Seattle school responds after student failed quiz for answering that 'only women can get pregnant' - "A history teacher at a Seattle high school allegedly gave a student a failing quiz grade after he answered that only women can get pregnant and only men can have penises. A 10th-grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher at Chief Sealth International High School administered the quiz. The test focused on "understanding gender vs. sex" and asked students to answer a series of multiple-choice and true or false questions... Several other questions asked students to answer questions like, "When someone uses 'they/them' pronouns, what does that mean about their gender identity?" and "True/false: Transgender people are gay." Speaking with Jason Rantz, author of "What's Killing America," on KTTH, the student's mother, who asked to remain anonymous, expressed concern that the school is allowing teachers to bring political beliefs into the classroom. "I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores," the mother said. She also claimed teachers have called her son "f---d and racist" and a "product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care about anything.""
What does trans ideology have to do with ethnic studies? Why do left wing views always come in a package?
Author comes out as transgender man after his wife came out as trans woman - and pair, who have a trans daughter, now live in a four-way open relationship with their trans lovers - "An author has come out as a transgender man after his husband transitioned from male to female - and the couple now live in a four-way relationship with their trans lovers. Rowan Jette Knox, formerly known as Amanda Jette Knox, announced on his social media in August that he was 're-introducing' himself as a trans man... Knox's wife Zoe was previously known as Mark but came out as transgender in July 2015, after 19 years of marriage. The pair's daughter Alexis revealed that she was transgender in early 2014. .. Rowan and Zoe live with their transgender partners Dani and Dame in the same Toronto house. Dani and Dame are themselves a couple. Rowan describes the unusual relationship as a 'polycule.' He previously shared his delight at realizing he was non-binary before coming out as transgender... Knox had previously penned an article for Pink News about how 'trans joy' was infectious, writing: 'Trans joy is infectious. And right now, the world needs more of it. 'Make no mistake: in today's world, trans joy is an act of defiance and power.'"
Wow. What were the odds?
Troonytoons on X - "Father sterilizes his son. And what are the odds-both his boys are trans. He put his youngest boy on puberty blockers and says the reproductive damage to his sperm is permanent so he will not be able to have children"
I’m a dad to two trans daughters, here’s what I want people to know : asktransgender
Meme - Ogre @Ogrepilled: "*Pride flag* This flag is for people who cannot produce white babies. Gays, trans, and intersex people cannot. Black and brown people cannot. Including black and brown seems silly at first bc it's supposed to be a "sexuality" flag until you realize this. It is an anti-white hate symbol."
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "8 years ago, @benshapiro asked @ZoeyTur , a man pretending to be a woman, what his genetics were. Ben’s response from the cult member in womanface was “You cut that out now, or you’re going home in an ambulance.” Not one of the other guests, including @drdrew with his brain scan lie, had the courage to tell the truth. A delusional man using threats of violence received support. The only truth-teller in the room was shamed. Is it any wonder why we now have tens of thousands of children being harmed? We have a crisis of courage. Stop lying to support liars."
Wesley Yang on X - "Key moment where "woman" who transitioned at 53 reveals how fully "she" had become a woman by very credibly threatening to put Shapiro into the hospital on national TV after being "misgendered." Transition for Robert Tur, according to his daughter Katy, was an attempt to "bury Bob Tur," who had estranged himself from his family through his penchant for violence..."
