Meme - "The number of White people in the US. fell for first time since 1790, acc..."
Jennifer 'pro-voting' Rubin: "a more diverse, more inclusive society. this is fabulous news. now we need to prevent minority White rule."
Kyle @ERespect0r: "I thought this was a racist conspiracy theory?"
One liberal claimed that this was okay but not Tucker Carlson talking about it because he has a widely watched TV show, so that incited mass shootings. So boasting about white replacement is good as long as you don't boast about it on TV (let's ignore what happened on Jimmy Fallon). Of course, he refused to accept that by his logic, BLM, abortion rights and gay activists need to close shop, since they have inspired violence. He apparently hadn't heard about the 2016 Dallas Shootings or the 2012 FRC attack. He then pivoted to claiming that the right did it a lot more and accusing me of being pro-gun
Cnn's Anderson Cooper: It's 'Exciting' That Whites Will No Longer Represent Nation's 'Majority' - ""The idea that, you know, whites will not be the majority, I mean, that's -- it's an exciting transformation of the country, it's an exciting evolution and you know, progress of our country in many different ways," he said. He made those comments while interviewing Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, who has openly advocated for more open immigration policies. After Cooper noted that white supremacists opposed the demographic change, Ramos argued that white nationalists were basically helpless against it. "There's nothing really they can do against this incredible demographic revolution. And in 2044, everyone is going to be a minority," he said."
JewSupremacist on X - "“The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental quality.” – Ben Wattenberg #jcot #tcot #jews"
Max Boot 🇺🇦🇺🇸 on X - "If only we could keep the hard-working Latin American newcomers and deport the contemptible Republican cowards who are afraid to stand up to Trump—that would truly enhance America’s greatness. Me in @PostOpinions:"
An0maly on Twitter - "Name one non-white country on planet Earth that is diversifying to the point of flipping the majority racial demographic into the minority. Just curious!"
Richard Short on Twitter - ".@TuckerCarlson invited me on his show tonight to debate the letter I sent to @FoxNews . I'm declining. Tucker Carlson needs to stop promoting the racist, dangerous ‘Replacement Theory’."
"Senator, If you’re going to write a letter, particularly of the nature that you sent, you should be able to defend it."
Meme - Michael lan Black @michaelia...: "All these white dudes shooting shit up make me think maybe they *should* be replaced."
McCafferty's Bib @BibMccafferty: "What's your real name?"
Michael Ian Black @ @michaelianblack: "My birth name is Michael Ian Schwartz, which I assume you know. Are you attempting to make some sort anti-Semitic point?"
Of course, "minorities" are never to be blamed for propagating "harmful stereotypes"
Liberal Operative Spills The Beans: 'We're Trying to Make [Demographics] Destiny' - " “So that when we get to 2042 or 2045, whatever year you want to use, that we actually will not be suffering from what other countries like South Africa had, which is having the numbers but not having the power,” said Judith Browne Dianis, who works as the executive director of the National Office for the Advancement Project. “We want… You know, people say demographics are not destiny. Well, we’re trying to make it destiny so that’s the work that we are doing,” she added to a response of “Amen!” from former Obama administration official Stephanie Valencia, who was leading the panel."
Meme - Amanda Duarte @duarteamanda: "Please stop having white children"
"perhaps the hardest truth of all to accept must be that no one wants to fuck your disgusting little white kids"
Facebook - Paul Krugman: "I do not think this is a permanent condition. The craziness comes more from cultural ethnic issues than anything else, because you have a… A lot of the real craziness come from, if you like, from rural White Americans who feel that they’re losing their country, they’re losing ownership of the country. And they are right — we are becoming more diverse, more multicultural. And in the end, they are they…they…they are not the future. In the end, the power they still have will go away. But it’s a very difficult time until then. So the future is Mayor Deblasio of New York, but Ted Cruz is still out there with the ability to do a lot of damage."
