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Saturday, August 03, 2024

Links - 3rd August 2024 (Migrants)

Alt version

Meme - "The European Court of Justice, the EU's highest court, finds Hungary guilty of not allowing migrants into its border. It will now fine Hungary and its people with 1 million euros daily until it complies. On top of that, an initial 200 million euro fine will be levied."
todayisamerica: "Imagine protecting the safety and security of your own citizens and then being aggressively fined into oblivion by a globalist entity for it?"

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "The most powerful message of this graph by @AnechoicMedia_  is that the children of illegal immigrants end up being a big problem in the judicial system. But the graph also points out the huge disparities between legal and illegal immigrants when it comes to crime."

Margaret Brennan shocked most Americans back deporting illegal immigrants - "CBS “Face the Nation” moderator Margaret Brennan struggled to digest numbers from a recent poll showing nearly two in three Americans support mass deportation of illegal immigrants.  Brennan appeared incredulous when pondering recent figures on Sunday showing that 62% of all Americans back, “in principle, a new government program to deport all undocumented immigrants living in the US illegally.”... some Democrats were in favor of mass deportations... Brennan said Sunday that “some of what Mr. Trump talks about could be illegal.”... the Biden administration announced that it would bar asylum for undocumented migrants who cross into the country if illegal crossings exceed 2,500 per day for seven consecutive days — a “crackdown” that will still allow at least 1.8 million asylum seekers into America each year even if fully enforced... Border Patrol encounters with illegal migrants were significantly lower under Trump. some Democrats were in favor of mass deportations"
Enforcing the law is illegal

Does it get any sicker? A Turkish firm has been selling fake life vests — they soak up water — for refugees at sea. - The Washington Post
From 2016

Meme - "Be Kind
Get rid of the foreigners"

Monopsony and the wage effects of migration - "In a generalization of the well-known "immigration surplus" result, we show immigration must always increase the average native worker's marginal product, in any long-run constant returns economy. But in a monopsonistic labor market, immigration may also affect native wages through the mark-downs imposed by firms. Using standard US census data, we reject the restrictions implied by the traditional competitive model. We find that immigration increases mark-downs, and this effect quantitatively dominates the improvements in natives' marginal products. The capture of migrants' rents significantly expands the total surplus going to natives, but redistributes income among them (from workers to firms)."
"Using U.S. Census data, Amior and Manning (2022) show that the immigration-induced mark-downs in the wages of native-born workers exceed the average gain in their productivity from immigration. Moreover, their analysis suggests that the increase in firms’ monopsony power is driven mostly by undocumented migrant workers who have the least ability to respond to wage mark-downs by quitting their jobs."

GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - "A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists.  The horrific assault took place in 2020, and involved multiple groups of migrant men independently attacking a 14-year-old girl in Hamburg’s Stadtpark over the course of one night...   Confused and alone, the girl was defenseless against the first mob of four predators.  The men took turns on the girl, repeatedly raping her over an extended period of time. They robbed her of her wallet and cellphone before leaving her. Traumatized and disoriented from the first attack, and having no method of calling for help, the girl was assaulted a second time by two more men who took advantage of her vulnerable state.  Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses.  The child was attacked a third time by a single man, and then a fourth time by three more men, who dragged her into a bush and sexually assaulted her.  Finally, the child managed to break away and ran, though pursued by her rapists. Eventually, she came across people who recognized her traumatized state and immediately called the police.  A total of 11 men were initially charged, but two were acquitted quickly due to a lack of DNA evidence. The sperm of nine of the men, however, had been successfully recovered from the girl’s body.   Five of the men were in possession of German passports, while the remainder were not citizens of Germany. Among those charged, none were of German heritage. The rapists were identified as a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin. The men had a team of 20 defense attorneys arguing their innocence.   Videos of the first and third rapes had been recorded and shared by the assailants to contacts through WhatsApp, but the videos were deleted before the case could be heard in court. Witnesses who did see the footage before its deletion did testify that it depicted clear sexual assault, with one noting that the girl had been holding her hands over her head in a protective position.  During the trial, the victim, who now suffers from PTSD as a result of the night of abuse, was called upon to speak about what happened to her. While she recounted her horrific ordeal, the men showed “no signs of remorse” and at least one is said to have almost fallen asleep during proceedings.  However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole.   The case caused outrage in Germany, both for the brutality of the rape itself and the lenient sentences given to the rapists... Angered by the news of the case, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg messaged the number through WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.” She added: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?”  The targeted rapist then reported the woman to police, and she was charged with sending him insulting messages.  The woman has now been convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison for her remarks — meaning that she will have spent more time in jail than 8 of the 9 rapists"
Racism is so terrible that it's the most terrible crime around, and deserves the harshest penalties. She should've gotten the death penalty for this
Because 5 of the men had German passports, we need to condemn white nationalism and the far right, and lock them up to keep women safe
Some people still claim the woke virus isn't in Europe

