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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Links - 22nd December 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Thread by @sfmcguire79 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "BREAKING: The University of Michigan student government has impeached its anti-Israel president and vice-president for:
-incitement to violence;
-cyber theft; and,
-dereliction of duty.
The students are taking their government back. 🧵
The impeachment comes after students outmaneuvered the activists running their government and restored funding for student activities... The incitement to violence charge against the president concerns the lead-up to that meeting and the aftermath of the vote (seen above): The cyber theft charge accuses her of “stealing the Central Student Government Instagram account” by changing the password after the meeting: The dereliction of duty charge is the longest and alleges several failings on the part of the president — not submitting reports, misleading other members, failing to attend meetings, etc. Similar charges for incitement to violence and dereliction of duty (but not cyber theft) were filed against the vice-president:
The executives (who call themselves “Shut It Down”) had earlier released a statement refusing to resign, saying “We occupy CSG not to maintain the system, but to dismantle it in pursuit of global liberation.”  Now it seems they’re being shut down, and their occupation will end."

Meme - "I can't believe that a year of us screaming at Zionists, taking over buildings, destroying college property and burning American flags didn't defeat Trump."

Mississauga event celebrates Hamas terror leader killed by Israel - "You can’t legally play road hockey on Celebration Square or on the streets of Mississauga, but you can hold a ceremony to mourn the death of the mastermind of the Oct. 7, 2023 slaughter of more than 1,200 Jews... While organizers use Canada’s laws to hold this, it’s not lost on people how fast Don Cherry was cancelled for saying “you people” should wear poppies, but there’s silence on supporting a mass murderer like Sinwar. While the Royal Canadian Legion has sent a cease-and-desist letter on using their trademarked poppy in promoting this, Mississauga has sent out a different message... While the organizers rely on Canada’s Charter freedoms for this event, it’s not lost on Canadians that in 2022, the Trudeau government invoked the Emergencies Act to clear out protesting truckers in Ottawa. If some kids decided to play street hockey at the square during this Sinwar Martyr vigil, they would be violating the rules. Mississauga’s website says while the city is reviewing its bylaws, you can’t play sports on the roadways. “The current regulations are enforced on a complaint basis,” says the city. “Most incidents, especially those related to playing sports on the roadway, are resolved by compliance through education.”"
Luckily they didn't do something truly awful, like hold an "incel" rally

WARMINGTON: Organizer says Sinwar vigil still on despite Mississauga mayor's denial - "Firas Al Najim, who went to social media with a video shot on Remembrance Day in front of the Streetsville Royal Canadian Legion Branch 139. He said they are moving ahead with the vigil and compared the late Hamas boss Yahya Sinwar to Nelson Mandela, who was once considered by some as a terrorist in South Africa, but is now a beloved figure. He also defended using poppies, which he said are a flower native to Gaza. “There will be a day for Sinwar called Sinwar day and this is our (right under the) Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada to express our gratitude and his sacrifices,” said Al Najim, who also appeared on Iranian TV to say complaints about this are from conservatives and pro-Israel media... Many are wondering how it could be that people supporting a group that the federal government has deemed a terrorist entity can utilize charter rights to hold a memorial for this man."

WARMINGTON: Mississauga mayor comparing Hamas leader and Nelson Mandela 'despicable' - "she’s taking the “I am always guided by the laws of the land and our lawyer’s interpretation of the same” and she was merely looking for a ruling on whether or not this vigil is protected by the charter. The problem with this approach is the Canadian government itself regards Hamas as being a “terror entity.” And when you consider that this same mayor and council decided to uphold the city’s ban on street hockey and other sports on the roadways, it’s hard to accept that a group of people celebrating the death of a genocidal murderer is OK when road hockey isn’t."
Of course, the fact that Mandela stopped promoting violence and terrorism is totally irrelevant