The original video from Norwegian TV channel NRK is no longer available
Michael Moore on Twitter - "From today’s news (8/12/2021): “The Census data collected from the 2020 Census was released today — and it revealed that the number of White people in the U.S. has fallen for first time since the first Census was taken in 1790.” In other words, best day ever in U.S. history."
Opinion: Why Do Leftists Celebrate White Decline? - "Late-night talk show host Jimmy Fallon mentioned the Census. “The results of the 2020 census just came out — for the first time in American history, the number of white people went down.” His audience applauded wildly. Mr. Fallon looked confused. “Interesting reaction to that,” he said. A new study from the Pew Research Center found that most people think white decline is neither good nor bad. However, there are exceptions. About a third of self-identified liberals think it is “very good” or “somewhat good.” A slightly lower proportion of the total population aged 18–29 shares this view. One-in-four Asians think white decline is a good thing for society. That’s a higher proportion than blacks, Hispanics, and whites. The forthright celebration of another group’s declining numbers would be considered “hate” on social media platforms — except in our case. Some fellow citizens really do hate us. No conversation is possible with such people, especially when they think whiteness is an evil power that is ineradicable. Others may think this is progress. White liberals have a negative bias against their own race. Some are truly broken, but most are probably not “self-hating;” they just have a strong distaste for white conservatives. Some data show that most Americans would be more uncomfortable with their children marrying someone of a different party than of a different race. However, the image partisans have about their opponents is closely correlated with race. According to research from Nicholas Valentino and Kirill Zhirkov (mysteriously vanished from Stanford’s website, but archived) partisans have developed “racialized” images, or negative stereotypes, of the other side. Judging from what liberals say about Republican voters, and not just politicians, they seem to think conservatives are dangerous and primitive. Could blacks be portrayed this way? That cartoon with a leering Steve Scalise is especially interesting; a Bernie Sanders-supporting Democrat shot and badly wounded him in 2017. It was probably an attempted massacre of Republicans, but the FBI said it was “suicide by cop” — to Rep. Scalise’s fury. White liberals seem to believe white conservatives are standing in the way of a post-racial future in which all groups will be equal. Perhaps they truly believe this will be better for whites, too. In a cheerful article called “The U.S. Census Paints a Colorful Picture of America,” DC Report says, “It is the kind of shift that should give new impetus to efforts to rebalance long-standing racial inequities in housing, employment, and social interactions.” A recent poll found Americans think race relations are getting worse. It seems that the more America does to “rebalance” the scales, the less people like it. Historical examples from South Africa and Rhodesia suggest this “rebalance” won’t work out well... he lists shootings he wants to link to the “conspiracy theory.” Some occurred in other countries; none happened within the last year. However, his implied claim is striking. He’s suggesting that discussing ideas inspires mass shootings. Nationalists are marginalized and censored, so if people do hear about The Great Replacement, it is probably from leftists such as Michael Moore celebrating it. Furthermore, if we are going to play this game, it is progressives who enjoy unrestricted access to major platforms, schools, and universities. They shame whites and teach non-whites that “racism” causes their problems. No other factor may be used to explain black and Hispanic failure. Not surprisingly, this incites non-whites. If mass shootings are caused by marginal activists, certainly the current crime wave, which includes deliberate acts of violence against whites, is the moral responsibility of journalists, educators, and corporate executives who have been heaping scorn on white people. Who commits violent crime in this country? Even the ADL had to skew its own data to try to blame white advocates for violence... Mr. Rosenberg, Michael Moore, and other leftists quoted above are putting white replacement above other causes progressives used to care about. You can’t protect the environment, increase wages, or combat corporate power while cheering on mass immigration. Samuel Gompers, Jack London, Barbara Jordan, and even Cesar Chavez (whose bust is in the Oval Office) were “far right” by today’s standards. Progressives may reduce us to a minority in what used to be our country, but it will be a hollow victory. They will be left with just another Third World wreck, full of angry non-whites who can’t understand why they are still poor. There will be no white America they can flee to or blame... England expelled black slaves in 1596, preferring racial unity over cheap labor. Of course, those who argue race was “invented” to justify colonial slavery will have a hard time explaining this. The source is The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas by David Eltis... Unfortunately, many would rather die than be called a racist. Those who take our own side will win."
