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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Links - 10th January 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Thread by @MikeNayna on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "New Left identitarians, like Claudine Gay, discovered they could mimic forms of expertise as a means to power for their DEI activism. Her academic work is representative of a vast body of laundered research & credentials that prop up the entire DEI edifice. In an audacious hoax project, @peterboghossian, @HPluckrose, & @ConceptualJames submitted ludicrous research papers to highly esteemed journals in DEI-related fields to expose the activist racket. 7 absurd papers were published, most in top-tier journals. Up until now, laundering poorly researched ideology through peer review to secure legitimacy among elites had a cultural forcefield around it. Activist scholars & their students would level relentless ad hominem attacks & accusations of "isms" at anyone who questioned their legitimacy. The forcefield seems to be semi-permeable now. Claudine Gay, who is fundamentally a DEI activist, stepping down from the top job at the most prestigious university in the world is a major development. She's likely to become a template to take down much more of the harmful activist infrastructure."

Thread by @KirkegaardEmil on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I published a new study and it's a juicy one.  The establishment's theory of race differences in socially valued metrics is that this is due to "systemic racism", a kind of Marxist conspiracy theory where the dominant group (Whites) keeps other peoples down.  There are clear testable predictions from this theory. In places where racist, White people have more power, outcomes for non-Whites, especially Blacks and Hispanics should be worse. Recall that the US demographics by county look like this.  Of course, Republicans are racist in this theory.Thus, the theory predicts that in these areas of the USA, Blacks and Hispanics should be particularly worse off compared to Whites. But the exact opposite is actually true. The race gaps are smaller, not larger, in Whiter and more Republican areas. The above figures are for test score gaps, but the same holds true if we look at social status gaps. Here's some maps of race gaps in social status. So we need another way to explain the variation in social status gaps. Well, it's easy. Test scores -- academic achievement that mainly reflecting intelligence -- explain why race gaps are smaller and larger in various locations. Meritocracy works.  It gets even worse for the theory. It turns out the effect of White population share and Republican vote share are interactive. The areas with the smallest race gaps are the ones with the largest White populations and the largest Republican vote shares combined!  There we have it. The Marxist conspiracy theory that is the go-to explanation of race relations fails when we look at county-level variation across the United States. The predictions it makes are exactly opposite of reality. If anything, it seems Republican Whites are good for minorities. If you want more details, read my new blog post:  New study out: Systemic Racism Does Not Explain Variation in Race Gaps on Cognitive Tests. Or read the study yourself. It's only 20 pages. You can also download the data and R code yourself if you are more curious. There are many more figures and maps in the OSF repository."

Wilfred Reilly on X - "It is wild that we pretend that one of the 8,000 common racial insults - as opposed to something like "pussy," which you can say both during deep intimacy and to break your little brother - is some magic Voldemort term that we MUST refer to as "the N word"...unless any Black dude says it 97 times running.   Sports announcers now panicked about top-post beast Noah Knigga."

Thread by @RamonaBessinger on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The current k12 DEI curriculum excludes ALL classic literature like Antoine de Saint-Exupery's "The Little Prince".  This beautifully written novelette, includes universal themes of love, loneliness, truth, innocence and more.  Consider this line: "But the eyes are blind, one must look with the heart"  This sweet quote has the power to bring all children together as they explore the infinite ways they are alike. Children from all cultures and religions can relate to the little prince's imagination, his quest for happiness and truth.  In partnership with the Teachers Unions, the U.S department of Education is intent on fostering division, hate, and activism as they promote their race-based DEI culture.  K12 schools are overrun with racial animus, and the U.S Department of Education is to blame. The DEI-driven classroom includes sets of pamphlet style books with images like this. DEI-School libraries promote division and racial animus by showcasing DEI approved content that divides children by the color of their skin. There are many books that condemn Christianity. Books that show frightening pictures of child rape are included in school libraries. "Romiette and Julio" DEI gender ideology replaces Shakespeare."

Konstantin Kisin on X - "I used to find it mind-boggling that some people are vehemently opposed to meritocracy. Why would you be against being rewarded for how skilled and hard-working you are? And then I read the previous sentence back and it all suddenly made sense."
Eric Beltt on X - "The corollary: why would anyone oppose people being judged by the content of their character, as individuals? Because in a culture like that, people of low character lose. And they want to win, whether they deserve it or not."
Mark Gogolewski on X - "The don't love the poor, they hate the rich. They don't value merit, they hate you for your success"

FischerKing on X - "Vivek doesn’t expect anyone to know how to pronounce his name. He will say ‘Vivek - say it like cake.’   This is incredibly refreshing to apple pie Americans who are exhausted and intimidated about names that aren’t Tom and Joe. There are ways to handle things like this. He doesn’t call you racist."
Ghost on X - "It speaks to his character. Instead of getting annoyed and expecting you to do the work to learn his name, he offers you a quick, helpful trick. Provides a solution to a problem he anticipated you having before you have it."

