The franchise's main appeal was once the continuity of a Cinematic Universe, has now been stretched and spread so thin that the world we knew is no longer recognizable.
The story has become a convoluted mess, expecting the audience to watch the TV shows to understand the films and the characters that paved the way have all been scattered to the wind. Not a single one of them was given the chance to reach their full potential.
So by the time Secret Invasion came out I didn't think there was much left for them to ruin. Nick Fury's mystique had already been stolen by a cat. What more could they do to him?...
So Nick Fury the master spy and the founder of the Avengers is now just another disgraced old man who abandoned his friend and wants to die. Too old to make a difference, out of his league. Who does that remind you of? *Old Luke Skywalker*...
Instead of just using their incredible abilities to blend in or moving to any of the established locations, the Skrulls decide that the only reasonable solution is to take over the planet.
Nobody knows where Captain Marvel is and nobody cares even though it was her promise as well.
This entire show exists solely to shit on Fury, making sure that we all know that he's worthless... if that wasn't enough they invent a secret wife just to say that he abandoned her too to add salt on the wounds.
The types of character assassination I've been forced to endure over the years have prepared me for this moment and I'm not remotely surprised that they've ruined another.
But nothing could have prepared me for what I witnessed in the last episode, proving once and for all that Marvel has lost its way and I want to break down and explain why this may very well be the worst finale in the history of the MCU, versus the best finale in the MCU: Bucky, Cap and Iron Man's showdown in Civil War...
Civil War is a movie that achieves many things, but one of the biggest accomplishments is re-establishing the continuity and making our heroes accountable for their actions for the very first time.
The focus on real world politics not only helps believability but also gives a true look into the perspectives of each character and manages to make their positions match their history, from Rhodey's respect for the law to Falcon's rebellious nature to Natasha being conflicted watching her family be torn apart. But what makes Tony and Cap's drama so fascinating is how much it highlights their personal journeys, as the positions that they hold now would more than likely be reversed if this was them from the first phase...
So Fury is back after years in space and they go out of their way to make sure that the first thing that we notice is that he's old as shit and has a bad knee...
We get the privilege of watching one of the most consistent and long-standing characters go out like a complete fool... you have her die in the most insulting way imaginable. Maria knows that they're hunting Skrulls, yet nobody in this stupid show ever checks to see if the person that they're talking to is a Skrull. The moment that she got shot, Maria would know that she messed up. But you give her this stupid line instead to confirm that she's retarded...
Then he gets draped up and tossed in a van. No combat skills, no special weapons and tactics, nothing. They want to make sure it's perfectly clear that he's crap... [he] is pretty much useless all season crying on a bench or yapping about cornbread, so thankfully they introduce a new character, Sonja Fallsworth to pick up the slack...
Any chance of him being an interesting villain is snapped away as they reveal that he's just an unhinged asshole...
[G'iah] also has a change of heart after seeing a father be nice to his son on a screen and realizes that humans have feelings too. Even though she's been on this planet for 30 fucking years and should know better. Why is everyone in this show so stupid?...
Talos's killed trying to defend him. The only character in this show that makes any sense, the only character that I give a fuck about and instead of giving him some kind of payoff, he dies for absolutely nothing. Doesn't even get the credit of being a martyr or the respect for his people that he fought for for 30 years. Fuck this show...
Disney has no idea how to make a sympathetic villain... but we're forced to watch them bitch and moan anyway. So Gravik throws another tantrum and then hops into his machine to become a Super Skrull but for some reason he decides to let Fury join him...
I watch in horror as G'iah sprouts Mantis antennas and puts him to sleep. A fight that was already impossible to take seriously just managed to embarrass itself even further. Falling through the air, upside down, getting choked, yet G'iah somehow manages to master Mantis and Captain Marvel's Powers at the same time. No need for training or struggle, this is the new phase of the MCU where powers are just handed to you or manifested out of fucking nowhere.
G'iah completely dominates Gravik even though they should be equal in strength. This makes no sense but being competitive against a woman is against the rules at Disney so instead he just forgets how to fight and dies...
The president declares war, Talos died for nothing, Maria is in a box and Rhodey is fucking ruined. Fury messed up everything and goes back to space... a pointless, nonsensical embarrassment of a finale...
What amazes me about Secret Invasion is just how much of the premise is wasted...
The ability to shapeshift is an incredible tool for a writer that we've seen used in so many ways and so many different stories but this show's lack of interest in this concept is just insane. Not just the fact that almost nobody, including the Skrulls, will ever test the person that they're speaking to to confirm that it's really them, but they never even bother to explain why they couldn't use this ability to blend in, instead of depending on the promise of one human to find them a home.
They turned an entire alien species into helpless morons, just to highlight Fury's broken promise. Instead of expanding on the arcs of older characters they would rather have them be worthless, ruined or die for nothing. And instead of introducing new characters in a logical way like Civil War did, we are forced to watch characters that had massive potential be immediately damaged by jamming them into this horrible plot - once again for the sake of replacement...
An entire season of Gravik whining about Fury's promise and we never even get to see them speak. I don't even understand why this was so personal to him or what he expected this one man to do for a million Skrulls. And I have no idea why he blames Fury and not Carol when she's the one with the actual power to help...
G'iah found out that her mom was killed by Gravik because she was too stupid to connect the dots on her own or speak to her father, and even after being told the truth she still let thousands of people die and took almost an entire season to retaliate, compared to Tony's immediate reaction.
There's no meaningful payoff here. It's bullshit. Nick Fury is barely a part of the finale of his own show. The man literally says that he hasn't brought in any of the Avengers for help because this is personal. And then he proceeds to let G'iah fight his battle for him. It's pathetic
Captain Marvel already broke the scale yet they somehow managed to create an even more ridiculously overpowered creature.
All I asked for in a story is consistency throughout the plot and the characters, so I can look back and understand just how the fuck we got here...
Anyone who watched Iron Man 1 would fully understand why that cave would change Tony forever. But what would make a man as diligent and loyal as Nick Fury abandon the Skrulls and break his promise?
Well the answer is simple. He was sad you see from the Snap, and he wanted to die and give up fighting. This entire story is built on a lie. I can't even call this a retcon. It's just a straight up lie as anyone who watched Infinity War knows that he went out doing everything that he could. This was not a moment of sadness
But these spineless treacherous hacks changed the scene just to try to make it fit their story.
And that is the death of a Cinematic Universe. When you can no longer trust your own memory of a scene, because these writers don't give a shit and will manipulate you, retcon and lie. Anything they need to do to tell their story. Having no respect for the work that paved the way for them...
The curse on Emilia Clarke's career continues, as she has now been a part of the worst season of Game of Thrones, the first Terminator movie to flop, the first Star Wars movie to flop and the worst rated episode in the history of the MCU...
And as for Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury, desecrated in every way imaginable. From his legacy to his self-respect. And I never want to see his ass again. If half the effort that went into ruining this character actually went into the script, we might have gotten a decent show. But instead we have another Disney disaster. A triumph of character assassination and shitty writing"