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "While reporting on the migrant crisis in Ireland, I was told to go back "to the China" by a newly arrived migrant in a Dublin tent encampment in the city center. All the migrants I saw were men on their mobile phones. Watch the extended video:"
Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Update: The migrant camp by the Hilton in central Dublin, Ireland that I documented last week has grown to nearly 50 tents. It’s unclear if they are all occupied but activist nonprofits set them up in the hope that migrants move in."
Racism is only bad if "white" people do it

John Goddard on X - "Each day I wake up to a country I don’t recognise.  Everyone’s a foreigner and I get called a bigot if I notice that.  I used to be friends with all my neighbours.  But they moved out and the new ones don’t speak English.  We don’t make eye contact when we walk past each other and that makes me feel strange.   On weekends I used to leave my car unlocked when I went down to the beach.  Yesterday there was a knife attack there. I don’t think I’ll go to the beach again.  There are no Christmas decorations in the stores anymore.   But sometimes I notice there’s decorations for Diwali. I don’t know what that is.   Most days I just sit inside and watch TV.  The TV tells me I need to respect other cultures.  For some reason that means no more Easter eggs or Australia Day or Christmas.   Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I migrated to Pakistan and told them to change their whole country just to make me feel comfortable.   I don’t think they’d like that but I don’t want to assume.   And sometimes it feels like my culture’s being squeezed out existence.   Suffocated by all these new people being poured on top of it.   I don’t really know why they moved here.   The streets don’t look the same anymore.   There’s no sense of community.  We’re all just strangers who live close to each other by some strange chance."

Lee Harris on X - "This is a satisfying watch! The BBC assembled the most biased, left-wing, unrepresentative audience possible, and this woman thought she could embarrass Nigel Farage... It backfires spectacularly. Wonderful 🔥 #bbcqt"
"If I paid you £70 now would you admit that this country would be nothing without our rich history of immigration?"
"Well I tell you what... and this is what's gone wrong. Because you talk about immigration, and it ran from after the war up until the millennium at net 30 to 40,000 a year and yes, it worked. In fact, we had the most successful immigration policies of any country in the whole of Europe, no question. Now, it is so totally out of control, just think about this. 2 and a half million people have come in the last 2 years. You wonder what you can't get a house, you wonder why your rents have gone up 25%, in 4 years. You wonder why our infrastructure is struggling. Uh, you wonder why you know we have to build a new house every two minutes just to cope with the numbers. And that's the issue. It's now running at numbers that are literally unimaginable, and are diminishing the quality of life of everybody in this country and frankly, this should be the biggest issue of this election"
Clearly, if you are not for open borders and illegal immigration, you hate immigrants and want zero immigration

Visegrád 24 on X - "Spaniards are outraged by a brutal murder in Gata de Gorgos, near Alicante 3 Moroccan asylum seekers are arrested for beating 39-year-old David Lledo to death with baseball bats after he stopped them from sexually harassing young women in the village 🇪🇸"
Damn far right! How dare he not respect cultural traditions? He got what he deserved!

Roger Williams on X - "How is mass migration supposed to help with the demographic/economic crisis if the immigrants are, on average, a net drain, and why can't we talk about this clearly enormous problem?"
Techie who was once some Army guy on X - "A better question here is what percentage of them "work" in their home countries? Having spent about 8 years of my life in these regions, I can say most don't work normal, continual Western-style jobs. They work for short stints and get paid in basic food stuffs as a reserve of manpower for tribal conflicts that may arise.  City life is slightly different but little is actually produced. Almost all of these states function through resource extraction and thus use the funds to pay the citizens in food so they don't riot. There is little meaningful productive work which actually occurs."
Importing millions who will be net fiscal drains is the only way to defuse the demographic timebomb!