Flashback: Biden praised ‘constant,' 'unrelenting’ stream of immigration into US - "President-elect Joe Biden, during the Obama administration, said the U.S. benefits from a “constant” and “unrelenting” stream of immigration -- and that those with white European heritage becoming a minority in the U.S. is "a source of our strength... “Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we’ll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority,” he said. “Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock," he said. “That’s not a bad thing, that’s a source of our strength." Biden made similar comments a year earlier, where he reportedly spoke to the National Association of Manufacturers on the need for immigration reform “from a purely economic point of view.”"
Tucker Carlson Doubles Down on Replacement Theory - "Fox News’ Tucker Carlson doubled down on Friday after being called out for pushing “replacement theory” earlier this week... the Anti-Defamation League said Carlson should go for giving “an impassioned defense of the white supremacist ‘great replacement theory,’ the hateful notion that the white race is in danger of being ‘replaced’ by a rising tide of non-whites.”"
Will we see gaslighting, the memory hole or both?
Red Eagle Politics on Twitter - "When you see the left celebrate as the white population decreasing faster than expected—be reminded of their true intentions. They engineer and weaponize demographic change for power, and anyone who calls them out on it is labeled a “white nationalist” or “conspiracy theorist”"
If 'white replacement' is cheered, is it still a 'conspiracy theory'?
Watch | Facebook - "British communist commentator consistently given a platform by the publicly funded BBC says “we are winning, lads” when talking about how non-whites are outbreeding White people in Britain. Imagine if a white person said “we are losing!” - you’d be called a racist, alt-righter. Honestly the best response every white person could have to this video is to go and make another baby. Right now!"
Ash Sarkar: woke segregationist - "Novara Media’s Ash Sarkar was at the centre of a Twitterstorm at the weekend. An anonymous Twitter account posted a short clip of Sarkar talking about recent changes in London’s population. ‘The white British population has decreased by 600,000, while the minority population has increased by 1.2million. So yes, lads, we’re winning!’, she said in the clip... It has become fashionable to label any and every social problem or argument as stemming from whiteness or white supremacy. Nevertheless, it is worth thinking about the implications of this claim. Sarkar seems to be arguing that mainstream British society is inherently racist and therefore not a club any self-respecting person would join. And if calls from mainstream figures for better integration are coded white supremacy, then where does this leave the millions of ethnic-minority Brits who want to become a part of mainstream British society? Are ethnic-minority people who are already integrated ‘complicit’ in the oppression of others? Similar arguments have emerged recently in relation to high-profile Tory politicians. Asian ministers like Priti Patel, Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid and Suella Braverman have been branded as ‘turncoats of colour’ and ‘pawns of white supremacy’. Sarkar, for instance, tweeted that Javid ‘100 per cent cooks with boil in the bag rice’ and ‘wants to be played by Scarlett Johansson in the movie of his life’. The clear implication in this is that his views and position in the government make him a bad, inauthentic Asian. The criticism of these ministers is often intensely racialised and so cannot be explained by political differences alone. It is the fact that they have integrated into the top of British society that seems to make them morally suspect to left identitarians like Sarkar. This argument against integration becomes all the more ridiculous when you consider who it is coming from. Sarkar is a regular commentator on the BBC – the national broadcaster – and in the national press. She is often called on to represent one of the two major political parties in media discussions. If that is not ‘integrated’, then what is? ‘The goal shouldn’t be to integrate into an unjust society, the goal should be to transform it’, says Sarkar, at the end of her video. But ethnic minorities who are not integrated – particularly if they don’t speak English – are probably not going to be a part of some radical, transformative political project. Instead, they will have avenues cut off, opportunities denied, and their potential will remain unrealised."
