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Friday, January 12, 2024

Links - 12th January 2024 (1 - Pitbulls)

done pit bulls pitbulls

This post consolidates past pitbull-related links not residing in dedicated posts (all the way back to 2011) for easier location of links. I have also created a new label for this subject, "pitbulls".

Addendum: This is no longer available, but it was propagating the nanny dog myth

Are Pit Bulls Dangerous - "A five-year review of dog-bite injuries from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, published in 2009 in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, found that almost 51 percent of the attacks were from pit bulls, almost 9 percent were from Rottweilers and 6 percent were from mixes of those two breeds. In other words, a whopping two-thirds of the hospital's dog-attack injuries involved just two breeds, pit bulls and Rottweilers. Other studies confirm these statistics: A 15-year study published in 2009 in the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology revealed that pit bulls, Rottweilers and German shepherds were responsible for the majority of fatal dog attacks in the state of Kentucky... there's considerable evidence that owners of pit bulls and other high-risk dogs are themselves high-risk people."

Man whose penis and testicles were eaten by bulldog 'was alone in room with the animal' - "Olde English Bulldogges were bred in the early 1970s in an attempt to recreate the historic Bulldog breed but with a less aggressive temperament. Bulldogs were popular up until the 19th century at the peak of bull baiting and had previously been used by butchers to immobilise the animals so they could be slaughtered. The original Old English Bulldog breed, historically popular for bull baiting, is extinct. They were used for blood sport but declined in number along with the fall in popularity of bull baiting after the Cruelty to Animals Act was passed in 1835. Its modern descendant, the Olde English Bulldogge, was bred in the US in an attempt to recreate the muscular and athletic animals with large lower jaws but without their vicious tendencies or health problems."
"Stereotypes" about a relative of the pit bulls

Pit Bull Advocate Killed By Her Pit Bull - "Her husband, Greg Napora, says the last time he saw 32-year-old Darla Napora was when he was leaving for work. She was sleeping in the bed with their two pit bulls — Gunner, a 2-year-old male and Tazi, a 6-year-old female.When he returned home at around 12, he found Darla laying on the ground covered in blood with Gunner, also covered in blood, hovering near her body... Darla was an avid pit bull lover and supporter of Bay Area Dog lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls, or Bad Rap, a group that tries to change negative attitudes toward pit bulls derived from stories in which pit bulls chew off the face of the pregnant women who raised them.Gunner was not neutered, a fact that some believe played a role in provoking the attack... Greg has forgiven Gunner for taking the life of his wife and his unborn child and is doing everything he can to get Tazi back..“They are the most loving animals I have ever had in my life. Whatever happened right now was not the breeds fault,” he said. In fact, the couple loved the pit bulls so much, Gunner’s ashes will be buried with Darla"

Father of Pregnant Pacifica Woman Killed by Her Pet Pit Bull Writes Letter - "People have said “She was white trash and that she must have abused her dog.” or “She fell off a ladder and the dog didn’t attack -- it only was trying to awaken her.” and “Her husband trained the dog to attack Darla.”"
Cognitive dissonance!

Three children attacked by pit bull as Ontario moves to legalize the breed - "Just one week after legislation was tabled to scrap a controversial dog breed ban in Ontario, a man from Wingham has been charged in connection with pit bull attack that sent three children to the hospital.The Ontario Provincial Police said on November 13, an American Staffordshire Terrier, a banned pit bull breed in Ontario, slipped its collar and immediately ran to a nearby church and private school located on John Street West in Wingham where it began attacking the children. Police referred to the animal as “out of control” and “vicious.”... Information about the dog attack comes at an awkward time for Chatham Kent Leamington MPP Rick Nicholls, who introduced a private member’s bill in the legislature on November 19 to reverse the ban on pit bull-type dogs...   Nicholls added that the amendment has strong support, however, not everyone is happy with the idea of ending the province’s 15-year ban on pit bulls. National Pit Bull Victim Awareness (NPBVA), a coalition of over 70 pit bull victim groups across the U.S. and Canada, has urged the province to keep the breed-specific ban in place. According to the victim advocacy group’s statistics, pit bulls have killed 52 people in Canada and the U.S. since the start of 2018.  Ontario is the only province that has a province-wide ban on pit bulls."