Thread by @d0ggender on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I had my breasts removed when I was 17. I am now 21, and the regret and grief I feel about it is overwhelming. … Growing breasts is strange and uncomfortable. It felt weird to touch or look at them, and so I avoided it. My changing body felt like a problem, and so I dissociated from it to cope. I didn’t think it was possible to ever feel comfortable in my body again. I was given puberty blockers at 14/15 to stop my breasts from developing any further before I started testosterone. My body was never allowed to finish its natural puberty and development. I never got the chance to accept or appreciate it. I had never had sex or a relationship before I transitioned and underwent a mastectomy. I was struggling with both my body and my sexuality and was terrified of intimacy. The idea of sex scared me and I didn’t want it, despite not even actually understanding how it worked. Now, when I have finally found some kind of acceptance of myself as a sexual being, I will never get to experience intimacy with my whole body. I will never know what it feels like to be touched without a mastectomy and altered genitals. I gave so much away by changing my body. Sex is an important part of life, and allowing someone to permanently alter their body before they even understand that is theft. Now that my body has been permanently masculinised, I feel less than female, so much so that it almost feels wrong to call myself a ‘woman’ or ‘lesbian’. By transitioning, I drastically reduced the number of people who could possibly find me attractive, and that hurts. I also fear that, in a relationship, I will not be seen as a woman, or at least not completely. It is difficult to trust others after all of this. I hated my body before, but this is different. Transitioning only made my intense issues with body image worse. Even now, I am terrified of gaining any more weight because I already hate that my chest is flatter than my stomach and my body is disproportionate. I will also never be able to breastfeed if I eventually do choose to have kids. I don’t think I want to, but also don’t know how much of that is now because I don’t have breasts. When I was 16, I was sure I would never want to have my own children, but how can you know that as a mentally unstable teenager? I still don’t know. My mastectomy affirmed my body dysmorphia… and then made it worse. I will never be whole again, and don’t know how to describe how hopeless that feels. It’s devastating, especially knowing it didn’t have to be like this."
Damn transphobe!
Meme - Libs of TikTok @Libsoftiktok: "Trans activist wishes death on transphobes. "I want to stab all of you to death as many times as I can. I want to stab you in the throat and twist it like I'm carving a pumpkin. I want to shred you into tiny pieces." Trans extremism is real. #Transtifa"
Clearly not a man
David Gorski, MD, PhD on X - "Oh, dear. It appears that Jerry Coyne is unhappy with @ScienceBasedMed (and me as editor) because we don't echo his "gender critical" pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. Whatever will we do?😉"
Jerry Coyne on X - "What you should do is stick to the science, publishing objective, readable, and scientifically correct articles—like you used to—rather than unhinged and misleading ideological rants meant to further an agenda. Oh, and could you show me that third type of gamete?"
REDUXX on X - "The World Health Organization is under fire after appointing a self-described "transfeminine academic slut" to help them create guidelines on "gender affirming care." Florence Ashley said he believes puberty blockers should be a "default option" for kids."
Libby Emmons on X - "One of the many, newly appointed trans members of the World Health Organization's trans guidelines committee says there should be no mental health assessment prior to a person getting medical sex change drugs and surgeries."
Leor Sapir on X - "Ashley argues (here and in academic papers) what gender clinicians and “gender affirming care” advocates believe and do but are unwilling to state publicly. And for good reason. The public and most of the medical profession would rightly see this as a betrayal of the core principles of medicine, and definitely beyond the scope of public insurance coverage. Policymakers, medical researchers, doctor associations, and lawyers should be more familiar with Ashley’s refreshing candor about what gender medicine really is all about."
April Hutchinson on X - "A lot of you are asking me if I am happy with the one year suspension. Of course, I don't feel I should have been suspended in the first place. But, it is what it is. I can walk around with resentment and be angry all day. Or I can push forward, except it and keep being a positive advocate for fairness in womens sports. Being angry also doesn't help my sobriety. In a sense, I am grateful the suspension happened. It has given this topic the worldwide attention it so deserves. I do feel that more changes are to come in the near future as more people wake-up to this madness. I will NEVER compete against a man, and I hope other women will also refuse. Keep speaking up because it's working. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and donated to my legal fund. Much love ❤️ Now back to training so I can come back as April 5.0 Stronger than ever 💪"
WomenAreReal on X - "I hear the following question often, “Why don’t more women speak out?” Here’s an athlete suspended for an ENTIRE year for daring to speak the truth and say that a man is a “biological male.” I personally know (and I’m working to get her story out) an incarcerated woman who lost her parole for similar reasons. And yet despite the risk more and more women are speaking the truth. The need for censorship is so desperate because the denial of reality is hard work. Maintaining a delusion requires constant effort. Their power is brittle. The spell can be broken by speaking freely and directly. #SaveWomensSports #KeepPrisonsSingleSex"
Male, ‘Trans’ Athlete Wins Three Paralympic Gold Medals in Women’s Running Events - "On September 11 and 12, 2020, Valentina Petrillo won gold in the women’s 100-, 200- and 400-metre competitions at the Italian Paralympic Athletics Championships. Petrillo, who is listed as male on identification documents, became the first male athlete to compete against women in Paralympic events. Up until identifying as a woman in 2019, Petrillo competed as a man, and won 11 national men’s titles between 2016 and 2018... Petrillo decided to transition at age 44, because “it had become unsustainable” to continue competing against men... Competing as a woman in the Tokyo Paralymics is the next goal, which Petrillo feels is completely fair, due to now being 1.5 seconds slower in the 200 metres compared to pre-transition."