The Language of Astronomy Is Needlessly Violent and Inaccurate | Scientific American
Strxwmxn on X - "In order to decolonize astronomy, the following changes shall take effect immediately:  • The Solar System shall be categorized as a non-binary star system  • Dwarf stars shall be called “little stars”  • Gas giants shall be called “planets of size”  • Venus and Mars shall be referred to using the pronouns ze/zir  • Jupiter to be renamed as Ziopiter  • Uranus jokes shall be verboten  • Black holes shall be referred to as “holes of literally no color” (HoLNCs)  • Nebulas shall be known as “cosmic fluids”  • Pluto shall remain non-planet identifying"

Meme - Seamus (FreedomToons): "wow this is so powerful. remember never to accept a free wife from a christofascist, he will chain you to a chair and make your wife pregnant. this has happened many times and is documented in the book a handmaids tale"
George Styles: "Dear young angry men, Christofascists will promise you a wife, but upon their rise to power, they will be the ones impregnating the wives they promised you---see "A Handmaid's Tale." And you'll be forced to watch while chained to a bedside chair..."

Hillary Clinton confronted by heckler over Biden's 'warmongering' speech - "Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton faced off against a persistent heckler who demanded she comment on President Biden’s “warmongering” Oval Office speech... “But it’s not free speech when you’re disrupting everybody else’s opportunity to speech,” Clinton shot back.  “It is. This is free speech! Everyone, this is free speech!” the man shouted as an official attempted to stop him. “That is not free speech. This is people constructing narratives that are openly hypocritical.”  The heckler continued to demand that Clinton comment on Biden’s speech, further denouncing Biden’s speech as “openly warmongering, suicidal and idiotic.” The crowd was heard applauding as he left."

End Wokeness on X - "This is Tafida Raqeeb (6)  The NHS in the U.K. declared that she had no chance of recovery and ruled that life support should be removed  The parents were religious Muslims and objected. The court sided with them.  After the court ruling, she had a stunning recovery and was even moved out of the intensive care unit.  Unfortunately, many Christian children in the U.K. did not get this religious exemption and their lives were not spared.  There is currently a battle over the care of a Christian baby named Indi Gregory.   Let’s hope the court rules in their favor and spares his life like they did for Tafida."

FACT CHECK: Bardfinn claiming on /r/AgainstHateSubreddits that he has 30 years of experience as a Nazi hunter researching & tracking down white supremacists & anti-semites : AgainstHateSubreddits
Males Of Reddit on X - "Steven Atkins (AKA u/Bardfinn) is a multiple felon who beat his ex-wife and son"

Wilfred Reilly on X - "What the right is doing now can probably best be referred to as "mutually assured destruction."   Simply put: we have roughly as much power - via donor dollars, etc - as our opponents. If college campuses can be pressured to ban the practice of referring to males as "men," they can ALSO be made to ban BLM/Free-Free-Palestine style anti-Western hooliganism.   Or, everyone stops, and we can all talk again."

George Orwell on X - "If you encourage totalitarian methods, the time may come when they will be used against you instead of for you. Make a habit of imprisoning Fascists without trial, and perhaps the process won’t stop at Fascists."

