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Friday, August 02, 2024

LA Times Hit Piece on Chloe Cole

This is a good explainer of woke delegitimisation, which applies in other areas too. Logical fallacies are used because people fall for them.

Wokal Distance on X

"The @latimes ran a hit-piece on @ChoooCole

I'm going to go through the piece and explain the various strategies and tactics the author uses to smear Chloe's motives and character. 

If you want to win, you need to know how the Gender Ideology smear machine works 

Let's go

To understand why the piece was written you need to know who Chloe Cole is, and *WHY* they want to attack her.

@ChoooCole is an former "trans kid" who had her puberty blocked, got put on Testosterone, and had her breasts removed when she was 15. She tells the full story here

The Blockers, hormones, and surgeries done to Chloe have done what @AbigailShrier calls "irreversible damage," and Chloe now lives with this pain. 

Now Chloe goes around the world warning people about the dangers of gender ideology, and the dangers of "gender affirming care."

As perverse and evil as it sounds, this tragic story is part of the reason the L.A. Times is attacking her 

You see, because Chloe actually had gender transition surgery, she has both the social standing and moral authority to speak about gender ideology and gender medicine...

As such that Transgender Activists can't just dismiss @ChoooCole

When a regular person questions Gender Transition for minors the activists can dismiss them by saying "you're not a doctor," "you have no experience," or calling them transphobic. 

That won't work with Chloe.

Chloe actually went through Blockers, Hormones, and Gender Surgery, was irreversibly damaged so they cannot dismiss here. This means the activists have to find some other way of pushing back against Chloe, and this is where the L.A. Times hit piece comes in. 

I'll explain...

In order to see what is going on you need to understand something about woke activists: The woke don't try to win by arguing woke views are true and views the woke disagree with are false. 

They try to win by socially *DELEGITIMIZING* the people and ideas they disagree with.

The woke do not try to win by presenting the facts and the truth. 

The woke try to win by getting the upper hand in the conversation. They want social influence, prestige, clout, status, moral authority and credibility needed to get people to agree with them.

Woke gender activists try to win by using 2 moves: 

1. They try to ensure they are the only ones with the social standing, moral authority, and intellectual credibility to be listened to 

2. Remove the social standing, and moral authority of anyone who opposes gender ideology

Gender Activists want all the social influence, prestige, status, and authority for themselves so everyone listens to them; and they want to diminish the influence, authority, credibility, standing and status of any person they disagree with in order to delegitimize dissent.

The Gender activists are engaged in a *SOCIAL* fight for *POWER*...not a battle over what is actually true. 

And this is why they attack @ChoooCole

Let's take a look at some examples so you can see the various moves that are used to attack Chloe's credibility.

The article does not seek to attack Chloe directly. Rather, the article seeks to suggest, hint, and insinuate that Chloe Cole is being motivated by money, clout chasing, and fame rather then a genuine concern for Kids...and that the right is using her as a political pawn.

The first paragraph below is a masterclass in framing. The framing here suggests that Chloe discredits other people's stories, but they don't discredit Chloe. The unstated suggestion being that Chloe is not being fair to people she disagrees with. 

See how that works?

The problem is that Chloe doesn't discredit other people's stories, her point is not that people don'thave their experiences....her point is that she had the exact same experiences other trans kids have, and that is when she wanted to have transition surgery.

Chloe is not discrediting the experiences of youth who struggle with gender, she is saying the opposite: that she (chloe) UNDERSTANDS their experience because she had the same sorts of experiences with gender dysphoria. 

Do you see how that first paragraph distorts the truth?

The second move the article makes is to try and impugn Chloe's motives by suggesting she is in it for the money. 

The article tells us what Chloe charges to speak, but it does not tell us how much money Marci Bowers (a transgender surgeon) makes doing gender surgeries....

The article questions @ChoooCole's motives, but not the motives of the surgeon who gets paid to perform the gender surgeries 

The article goes out of its way to insinuate that Chloe is in it to make a buck, while treating Marci Bowers like a neutral and respectable expert.

The next move the article uses is to attempt to make it look like Chloe is motivated by an attempt to get popularity because the LGBT people kicked her out. 

It is not until the last paragraph of the article where it is stated that Chloe is doing this for attention (pic 3)

It is suggested that Chloe is not doing her activism out of a sense of deep conviction, but rather out of a combination of grifting to get money and for attention seeking and validation seeking. Do you see how this works?

The article also goes out of it's way to interview experts who disagree with Chloe, but no medical experts who agree with Chloe get interviewed.
As such, the story is *framed* as "Activist Chloe who is out to make a buck and get attention VS. neutral medical experts."

The article is not trying to argue that Chloe is wrong about the facts. The article is trying to delegitimize Chloe's activism by subverting her social standing and draining her moral authority by making it look like she is in it for money and attention 

See how that works?

The article wants to deconstruct Chloe's story of "Teen girl gets pulled into gender ideology and gets damaged by 'gender Medicine,' and regrets it" 

It wants to turn her story into "girl regrets transition, so she cynically used her story to make money and get famous"

What the article wants to do is to undercut the power of Chloe's story by making it look like what happened to her is her own fault, and that now she is milking her story in order to make money. 

it is an attack on her reputation, standing, authority and credibility.

The article makes no mention of Chloe's extensive medical bills, the fact that insurance won't cover many aspects of the care she needs, or the fact her entire family has been doxxed by Trans activists. That part gets ignored by the article. 

See how this works?

The Woke activists do not try to win by being correct about the facts....they try to win by socially *DELEGITIMIZING* the people and ideas they disagree with. 

They don't want to win the battle for truth, they want to win the battle over who gets to have *social power*

They want control over who is listened to, who is taken seriously, who is believed, who was social standing, and who has the moral authority to speak on social issues. 

And they are willing to smear @ChoooCole to get what they want. 

THAT is that the article is doing."

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