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Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Links - 1st November 2023 (1 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Wesley Yang on X - "1. Build the military headquarters from which you plot the mass slaughter of civilians under a hospital and hide amidst the civilian population -- a war crime
2. Livestream the mass slaughter of civilians
3. Publicize the civilian deaths that ensue as a result of the war crime you committed by placing the infrastructure from which you plotted the mass slaughter of civilians amidst your own civilians
4. Wait for the world to take your side and demand that you be given impunity from reprisal for the mass slaughter of civilians because you committed a war crime by hiding amidst the civil population"

Richard Hanania on X - "“If Israel destroys Hamas, what comes next?”  This is a stupid objection to the war. If a maniac is coming at you with a gun, you don’t refrain from defending yourself because his children might one day seek revenge.  The future is hard to predict. Maybe the next generation of Palestinians is demoralized and gives up. Maybe the government of Iran falls and no one is around to arm extremists. Maybe AI gives you enough surveillance capabilities not to worry about the Palestinians anymore. Who knows? A million things could happen.   At the very least, if they want to keep doing this you make them rebuild the tunnel structure and the rocket stockpile from scratch."
voisine 🔑 on X - "Maybe like the Germans and Japanese they become entirely ashamed of their actions of their forbears. (This only happens if they are completely conquered and their political institutions wiped out, ala “denazification”)"

End Wokeness on X - "Taylor Swift net worth: $1.1 billion
Oprah Winfrey net worth: $2.7 billion
Donald Trump net worth: $2-3 billion
Mousa Marzook net worth: $3+ billion
Khaled Mashal net worth: $3-5 billion
Ismail Haniyeh net worth: $4-5 billion
Those last 3 are the leaders of Hamas"
TheAbeFroman on X - "I can see all that humanitarian aid is going to good use…"

Meme - Ben M. Freeman @BenMFreeman: "The threat the far-right poses to Jews is real & violent. Historically, Jews have been a primary target of the far-right who believe we are conspiring to destroy the 'white race' through immigration, 'race- mixing' & exploitation. This threat remains real.
Nov 6, 2019"
Ben M. Freeman @BenMFreeman: "London. Now. This is horrifying. How are Jews meant to stay in the U.K.?"

Auron MacIntyre on X - “Well, well, well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions
Opposing mass immigration is racist until the inevitable consequence manifest now I’m a victim”

Sarah Braasch on X - "Place the Columbia/Barnard Faculty letter in historical context. Columbia/Barnard, including Columbia Journalism School Dean Jelani Cobb, made it socially acceptable to inflict racial terror again, 1st against nobody white women (me at Yale, Amy Cooper), & now against Jews. Columbia/Barnard was a major perpetrator of the Living While Black Race Hoax, including decrying their own security doing their jobs in 2019, during the Alexander McNab "Entering While Black" Race Hoax. They never recanted the Hoax, despite 2 Columbia students being stabbed to death in Morningside Park: Tessa Majors in 2019 and Davide Giri in 2021. The Race Hoax was deeply demoralizing to Columbia/Barnard's campus security team, who felt they had been thrown under the bus, so Columbia/Barnard could acquire their Woke social credits. It is an utter travesty that Columbia appointed Jelani Cobb as Dean of Columbia Journalism School. Jelani Cobb has little to teach journalism students except how to perpetrate Living While Black Race Hoaxes & push Karen Gone Wild videos for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry $, including in The New Yorker. Cobb has made the BLM/Living While Black Race Hoax nearly his entire career for 5+ years & bears no small responsibility for our current state of lawlessness & Academia's celebrations of the Hamas terror attacks. He has turned himself into a Shaun King Style Twitter Race Hustler, making $ hand over fist by terrorizing nobody white women via Woke Cancel Culture & Trial by Twitter."

RadioGenoa on X - "Berlin looks like Gaza. Angela Merkel has made a huge mess."

MEMRI on X - "Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: The Tunnels in Gaza Were Built to Protect Hamas Fighters, Not Civilians; Protecting Gaza Civilians Is the Responsibility of the U.N. and Israel #Hamas #Gaza"
Lilly Wilson on X - "Hamas is the government of the Palestinian people; therefore, It is Hamas’s responsibility to protect the Palestinian people."