‘Systemic Racism’ in Justice System Does Not Exist - "based on models that adjust for social class as a variable, there appears to exist little or no “systemic” racial bias in the U.S. criminal-justice system. Overall, the pair’s meta-analytic review of some 51 studies — which, combined, included around 120 distinct effect tables — concluded that “neither class nor race biases for criminal adjudications for either violent or property crimes could be reliably detected.” For drug crimes such as crack sales, some evidence of bias was found, but “effect sizes were very small” — often on the order of a few percentage points — and may be primarily artifacts of the weaknesses of past studies. Ferguson and Smith note that the “better quality studies” that were included in this complex analysis were “less likely to produce results supportive of [racial] disparities.” Studies with “citation bias” toward one side of the debate about whether racism exists in the modern criminal-justice system — generally, a bias in a liberal direction — were far more likely to find racism than were unbiased fair-test studies, and they “consistently produced higher effect sizes.”... On some level, and this is not to minimize a top piece of work, these findings seem gobsmackingly obvious in 2023. As Ferguson and Smith put it, “the civil rights movement was successful in creating equality before the law.” Since then, they add, “evidence from psychological studies demonstrates major reductions in both explicit and implicit racial prejudice.”  More bluntly put, about 40 percent of Americans are now members of minorities, and 90-odd percent of whites do not test as racist when this is measured by any real metric such as opposition to interracial marriage. Hell, roughly 30 percent of cops are black and Hispanic — and so are more than 10 percent of lawyers (before we throw in Asian and Jewish Americans). Setting CRT mumbo jumbo to the side, where it belongs, there seems to be no reason to expect black or Irish-American big-city judges to treat (say) Puerto Rican teen goons differently from Italian or Bosnian ones. And, overall, they do not. Serious analyses, of the kind that Ferguson and Smith conducted, frequently come to similar conclusions across a variety of sectors. Back in 1990, the economist June O’Neill took a look at the black–white income gap — then about 18 percent annually, and always attributed to racism. She concluded that fairly simple adjustments for variables such as age (the modal age of a black American is 27, versus 58 for a white Yank), region of residence, test scores, and years (rather than quality) of education shrink this gap to roughly 1 percent. Similarly, in policing, Harvard economist Roland Fryer’s multifactorial analysis, which included controls for the behavior of suspects and racial groups’ rate of contact with police, concluded that white suspects are actually 27 percent more likely than black suspects to be shot by cops . . . rebutting the entire Black Lives Matter narrative almost in passing. This brings us to a key point. Life, much like good analysis, is multivariate. People who differ from one another in terms of a major factor such as race or religion are also very likely — indeed almost certain — to differ as well in terms of other characteristics, like those O’Neill studied. Racism occurs only when individuals are treated differently entirely and solely because of the single factor of their race. It’s worth spelling this out. An analysis of mortgage-loan rates could be said to have uncovered racism only if large and statistically significant gaps in lending rates to racial groups remained after a statistical adjustment for black/Caucasian/Asian differences in age, region, income, wealth, credit score, and probably default rates. Similarly, any study of arrest rates (or crime rates) by race has failed to demonstrate the existence of bias — and therefore is pretty much useless for our purposes — if it has not made the obvious adjustments for age and social class.  By this standard, a rather amazing amount of past research — journalistic “studies” and some academic work — is pretty much useless. As Ferguson and Smith note, in a surprising number even of the better-known studies in their field of criminal justice, “control variables are comparatively lacking. . . . Many studies that examine race issues don’t control for class” (emphasis mine). “Most” studies control for “age and prior criminal record,” but not all.  Interestingly, very few papers on criminal sentencing control for what may be the most critical variable of all — whether your lawyer was a public defender or private counsel and how good he was. Criminal justice is hardly unique in this regard: Conservative éminence grise Thomas Sowell devoted an entire book to debunking scholars’ and reporters’ cross-disciplinary trend of simply attributing any disparity between groups — black vs. white maternal mortality, for example — to racism. But that particular dragon even the great man could not slay... Many writers, especially in the journalistic sector, are almost certainly well intentioned but unskilled with advanced statistical tools such as Stata. Others likely notice real racism in today’s online public squares, jump to the premature conclusion that this kind of tawdry stuff explains serious decisions that adults such as bankers make, and don’t test for much else.  But it is hard not to notice a potential third factor. An entire sector of the economy — within which fall most left-aligned think tanks and lobbying groups and more than a few academic departments (“postcolonial studies,” anyone?) — is dependent on the continued existence of old-school bigotry in the United States. Old warhorses such as Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push and Al Sharpton’s National Action Network never really went anywhere, and they have been joined at the trough by more than 100 BLM groups led by Patrisse Cullors’s Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. Even sexual-rights groups now host seven-figure fundraisers centered on professional-looking white papers"
This won't stop liberals from repeating this myth

Crémieux on X - "It used to be common knowledge that psychometricians removed test items women did worse on. In PASE v. Hannon, this was part of the plaintiffs' argument that tests were racially biased:"
"It is apparently plaintiffs' position that the tests in question could be vindicated only by a showing that blacks do as well on them as whites. Plaintiffs regard any differential performance between the races as evidence of cultural bias. Plaintiffs' witnesses emphasized what they felt was the unfairness of the standardization process which discarded items on which females did not do as well as males but did not discard items on which blacks did less well than whites... The differences between the sexes were peculiar to just a small number of items, about thirty altogether (McNemar, 1942: 50): about half the differences went in one direction and about half in the other. The great bulk of items showed no differences. (Emphasis in original). In the case of the racial differences, we are not talking about just thirty sub-items or even items. We are talking about all items on the tests. If all items on which the mean black score is lower than the mean white score were to be eliminated, this would mean that the entire tests would be eliminated."
If you don't rig the tests, you're biased

