Meme - "r/askgaybros
I let gay guys blow me..
After my divorce with my wife, I started to get very sexually frustrated. I tried tinder and stuff but I couldn't be asked to go on dates and stuff just to get off. Even though I consider myself straight I had some gay thoughts but I wasn't really considering gloryholes or things similar cause it just seems nasty. That's when I got on Grindr and realize how easy it was for me atleast to get sucked off. After years of frustration, I ended up getting blown by guys, and for awhile, it really bothered me too. Even though I wanted nothing from them, and they didn't expect it, I felt horrible after the fact. But, on the other hand, I felt great being blown whenever I wanted. It was easy and was TOTALLY without strings or complications. The beauty of guys is that guys can can see such things as totally meaningless and pretty mundane. I've got some trusted guys that I can text or call whenever I want a BJ, and usually within the hour I'm getting my knob slobbered on. I walk in, drop my pants, and get some expertly crafted, artisanal head. No fuss, no muss. Honestly, it's made my life a whole lot better. I get sucked off 1-3 times a week so I'm now a pretty single chill guy and am no longer resentful of my wife not really being into sex (and especially BJs) anymore. Where BJs used to be a rare treat, now it's just business as usual. It takes some getting used to a guy doing it, and the visual isn't so great, but the end result is so awesome that you get over it pretty quickly."
Meme - "r/antiwork
Had a mental breakdown at work, got written up twice for it. Now I only get paid for one day of work this week
I am a full time employee. I work 40 hours a week. Today I had a mental breakdown from all the stress because I am not used to being a full time employee. I was written up twice and then the boss literally said stop b*tching and get back to work. I had to chop two 20 gallon buckets of carrots by hand and I was not prepared for that (my normal load is 1 bucket). That was the first write up. Then I took a break which she did not approve of and wrote me up again for taking time to recover. Now this week i am literally only getting 1 days worth of pay and I just think its time to turn in my 2 weeks. My mental health is probably more valuable than this job is. What do managers expect? I'm not a robot. Should I put in my two weeks?"
This is why left wingers are poor
Meme - Simp Neelix @SimpNeelix: "Adulthood is realizing the high school bully is the good guy He served as a bulwark against degenerate antisocial behaviors and enforced normality It's not a coincidence that society started going downhill when anti-bullying campaigns started being enforced in schools"
HVAC Barclay @BigDickBarcl...: "People like Stephen King, making schoolyard bullies the bad guy in every single piece of trash literature that they turn out, are responsible for the state we are in"
Insurrection Barbie on X - "If you don’t know about the Matt Gaetz story, it’s fascinating. There was a FBI investigation into somebody who Matt Gaetz knows, that person ended up pleading guilty. But the department of Justice and the FBI really wanted to get Matt Gaetz, not the other guy. Former department of Justice official met with the father of Matt Gaetz, and tried to extort him for $25 million dollars. The local FBI office told his father to wear a wire… which he did. This resulted in the arrest and conviction of Stephen Alford for extortion. The former DOJ official who met with his father on behalf of Alford was never mentioned. Alford in conjunction with this former DOJ official wanted Gaetz to plead guilty, and if he did they promised him a pardon. This was all happening while the FBI was probing Matt Gaetz for s*x trafficking. Of course charges were never filed. And he was CLEARED of all wrongdoing. But you know what’s really ironic, the subject of the ethics complaint is a 17-year-old girl that Matt Gaetz supposedly slept with. It’s so strange because that’s exactly the charge that the FBI cleared him of. They don’t have a crime, they have a girl who is three degrees of separation from someone in the FBI who is now making allegations even though the FBI couldn’t prosecute Gaetz for this criminally. Do you know who has extensive ties to the ethics committee in the House of Representatives? I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that it’s Kevin McCarthy. Kevin McCarthy has spent the entire time since getting ousted by Matt Gaetz for being a horrible speaker trying to take him down. Again, total coincidence, not a plot to destroy one of the biggest fighters in Congress."
Frank DeScushin on X - "When I did divorce law, I hated spousal support being based on the lifestyle someone grew accustomed to. Nobody's entitled to a certain lifestyle. People lose their lifestyle all the time. They were fired. They made bad financial decisions. Life happens. In an age where everyone can work and divorces are common, it makes no sense that people aren't expected to create their own new lifestyle post-divorce. Many areas of the law need to be revised, but no area greater than family law."
Meme - "TlL our walking speed is affected by whom we're with: men's pace slows down by an average of 7% when walking w/ female partners they're interested in; women walking together move the slowest; & men walking w/ male friends moved at speeds faster than either man's preferred walking speed."
