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Saturday, December 07, 2024

Links - 7th December 2024 (1 - Migrants)

Islamophobia at its worst - Muslim Mirror - "A recent statement by the Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Ebba Busch has stirred a big debate in Sweden. She said that Muslims in Sweden must adapt to Swedish values or leave the country. Her statements have raised questions about cultural integration, religious freedom, and immigration policies, in Sweden and elsewhere.  Busch’s comments came after a celebration by Hamas supporters in Sweden. The event sparked discussions on how different cultures can coexist in Sweden. Most Swedes are concerned about the future of multiculturalism in the country... Sanjeev Sanyal, a member of PM Modi’s Economic Advisory Council (PM-EAC), criticised the Sweden-based independent research institute Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem).  Apparently, Sanyal’s critique was triggered by a statement from Ebba Busch, Sweden’s Deputy Prime Minister, who claimed that Islam must align with Swedish values and that Sharia law has no place in the country.  Through a witty post on his official X account, Sanyal tagged V-Dem and questioned, “Would be interested to know if @vdeminstitute’s supercomputer adds or deducts points for these statements from the Deputy PM of its home country.”... governments need to adopt a more unbiased and non-aggressive attitude towards the minorities in their countries."
Globe Eye News on X - "Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Ebba Busch: Islam needs to adapt to Swedish values. Sharia law has no place here. Muslims who do not integrate should leave the country."
Weird. Isn't it Islamophobic for the Muslim Mirror to say that Muslims can't adapt to Western culture? Of course, it is also Islamophobic to not follow Muslim culture if you're in a Muslim country. If it is Islamophobic for non-Muslims to reject Sharia Law, it seems non-Muslims all need to convert to Islam and accept Sharia

Meme - "THE WEST IN 2024"
"VIOLENT IMMIGRANT WITH KNIFE" *stabbing police officer*
"MAN WHO WHO HAD TRIED TO SUBDUE VIOLENT IMMIGRANT" *on ground pinned down by cop*
On the Mannheim stabbing

Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs (Table) - "This table provides an overview of immigrant eligibility for the major federal public assistance programs"
I keep seeing left wingers claiming that the US federal government doesn't give migrants money

Jess Gill on X - "In London, there are over 300,000 on a waiting list for social housing. Almost half of social housing is headed by a foreign born person. For example, 73.9% of Somalis in London live in social housing. Why are people who can’t afford to live in Britain moving to the country in the first place? And why is the British government promoting immigration from those who can’t afford to live here?"

Meme - ~~datahazard~~ @fentasyl: "Kamala-Mayorkas unilaterally transformed the US Border Patrol into a concierge service for random foreigners. Instead of patrolling the border, the BP has been illegally used to usher in over 717,000 alien parolees so far.  There is no authorizing legislation for this. They simply wanted to bring in as many foreigners as possible, as fast as possible.  The Border Patrol being illegally directed in this way only further exasperated their manufactured border crisis. The BP wasn't patrolling the border while they were focused on this illegal "parole" policy.   Because of this abuse of office, we have an unprecedented additional near 2,000,000 foreign known "Gotaways" in our country now, too."
"Aliens "Paroled" Into USA Jan 2013-Sept 2024 *Massive surge under Biden*"

Thread by @AndrewHammel1 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The state of Berlin, whose finances are a catastrophe, has rented a hotel complex with three high-rises for €143 million over ten years to house 1,200 asylum-seekers, most of whom are unemployed. A meeting where local residents were confronted with this fait accompli was turbulent, with local residents complaining that local resources in the area such as playgrounds and grocery stores were already strained, and that they had not been consulted about the move. The big winner, of course, is the property's owner, who gets a guaranteed income stream for a decade. But wait, there's more! To placate enraged local residents, Berlin has promised to upgrade public facilities in the area and increase security and social services. Perhaps it's worth noting that the state of Berlin, which is renting this massive hotel complex for €143 million over ten years, currently faces a "massive" budget shortfall which will require it to cut €3 billion in 2025."