Meme - Carrie Severino @JCNSeverino: "The difference in tone between these two @Forbes pieces is striking. Justices Clarence Thomas and Sonia Sotomayor rose to the Supreme Court from humble backgrounds but Thomas's life story is treated with scorn while Sotomayor's is lauded."
"Here's How Much Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is Worth
Fifty years on the government payroll hasn't provided Thomas enough money to buy a yacht or airplane. Fortunately for him, he has rich friends."
"How The Supreme COurt Made Sonia Sotomayor Millions
The court's most liberal justice assumed her position with $750,000 to her name. Sonia Sotomayor is worth a lot more than that now."
Damn racism and anti-blackness!

Meme i/o @eyeslasho: "Ibram X.Kendi - America's leading "antiracist" intellectual, MacArthur "genius award" recipient, head of deeply-funded "antiracist center" at BU - writing about the extinction of white people and their efforts to kill blacks with an engineered AIDS virus, while a college senior."
"Europeans are simply a different breed of human. They are socialized to be aggressive people. They are taught to live by the credo, "survival of the fittest." They are raised to be racist. Caucasians make up only 10 percent of the world's population and that small percentage of people have recessive genes. Therefore they' re facing extinction. Whites have tried to level the playing field with the AIDS virus and cloning, but they know these deterrents will only get them so far. This is where the murder, psychological brainwashing and deception comes into play. -Ibram Rogers, 21, is a senior magazine production and African American studies student from Manassas, Va."
Conspiracy theories are only bad if it threatens the liberal agenda

Philippe Lemoine on X - "Again, what I find really offensive about the whole Kendi phenomenon is not so much the racism, it's the fact that prestigious institutions elevated someone who is clearly a literal moron. If I didn't know better I'd say that it's a racist conspiracy to make blacks look bad."

Meme - Peter Darker @lAmLeoGlaze: "White people shouldn't be allowed to vote. The overwhelming minority that are decent just need to suck it up. Sacrifice comes with being an actual ally."
Amy D @amydipa: "I would be fine with that but maps show that we would be fine also if just men were not able to vote."
We will still be told that liberals don't hate white people (or men)

Meme - Laurence Fox @LozzaFox: "The @bbe are institutionally racist. Not only do they teach this racist crap. They are proud of it. The whole pathetic organisation should be chucked out into the private sector, where it belongs. #DefundTheBBC"
White privilege: What is it and how can it be used to help others?"

Woke Cowardice: Wrong University Presidents at the Wrong Time - "In recent years, many universities have selected as their presidents woke, progressive cowards who pander to the most extreme and most vocal left-wing students and professors. They are the wrong people, at the wrong time, to be leading American educational institutions.  When I first came to Harvard in 1964, university presidents all came from the same cookie-cutter. They were white Anglo-Saxon males, who represented the wealthy conservative donors and board members. There were no Jewish university presidents and the then president of Harvard – Nathan Marsh Pusey – made it clear that no Jew need apply for the presidency or deanships.  Within a decade, following the civil rights movement, matters changed considerably. Several years ago, many of the most elite universities had Jewish presidents and Jewish deans.  Now matters have changed again and many of the new presidents represent the current political correctness reflected by the "diversity, equity and inclusion" (DEI) bureaucracies. Many also represent, or are sympathetic to, woke progressive movements that today dominate many campuses.  As Ecclesiastes observed, "to everything there is a season". This seems to be the season for woke cowardice. Many of the current university presidents also seem to come from a cookie-cutter. They are different from previous university presidents but seem quite similar to each other in their pandering to the DEI and progressive woke constituencies on campus... A friend of mine, who was the president of a major university during the "Jewish period," told me that the one characteristic which is not a qualification for being a current university president is "courage." To that, should be added a commitment to principle.  Also at fault for the selection of current university presidents are the boards of directors who select them in an effort to pander to current student and faculty demands for DEI. They have ignored the majority of students and faculty, as well as the majority of alumni and donors. This overlooked and large constituency wants to see academic excellence and political neutrality on behalf of university presidents, deans and administrators. Most would prefer what has come to be called "the Chicago principles," which require that the university itself stay out of politics. Only a handful of universities have accepted these principles even in theory. Most universities pick and choose among the political views they publicly espouse. For example, virtually every university condemned the killing of George Floyd by a policeman -- but many refused to condemn Hamas' October 7 murder of more than 1,200 Israelis (and many Americans) and the kidnapping of more than 240 other Israelis. It is this double standard that has opened these administrators to criticism that they are more sensitive to Black lives than to Jewish lives. They are also insensitive to civil liberties and the rights of those with whom they disagree.  Just as many of these new university presidents were selected for symbolism, so too should they be dismissed for symbolism"