"just zoomin around with the lads"
"scientifically proven hoes just slow u down"
Daily Mail Online on X - "Trainee teacher, 26, who shared videos of newborn babies being raped avoids jail"
pagliacci the hated 🌝 on X - "the same judge who let this pedophile walk free recently sentenced a mentally disabled man to 8 months in prison for shoplifting £100 of items from a grocery store"
PeterSweden on X - "You really can't make this up. The right-wing Alternative for Germany party is now polling as the second largest in the country. Over 100 lawmakers are now supporting a motion to BAN the party to "protect democracy". What happened to the will of the people?"
"Democracy" means enacting the will of left wing elites
Exclusive | World Bank fears budget cuts from Trump White House after losing track of $24B: 'Running around like headless chickens' - "World Bank officials — under fire for losing track of $24 billion in climate funds — are panicking over the prospect of severe budget cuts as President-elect Donald Trump pledges to slash US government spending, The Post has learned. According to sources, top brass at the Washington-based lender — which has faced accusations that it’s operated like a slush fund for jet-setting bureaucrats despite a mandate to fight poverty and climate change — have been on edge since Trump’s blowout election victory... The latest revelations come after The Post’s reporting on an expose by left-wing charity Oxfam that accused officials of having “lost track” of at least $24 billion of funding for climate change projects. The study released last month accused the global body of “poor record-keeping” and a lack of transparency. The bank strongly disputed the findings. The study echoed testimony to Congress by former Trump Treasury official David Malpass in 2017. Malpass, who went on to lead the World Bank two years later, told lawmakers the institution was “not very efficient” and “often corrupt in their lending practices.” The former Bear Stearns executive slammed how staffers spent taxpayer cash abroad when they “fly in on first-class airplane tickets to give advice to government officials.” Senior management in downtown D.C. repeatedly blocked suggestions to crack down on its long-haul business class travel policy during Trump’s first term, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. “The attitude was: ‘Who cares? It’s not our money anyway,” lamented one source... Aside from business class travel, staffers enjoy lavish perks that many hard-working Americans can only dream of. They include tax-free salaries, generous pension plans that require a mere 5% employee contribution and US healthcare coverage for life. The generosity of US taxpayers even allows some bank directors to rake in more than America’s commander-in-chief. Senior executives in Washington can take home up to $511,000 a year without having to hand over a dime to Uncle Sam. President Biden, by contrast, picks up a pre-tax salary of $400,000 each year. Even the most junior World Bank employee can pocket as much as $62,000 tax-free."
Biden pledges record $4 billion to World Bank fund for poorest countries
Thread by @ProfDBernstein on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "OMG, the Harvard Crimson, which likely has exactly zero conservative employees, and whose students are at a school where 90% of the students and over 90% of the faculty are progressives and Democrats, think that their *conservative* classmates are insular. And the example they use of that insularity, concern over the sudden drop in the US fertility rate, which is, in fact, a huge problem for the country's future, if for no other reason than the solvency of Social Security and Medicare, is risible. And I have to admit being puzzled as to why the Crimson editorialists think that it's self-evident that worries about the national fertility rate are "ethically dubious" and "thinly supported." Insularity, perhaps?"
Harvard’s Conservatives Have to Stop Hiding | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson
Jade Van Kley on X - "in college we named our intramural softball team “NO GAME SCHEDULED” because if the other team didn’t show up they lost their league deposit and forfeited. it worked several times. everyone hated us and nothing as cool as that has happened to me since."
Shadow of Ezra on X - "In 2001, Joe Scarborough abruptly resigned from Congress just six months after being re-elected, amid swirling rumors of an affair with an intern. Shortly after, the body of intern Lori Klausutis was discovered in his office. Despite the suspicious circumstances, her death was officially ruled an accident. Dr. Michael Berkland initially stated that the nature of Lori Klausutis’s head trauma did not indicate an accidental death but later changed his conclusion, claiming she fainted due to a heart condition and struck her head on a desk."
Meme>A? - "Soviet engineers watching the U.S. burn an ass load of money to develop the greatest fourth generation fighter in history after they lied about their shitbox drag racer of a fighter that tore itself apart if it went to fast"
Thread by @cremieuxrecueil on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Fluoridation is in the news again. Because of that, I want to remind people of three things. First, the observational evidence is usually so bad that if it convinces you of anything, that's a personal indictment. Second, until recently, we only had one causally-informative study of reasonable levels of exposure, and it did not suggest harms and, in fact, suggested benefits. Third, the second credible causally-informative study did not find much in the way of harms with exposure levels that were usually much greater than in the first study. If you want to address fluoridation in the U.S., you want to be at the EPA, not the FDA. The FDA regulates bottled water; the EPA regulates municipal water. If you want an effective rule, it's this: suppress fluoride above a relatively low maximum level in the water."