Weird I thought white replacement was a racist conspiracy theory
Meme - "The changing demographics of America will soon result in a permanent Democrat majority"
"It almost sounds like you're trying to replace the current electorate with one that will keep you in power forever."
"That's a racist conspiracy theory!!!!!!!"
Meme - "Haha imagine if a bunch of people moved to Japan and started demanding it be less Japanese haha and imagine they became roughly 15% of the population and started to rewrite Japanese history & voting against Japanese interests and called anyone that opposed it racist haha imagine"
Israel would be a better example, as usually the left say that's what happened historically. The left hate Jews, but they can't say that out loud. So that exposes the cognitive dissonance more effectively. Plus that draws a parallel with the "Jewish" White Replacement theory which they can't acknowledge because it's "racist". So they'll need to find some weird cope
End Wokeness on Twitter - "Massive protest in South Shore, Chicago against new illegals arriving One of their concerns? These new arrivals will diminish the black vote “Politically, having over 500 people in our community will completely wipe out any interests we have”
Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "Does he mean they are being replaced?"
Schrödinger’s Demographics - "Call it “Schrödinger’s Demographics.” Demographic and political changes either exist or don’t depending on whether you think they are good or bad. Democrats and their media allies are proud to attribute their triumph to “diversity.”"
Oilfield Rando on X - "Anyways. Here’s a $3.4 million grant to an NGO to exclusively assist immigrant/refugee farmers in Utah, Arizona, California, and Virginia, in order to “diversify the local farmer population”. But don’t say “replacement”"
Another Leftist Brags About the Great Replacement - "Judith Browne Dianis, executive director of something called the Advancement Project, recently stated: “You know, people say demographics are not destiny? Well, we’re trying to make it destiny.”... Miss Dianis is looking forward to whites being a minority because that will mean power for her and her people. Miss Dianis’s reference to South Africa is chilling. The black government discriminates openly against the white minority. South Africa was once a First World nation. After whites surrendered political power, it became just another Third World failure. Miss Dianis apparently thinks it is a model, and she is not on the fringe... Miss Diani was on a panel that included Stephanie Valencia, who reportedly said “Amen” to Miss Dianis’s call for demographic conquest. She held several staff positions under the Obama Administration, including aide to the president at the White House Office of Public Engagement... Joy Reid also opposes institutions that might protect a white minority, like the Electoral College or conservative courts"
There is a difference between saying that whites will become a minority (most of the examples cited here) and celebrating the fact
A long-term success strategy for Democrats, with Ruy Teixeira - "In 2002, sociologist Ruy Teixeira (and co-author John Judis) published The Emerging Democratic Majority, a diagnosis and prescription for the Democratic Party that the New York Times later called “one of the most influential political books of the 21st century.” The book argued that the United States was changing demographically, economically, and ideologically in ways that could benefit Democrats electorally. All too often, however, the book’s thesis was interpreted as a “demographics is destiny” argument, positing that population growth among a left-leaning “rising American electorate” — including young people, minorities, college-educated professionals, and single women — inevitably would lead to Democratic landslides. Teixeira, however, maintained that this winning Democratic coalition would only be possible if the party retained a strong level of white working-class support. Over time, and particularly after the 2016 election, Teixeira continued to insist that the Democrats, as they tilted toward college-educated voters, were repelling their working-class supporters by embracing cultural leftism and racial identitarianism as well as writing off all of Trump’s working-class voters as irredeemable racists and xenophobes. Such criticism was increasingly unwelcome in Democratic circles and Teixeira’s employment at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, where he had been a fellow since 2003, became untenable. In 2022 his departure from CAP, and his subsequent hiring at the right-leaning American Enterprise Institute, made national headlines."