Mosque chairman who praised Hamas leader advises CPS on hate crime - "A prominent mosque chairman who praised the founder of Hamas advises the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) as part of a “scrutiny panel” on hate crime, The Telegraph can reveal.  Mohammed Kozbar, whom peers were told last week had publicly praised Hamas’s founder as “the master of the martyrs of the resistance”, sits on a panel of community representatives that identify “learning points” for prosecutors and police. The disclosure comes amid concerns among ministers that police and prosecutors are failing to effectively tackle hate crimes emerging in protests relating to the Israel-Hamas conflict.  Mr Kozbar is deputy secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, with which Whitehall has had a policy of “zero engagement” since 2009. A government source said: “The Muslim Council of Britain’s leadership are not advocates for the wider Muslim community and represent a hardline sect hell-bent on dividing our country.  “They should not be consulted on matters of hate crime – it’s as dangerous as it is farcical.”  Despite the “no engagement” policy, which was started under Gordon Brown’s premiership, The Telegraph has learned that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has separately had a formal arrangement with the body, allowing it to nominate imams to become chaplains in the armed forces."

StopAntisemitism on X - "NYU happening now - students are spotted holding up a Nazi era antisemitic signs wanting to rid the world of the Jews. We have no words."
Liberal logic: one swastika at a protest they disapprove of (even if it's not affiliated with the protest) means the protesters are all Nazis and the cause is illegitimate. But if they approve of the cause, Nazi imagery doesn't matter

James Lindsay, wishes he was wrong on X - "Given my experiences and recent events, I'm now kinda curious about if it would be possible to get an academic paper published that's essentially a rewrite of Mein Kampf that just replaces "German" with "Palestinian." Peer reviewers in the humanities would potentially approve."

Matthew Foldi on X - "The New York Times’s Israel reporter loves Adolf Hitler. The New York Times knows this…and simply does not care. ????"
Palestine-supporters still claim they're biased for Israel

Yuval Noah Harari backs critique of leftist ‘indifference’ to Hamas atrocities - "The Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari has backed academics and peace activists in his home country in an attack on the “indifference” of some American and European progressives to Hamas atrocities, accusing them of “extreme moral insensitivity” and betraying leftwing politics. Harari – the author of bestselling books including Sapiens and Homo Deus – joined 90 signatories of a statement expressing dismay with “elements within the global left … until now, our political partners” who had, on occasion, “justified Hamas’s actions”.  The 47-year-old, who has recently become a high-profile political activist in Israel, opposing Benjamin Netanyahu’s rightwing populist coalition and its plan to weaken judicial oversight, told the Guardian he intervened after speaking with peace activists in his home country who were “completely devastated” and “feeling abandoned and betrayed by supposed allies” in peace efforts, after academics, artists and intellectuals signed letters which failed to condemn Hamas. Harari’s aunt and uncle lived in one of the kibbutzim targeted by Hamas in attacks that killed more than 1,400 people and saw more than 220 people taken hostage. They had survived after hiding while gunmen went house-to-house killing neighbours... The letter, whose other signatories included the celebrated Israeli novelist David Grossman, said: “We never imagined that individuals on the left, advocates of equality, freedom, justice, and welfare, would reveal such extreme moral insensitivity and political recklessness.”  It concluded: “there is no contradiction between staunchly opposing the Israeli subjugation and occupation of Palestinians and unequivocally condemning brutal acts of violence against innocent civilians. In fact, every consistent leftist must hold both positions simultaneously.” Harari cited a statement from 30 Harvard student groups issued the day after the attacks which said it held “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence”. He said this suggested “the people that murdered babies don’t even have 1% responsibility, and 100% responsibility is on Israel’’.  He pointed to another statement by the Democratic Socialists of America on the day of the attacks which said: “Today’s events are a direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime.”  Giving the historical example of some US and European socialists supporting Stalin, he said: “This is not the first time the radical left, in pursuit of some fixed vision of justice, finds itself aligned with some very brutal movements and regimes.”  That approach may be founded in a “belief or fantasy that absolute justice is possible [where] one side is absolutely to blame for everything, including the crimes of the other side”.  “[But] reality is complex,” he said. “The same people can be victims and perpetrators at the same time. In most conflicts the blame for crimes and atrocities is not shared 100%/0% but somewhere in between. This is quite banal, but still people find it hard to accept this.” The tenor of the response of international leftist groups was important to the left in Israel, he said, because it felt it was the last bastion of hope for a peaceful two-state solution and so needed international support.  He highlighted a letter signed by the actors Tilda Swinton and Steve Coogan and the director Mike Leigh calling for “an end to the unprecedented cruelty being inflicted on Gaza” without specifically condemning the Hamas assault, although it condemned “every act of violence against civilians and every infringement of international law whoever perpetrates them”.  “There is not a single word about the massacre [of 7 October],” Harari said.  The actor Maureen Lipman has already criticised the “Artists for Palestine” group, which compiled the letter, as “bleeding heartless liberals”. She signed a letter with more than 200 others including the TV presenter Rachel Riley, which called on the BBC and “everyone in public life to call out Hamas for what it is: a terrorist organisation”."
The left hate success and love weakness, so this is just a fulfilment of leftwing politics
"Resistance" means anything done to Jews is justified, even genocide