Richard Hanania on X - "Amount spent by the US federal budget on science per year: NASA: $25 billion NIH: $47 billion NSF: $9 billion
Vinay Prasad MD MPH on X - "Every doctor who says 'vaccines are safe and effective' is not helping
Feds pay B.C. woman nearly $9K for job she's never worked - "Vanita Lindsay has been paid $8,816.20 for a job she has never worked. About a year ago, the stay-at-home mom from Shawnigan Lake, B.C., decided to apply for a federal government job that would allow her to work from home. She was added to a hiring pool and then asked to take a few online tests. In July, she got an interview and was offered a clerk position at a call centre for the Canada Pension Plan. After spending 20 years out of the workforce and living with a chronic illness, Lindsay began to get second thoughts just days before starting her new job. "I emailed the next morning and said, 'I'm sorry, it's nothing to do with you guys or anything like that, but I just can't do the job.' So, I thought that was that,” said Lindsay. “Then you go on and enjoy your summer."... The family has been trying to pay back the money with no success."
U.S. Department of Education on X - "Research shows that parent involvement has positive impacts on students, educators, schools & communities. Learn how ED is strengthening parent partnerships to raise the bar for student success: #FamilyEngagementMonth #FactFriday"
Jacob Mchangama on X - "It's 6am. The police storm your house. You're forced to comfort your disabled daughter as officers search your car and home and confiscate your devices. Your heinous CRIME? Posting a meme calling a senior government official a "professional idiot." And yet, we are supposed to believe that European governments like Germany are the adults in the room when it comes to free speech?"
The Rabbit Hole on X - "As of 2023, the type of government reform that has the most support is Dismantling which was defined as: "Very major reform toward smaller government and cuts." Rebuilding was the second most popular which is defined as: "Very major reform with no change in mission (rebuilding)." Republicans tend to be more supportive of Dismantling while Democrats are more supportive of Rebuilding."
wanye on X - "Progressivism is the belief that things could be better. Conservatism is the realization that they could be much worse."
Crémieux on X - "I just found an incredible paper on a potentially major driver of the increase in autism rates. TL;DR: Diagnostic changes allowed parents to get their kids who were just mentally retarded reclassified as autistic, explaining 26.4% of the rise in autism in California 1992-2005."
Meme - memetic_sisyphus @memeticsisyphus: "Communist are just the best people."
Meme - "I Rented a Girlfriend and an Obese Man in Tokyo (#153)" - Sabbatical
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Addendum: EP13 Gladwell and the Bomber Mafia - "‘The US got to the point where it was burning down all of Japan's major cities, when the original idea amongst US aviation theorists was specifically to avoid that outcome. Does that sound like a description of what you were explaining?’
Albanese government to scrap misinformation bill - "“The government will not proceed with the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024.”"
Dr Frensor on X - "Jurassic Park:
Meme - "Nicolas Rage the Barbarian. Nicolas Mage the Sorcerer. Nicolas Range the Ranger. Nicolas Wage the Rogue. Nicolas Engage the Fighter. Nicolas Bandage the Cleric. Nicolas Page the Wizard. Nicolas Sage the Monk. Nicolas Pleage the Druid. Nicolas Stage the Bard. Nicolas Gauge the Paladin. Nicolas Bondage the Warlock"
Catherine Tait says she made CBC better. Andrew Scheer says that's 'quite the echo chamber' - "While it may be insulting to hear the dollar amounts about executive bonuses, Scheer said, “I’ll tell you who is really insulted: the front-line workers that were laid off when the CBC was claiming it didn’t have enough money to keep that entire workforce.” Tait said that of the 800 jobs the CBC had forecast to cut, it used the extra $42 million the Liberals gave the corporation in its latest budget to save many of them. It ultimately cut around 141 jobs and eliminated another 200 vacant positions."
Confidence in government crashes as Canadians feel left behind, survey reveals - "The numbers outline a severe institutional crisis for the current federal government, one that will not be easily eradicated with just slogans and platitudes."