Valentina Petrillo earns bronze at Worlds as Italian trans para athlete - "To add more fuel to the fire, World Athletics’ ban on transgender women went into effect one day before the masters championship were schedule to start, although it was unclear if World Masters Athletics would adopt the regulations. World Para Athletics chose not to follow World Athletics’ course, and that opened the door for Petrillo."
Time for the left to attack the disabled community. Disabled female athletes can't catch a break
Weird. TRAs keep insisting that no one would transition just for sporting advantage
Meme - Hazel Appleyard @HazelAppleyard_: "They all look like their wives. It makes me wonder. I don't necessarily think that they try to look like their wives - I think they FIND wives that they want to look like. My physically abusive ex-boyfriend (from over a decade ago) came out as trans a few years ago. He was definitely AGP based on the behaviour he displayed when we were together. Sometimes I wonder whether he abused me because he wanted to *be* me, because he was jealous of me"
Meme - "Veiled transphobia at work, feeling unsafe and not sure what to do
Hey! I tried posting in a different sub as well but I think it didn't go through because of my throwaway account. I'm using a throw away because my real one ties to my work. I hope it works here, I could really use some advice. I'm in a weird situation. A new colleague joined and he refuses to use my pronouns or even my name. Instead, he refers to me as "my esteemed colleague". I confronted him politely and just said something like "you are my colleague and I hold you in esteem hence my esteemed colleague'. It's bs, I can tell he's just a transphobic pos he calls others by their names. I'm the only trans woman in the office and it's really making me uncomfortable. I even spoke to HR about this but they said they can't do anything because "my esteemed colleague" is apparently not discriminatory. It's genuinely uncomfortable working with him because of this. It really gives me the creeps and makes me feel dehumanised."
Autoerotic Gynephilia requires validation
Wall Street Silver on X - "USA Boxing has announced for 2024 they will allow men who identify women to box in the women's category. 🔊"
Libs of TikTok on X - "Nothing to see here... just another trans activist suggesting he would m*rd*r transphobes including women and children. This is what happens when you brainwash a group of people into believing they’re oppressed, marginalized, and that there’s a g*noc*de against them. Trans extremism is a real threat. #Transtifa"
Kid gender guidelines not driven by science - "the Transgender Health Clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center took down its entire website after a leaked video went viral. The video featured one of the clinic’s physicians describing how these surgeries have become “huge money makers” and that in some cases, an “entire clinic is supported just by the phalloplasty.”... WPATH released draft guidelines, which included minimum age recommendations for life-changing treatment, including age 14 for receiving estrogen or testosterone (the previous WPATH standards had been age 16), and allowing minors to have mastectomies (which the guidance often calls “chest-masculinization surgery”) beginning at age 15, and vaginoplasty and hysterectomy at 17... between the draft release and the final version, WPATH had backtracked on providing age minimums, preferring to leave decisions to practitioners... The New York Times quoted WPATH President Marci Bowers — a surgeon who is herself transgender — as saying that reinstituting the young age recommendations will require “a better political climate.”... Amy Tishelman — a psychologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and the lead author of the WPATH chapter on children — discusses why the chapter on children was vaguely worded. “We were thinking, and it was scary for me, about the potential uses of the chapter for legal and insurance contexts,” Dr. Tishelman said. “What we didn’t want to do was create a chapter that would make it more likely that practitioners would be sued because they weren’t following exactly what we said.” After an uproar, WPATH put out a statement claiming that the video “was taken out of context, twisted and used to spread hate and lies on social media.” It added that Dr. Tishelman was talking about “therapeutic support” and “not medical care.” James Cantor is a psychologist and sex researcher in Toronto who has for years analyzed the