't know very many ACJC girls myself. 2-3]

They know how to dress :) [Ed: I wouldn't know an ACJC girl if she was out of her Uniform, would I? So no comment.]
and they know how to carry themselves. [Ed: With that walk?]

aesthetically, they're a good catch.
most of them anyway. [Ed: Well.]

they're just not as full as angst and they don't make the time to sit around and brood long enough to be labelled "deep" people. [Ed: Hurrah. Sitting around brooding like Tim The Great used to do is bad for health and happiness]
they're mostly the out-going sort of fun-loving folks. [Ed: Figures]

I sent her my description of A03 people, and apparently it applies to all ACJC girls. Woah. ACJC A03 must be really *really* intensely *like that* then.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

Anonymous comments (from the same person):

the bastard at the Orchard MRT underpass has been there for *years*
i remember passing him in sec 2 [NB: The writer is 22 this year, 2001] before he could afford an accordion and was singing
clearly the busker has had capital upgrades over the years.

SCGS has the most indecent girls in singapore bar none
although the SJC [St Joseph's Convent] lesbians come close

mycoommend then [that singaporean webpages are either mindless or angsty] is even more true now
notice theyall use the lame diary/wannabe journal/nihliistic pastel colours/small fonts/obscure phrases rather than compelte sentences/obscure, wannabe-lietrary titlature.. etc etc.

Sunday, November 04, 2001

Ooo, Ms Bala(singamchow) also doesn't like NYPS:

"Btw, just read your NYPS rant. I was a victim too. Mdm Ho Chin Geok was the P in my time. *shudder*. And nothing to add. Sounds like you went through the same NYPS that I did... I have sworn never to give any alumni donations to NYPS. I was so upset with the school in Primary 6 that I refused to put it down in my secondary school choices, which caused my mother some distress... I really don't have pleasant memories of the place."

More dissatisfied customers. What a difference 9 years (apart) makes. Or not.

Saturday, November 03, 2001

The 21st Students' Council is very free with their digital camera, and in signing up for millions of Geocities accounts.

Apparently Flesh Parade reprised their 'Swing' dance on Open House Day, and pictures were taken! Ooo.

Illustrating what Andrew Ga... Oops. "Someone Else", meant by "Find one without a ponytail" and "It's a 20s thing, the tank tops are [supposed to be] their undergarments".

The earlier ones of Associate Flesh parade from 1999, lifted from the Council's page:

Every cloud has a silver lining. Even the JC Guide thing. My review was partly responsible for my invitation to participate in "Dust In The Eye".

My infamy has spread far. I got asked today, by some Sec 4 RGS girl, "yo're not the one that started the purple uniforms thing are you? just wondering... i think it's a noble cause... i haven't tried it [the uniform] so i wouldn't know right? but yes i hate purple uniforms".

Friday, November 02, 2001

the busker [in the Orchard MRT Underpass] is quite blind, you can't blame him for not knowing how to read the lyrics. that's crippled for you.

This post has been edited by the editor (additions in square brackets) for veracity and correctness, after a request of the poster.
Where the hell is "Ascension Island"? Many many people put it in their ICQ infos. I'm assuming it's not the one near St Helena. It doesn't seem to be a selectable option for the ICQ 'country' box anymore.

Some teachers are displeased with "Improve Your English". Now, I understand why they would be for the RJ review, but this is just a collection, verbatim, of what was actually said.

Today, Chris was teasing me, then I started poking and then chasing him. After a round around the LT closer to the 3rd floor tables near the library, the chaser became the chased when Chris got a Fire Extinguisher. At least they don't get caught now.
Thanks to Tong's noble, munificent sacrifice, scanning now resumes!

Amazing how fast scanning is when the pages have come out. Or maybe that's because I was reading Veblen's Theory Of The Leisure Class while waiting.

Thursday, November 01, 2001

Words of wisdom to live by:
Laugh and the world laughs with you, fart and they leave you alone.
[Ed: Wasn't it something like, "Sometimes...when you cry, no one sees your tears. Sometimes...when you are happy, no one sees your smile. But fart just one time...."]

Or something.

Econs S isn't easy at all. Some people just have the knack, eh, Eli' Tong? I can almost hear you say "See? I have the knack." now.
Didn't get that? *mutter*(Its an old Phantasy Star Online joke. NO one here is going to get it. I don't know why I try.)*/mutter*

The irritating busker - why does he do it? He doesn't look... crippled or anything. (I'm not mean!) If he wants attention, he should busk near the Youth Square in Orchard Road. I can't make out what he's trying to sing. Which gives me an idea... we can sing the gibberish lyrics to Kanno-sama's Cat's Delicacy when we move past him! Here I go:

Ne bra en vrutu ko proshan de fase sevo lu shun ti
Tanda la mando mo a lan du fan du san e de la shantwa

Ano amoi demo atushi padufwi
Anushan duma demu sa vrupru upartwi
En dine rupru en dinashi a fwititu
Seti la pars tu evriende mwa patisha

La La La, La La La, La La La, La La...
Sia, atushio

Ne bra en vrutu ko proshan de fase sevo lu shun ti
Tanda la mando mo a lan du fan du san e de la shantwa

Ano amoi demo atushi padufwi
Anushan duma demu sa vrupru upartwi
Konnina vripru konnina sheta kwateta
Seteba fusku kevete ne ma patisha

La La La, La La La, La La La, La La...
Sia, atushio

Ano amoi demo atushi padufwi
Anushan duma demu sa vrupru upartwi
En dine rupru en dinashi a fwititu
Seti la pars tu evriende mwa patisha

La La La, La La La, La La La, La La...
Sia, atushio

Sevola lu shun te zu to...
Sevola lu shun te zu to...

Note: All words are rubbish-words, and don't make sense at all. Vowels are all short, except for the 'o'. This actually is Merle's image song, from Tenkuu no Escaflown? If anyone actually wants the tune I may up the mp3 sometime. It's quite an interesting composition.
Yeh, Mr Lim visited Improve Your English and he found it quite funny.

We should all be able to laugh at ourselves :)

And I'm always open for people to send in quotes from ME (yeah, my English ain't perfect, I know)

The guy with the irritating voice in Ghim Moh / Buona Vista underpass was singing again, with his guitar and with one foot on the wall. At least he wasn't looking down at the piece o paper scribbled with lots of stuff, presumably his song lyrics.

I think the next time I go into the vicinity of a lousy or irritating busker, I will start singing Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus, and see what happens.

Tong claims Econs S is very easy. Right.
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