In Gaza locals condemn Hamas, in Canada they get praised - "Regularly, the leadership of Hamas or Hezbollah — both banned terrorist groups — are celebrated. For months, the face or image of Abu Obaida, the spokesman of Hamas, has been featured on the clothing, phone cases and paraphernalia of people at and more importantly leading the protests. This weekend, an activist identified as Ahmad Jarrar Hajahmad, took to the streets of Toronto to praise Hamas and denounce Israel. “Teach your children the Zionist entity is the enemy. Teach your children that the resistance (Hamas) is an honour. Teach your children that there is no such country called Israel,” Hajahmad said. Teaching children those “ideals” will only lead to never ending war. Hajahmad has been a leader of the protests in Toronto for months; he was also instrumental in setting up and supplying the encampments at the University of Toronto, McGill University and the University of Ottawa. The leaders of the “pro-Palestinian” protests, which is how most of my media colleagues still describe them, don’t hide the fact that they openly support Hamas anymore. They don’t hide that they want Israel gone. “From Palestine to Lebanon, Israel will soon be gone,” the yahoos were chanting in the streets of Montreal this past weekend. Yes, linking together Hezbollah, which has no land dispute with Israel – just pure Jew hatred – with Hamas is the new thing for the protest groups to do. Meanwhile, each weekend, the protesters in Toronto shut down major streets for their Islamic prayer or their protests against Israel. If a Catholic group, let’s say Lebanese Maronite Catholics, decided to shut down a major city street or intersection for a mass in protest, there is no doubt that they would be shut down and moved along as they should be. But this group is allowed to do what no one else can. There are plenty of laws that police services could use to stop this nonsense, they just simply refused to because they don’t want to deal with this problem. And so the public looks on, increasingly frustrated, seeing two-tiered policing happening. Stop talking to me about hate speech laws, your actions have shown they are just “laws” to shut down speech you don’t like, not anything to deal with hate speech. Stop talking to me about wanting to stop hate rallies, the authorities have let them go on for the last year."

How Trump won the biggest Muslim-majority city in America - "the Harris campaign made a number of crucial blunders regarding Arab and Muslim American voters. They had the opportunity to give a platform at the Democratic National Convention this year to a Palestinian or pro-Palestinian speaker. They refused to provide any, even in some marginal afternoon time slot. It was one of many obvious unforced errors. Harris campaign staffers dispatched to meet with friendly officials in Michigan were unable to provide Arab and Muslim American voters a plan, a timetable or even a convincing policy direction for ending the war in Gaza, which continued to seem to spiral out of control, especially as Israel escalated and then launched a ground invasion against Hezbollah in Lebanon, home country of the biggest Arab American communities in Michigan... Arguably one of Harris’ biggest failings is that she was unwilling to tell different constituencies completely contradictory things under different circumstances, as Trump was... I was also shown anonymous flyers that can only be described as antisemitic, pouring out venom against Harris and her Jewish American husband."
I like how even the article, while whitewashing terrorism, admits pandering to terrorist supporters wouldn't have made a difference, but says it should've been done anyway. Of course it refuses to consider that rewarding Hamas's terrorism would've cratered the Harris vote share even more, since most Americans support Israel. And it outright lies about Harris's two-faced flip flops, because only Trump can be accused of that. Amusingly, the article subtly admits that Arabs are anti-Semitic

Visegrád 24 on X - "Czechia’s Foreign Affairs Minister @JanLipavsky tried to give a lecture at University College London today on foreign policy. The event had to be cancelled after Islamist students disrupted the lecture to oppose Czechia’s support for Israel. 🇨🇿🇬🇧🇮🇱"

Eyal Yakoby on X - "BREAKING: A staple Christmas tradition has been cancelled in Melbourne, Australia after pro-Palestinians threatened to forcefully shut it down. “First they come for the Saturday people, then they come for the Sunday people.”"

Aviva Klompas on X - "Riots have broken out in Montreal - the mob is smashing buildings and rampaging through the streets. And where is Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau? Dancing at a Taylor Swift concert."

Cars burn, windows smashed at Montreal anti-NATO demonstrations - "According to fliers posted on social media, Friday’s protest was organized by Divest for Palestine, an anti-capitalist group describing itself as a “collective of citizens, activists, and civil society groups involved in the Palestinian struggle.”  An Instagram post by the group said the protest was endorsed by dozens of organizations, including student groups such as Divest McGill and the Concordia Research and Education Workers Union, as well as other groups like Independent Jewish Voices Montreal and Montreal Antifa.  The protest came amid heightened tensions following Thursday’s pro-Palestinian demonstrations at Concordia University, which saw protesters march through downtown Montreal to protest against Israel’s military actions in Gaza and clash with pro-Israel counter demonstrators outside."

Montreal residents are having their parked cars set on fire tonight over a war happening on the other side of the world : r/Canada_sub - "Why hasn't Trudeau frozen their bank accounts?"
"That was my question as well. Guess they only go after people who are a threat to the establishment."
"According to Trudeau, the truckers were "racist". Even though they never said anything racist. We can just presume they were racist.  Meanwhile, these protesters are saying things that I can't quote without being automatically banned from Reddit."
"Don’t forget that the truckers were misogynistic. And led by a woman."
Montreal residents are having their parked cars set on fire tonight over a war happening on the other side of the world : r/Canada_sub - "And people thought honking was destructive."