Meme - Jonatan Pallesen @jonatanpallesen: "The net financial liability is upwards of a millions euros for a single immigrant, depending on the origin country. Completely crazy numbers if you think about it."
"Figure 6.2 Net contribution of first-generation immigrants and their children for 42 regions of origin with perma-"

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "There is no European country containing a decent percentage of Muslim immigrants in which the performance of these immigrants on the most important social and economic measures doesn't end up generating a net financial liability for the nation (except possibly UK)."
Jonatan Pallesen @jonatanpallesen: "Most immigrants to Denmark from Middle East / Northern Africa (blue line) are not working at any age."

Outrage in Germany after Afghan migrant 'rapes two girls' - "A man who raped an 11-year-old girl in Germany was released from custody after 12 days and then went on to rape a 13-year-old just five weeks later, it is alleged.    The Afghan migrant's alleged sex crimes have caused outrage in Germany where politicians are calling for his deportation if he is found guilty.  The 23-year-old, named as Zubyr S., was first arrested in June but released less than two weeks later after authorities claimed there was no evidence he was likely to re-offend.   However, last Friday, he allegedly lured a 13-year-old girl into a corridor and raped her, leading to his second arrest when the girl described him to investigators... the suspect had been released from custody on July 3 after authorities ruled there was no danger he would re-offend or try to escape."
From 2020

Despite raping 11-year-old girl, Afghan migrant allowed to remain in Germany - "The Afghan asylum seeker who was convicted for raping an 11-year-old girl in the central German town of Neustrelitz in January is still in the country, and it appears he will face no threat of deportation.  The controversial decision to allow him to remain on German territory is due to the “special protection of minors within the Dublin III Agreement,” according to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD). In addition, the nationality of the convicted sex offender has not been completely clarified, so while the man is listed as an Afghan, the German government is reportedly unsure of that designation...  the Afghan migrant, who entered Germany as an unaccompanied minor, was convicted in July of this year, but outrage followed after he was only given a suspended sentence and served no jail time. There was no record of his actual age at the time of his arrest, and given that a huge number of migrants lied about their age upon entering Germany, a doctor was asked to determine his age, which he estimated at 16. Due to his status as a “minor,” he was given a relatively light sentence.  Police believe the perpetrator and the 11-year-old victim were probably loosely acquainted and likely on a date. It is still unclear whether they knew each other through a circle of acquaintances or had met before the incident...   Often, despite committing serious crimes, migrants face no deportation risk in Europe, such as in the case in Sweden where a 39-year-old migrant raped a 9-year-old girl but was allowed to remain in the country because authorities approved his citizenship before the incident. It is also not the only case involving an Afghan raping an 11-year-old girl in Germany, with a similar case occurring in 2018. In that case, the girl was a special-needs student, and the 22-year-old asylum seeker raped her with two accomplices. In general, foreigners in Germany are responsible for a highly disproportionate amount of rape and sexual assault cases.  Overall, Germany has a poor record on deportations, even for those individuals convicted of crimes. Over 230,000 foreigners in Germany are facing deportation orders but are allowed to remain in the country under a “tolerated” status."

Visegrád 24 on X - "BREAKING: Poland’s Parliament votes overwhelmingly in favor of a new law that allows soldiers, border guards and police officers to fire live ammunition when stopping attempts by migrants to storm the border. 401 MPs voted for the new law, 17 against 🇵🇱"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Logical response to "border storming." What else would you do - just let the mobs in so you didn't have to hurt them?"