~~datahazard~~ on X - "Nearly all claims of asylum in the USA are fraudulent. - Fewer than 15% of claims are granted, according to a study by the Federal Govt of FY2008-2019."
Aylmer on X - "Compare with Europe, where most countries have a grant rate above 50%."

Jonatan Pallesen on X - "My country Denmark is really going hard-line against immigrant crime.  This foreigner pushed a Danish girl, whom he had never met, in front of the train in an attempt to kill her. And we went to the maximum punishment we Danes can think of:  He got sentenced to a psychiatric institution, and he is not allowed back in Denmark for 12 years!   Sorry psychopathic murderers, that's just how it is now. Even if you would really like to come back to Denmark and murder innocent girls right away, you will just have to wait 12 years."

Meme - Evan Kilgore @EvanAkilgore: "This is Donald Trump's America. Are you happy Republicans?"
"Dora the Explorer is a Latina cartoon character that was "born" in Burbank, California by Nickelodeon Animation Studios. She is an American citizen. Americans citizens do not need Green Cards and will not be detained by ICE. Also, Dora is fictional character."

Joel Montfort on X - "trump's plan to deport 15M immigrants would cause an economic collapse near depression levels and twice that of the economic collapse of 2008."
memetic_sisyphus on X - "That’s a nice chart, but no, removing illegal immigrants will not shrink our GDP by 8%. That’s absurd. To believe this you would have to believe that the 11 million or so illegal immigrants are some of the most productive members of society. Making up around 3% of the population and contributing almost 8% is incredible! As in not credible."
Tryna Be Logical on X - "That’s like the claims made when any cuts in the funding of a program are suggested.
Me: We need to reduce funding levels by 5%
Them: That will destroy the program!
Me: That cut would reduce funding to 2022 levels, you know, when the program wasn’t destroyed"

Revealed: 'Migrant hotel king' who cashed in on asylum seeker crisis rakes in £4.8m a DAY and is on course to become first immigration industry billionaire - "The 'king' of Britain's migrant hotels is raking in £4.8million per day and may become a billionaire from the money earned through housing immigrants in the UK.  Graham King, a former caravan park and disco tycoon, was catapulted onto the Rich List this year after cashing in on accommodating and transporting arrivals due to the UK's migrant crisis... His daughter Catalina is studying to be an artist and her creations include £10 prints bearing the slogan 'Will trade racists for refugees'."
Conflict of interest is only a problem when it threatens the left wing agenda

~~datahazard~~ on X - "The Biden-Harris DOJ cut immigration prosecutions by 69% compared to the Trump administration (5-year percent change)"

Meme - "The average white liberal woman thinks every single latino is an illegal immigrant"
Sue Smey Charts: "voting for your own deportation is absolutely insane to me"
Left wingers always pretend illegal and legal immigrants are the same. This is the clearest illustration of this

Meme - Sue Smey Charts @feliciaismother: "voting for your own deportation is absolutely insane to me"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "In the US, only citizens can vote. Citizens cannot be deported."
Maybe this is a tacit admission that illegal immigrants are voting

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "The Inability of Liberals to Distinguish Between Legal and Illegal Migrants, Exhibit #49275939"
Justin @jdabre11: "45% from Latinos while running on a massive mass deportation campaign. I just don't get it man."

Jonatan Pallesen on X - "The Wikipedia article about illegal immigration is total bogus. What it thinks is most important is that illegal immigration in the July 2024 is lower than it was in the specific month September 2020. Ok, but about the enormous increase starting from 2020? Not even a mention?"

Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇺🇦🇹🇼 on X - "I oppose JD Vance but he’s actually correct that Islam is much more extreme in the UK than in most Muslim countries because the UK government allowed Islamist groups like Hizb Ut Tahrir to operate and recruit in the UK for years even though basically every Muslim country on Earth"

Meme - Anatoly Karlin 🧲💯 @powerfultakes: "Average IQ of immigrants in Germany is about 85 - new paper by Heiner Rindermann.  This table gives data by country of origin. Close correlations with national estimates."
"Table 3: Mean scores of immigrants by country and compared to scores in country of origin based on student assessment studies and psychometric intelligence tests."
Damn failure of integration!
Weird, we were told between-country IQ comparison was unreliable

Eric Abbenante on X - "John Fetterman eventually admits to Joe Rogan that Democrats' 'Border Bill' merely converted illegal immigrants into legal immigrants, rather than preventing illegal immigration: John Fetterman: "I've never witnessed those kinds of a thing." [Illegals voting] I don't think there's that level kinds of organization." Joe Rogan: "But there is an organization that's moving these people [illegals] to swing states. There's a significant number of these people that are illegal immigrants that have made their way to swing states. And then there's been calls for amnesty. There's been calls for allowing these people to have a pathway to citizenship and allow them to vote. The fear that a lot of people have is that this is a coordinated effort to take these people that you're allowing to come into the country, then you're providing them with all sorts of services like food stamps and housing and setting them up and then providing a pathway to amnesty. And then you would have voters that would be significantly voting towards the Democrats because they're the people that enabled them to come into the country in the first place, first place and provided them with those services. This is a big fear that people have and that you're rigging this system and that this will turn all these states into essentially locked blue like California is." John Fetterman: "Well, you know, it's what immigration's always going to be a tough issue in our nation. I voted for for the border deal and that and that went down. They had an opportunity to do a comprehensive border bipartisan and that went down because Trump he declared that that that's that's a bad deal after it was negotiated with with the other side." Joe Rogan: "But was didn't that deal also involved amnesty and didn't that deal also involve a significant number of illegal aliens being allowed into the country every year? I think it was 2 million people. So still the same sort of situation. And their fear is exactly what I talked about, that these people will be moved to swing states and that that will be used to essentially rig those states and turn them blue forever." John Fetterman: "Undeniably, immigration is changing our nation. And I think it's generally for a good." Joe Rogan: 'Democrats are importing illegals into swing states to rig elections' John Fetterman: 'Immigration is changing our nation, and I think it's generally for a good' Look at Fetterman and Rogan agreeing"
Elon Musk on X - "The so-called “Secure the Border Bill” would have converted illegals to legal immigrants, legalized the illegal actions of the Biden administration and done nothing to reduce illegal immigration.   It was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.   Any given piece of legislation will do the opposite of its name."

Libs of TikTok on X - "You can’t make this up. The CO AG is investigating the management company of the apartment complex in Aurora, CO which was taken oven by Venezualan gangs. The gangs beat the manager, tried to extort him, and threatened him when he went to the property. The management company detailed their pleas for the state to help which went ignored for months.  Gang members are still operating in Aurora and the AG is going after the management company. Unreal."

End Wokeness on X - "HAHAHAHAHAHA Rich whites with Harris signs are terrified after receiving letters thanking them for accepting "to house a migrant family""

Meme - *White people display in museum*
Muslim kids: "Mom, what is this?"
Muslim woman: "- These are people from Europe."
Muslim kids: "- Who are the people from Europe?"
Muslim woman: "- These are those who lived in Europe before it became ours."
Muslim kids: "- Did you fight them to get it?"
Muslim woman: "-No, they just gave us their land because they were afraid of being called racists!"

Meme - pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: "many shitlibs rely on the romantic obfuscation of their ideological pet projects because they'd be unpopular and unjustifiable otherwise.  much easier to present migrants as a cuddly teddy bear instead of a 25 year old Moroccan guy on welfare who thinks the age of consent is 10"
"How Paddington In Peru promotes message of 'kindness' towards asylum seekers. While the bear is a character we often see as being quintessentially British, he is actually an asylum seeker from Peru - with one of the stars of the latest movie saying the creation has helped encourage "respect" towards "vulnerable" people."