EDITORIAL: Canada reaps what politicians sowed - "The Montreal riot by thugs within both the anti-NATO and “pro-Palestinian” protests on Friday made clear what is happening in Canada. It demonstrated that the pro-Hamas crowd are but one part of a larger movement that hates not only Jews, Israel and NATO, but the West, capitalism and our way of life. It showed that after more than a year of increasingly threatening and violent behaviour, which has caused hate crimes against Jews to skyrocket since Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, Canadian authorities are at a loss on how to respond. When Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly implied to former NDP leader Thomas Mulcair that her advice to the government on the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza was influenced by the large number of Arab speakers in her riding, the jig was up. Many politicians, not just Joly, have apparently been counting votes — the large number of Muslims in Canada compared to Jews — when expressing their views about the Mideast conflict and its repercussions in Canada. As Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre observed in the wake of the Montreal riot, in response to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeting that he was appalled by the acts of antisemitism, intimidation and violence and that the rioters must be held accountable, it was too little, too late. "This is what happens when a Prime Minister spends 9 years pushing toxic, woke identity politics, dividing and subdividing people by race, gender, vaccine status, religion, age, wealth, etc,” he said on X. “On top of driving people apart, you systematically break what used to bring us together, saying Canada is a ‘post-national state’ with ‘no core identity.'” That has led to bizarre situations where, for example, a rabbi in Montreal said police asked him to leave the site of a “pro-Palestinian” protest because his presence alone was a provocation to the demonstrators. Or police in Toronto arresting Rebel News founder Ezra Levant (later released without charges) because his presence would provoke pro-Hamas demonstrators who set up a display in a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood praising dead Hamas leader Yayha Sinwar, the organizer of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel, the equivalent of praising a dead KKK leader for lynching Black people in a Black neighbourhood."

LILLEY: Canadian officials make it clear, Jews not welcome here - "Take the case of Rabbi Adam Scheier who was asked by police to leave downtown Montreal because he looked too Jewish and there was a pro-Hamas protest coming. “The only thing I am guilty of is shopping in downtown Montreal … while wearing a kippah,” Scheier wrote in a Facebook post. “The policeman explained to me that he was fearful of a ‘fire starting between the two sides.’ Apparently, my presence is deemed a sufficient provocation for removal, while their hateful chants are allowed to continue.” Shouldn’t it be the job of the police to ensure the people who march through the streets belting out genocidal chants don’t start getting violent? Nah, easier to make sure the guy who looks Jewish just leaves. In Toronto, police have been protecting the pro-Hamas protests since they started their marches immediately after the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. They have allowed them to take over city streets at will without permits to block traffic and block street cars. At times they have even shut down major roads to pray in the middle of the street. Last Sunday, as a group of pro-Hamas types gathered at Bathurst St. and Sheppard Ave. W. – a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood – it was a Jew who was arrested. When Ezra Levant of Rebel News tried to take his cameras to interview the folks waving placards celebrating Hamas – a protest that included a guy dressed like Yahya Sinwar, the recently killed mastermind of the terror attacks on Israel – it was Levant who was arrested . Though released, Levant had been arrested for disturbing the peace. The people actually disturbing the peace by bringing a message that celebrated the killing of Jews into a Jewish neighbourhood were left alone. There is even a photo of Toronto Police Staff-Sgt. Jeffery MacDuff sharing a chuckle with Ahmad Jarrar Hajahmad, a key organizer of many of the protests in the city and a backer of the encampments that took over university campuses in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa last spring. The message is clear, there are different rules for Jews in Canada. Take the example of the Jewish National Fund, a charitable organization in Canada for over a century that had their charitable status revoked this past summer. The revocation came after an audit started in 2014 for charitable works that had taken place in 2011-12 and which had never been an issue in the past. However, a sustained campaign against the group by anti-Israel, anti-Jewish activists pushed the Canada Revenue Agency to reconsider what was approved. Rather than working with JNF, which had never failed an audit before, the CRA pulled the organization’s status , and the issue is now being challenged in court. It’s very different approach from the one taken by CRA after their audit of the Muslim Association of Canada determined the organization was working with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria. While the Muslim Brotherhood is not considered a terrorist group in Canada, documents obtained and reported on by Le Journal de Montreal show there was real concern. CRA found that the Syrian group had asked MAC for financial assistance, including for weapons. The Brotherhood in Egypt has been tied to political violence. “Even entities that are not considered terrorist in Canada can put a charity’s resources at risk of terrorist abuse if those entities are linked to violent ideologies,” say CRA documents obtained by Le Journal . The reaction of CRA to these revelations and several others was simply to ask MAC to take corrective action and not associate with people or groups that may have links to terrorism or violent ideologies. The difference in treatment could not be more stark and, like the police action, the message to Canada’s Jewish community from government officials could not be clearer. Add to that the attack on Kosher meat by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency after hundreds of years of being allowed in this country and you really see what is going on. Canadian officials are making it clear, Jews aren’t welcome in Canada and they will harass you until you get the picture."
Weird. The "pro-Palestinian" protests are just against "Zionists", not Jews. Why would a Jew be in danger?
Clearly, if Jews remain in an area where terrorism supporters will likely attack them and they refuse to move on, they need to be arrested for threatening public orer