Thread by @billybinion on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "This is Laurens van Beek.  Not long ago, he was kicked out of the U.S.—even though he immigrated here as a child. Legally.  The kicker: If his family had come *illegally* he would've gotten to stay.  A thread on our insane immigration system.
DACA protects some folks from deportation if they arrived in the U.S. illegally as kids. Many recipients do not know any other country but America as home.  Laurens can relate.  But his story diverges in a crucial way: His family came here lawfully. When Laurens was 7, his family immigrated to Iowa. This is his home.  But because his parents came on a small business visa, he didn't qualify for DACA, which only protects the undocumented.  So Laurens was expelled not in spite of coming to the U.S. legally—but because of it. There are 250,000 people like Laurens, known as "Documented Dreamers." They come to the U.S. on dependent visas.  And if they can't find another visa or get a green card by the time they turn 21, they're forced to leave—often to countries they've never known. Monstrous. This is Roshan Taroll with his little brother.  After legally immigrating here with his mom, the family got in line for green cards. But because our system is a circus, Roshan couldn't get one before he turned 21.  So after 16+ years here, he was kicked out last month. It can't be overstated how bonkers our system is. Roshan's case is a good example.  The gov't restricts how many green cards can be allotted annually to each nationality, punishing people from certain countries.  Folks from India will wait...134 years. Many will die in line. Roshan's mom was one of them. She died of cancer after waiting years for permanent residence.  "All she wanted was for me and my brother to work hard and have a chance at the American dream," Roshan told me.  Well, he won't get the chance. Just awful. A bipartisan group of lawmakers want to protect Documented Dreamers from deportation. It's common sense.  But the bills keep dying in Congress.  "Comprehensive immigration reform has become the enemy of incremental reform," @RandPaul told me: @RandPaul It's an indictment on our politics that this is still a question.  The folks who came here as kids—whether legally or illegally—had no say in the matter. Many don't even speak the language of their home country.  Wild that we're still debating this. @RandPaul Politicians talk a big game about immigrating here "the right way." And then the gov't punishes these young people for doing so.  It's not conservative, progressive, libertarian, or otherwise to defend that. Because that's simply indefensible."

David Atherton on X - "Today's feel good video. Illegal migrants from the Middle East and Africa arrive at the Belarus-Poland border.   Attacking the fences & barbed wire, the water cannon literally blows them away."

Meme - Jonatan Pallesen @jonatanpallesen: "If it wasn’t for non-Western mass immigration, the amount of crime here in Copenhagen would only be 1/3 of what it is now."
Inquisitive Bird @Scientific_Bird: "A major Danish newspaper reported today about the overrepresentation of non-natives in the nation's prisons.  Here are the actual numbers. About half of those in closed prisons did not have Danish origin, and as many as two thirds in Copenhagen prisons."
Inquisitive Bird on X - "For context: in 2023 quarter 3, people of Danish origin represented 84% of the national population and 72% of the Copenhagen population. Here is the news story in question:"

French Woman Testifies on the Threat of Islamic Migrants - 'Today Nantes is Becoming More and More like Kabul' (Video) - RAIR - "Melissa, a resident of Nantes, France, recently delivered a testimony shedding light on her personal experiences, which revealed a distressing pattern—she endured multiple assaults, all perpetrated by migrant men. Melissa’s account resonates with a growing sentiment among citizens who increasingly feel that their safety is compromised due to the city’s migration policies. Directed towards Johanna Rolland, the mayor of Nantes, Melissa’s testimony underscores the disastrous consequences of poorly conceived migration policies. She expressed her deep disappointment in the mayor’s reluctance to acknowledge the adverse impact of these policies on the safety of Nantes’ inhabitants, attributing it to ideological reasons. Importantly, Melissa divulged that even individuals who are progressive privately recognize the problems associated with migrants but hesitate to address them publicly. This sentiment among concerned residents reflects a broader concern that Nantes, a city steeped in Breton culture, is gradually losing its distinctive heritage and identity due to shifting demographics. Melissa’s assertion that Nantes is becoming more like Islamic Kabul indicates the significant cultural transformation witnessed in the city. As an alarming example, a Muslim soccer tournament scheduled in Nantes this weekend has raised the alarm among locals. The sharia-adherent event will feature prayer from the Qur’an and Islamic recitations, underscoring the magnitude of cultural change occurring in the heart of the historical capital of Brittany. The tournament’s scale and nature have sparked discussions about the shift in customs and population that Nantes is experiencing."

Meme - Abolish Direct Provision @Abolish: "Racists in Ireland don't represent the majority Irish voters.
*Photoshopped poster from immigration protest* "WE REPRESENT 0.42% OF THE IRISH PEOPLE""
Homa Squwak @HSquwak72764: "So you'd surely support putting immigration policy to a vote. Right?"
As we know, globalist elites represent every country

Thread by @Oilfield_Rando on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The destruction of Springfield, Ohio inspired me to look at which organizations are being paid the most for refugee resettlement in the state.  A 501c3 called National Youth Advocate Project has been awarded $292 million by the Dept of Health and Human Services for assistance to unaccompanied illegal alien children in Ohio since 2021.  The organization's 2022 IRS form 990 says that the CEO, Marvena Twigg (social worker), earned $1.27 million that year. Wowie.  Catholic Charities only got $2.3 million in direct grant awards for work in Ohio, but the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services funneled another $24 million in subgrants to them. There's no way National Youth Advocate Program got that much for just Ohio. I'm assuming funds were used in the other states in which they operate and they're too lazy to put the right place of performance."