Israel's military tells UN in Gaza: ask Hamas for fuel - "Israel's military suggested on Tuesday that the United Nations ask Hamas for fuel supplies after the U.N. agency providing aid to Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip warned it would have to halt operations on Wednesday night if no fuel was delivered.  The agency, known as UNRWA, posted its warning on social media on Tuesday. The Israel Defense Forces reposted it and said that Hamas militants have more than 500,000 litres of fuel in tanks inside besieged Gaza.  "Ask Hamas if you can have some," the IDF wrote...  Israel's military spokesperson Daniel Hagari on Tuesday accused Hamas of stealing petrol from UNRWA, adding: "Petrol will not enter Gaza. Hamas takes the petrol for its military infrastructure.""

What we can learn from the obscene celebrations of Hamas brutality - "There comes a point when manic devotion to “narrative” becomes so unhinged from reality, so impervious to the evidence of the real world, that it mutates into a fanaticism that can quickly degenerate into something more closely resembling a dangerous mental illness.  The “narrative” is what matters, and any departure from it, any expression of an idea or mere notice of facts that might contradict it, must be condemned, denounced, disallowed or at the very least avoided at all costs.  This is no longer just some weird eccentricity from the critical studies wings of the social sciences and humanities faculties. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself indulged in it in the hours and days following an Oct. 17 Hamas claim that Israeli forces had bombed and destroyed the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza... At least 74 students at Toronto Metropolitan University’s Lincoln Alexander law school signed a letter over the weekend claiming that Israel doesn’t even exist. Israel is merely the “brand” of a genocidal colonial-settler entity. Israel is to blame for the Hamas rampage in which close to 1,400 Israeli men, women and children were mercilessly slaughtered in their homes and in the streets of their towns and villages and at the music festival at Re’im. “To say otherwise is to accept and endorse colonialism in all its forms.” To say otherwise is not allowed. “We condemn any statement that denies or shifts away from the narrative of colonialism,” the statement read. “Palestinians are the subjects of Israel’s colonization and genocide.”  Any lunatic belief is permissible, so long as it conforms with the “narrative.” This isn’t just true of exotic fringe groups among Canada’s various street-protest hobbyists. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, for instance, has claimed to be Canada’s “premier advocacy organization” and the organization most often relied upon by politicians, policy-makers and the media on Middle East issues. Last Thursday, now-suspended CJPME board member Ghada Sasa suggested that the murderers of those 260 Jews at the Re’im musical festival were not Hamas terrorists at all. The Israeli Defence Forces did the slaughtering, Sasa claimed... But even among the protest speech-makers who admit that Hamas was responsible for the butchering, their acts of resistance were positively exhilarating. “How beautiful is the spirit to get free that Palestinians literally learned how to fly on hang gliders,” the Vancouver protest fixture Harsha Walia shouted into a microphone only two days after Hamas carried out its atrocities in Southern Israel. Walia was referring to the motorized paragliders some of the Hamas terrorists used to cross the border from Gaza.  Walia might be remembered for having disgraced the B.C. Civil Liberties Association for her “burn it all down” commentary in the summer of 2021, when dozens of churches across Canada were being vandalized and burned to the ground during the hysteria arising from the narrative that a mass grave of children had been “discovered” at the site of a former Indian residential school in Kamloops, B.C. There was nothing especially unusual about Walia’s comments about beautiful Hamas hang gliders. Since Oct. 7, at least two dozen demonstrations across Canada have rallied protesters around a fictional “narrative” that Israel is carrying out a “genocide” of Palestinians in Gaza. Protest organizers have exhorted Canadians to support a legitimate “resistance” that dismembers babies and burns families alive.  The CJPME, the United Church of Canada, 33 Liberal, NDP and Green MPs, the national leadership of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Black Lives Matter – Canada, the Iranian-Canadian Congress, the National Council of Canadian Muslims and several other prominent organizations and individuals have called for a “ceasefire” in Gaza, all based on an inviolable narrative: The “root cause” of the Gaza horrors is “Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian territory.” This is fiction. Whatever might be said of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Israel abandoned its “occupation” of Gaza 18 years ago. The “root cause” of the current bloodshed is the theocratic-fascist determination animating Hamas that relies on a “narrative” postulating Jews as illegitimate interlopers in the Holy Land.  There are lessons to be drawn from all this. It is not at all clear whether Canadians are prepared to learn from them."