Totalitarian Manipulation Of Language Behind Woke Destruction Of Harvard, New York Times, And Other Elite Institutions - "For hundreds of years, truth, wisdom, and intelligence have been the highest values held by Harvard, the New York Times, and other elite institutions. Harvard’s slogan is veritas, Latin for the Truth. The New York Times motto is “All the news that’s fit to print,” which refers to the paper’s ambition to be an accurate reflection of reality. And the mission of many academic and scholarly associations is the same or similar to that of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), which is to “advance anthropology as a discipline of scientific and humanistic research, practice, and teaching that increases our fundamental understanding of humankind.”  And yet these institutions have all of late been caught flagrantly denying fundamental realities about humans and the world, spreading misinformation, and thus undermining their own mission... activist anthropologists motivated the AAA to prevent other anthropologists from discussing the biological category of sex... major institutions of cultural and political life are being led by people who not only hold pseudoscientific, racist, and irrational ideas, but also demand that those ideas be held and acted upon to the point of censoring, excluding, and punishing the pursuit of accurate, scientific knowledge, information, and policies in ways very similar to what past totalitarian regimes did, and to widespread cultural and political effect. In both fascist and Communist nations, the government imposed mediocre anti-social individuals as the heads of important cultural institutions, such as universities. That is not what happened in the case of Harvard, the New York Times, or the AAA. The leaders of those institutions were, in the case of Harvard and AAA, selected from the institutions themselves or, in the case of the New York Times, chosen by the family that owns it. Over the last year, we have seen the dangers of when the government imposes censorship, and oversees disinformation campaigns. But the recent examples show the dangers of powerful institutions promoting censorship and disinformation on their own."

Lafayette Lee on X - "The National Park Service is removing a statue of William Penn—champion of religious liberty and father of Pennsylvania—at the site of his home in the city he founded… to be more “inclusive.” Heritage America is being erased."
FischerKing on X - "Seeing this removal of the William Penn statue forces me to beat a dead horse. When people took down Confederate statutes as ‘traitors,’ they meant treason to the values of today, what we think right now. They aren’t really talking about treason in 1861 because they don’t know anything about what that meant. People who talk this way are historically illiterate, have no understanding of the competing loyalties that someone like James Longstreet or Robert E Lee had to deal with - the basic tragedy that people find themselves in. By taking down the statues of these men, we set the stage for future atrocities, like this Penn business. This won’t stop at any point until we put our collective foot down, and simply tell these animals NO. Even then it will take years of education to explain to people why this nonsense is unacceptable."
Yang on X - "The planned removal of a William Penn statue shows the way progressivism relies on the belief that history is always moving towards utopia, that there is a "right side of History" and a wrong one. Penn and the Quakers' religious tolerance, pacifism, anti-death-penalty stance, support for women's and Native American rights, etc. were all deeply progressive for his time. It doesn't matter to today's progressives. And progressives 100 years from now will be judging today's progressives as backwards. It never ends."
First, they came for the Confederate Generals...

Thread by @AxiomAmerican on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "NYTimes reports that colleges have been dropping standardized tests simply because the results produce disparities some are uncomfortable with. But lowered standards actually make things worse for everyone. By eliminating test score requirements, colleges are taking away the best predictor of future academic success. Test scores are much better than high school grades at predicting future success. By not using these scores, colleges are setting unprepared students up for failure. Students with low scores that do get in will have a rough time in college. Students admitted without test scores do noticeably worse than others. Why do many liberals deny these facts? Simply because they are expected to."

Dare Obasanjo🐀 on X - "The anti-DEI discourse has actually highlighted why we need such programs to exist. Privilege is about who gets the benefit of the doubt. Who gets fired versus who gets a second chance because it was an “honest mistake”. DEI programs are an attempt to right the imbalance."
☉rthonormalist🧭✡️ on X - "Your dad literally helped establish a junta in Nigeria."

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