Meme - Man with tolerance cap: "what's that? you hate migrants because they keep raping women? well you wouldn't want to deport him would you *Paddington Bear*"

Syrians in Denmark - Wikipedia - "According to Statistics Denmark, Syrian migrants and their descendants are over-represented as perpetrators of crime. Male Syrian descendants are about 15 times more likely to commit violent crime"
We were told that they were perfect immigrants because they were educated and middle class

Meme - Frank McCormick @CBHeresy: "My grandpa received a Visa sponsored by Abbott labs because he was valuable. My other grandpa received citizenship after joining the US Army and shedding blood on the beaches of Normandy.  The immigrants you let in are sitting outside my grocery store begging for money."
Frank McCormick @CBHeresy: "How many more immigrants do you want to welcome?!"
I @jcsbts: "Anyone and everyone. Also, you and your family are/were immigrants."

Meme - Logan Hall @loganclarkhall: "harden your heart now and prepare. the media propaganda is going reach unseen levels once mass deportations start. do not let them use your emotions against you. every person who violated your country’s sovereignty has to be sent back where they belong."
"Oh no He's crying! Quick, burn the Constitution! *Black/brown person crying on TV*"

Now hotel cancels weddings to make room for asylum seekers - "The Best Western Cresta Court Hotel in Altrincham - owned by a group chaired by former BBC director-general Greg Dyke - was shut to paying guests on Monday after being turned over to accommodate almost 300 migrants... Cresta Court Hotel has been a fixture in the prosperous Greater Manchester town of Altrincham since the 1970s. As recently as last week, local businesses were being encouraged to book their Christmas parties there. However despite Labour's manifesto pledge to end the use of hotels, barges and military sites as accommodation for asylum seekers, the Cresta Court is now housing mainly-male migrants under a Home Office-approved deal - to the fury of many locals."

"If that doesn't stop the fucking boats then I'm afraid nothing will"

Denmark plans to classify Muslim immigrants separately in crime statistics - "Denmark plans to classify Muslim immigrants and their children separately in official statistics, including in crime and employment.  Danish Immigration and Integration Minister Mattias Tesfaye voiced support for the statistical separation of people with Middle East and North African heritage, and those from Pakistan and Turkey.  Mr Tesfaye insisted it was helpful to categorise people by region to gain more understanding of crime in the Scandinavian country.  "We need more honest numbers and I think it will benefit and qualify the integration debate if we get these figures out in the open," he told Danish newspaper Berlingske.  "Because, fundamentally, they show that we in Denmark don’t really have problems with people from Latin America and the Far East." "We have problems with people from the Middle East and North Africa."... Denmark differentiates between people of western and non-western heritage in its official immigration statistics... When Danish officials looked at their crime statistics, they found that young men from Mena countries, Pakistan and Turkey were more likely to commit crimes than those from other non-western countries.  They also found that people from those countries were more likely to be unemployed.  In 2018, 4.6 per cent of young men from one of those countries country were convicted.  For young men in the other non-western countries, it was 1.8 per cent. Danish government statistics found that women with heritage in Mena countries, Pakistan and Turkey had an employment rate of 41.9 per cent in 2018, compared with 61.6 per cent for women from other non-western countries, such as Thailand and Vietnam.  "These new figures will provide a more honest political discussion about the minority of immigrants who create very great challenges for our society," Mr Tesfaye said."
From 2020. Left wingers hate research and data when they threatens the left wing agenda

Standard News on X - "BREAKING: Heaven nightclub has been shut down immediately after an intoxicated woman was allegedly raped by a member of the venue’s security team."
Jack Montgomery on X - "I'm sorry, but not revealing that the suspected rapist is an illegal immigrant until TWELVE PARAGRAPHS into the story, and not giving his name (Morenikeji Adewole) until paragraph thirteen, is journalistic malpractice."