Meme - "When a pit nutter is mauled by their own dog and are still trying to explain how it's a good boy and misunderstood"

Justice for Bullies - Posts | Facebook - "We do NOT support the nanny dog myth. American Pit Bull Terriers have never historically been referred to as nanny dogs. You can do an internet search of this to confirm. If you are going to argue and say this is not a fact please come equipped with something that validates your statements."

Meme - "The outpouring of love from fellow Pit Mommies has been AMAZING! Together, we will teach these Pitphobes that it's their dead kids that are to blame for Pibbles naughty behaviour. #LoveWins"
James Steele: "It's OK that your scared of dogs"
Definitely Only Liberal Opinions Here, Don't Worry Zuck: "I LOVE your creative use of your! Yea, people who don't keep an animal that will kill their children if they pull its tail are insane! All good children are raised in homes with nanny dogs."
Ash Nicole: "children deserve to be bit if they're antagonizing the dog"
Definitely Only Liberal Opinions Here, Don't Worry Zuck: "I agree!!! It's so important to have lethal animals with hair-trigger tempers around babies and toddlers. I know that if my animal mauled my child, the first thing I'd be thinking is "what did he do to deserve it""

Did George the Dog Give His Life to Save 5 Kids from 2 Pit Bulls? - ""In memory of 'George,' who gave his life on Kauae Street, 29th April 2007 protecting children from two savage dogs."...   On April 29, 2007, George, described as a "plucky" 9-year-old Jack Russell terrier, helped to hold off two pit bulls from attacking five children in Manaia, New Zealand. Unfortunately, he was "so severely mauled in the fight" that a decision was made for him to be put down... George received two honors after his death. New Zealand's main animal welfare agency, the Society for the Protection of Animals, awarded George with a bravery medal. On top of that, an American Vietnam veteran who had read the news of George's actions to protect the children sent one of his Purple Heart medals to George's owner... In the July 2020 video, the updated plaque on the statue read: "In memory of 'George,' who gave his life on April 29, 2007, protecting children from two savage dogs. He was posthumously awarded the PDSA Gold Medal, in recognition of his bravery.""

Meme - "Plz trust me around your child."
"Pitbulls, Drag Queens"

Racism and the American Pit Bull
Presumably the statistics showing pitbulls are responsible for a large proportion of attacks are racist

Brooklinn Khoury Shares Photo of Face Immediately After Being Mauled by Dog - "Brooklinn Khoury is giving her fans a look at the severity of her injuries immediately after she was attacked by a pit bull in 2020... The model was standing in the kitchen when she went to pet her cousin's dog, an 8-year-old blue nose pitbull named Diesel, who she had met many times before."

Medical Studies of Pit Bull Injuries and Deaths in the USA and Canada - National Pit Bull Victim Awareness - "NPBVA lists medical studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals (also known as refereed or scholarly journals). Before publication, each study is scrupulously examined by an anonymous panel of experts. Articles are examined for proper use of research methods, population sampling, significance of the paper’s contribution to the existing literature, and proper integration of previous work on the topic (including citations). In many cases, several re-writes and numerous clarifications are required before a study is accepted for publication. Unlike papers published by organizations, studies published in medical journals are the most authoritative sources of information on a topic."
Addendum: "Medical doctors in the U.S. and Canada are sounding the alarm about pit bulls, calling them a “public health crisis.” From 1989 to 2014 there were 16 peer-reviewed medical studies documenting the impact of pit bulls on our healthcare systems, and since 2015 the pace has quickened, with an additional 25 studies being published. The consensus concludes that compared to attacks by all other types of dogs combined, pit bull attacks are both greater in number, and also vastly disproportionately greater than what the actual breed phenotype population numbers would actually merit. In addition, pit bull attacks cause more damage and death, require more extensive medical intervention and incur substantially higher costs to healthcare systems. Most attacks are unprovoked and unforeseen and therefore unpreventable."

‘Emotional support animal’ mauls 5-year-old girl at Portland airport, $1.1 million lawsuit says - "The mother of a 5-year-old girl mauled in the face by a pit bull at Portland International Airport has filed a $1.1 million lawsuit against the Port of Portland for allegedly letting a dangerous “emotional support animal” into the airport without a carrier."

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