Hussain Abdul-Hussain on X - "If Gaza hospitals need electricity, why not plug a cord into one of #Hamas's tunnels? We are almost certain that Hamas terrorists cannot spend a minute in their tunnels (completely dark/not ventilated) without electricity.  If Hamas's tunnels have electricity, they should extend a line to hospitals."

UC Berkeley nixes T.A.'s offer of extra credit for pro-Palestinian protesting - "A UC Berkeley spokesperson said Wednesday the university has “remedied” a situation after a teaching assistant offered her students extra credit for engaging in pro-Palestinian activism, an action that may constitute a “misuse of the classroom” under university policy.  The teaching assistant, Victoria Huynh, sent an email on Tuesday to students enrolled in the course “Asian American Communities and Race Relations,” announcing that she would offer extra credit to students who participated in a national walkout Wednesday afternoon “against the settler-colonial occupation of Gaza.” Alternatively students could watch a documentary on Palestine and “call/email your local California representative” to earn the credit, screenshots of the email showed...   “Extra credit for protesting anything is pathetic,” Matt Sarelson, a Florida-based attorney, wrote in a post on X viewed more than 10,000 times. “Extra credit for participating in a pro-Hamas protest is evil.”  “Another unconscionable attempt to brainwash students,” activist David Lange said in a post on X.  Berkeley, like universities across the country, continues to be a magnet for strident and at times bitter debate surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict amid intense violence in the region. Across the U.S., Jewish and pro-Israel groups have criticized university leaders and students for equivocating in their responses to the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack — or, at times, celebrating it...   According to the university’s code of conduct, the “use of the position or powers of a faculty member to coerce the judgment or conscience of a student” is considered “unacceptable conduct” by professors and graduate teaching assistants. “Evaluation of student work by criteria not directly reflective of course performance” is also considered unacceptable...   Mogulof pointed to a policy adopted by the University of California Board of Regents in 1970 and amended in 2005.  “Misuse of the classroom by, for example, allowing it to be used for political indoctrination, for purposes other than those for which the course was constituted, or for providing grades without commensurate and appropriate student achievement, constitutes misuse of the University as an institution,” the policy states.  “Generally speaking,” Mogulof wrote, “awarding academic credit to students for participating in civil disobedience activity, or for deciding not to attend their classes, would, in most circumstances, be ‘misuse of the classroom’ pursuant to this policy.”"
Damn Zionist censorship and interference with academic freedom!