Defiant L’s on X - "17-year-old from Afghanistan puts on the crown of the Black Madonna in front of praying Christians in Switzerland."
MrMonkeyMonk on X - "...and what would members of his religion do if others were to simply draw a picture of Mohammed?"
Schwytz: un adolescent s’en prend à la Vierge noire

Dr. Maalouf ‏ on X - "Egyptian Coptic Christian woman to Islamist preacher in Europe: “We had to pay jizya so we could keep our Christian faith. We fled our homeland due to persecution. You consider this an infidel land, yet you live here on welfare! Go back home!”"
Islamophobia! She needs to be deported. Hate has no place in a modern society

Collin Rugg on X - "NEW: Laken Riley fought for her life for 18 whole minutes before her skull was crushed allegedly by illegal alien Jose Ibarra from Venezuela. According to Riley's smartwatch, she fought from 910 am until her heart stopped at 928 am. Prosecutors say Ibarra crushed Riley's skull as she fought off his s*xual attack.
"He went hunting for females on the University of Georgia campus, and on his hunt, he encountered 22-year-old Laken Riley on her morning jog," prosecutor Sheila Ross said.
"When Laken Riley refused to be his r*pe victim, he bashed her skull in with a rock repeatedly."
"She fought for her dignity, and in that fight, she caused this defendant to leave forensic evidence behind. She also marked her killer for the entire world to see."
"Her encounter with him was long. Her fight with him was fierce.""

NY Democrats Mull Secession Over Immigration Dispute - "In response to President-elect Trump's immigration plans, some New York Democratic legislators are considering secession from the United States. State Senator Liz Krueger has proposed the idea of New York becoming a new province of Canada, arguing that this move could alleviate Canada's burden of enforcing illegal border crossings. "It's not unreasonable to think outside of the box," said Krueger. The senator also suggested that New York could withhold federal taxes as a countermeasure to Trump's threat of cutting federal funding to the state if it opposes his deportation plans for illegal immigrants. This radical proposal reflects the escalating tension between the incoming administration and local governments over immigration policy."
It's only treason if it threatens the left wing agenda

Jonatan Pallesen on X - "Many people deny that mass immigration over time will fundamentally change countries.  This is a similar kind of mistake as evolution denial.  One is about evolution at the level of a species and one is about evolution at the level of a country.
• Evolution deniers: Evolution deniers accept that "microevolution" happens. They also agree that different species exist. They just don't think that a large number of small mutations over time can lead to a new species.
• Mass immigration impact deniers: Similarly, mass immigration impact deniers accept that micro changes happen. They acknowledge that individual immigrants can have different cultures and views than the host population on average. They also agree that countries with large differences between them exist. They just don't believe that a large number of immigrants over time can lead to a fundamentally changed country.
Both groups of deniers often demand to be shown direct evidence of transformation in progress. For example, "Show me the monkey turning into a human" or "Show me that California has turned into Mexico." A snapshot may not clearly reveal an ongoing process, but that doesn't mean the process isn't taking place.  In both cases, the evolution has taken place in the past. For example, with the Yamnaya expansion, countries evolved into different societies and cultures. However, since this happened long ago, there is limited evidence illustrating these changes. Similarly, our shared ancestor with chimpanzees evolved into different species, including humans. But since this also occurred long ago, the evidence is limited, allowing evolution deniers to raise questions.
In general, people find it difficult to intuitively understand the impact of many small changes over time. This difficulty, combined with ideological beliefs that lead them to want to deny it, is why many otherwise sensible people deny that evolution takes place.
I wrote this post thinking of people who accept biological evolution but not the evolution of countries through mass immigration. However, the comparison could also work in the other direction. People like @Cernovich  or @TuckerCarlson , I believe, accept the evolution of countries through mass immigration but not biological evolution. Perhaps this comparison could give them something to think about as well."

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