research on treating kids with gender dysphoria. He told me that the updated standards of care provide a “collective shield” so that gender clinicians can do whatever they want and “call it professional judgment.” He added: “The current version is written in so much couched, vague and contradictory language that essentially I think it’s become hard to interpret this as anything other than a Rorschach test, to which anybody can say whatever it is they want to say, and this will be the coverage they need to justify doing whatever it is they want to do.” He said the goal of the standards was clear: “This was made to protect the doctors from lawsuits. None of this has ever been about patients.” A prime example of the lack of concern about kids: WPATH recommends that “in almost all situations, parental/caregiver consent should be obtained,” except “when caregiver or parental involvement is determined to be harmful to the adolescent.” But who determines what “harmful” is? And does it simply mean not giving the child what they want? One WPATH author even suggested at the group’s conference that practitioners could call Child Protective Services on parents reluctant to transition their kids. Such weaponizing of CPS has happened both to parents who oppose their child being transitioned — as I have documented — and to parents who facilitate it... Cantor observes that now these girls aren’t just cutting their own arms; they are getting surgeons to cut off their breasts. The young people showing up at gender clinics are genuinely distressed, he said to me. “They actually do need meaningful help, but they’re not getting help for the problems they have. They’re getting help for the problems they say they have.” Medical establishments in some European and Scandinavian countries have noticed the explosion in this population and have undertaken systematic reviews of the science on youth transition. They came away alarmed at the low quality of evidence supporting the efficacy of youth medical transition, considering how little is known about the potential side effects of these treatments — including osteoporosis, delayed brain development, sexual dysfunction, increased risk of cancer, and other diseases. They also found that detransition and regret about transition were higher than expected. In response to these reviews, these countries have variously put restrictions on medically transitioning young people. They now recommend that dysphoric children and adolescents get careful mental health evaluations, and that psychological support should be the first line treatment, with the goal of exploring the many psychological and social reasons for their feelings. Of course, the WPATH writers had access to the same universe of information as the Europeans and Scandinavians. They acknowledge that “a key challenge in adolescent transgender care is the quality of evidence evaluating the effectiveness of medically necessary gender-affirming medical and surgical treatments.” But instead of being concerned by the paltry evidence, WPATH has falsely claimed that “a systematic review regarding outcomes of treatment in adolescents is not possible.” They also declare puberty blockers are “fully reversible” — but we simply don’t know their long-term impact. They reject the cautionary principle employed by other countries and leave decisions to individual doctors and patients for any treatment — social transition, hormones, surgery. The long-term effects of these interventions on the kinds of adolescents seeking them today is unknown, but WPATH notes positively that a “2017 study of 20 WPATH-affiliated surgeons in the US reported slightly more than half had performed vaginoplasty in minors.” Yet some detransitioned men who received vaginoplasties are speaking out, saying they realized they were gay men with internalized homophobia — and that they weren’t properly evaluated before having their genitals removed. Decades of studies, and experience by practitioners, demonstrate that the vast majority of children with early-onset gender dysphoria outgrow this by the time they emerge from puberty — and that many of these young people grow up to be gay or bisexual. WPATH even acknowledges that “there are no reliable means of predicting an individual child’s gender evolution.” So by promoting the benefits of early social and medical intervention, WPATH advocates preventing the very process of natural physical and mental maturation that has historically resulted in the resolution of most dysphoric children’s distress."