US academic believes he is the first person to gain Irish citizenship based on DNA test - "An academic in the United States who discovered his 100 per cent Irish ancestry following a DNA test has been awarded Irish citizenship.  John Portmann (61), who was adopted and unaware of his heritage, was granted an Irish passport after proving that his biological father Thomas Fitzgerald was from Dublin and his biological mother Térese Delahanty’s family was originally from Co Kilkenny.  Prof Portmann believes that he is the first person to gain Irish citizenship solely on the outcome of a DNA test"

Northern variant on X - "Look, it's simple. The police don't go in heavy handed because they know it will provoke something larger than they have the manpower to contain, that will have lasting repercussions and make the job even more impossible than it is now. We all know how this works. Immigrants riot and then we get all the usual horseshit from "community leaders" about underinvestment, and they play it for more political control. That's why American cities are now ungovernable shitholes.   Essentially, if the police attempt to assert their authority, they will lose because they are outnumbered. We have two options. We can either manage it and contain it, or we can confront it. If we're doing the latter, then we're going to have to put the army on the streets and use armoured land rovers to patrol the cities, so that every city is policed like Belfast in the 80s. Essentially, a low grade civil war.   We won't call it that, of course, and will use a euphemism like "the troubles", but soon after follows police murders, and all the sectarian/jihadist gang crime that goes with it. Once that happens, normal life comes to an end, with cities becoming demilitarised zones because there aren't enough patrols, and out of daylight hours, cities become urban deserts and the economy collapses. Ultimately, the police are skirting around the unspoken - that short of mass deportations, there is no solution.   The answer, until fairly recently, was glacial integration, but Tory mass immigration has tipped the balance in urban areas so that there's nothing British to integrate into, and the rapid pace of immigration has sent the integration process into reverse. They completely fucked it basically. Thus, as a voter, you have two options. Either you concede that Britain has sown the seeds of its own annihilation, or you recognise that Steve Laws is right and vote accordingly. Either way, it's not pretty."

Thread by @Colleenfrances on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I agree with all you've said here. But what really gets to me is why is it whenever it's the actual indigenous population of the UK holding a protest or riots if you like or football fans etc the police are still outnumbered but going in all guns blazing no holds barred. 😳 Is it because they have been told they can go in as hard with us as they please but must have a softly-softly approach with the immigrant population. I remember the Brixton riots in 1981. They went in full force then. The Poll tax riots in 1990. The full force was used then. The Miners Riots in 1984-85. Extremely full force was used then. Lockdown Protests in 2020. Definitely no kid gloves used then. They were outnumbered at all these examples but never held back. So what's the difference.The religion ðicity of the protestors.Their legal status? The HoC & their real bosses know that the people are becoming afraid of our streets. Angry at the unequal treatment. Horrified by the savagery we're seeing. They want us to call for the military to intervene. Then,they can legitimately impose martial law on us.Curfews & lockdowns If our own soldiers refuse to turn arms on us, then they have a ready-made huge army of men waiting in the hotels & camps who would have no qualms in subduing or fighting us. Those of us calling for the army to intervene be careful what you are really wishing for. A bleak future."
Nick on X - "Brilliantly put, as an ex cop I couldn’t have described the situation better myself although I have tried on other threads. This is the reality of policing in the UK, not the “two tier policing” conspiracy theory."
Gladimir on X - "I'd agree to a point, but the police have made it their business to defend "minorities" at all costs, including persecuting anyone who speaks against them. They're not just outnumbers - as organisations, they are ideologically for what is happening."
Clarence Worley on X - "Well said. I'm from Belfast. The 80s and 90s were not pretty. Something is going to have to give soon, though. The police are not capable of doing anything more than arresting autistic teenagers or dancing at gay pride parades. They are a laughing stock."
When there's a lack of will to enforce the law equally due to political ideology resulting from left wing capture

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