Mayor Chow and Toronto Police have handed Hamas control of Toronto streets - "In Mayor Olivia Chow’s Toronto, police arrest and harass journalists who cover antisemitic protests instead of the pro-Hamas, terror sympathizers. Toronto routinely bends a knee to those calling for the death of Jews and turns a blind eye to constant intimidation from masked thugs who — in the name of Palestine — operate unimpeded. They can block streets to protest, pray or intimidate people anytime they choose. They can terrify moms at daycare, call in bomb threats to schools, shoot them up, scrawl Swastikas and assault people at will. Just before Toronto Police frogmarched a Jewish journalist in handcuffs with an escort of cheering pro-Hamas protesters waving Palestinian flags in celebration Sunday, an officer said something peculiar. “I am the law.” The Toronto Police officer told journalist Ezra Levant, of Rebel News, he could not continue trying to document something he felt was a “hate crime,” because he was trying to “incite” the crowd. But Levant is not the only journalist to be manhandled for merely trying to cover an event on a Toronto street. Rebel journalist David Menzies, independent journalist Caryma Sa’d, her photographer and I have been pushed around. This is how journalists are treated in Gaza and Tehran; it’s not safe to cover these things... “What will it take for our authorities to act, if making a mockery of Canadian rights and freedoms by cosplaying as a terrorist to intimidate peaceful protesters provokes no response?” asked Robertson. “Now is the time for our authorities to act, or the public will be left with no choice but to recognize Toronto for what it is denigrating into — an antisemitic city.” It might be too late. Chow not only snubbed an Oct. 7 Gaza slaughter vigil but has skipped many Jewish invitations. Some officers seem tone-deaf out there. Saying dismissively it’s “just a chair,” a police officer didn’t concern himself with a display of a bloody chair, with a masked person representing Hamas leader Yayha Sinwar in his final moments before being killed by Israeli forces in Gaza. Instead, they arrested Levant, 52, on a public sidewalk in his own neighbourhood as he tried to take a picture of the chair and antisemitic symbols and signs held by protesters who used keffiyehs to cover their faces. Hamas is the law!... “Why are they allowed into a Jewish neighbourhood to harass those at a peaceful gathering?” asked Councillor James Pasternak Monday. “This targeted hate will continue endlessly unless there are consequences and the law is enforced.” It’s not enforced on those calling for harm to Jews. In fact, in the name of “keeping the peace,” the police protect them. The ineffective strategy is failing and escalating with each week. “About a month ago, the anti-Israel mob showed up doing everything possible to incite and harass the Jewish community,” said Pasternak. “There are violations of the Criminal Code and city bylaws by the anti-Israel group, and yet there is little enforcement action taken.” The world sees what’s happening... Calling out the taunts of “free flights to Amsterdam,” author Dahlia Kurtz posted to X “a Jewish neighbourhood in Toronto tries to put on a rally for hostages, the mob invades it dressed like terrorists ready for combat” but “police tell the Jews to move back. Hey, police, do we have to sit at the back of the bus too?”"

WARMINGTON: Chow, cops hand Hamas supporters control of our streets : r/CanadaWatch - "Most of the city didn't vote for her and yet there she is, making Toronto a safe place to be a crack addict or a terrorist. We need a common sense candidate to put up a stronger campaign next time around. I can't even remember the name of the guy I voted for."
WARMINGTON: Chow, cops hand Hamas supporters control of our streets : r/CanadaWatch - "Surprised she’s not down there with them in dress up like the clown she is"