Weird. We keep being told that minors never undergo surgery and/or bottom surgery. Of course, one cope is that these aren't trans-related
Paul Peace 🟣⚪️🟢 on X - "Yes, I think we're all sick of the radical trans activists and this 'transphobia' thing. By going after women's rights, gay and lesbian spaces, etc, they even set reasonable trans accommodations back. No person of sound mind thinks a balding male with a penis is 'a woman and a lesbian and can enter any of their spaces'. That's outrageous. When challenged, these morons even say, "What, are you going to check her genitalia?" I know: 'her penis'. Do they not realise that this is not for everyone else to check and police; it's called integrity and respect. It is already volunteered by the more respectful transgender believers. They don't demand women's and lesbians' spaces, sports, and rights. Of course, he doesn't have to have a dick or be balding at all. Appearance is irrelevant. 'Woman' isn't an appearance or performance. But using the most extreme (okay, most common) example makes it more obvious to people still entertaining the idea that appearance or passing or conventional beauty can make him a woman. When I use the penised male example, they wheel out 'transphobe' - the good old-fashioned ad hominem attack. They never have reasoning, rationale, or logic - just attacks and fallacies. Why? Because they believe that a man can be a woman by merely announcing it, and moreover, that this is a self-evident truth. It requires no further explanation or discussion. That is partly why we call it a neo-religion, cult, or ideology. It masks itself and its workings, and when brought to consciousness, only aggression, force, law, social shaming in the village stocks, or character assassination can (attempt to) repress it. But we won't be held down. Never."
Meme" - "So, what is it you look for most in a woman?"
"XX chromosomes"
Sisters at University of Wyoming Sorority Demand Court Clearly Define "Woman" In Appeal To Have Trans-Identified Male Removed, Claim He Filmed Them Without Consent - "The female complainants at the center of a lawsuit to have a trans-identified male removed from a sorority at the University of Wyoming have re-filed their appeal, demanding the court clearly define the word “woman.” Artemis Langford, previously known as Dallin, was accepted into Kappa Kappa Gamma (KKG) last September, spurring several women to file a lawsuit to have him removed. In August, the case of Westenbroek v. Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity was dismissed on the basis that re-defining “woman” to include males was “Kappa Kappa Gamma’s bedrock right.” Despite hearing testimony from the women, some of whom stated Langford had “watched” them undress with an erection, Judge Alan Johnson rejected the women’s request to rescind Langford’s admission into the sorority. However, on December 4, the young women filed an appeal to have the dismissal reversed, arguing that Langford’s presence in the sorority house “caused emotional distress in a personalized and unique way,” and demanding that the court clearly define the word “woman.” In the appeal, the women reassert that Langford displayed “strange and sexual behavior” towards them, and caused them a level of discomfort and anxiety amounting to personal injury. It reiterates claims that Langford had been filming and photographing the women without their consent and had displayed a visible erection while in the house... “At a slumber party, Langford ‘repeatedly questioned the women about what vaginas look like, [and] breast cup size,’ and stared as one Plaintiff changed her clothes,” reads the appeal. “Langford also talked about his virginity and discussed at what age it would be appropriate for someone to have sex… And he stated that he would not leave one of the sorority’s sleepovers until after everyone fell asleep.” Langford was also said to have taken pictures of female members “without their knowledge or consent.” Some of the women noted that they had “observed Langford writing detailed notes about [the students] and their statements and behavior.” In May, a judge twice prohibited the women from suing anonymously, while stipulating that Langford’s identity should remain protected. Langford was referred to by the pseudonym “Terry Smith” and male pronouns in the legal documents. Six of the women then refiled the lawsuit under their own names, and are requesting that the court void Langford’s membership in KKG. “It is really uncomfortable. Some of the girls have been sexually assaulted or sexually harassed. Some girls live in constant fear in our home,” one of the sisters, Hannah, told Megyn Kelly during an interview on her podcast. Rather than addressing the privacy and safety concerns of the women in KKG, who had each paid $8,000 to live in the sorority house, “Kappa officials recommended that … they should quit Kappa Kappa Gamma entirely.”