No, Ann Coulter, I Am Not Responsible for the 'Great Replacement' Theory - The Atlantic - "documenting demographic change is not the same as using it to incite and politically mobilize those who are fearful of it... For many years, I have argued that the diversification of the Democratic coalition wouldn’t always work to the party’s electoral advantage. As the party’s most culturally conservative components sheared off, I believed, Democrats would need to take more consistently liberal positions on social issues, which in turn would alienate more centrist voters from the party. That ideological re-sorting, I wrote in National Journal in 2013, would both “increase the pressure” on the Democratic Party “to maintain lopsided margins and high turnout among minorities and young people” and “make it tougher for [Democrats] to control Congress, at least until demographic change ripples through more states and House districts.” That prediction has held up... A new development in 2020 further solidified Trumpism’s hold on the GOP: Trump’s improved performance among Latino voters"
The framing is interesting, in that documenting it is contrasted not with pushing it but weaponising claims of it
Pelosi Remarks at Press Conference on President Biden’s Child Tax Credit | Representative Nancy Pelosi - "This is the first time since then, that the white population is declining. It was always on the upswing. So, that speaks to the beautiful diversity of America"
CNN's Anderson Cooper: It's 'exciting' that whites will no longer represent nation's 'majority' - "He made those comments while interviewing Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, who has openly advocated for more open immigration policies."
Opinion | Sorry, Tucker Carlson, but there are plenty of reasons diversity really is America’s strength - The Washington Post (Max Boot)
Opinion | The BDS movement shows its hypocrisy by boycotting Israel but not China - The Washington Post (Max Boot) - "How will Israel survive if it cannot protect itself against terrorist enclaves located as close as Bethesda, Md., is to D.C.? That, alas, seems to be of scant concern to its most ardent critics. The BDS movement demands a “right of return” to Israel for 7.25 million descendants of Palestinian refugees, which would mean that Israel (which has 6.8 million Jews) would cease to be a Jewish-majority state."
Opinion | The Right Weaponizes America Against Itself - The New York Times - "There have been four, arguably five, great replacements in American history. The first was the worst and the cruelest: the destruction — through war, slaughter, ill-dealing and wholesale expulsion — of Native Americans by European migrants... The second was a religious replacement of Protestants, who now number fewer than half of all Americans... The third was the ethnic replacement of the English... The fourth replacement was of WASP elites... The fifth is the most contentious but also the most routine and unexceptional: the alleged replacement of the native-born white working class with a foreign-born nonwhite working class"
This fails to grapple with the substance of the theory, naturally, since the first four were not government policy
Flashback: Biden praised ‘constant,' 'unrelenting’ stream of immigration into US - "President-elect Joe Biden, during the Obama administration, said the U.S. benefits from a “constant” and “unrelenting” stream of immigration -- and that those with white European heritage becoming a minority in the U.S. is "a source of our strength.""
James Lindsay, anti-Communist on X - "Hey look, a UN document from March 2000 promoting the Great Replacement conspiracy theory!"
Replacement Migration, Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat
eigenrobot on X - "people talk about "great replacement" like its some kind of racist conspiracy but in fact this is a failure of theory of mind perhaps it has occurred to governing elites that they get a lot of say in _who_ they rule, and perhaps native populations arent much fun to rule tbqh"
The Curley Effect - "James Michael Curley, a four-time mayor of Boston, used wasteful redistribution to his poor Irish constituents and incendiary rhetoric to encourage richer citizens to emigrate from Boston, thereby shaping the electorate in his favor. Boston as a consequence stagnated, but Curley kept winning elections. We present a model of the Curley effect, in which inefficient redistributive policies are sought not by interest groups protecting their rents, but by incumbent politicians trying to shape the electorate through emigration of their opponents or reinforcement of class identities. The model sheds light on ethnic politics in the United States and abroad, as well as on class politics in many countries including Britain."