EDITORIAL: Jew hatred is now a national emergency - "By the Trudeau government’s own logic, by now it should be considering invoking the Emergencies Act in response to the growing lawlessness of so-called “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations Canadian authorities seem powerless to stop. After all, it did so two years ago to end a month-long truckers’ convoy, mainly in Ottawa, protesting vaccine mandates. Compare that to what’s been happening on the streets of Canada for more than a year — the latest example being a riot in Montreal on Friday while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was attending a Taylor Swift concert in Toronto. Canada’s tiny Jewish community — less than 1% of our population— is under growing threat from these hate-filled protests, where some demonstrators have gone beyond calling for the destruction of Israel to advocate for the extermination of Jews in Canada and around the world. Police say hate crimes against Jews have skyrocketed. Jews have been targeted and threatened in the communities where they live, work, worship and go to school — both at the elementary and university levels. The public expression of hatred aimed at Jews in Canada — who are being blamed by many in these “pro-Palestinian” protests for the actions of the Israeli government and military in Gaza — has become normalized. This is textbook antisemitism. While all this was happening, too many political leaders ran for cover, apparently hoping it would all go away. The mayor of Toronto, Canada’s largest city, to cite just one of many examples, missed three opportunities to publicly stand with her Jewish constituents, including at a public rally calling for the release of the hostages held by Hamas. As concerning, the scope of this “pro-Palestinian” rage and the violence and vandalism that accompany it, has been steadily expanding to include denunciations of Canada and of Canadians in general. The time for all levels of government to address this was more than a year ago in the immediate wake of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 — in which seven Canadians were murdered — with methods other than Trudeau and other politicians declaring, ad nauseam, that such displays of Jew hatred are not who we are as Canadians. To the contrary this is exactly what a significant number of Canadians are, or have become, and it’s too late to stop it."

Palestine protesters : r/Concordia - "Someone in front of the Hall Building was captured saying that the "final solution is coming for you" to the Jews she was talking to. No one in the Pro-Palestine groups have even condemned this. I'm old enough to remember when the convoy happened in Ottawa, one idiot brought a Swastika and every leftist and Liberal in the country denounced all convoy protesters as Nazis.....what do leftists like to say about bad cops again? a spoiled apple ruins the bunch? somehow that doesn't apply anymore?! Over the last year I've heard countless people say that there is no anti-semitism in the "movement" how can they lie so vociferously.....can you imagine if someone said something like this to a black person at Concordia? Ya'll really need to look at yourselves in the mirror"

Palestine protesters : r/Concordia - "Should have also added the clip of the protester doing the Nazi salute too
Judging from the bag and coat, same moron
Edit: she's been identified on Instagram as the owner of the Second Cup at the Jewish General Hospital. The absolute moral depravity to be making your money in a Jewish institution and bragging about the final solution is wild.
Update: Second Cup has shut down that franchise."
Anti-semites were trying to pretend that the fact that she owned a shop in the Jewish Hospital proved that it was a false flag to fan a false narrative of anti-Semitism. Amazing. Clearly Mai Abdulhadi is a Jewish name

Mis/dis/information - The story of Mai Abdulhadi: the non-jewish owner of a Kosher Cafe in Montreal, who called for The Final Solution at a protest : r/IsraelPalestine - "So how has Reddit handled this news? Mostly by implying that Mai Abdulhadi is jewish and acting as a false flag operation."

Woman who performed Nazi salute at protest is unmasked as owner of two kosher cafés inside Jewish hospital - "According to her LinkedIn profile, Abdulhadi graduated from Concordia University in 2006 with a marketing degree and went on to spend more than a year at Canada's Corus Entertainment before taking roles at three foreign companies – including a development consulting firm based in Ramallah, Palestine.  She changed her now-deleted Facebook profile photo to solid black on Friday and wrote 'kulshi tamam' – an Arabic phrase that roughly translates to 'everything is great.'"

Palestine protesters : r/Concordia - "That’s the girl who barged in my friend’s class!! The peaceful pro Palestine people will say it’s still a lie"
"Shes a Concordia graduate, her name is Mai Abdulhai. She had a second cup franchise in the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.  Apparently throwing up nazi salutes and calling for death to Jews via intifada gets you fired."
She's actually anti-Zionist, not anti-Semitic. This is suppression of pro-Palestinian speech!

Palestine protesters : r/Concordia - "we are dealing a large part of a generation that are useful idiots. they preen about inclusivity and micro aggression while literally celebrating terorrists and genocide. brains completely fried by tiktok"

Palestine protesters : r/Concordia - "I have been repeatedly assured that if there are ten people at a dinner party and they let one Nazi sit down with them, there are now eleven Nazis at that dinner party.  Welp."
"They apply different standards to themselves. Its disgusting."

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