Ben Flowers on X - "The cheerleading of the murder of innocents from some quarters of the learned professions, and from higher education, reminded me of Scalia’s speech on the Holocaust."
Carrie Severino on X - "Justice Scalia’s speech about the Holocaust is important to watch today: “The one message I want to convey today is that you will have missed the most frightening aspect of it all, if you do not appreciate that it happened in one of the most educated, most progressive, most cultured countries in the world.”"

Cooper Union Jewish students attacked by pro-Palestinian student group - "A security team at Cooper Union College in the United States locked Jewish students in the library on Wednesday night to protect them against a pro-Palestinian group, which tried to break down the door.  Video taken by one of the students shows several Orthodox Jewish students trapped in the library as a mob gathered behind the door and chanted "Free Palestine."... The incident at Cooper Union is the latest in a string of anti-Zionist and antisemitic incidents since the October 7 Hamas massacre and the ensuing war between Israel and the terrorist group in the Gaza Strip. On October 12, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organized a “National Day of Resistance” on college campuses across the United States. A “Day of Resistance toolkit” released by SJP said the “students in exile are part of this movement, not in solidarity with this movement” and called for the mobilization of its supporters now that “the Zionist entity is fragile, and Palestinian resistance is alive.”"
Damn white supremacists!

'Eyes were gouged out, a woman's breasts cut off and a daughter had her legs severed': Horrific details of Hamas massacre emerge as rescue worker recounts how entire families were slaughtered - "Hamas terrorists killed a husband and gouged his eyes out before going on to cut his wife's breasts off and chop his daughter's leg off, a rescue worker has revealed as yet more horrific details of the terrorists' savage attack continue to emerge. Moshe Melayev told how entire families were slaughtered in their homes by the black-clad terrorists who were wielding assault rifles and grenades as they launched their surprise attack on southern Israel on October 7.  Melayev, of Israel's National Rescue Unit, said as he walked through kibbutzim close to the Gaza border, he saw the beheaded bodies of victims lying on the floors of their homes where they had hours earlier been drinking their morning coffee... The rampaging terrorists unleashed horrors that defy belief, with an Israeli colonel recounting how one gunman cut open a pregnant mother's stomach and killed her baby in front of her before they shot her in the head. Colonel Haim Weissberg, whose job is to identify the bodies of the victims of Israel's worst massacre, said he had seen babies with their heads chopped off, soldiers and civilians whose genitals had been cut off as well as women who were raped... the IDF showed a 45-minute-montage of Hamas murdering, torturing and abducting Israeli civilians to journalists who have told of the horrors with which they were confronted.   The lengthy compilation, pieced together from material recorded by Hamas gunmen on bodycams and smartphones, was shown by the IDF to a closed pool of journalists in Tel Aviv... By all accounts, the footage was stuffed with clip after clip of civilians being shot, stabbed, tortured and burned.   Their corpses were arranged for all to see - bound, gagged and riddled with bullet holes and knife wounds. Others were decapitated with knives - and one pour soul was partially decapitated with a garden hoe as he lay cradling a bullet wound in his stomach.  And one young girl was seen hiding under a desk, waiting as the terrorists decided what her fate would be. Moments later they decided to gun her down from point-blank range.   The full unedited footage will not be shared with the public, Israel says, unless all of the families of those killed within view it and give permission, meaning it is unlikely the whole clip will ever be released to the world... Meanwhile, in an audio clip, a Hamas gunman is heard bragging to his family about 'killing 10 Jews', having stolen the phone of one of his victims."
The Hamas gunman didn't get the memo that they are against "Zionists", not "Jews"

The Majority on X - "We had a pro-Palestine commentator say to us today that the Palestinian casualty numbers were real because the came from Save The Children. And where do STC get their figures from? Hamas."

David Atherton on X - "Sir @Keir_Starmer visited the South Wales Islamic Centre. The head imam couldn't speak English & didn't recognise him. They've issued a damning statement where they refer to the "hurt" his visit caused & brought the mosque into "disrepute." They add they want a free Palestine."

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