FIRST READING: The notorious hate preacher invited to speak at a B.C. university - "South Africa-born imam Younus Kathrada has publicly called for the “annihilation” of Jews, has praised the Taliban, and has said that Canadian society is “evil and filthy” for its tolerance of homosexuality. On Nov. 24, Kathrada is scheduled to be the invited guest of the UVic Muslim Student’s Association, where he will deliver a lecture entitled “The Importance of Connecting with the Muslim Community.” “This is a great opportunity to learn about the value of unity, support, and connection among fellow Muslims,” reads a description by the association, which is a sanctioned University of Victoria student club. Kathrada operates Muslim Youth of Victoria, a Victoria, B.C., Islamic centre located just two kilometres north of the B.C. Parliament buildings. It operates out of the second floor of a nondescript commercial building that includes a pawn shop and a catering company. His Muslim Youth of Victoria sermons, many of which are available on Facebook or YouTube, have been regularly featured by the Middle East Media Research Institute, a U.S. non-profit that provides translations and transcriptions of extremist content. In 2020 – after a teacher in France was murdered and beheaded by Islamic radicals – Kathrada said that the murdered teacher was “a cursed, evil-spirited filthy excuse for a human being.” In a February video, Kathrada could be heard praising the October 7 massacres for bringing “humiliation” to the Zionists. “Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the plundering aggressor Jews,” he said. In December, Kathrada uploaded the sermon “Jihad and Martyrdom,” in which he said that Islamist terrorists are figures to be respected. “The enemies and opponents of Islam mock the mujahideen, they label them as terrorists, and whatnot. I warn myself and the rest of you: Let us not mock those who are fighting for the sake of Allah,” he said. In advance of the 2019 federal election, Kathrada urged Canadian Muslims not to vote, as candidates from all parties supported homosexuality. “They are all evil. Every single one of them. There may be some rare circumstances, where we would say: ‘Okay, voting may benefit us.’ This is not one of them! They are all evil and filthy,” he said. That same year, Kathrada said that uttering the words “Merry Christmas” was worse than murder or adultery. “They are nothing compared to the sin of congratulating and greeting the non-Muslims on their false festivals,” he said. Kathrada’s extreme views have been public knowledge for more than 20 years. In 2004, Kathrada was profiled by CBC in connection with a virulently antisemitic sermon he delivered at the Dar Al-Madinah Islamic Society in Vancouver. In audiotape obtained by the broadcaster, Kathrada refers to Jews as “the brothers of the monkeys and the swines, the people whose treachery is well known.” The Islamic centre had caught the attention of CBC after one of its congregants — Vancouver-based actor and model Rudwan Khalil Abubaker — was killed by Russian security forces soon after joining up with Islamist militants in Chechnya. When contacted by Canadian Press reporters about the “monkeys and swine” sermon, Kathrada told them his language was no “rougher than what is used against us.” “It’s in our Qur’an,” he said. In 2019, Victoria’s only official mosque, Masjid Al-Iman, distanced itself from Kathrada... Kathrada is not the first extremist to be hosted by the UVic Muslim Student’s Association. Earlier this month, the group advertised an event with Ayman Al-Taher, an Ontario imam who has recently uploaded videos to his YouTube page urging children to listen to a 1998 interview with Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder of Hamas. He also claimed that Yassin’s 2004 assassination by Israel was an “honourable martyrdom.” In fact, a mere six days after Kathrada’s scheduled lecture, the Muslim Students Association is hosting a virtual talk by Moazzam Begg, a former terror detainee at Guantanamo Bay who has previously been denied entry to Canada... Begg’s talk, organized in conjunction with Muslim Youth of Victoria, is entitled “Where’s Our Sister?” and it’s on the subject of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani national currently serving an 86-year sentence in U.S. prison following her conviction for plotting a deadly attack on U.S. forces in Afghanistan. The Muslim Students Association also tried to sponsor an August event in Victoria featuring Assim Al-Hakeem, although the soiree was eventually cancelled due to “unforeseen circumstances.” Assim Al-Hakeem is a Saudi cleric who is on record claiming that Jews “are against Islam and Muslims” and referring to them as “our enemies.”"
For welfare payments: Food stamps: $119 billion Agriculture subsidies $30 billion Medicaid: $804 billion Social Security: $845 billion Medicare: $832 billion"
Clearly, the problem is that not enough money is spent on welfare and if you question this, you are heartless and have no empathy
Vaccines are like drugs
Some are vital (MMR/TDAP)
Others have real concerns (maternal RSV)
Some are net harmful (COVID19 young men & J&J, young women)
Blanket assertions only show the speaker is stupid"
Damn science denier!