... The sorority invited the women to resign their membership “if a position of inclusion is too offensive for their personal values.”... from 1870 to 2018, KKG defined “woman” to exclude “transgender women” and that any new definition may not be enacted without a KKG bylaw amendment... After an initial anonymous vote conducted via Google poll failed to result in Langford’s acceptance into the sorority, Chapter leaders developed a second, non-anonymous voting system in which multiple sisters changed their votes because of “fear of reprisal.” In addition to denying women anonymity, Wyoming chapter officials, after consultation with Kappa’s leadership, had told members that voting against Langford’s admission was evidence of “bigotry” that “is a basis for suspension or expulsion from the Sorority.” Curiously, prior court documents also reveal that Langford was admitted to KKG despite not even meeting their basic academic eligibility requirements... two longstanding alumni members of KKG revealed they had been expelled in an apparent retaliation for advocating that membership be restricted to females only. Patsy Levang and Cheryl Tuck-Smith had been members of the sorority for over 50 years, and had contributed to fundraising efforts for the organization... Since news of the lawsuit first became widely circulated, Langford has received ample sympathetic coverage in mainstream media, with one MSNBC host labeling him “brave and unique.” In a recent profile by the Washington Post, Langford was given a platform to accuse the sorority sisters involved in the suit of lying while being compared to women who had historically been denied the right to a basic education."
What are neopronouns and how do you use them? | CNN - "Neopronouns include terms like “xe” and “em,” and some of them even date back several centuries, when they were introduced by writers as a solution for referring to subjects without assuming gender. Now, they’re also commonly used by nonbinary and trans people. All pronouns indicate identity and can be used to include or exclude people they describe — neopronouns included, said Dennis Baron, one of the foremost experts on neopronouns and their histories and an emeritus professor of English and Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Neopronouns should be used and respected like any other pronoun, he told CNN. “People like to have a say in how they’re identified,” Baron said. “Refusing to let people self-identify is a way of excluding them.”... Here are a few relatively common neopronouns, and how to use them, from the Human Rights Campaign. Note: Some of these pronouns may be pronounced differently based on their user. xe/xyr (commonly pronounced zee/zeer) I asked xyr to come to the movies. Xe said yes! ze/zir or ze/hir (commonly pronounced zee/zeer or zee/heer) The teacher graded zir paper today, and ze got an A! Ze said hirself that I’m hir favorite neighbor. fae/faer (commonly pronounced fay/fair) Fae told me that faer best friend is in town this week. ey/em/eir (commonly pronounced aye/em/air) I’m taking em to the park today. Ey wants to bring eir camera to capture the garden for emself! ae/aer (commonly pronounced aye/air) Ae is my best friend — most of aer’s weekday evenings are spent at my house... Leaf, sun, star — nounself pronouns are neopronouns that use nature and other inspirations as nonbinary or genderless descriptors. Linguist Jason D’Angelo told The New York Times that nounself pronouns were popularized on the social platform Tumblr around 2012 and 2013 and remain in use among members of fandoms who may take their nounself pronouns from the properties they enjoy. For someone who uses the nounself pronoun “leaf,” that may look like: “I hope leaf knows how proud we are that leaf is getting to know leafself better!” or “Leaf arrived at the coffee shop before me; I was mortified to have been late to meet leaf.” In a 2016 paper on the emerging pronouns, Danish linguist Ehm Hjorth Miltersen wrote that nounself pronouns offer a way for people to establish identity beyond just gender. By finding one’s desired nounself pronouns, one can “can construct new ways to identify and be perceived by others that are more coordinate with complex and diverse identities.” Miltersen wrote that one nounself pronoun user who responded to their questionnaire wrote that they sometimes use “pup/pupself” pronouns to “express a level of fun, happiness and excitement … in me.” Some critics of nounself pronouns feel that the words sound “silly” or “make it harder for transgender and nonbinary people to be taken seriously” since the terms are often much newer and less commonly used than other pronouns, Miltersen said. Baron noted, though, that all words, in any language, were “invented” at one point."
Weird. I thought pronoun madness was very simple and totally not a manifestation of mental illness and narcissism