Geoffrey Miller on X - "One of the key problems with the US Department of Education -- and 'education experts' in general -- is that they simply don't understand behavior genetics, heritability, or genetic confounds. This routinely leads them to infer causality (eg 'positive impacts') from correlations (eg more involved parents tend to be correlated with higher-performing students). The alternative interpretation is that smarter, more conscientious parents tend to have smarter, more conscientious kids, for genetic, not environmental reasons)."
Tabula Rasa has very real harms
Germany: Greens' Habeck presses charges over online insult – DW – 11/15/2024
Crémieux on X - "Much of the rise in autism is due to changes in diagnostic criteria. In California c. 1992-2005, about a quarter of the increase in autism was due to increased classification of children with mental retardation as "autistic" because that means more financial support for parents."
memetic_sisyphus @memeticsisyphus: "Growing up I witnessed serval shootings including one on my street corner. My daughter will not see that."
Regime No. 6 @regime_6_0: "yes she will. and there's nothing you can do to stop it"
"Healer, dps, tank"
‘Yeah, exactly. I mean, they begin the war thinking that the British idea of aerial bombing was not. was monstrous. You know, that, in the early days of the of the European war, you know, the Americans regarded what bomber Harris was doing with, with the RAF, as a kind of act of moral barbarous. I mean, they were appalled by what the British intended to do over Europe. And they, they always had this idea that they were engaged in a much more, morally upright mission, that the British wanted to bomb everything in sight. The Americans like, No, no, we'll go in by day, we'll pick our targets. And, you know, we'll avoid civilian casualties, as much as possible, we'll leave the cities intact, we'll just take out the bridges, or we'll just take out the power plants, or we'll just take out the most militarily significant targets. And so they have this like, they never, they explicitly think they are trying to avoid this indiscriminate use of, of, of, of a bombing, of their power. And yet, by the end of the war, they're the worst offenders. I mean, and by the way, the nuclear bomb at the end of the war is the ultimate expression of the very idea they were trying to defeat. I mean, it's sort of, the irony here is just kind of overwhelming.’...
‘If you were on the ground at a part of Tokyo, or East Tokyo that LeMay bombed that night in March of 45, I don't think you would detect a distinction between that experience and the experience of being on the ground in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in August of that same year. I don't think it feels any different. To be bombed with a nuclear bomb that summer or to be bombed with napalm. There’s a case to be madeatthe napalm is worse’
‘I was just gonna say that. You don't, you don't have any blast, at least casualties. It's all burned up.’
‘It's all burned down. It’s, and the stories are. If you want to get into the nitty gritty of this, you want to compare survivor accounts from Tokyo in March and Hiroshima in August. I found that, I found the March napalm survivor accounts to be more horrifying.’...
‘Why is there no extra attention paid to this on the Japanese side of things, when one would look at this and just say the scale alone would seem to merit memorials or remembrances or, or or more conferences or whatnot on this sort of thing?’...
‘I mean, it's a really good question. I don't have a good answer. Yeah, the only real monument to that night is his little private museum. In kind of, you know, small little office building, actually it looks like a dentist's office, on a side street in East Tokyo. It's like, so far from, the museum to the most horrific night in the history of Japan, is nowhere near all the other museums in Tokyo, it's, like I said, a little. I think there is. Maybe it's just a desire to move on, to. That's a very, mean, remember the Japanese, after the war, gave, bestowed one of the highest honors, civilian honors that can be bestowed on a foreigner by the Japanese government on Curtis LeMay. Ostensibly, it was for his help in rebuilding the Japanese Air Force. But think about it, a guy who orders an attack on your capital city in which 100,000 people die under the most horrific circumstances imaginable. And you turn around and 10 years later, you're giving him the highest award that can be given to a foreigner in your country. That suggests to me a kind of, willingness eagerness to put the war behind them. I mean, I just don't think there was any desire to dwell on, that last six months of the conflict.’"
Clearly the Japanese "whitewashing" of World War II textbooks just shows they're all far right extremists and not an indicator that they want to move on
- White men create miraculous tech marvel.
- Jewish guy tries to steal the technology.
- Jewish guy disables border security.
- Mutation makes dinosaurs trans.
What did Michael Crichton mean by this?"
Left wingers are usually outraged when executives get bonuses while laying off workers, but I didn't see anyone complaining here. Some defended the bonuses as contractual (of course)
If he's not allowed to speak, it's Islamophobia. These are just anti-Zionists and denying them a chance to speak threatens freedom of expression