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Sunday, September 03, 2023

Links - 3rd September 2023 (Trans Mania)

Disturbing Video Shows Trans Biological Male With Erection In Women's Restroom - "A trans biological male dressed like a woman was caught on video flaunting an erection in a women’s restroom, prompting horror from women and online viewers. Despite lively chatter indicating a large group of people nearby, the biological male made no attempt to hide their shame from the random women walking by. On the contrary, the disturbing video shows the individual stopping near a sink and pointing their phone toward their genitalia, presumably taking a picture... Though the above video is the most viral case, incidents involving males “showing off” their erections under the guise of being transgender have become increasingly prevalent as trans ideology invades mainstream culture. A similar incident from mid-may saw a sorority “sister,” a male-to-female transgender, allegedly watch women undress and not-so-subtly hide erections."

Meme - "*Mutilation.
*Going to court.
*Plastic surgery
*Fake their voice.
*Needs others to play pretend.
REAL WOMEN: look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"

Sterilized children
Were homophobic
Sadistic doctors experimented on mentally ill patients
Promoted eugenics
Were threatened by free speech
Sterilize children
Are homophobic
Sadistic doctors experiment on mentally ill patients
Promote eugenics
Are threatened by free speech
TRAs: are we the baddies?"

Emmy Awards is being criticized after nominating non-binary Bella Ramsey for Best Actress
Time to abolish sex divisions, so feminists can once again claim it's sexist that men win all the time

Veteran biology professor who has been teaching sex is determined by chromosomes X and Y is fired - "A veteran biology professor in Texas who has been teaching that sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes for over 20 years was allegedly fired after four students walked out of his classroom. Dr. Johnson Varkey has claimed he was let go from his teaching position at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio after he was accused of 'religious preaching'. He was discussing the human reproductive system on November 28, 2022, when four students stormed out of the lecture. Varkey was then accused of 'discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter'... The community college has received complaints from conservative-leaning professors before with political science professor Will Moravits claiming last month that his contract was terminated because of his beliefs due to student complaints. A lawyer representing Moravits said he tried to get them 'to engage all sides of controversial issues, such as police brutality and gender ideology. Many of his engagements with students in class discussions came in direct response to their questions.'"
"Trust the Science"

Meme - Kwite @Kwite: "Are you retarded"
blue @gay_blue_mail: "love you man, please remove that word from your vocabulary
kind weird to speak in support of trans people while also using a slur that applies to a large portion of trans people"

Meme - Dick X @ConsentAccident: "Alfred, I don't know what to make of this body. My scanners show a skeleton that is indisputably male, yet the victim has breasts and appears to be castrated. The face is caked with makeup, so this could be The Joker's work, but this seems sadistic even for him."

Meme - "Believe it or not 2 of these beautiful young women were born male *2 MTFs, 2 beautiful young women*"

Meme - "23andme for trans people?
I convinced my friend to take a 23andme dna test for fun (she was born male, but now identifies as female), and her results came back with a Y-DNA haplogroup and only one X chromosome. This was really problematic for her and made her feel uncomfortable. Does anyone know if 23andme makes any accommodations for trans people? Has anyone here had any experience with it?"

Meme - "Rainbow Pride (v)
Salted caramel and honeycomb parfait, milk ice cream, malt biscuits, magic malt crumb, dipped in 42% milk chocolate."

NY teacher forced 5th grader to go by male pronouns: suit - "Debra Rosenquist — a fifth-grade teacher at Terryville Road Elementary School in Port Jefferson Station — started calling the 9-year-old Leo and using opposite-gender pronouns toward the beginning of the 2021-’22 school year, according to a lawsuit filed in Suffolk County Court by the child’s parents last month. The parents say they were only clued in about what was happening in January 2022, when the school principal called them, telling them their child — referred to in court papers as A.V. — had drawn a picture of a girl, writing, “I wanna kill myself” and “I feel sad like a lot,” the filing claims. The principal also informed the parents that A.V. had even met with the school psychologist, telling the mental health worker that she “was confused about her gender identity,” the court papers say... A.V.’s parents also became concerned when they saw complaints against Rosenquist on Facebook, claiming the teacher had been reported for abuse but that the school district had done nothing about it because she was tenured... During a deeper dig into the social media comments, the parents found that Rosenquist didn’t follow the school curriculum and taught her students about transgender people and told kids to “try being gay” or try going by the opposite gender, the suit claims. The educator even made her own LGBTQ+ book called “I Am Neither” for her 9- and 10-year-old students and assigned a book called “When Aiden Becomes a Brother,” according to the lawsuit. While the parents weren’t concerned by the topic, they were worried that it was being taught at too young an age and were also worried that Rosenquist “had significantly deviated from the district’s curriculum,” the suit claims. One of the parents met with the principal, the superintendent and the assistant superintendent on Feb. 3, 2022, when the administrators “admitted that the issue was ‘not handled properly'” and said they hadn’t known about the off-curriculum materials that Rosenquist had been using, the filing alleges... Some of her classmates even have a text message group where they discussed leaving A.V. out with comments including: “literally tho what is she??? Girl?? Boy???,” the court papers say. The whole ordeal has caused A.V. to suffer “humiliation,” “anxiety,” “emotional pain” and “trauma.” And the family has had to pay for psychological treatment and lawyers fees."
Liberals still pretend grooming doesn't happen, and that no teachers are trying to indoctrinate kids, and that parents are just homophobic/transphobic
Unsurprisingly, it has coloured hair

Meme - "Trans people when you ask them why are they so depressed when celebrities, the media, big companies, the education system, and even the president himself supports them"

Meme - "SONIC SAYS... Nohody is "denying your existence". We just don't like you."

Oregon Rolls the Dice on Transgender Care - WSJ - "I was glad to see the letter signed by 21 clinicians and researchers from nine countries that rejected the Endocrine Society’s claim that “gender-affirming care improves the well-being of transgender and gender-diverse people and reduces the risk of suicide” (July 14). In Oregon, activist groups and Democratic lawmakers used that claim to pass a new state law—signed by Gov. Tina Kotek right around when the letter was published—expanding access to these experimental, risky and sterilizing procedures. The new law requires Oregon taxpayers to foot the bill and federal taxpayers to fund the medical-claims audit process. Oregon doctors also can now treat adolescents 15 years and older without parental permission or even notification. What’s happening in Oregon is a national scandal worthy of further investigation"

When girls won’t be girls - "This house is a sanctuary – from the summer heat, the looks of strangers and, above all, from the past... “Being trans was very special...Before that, I had never felt special, or that my pain mattered.”... Thanks in part to the full-throated support of progressives and trans activists, one approach is gaining ground in America. It contends that children know themselves best: if your three-year-old says he is a girl, do not deny or question her but instead support her. When she is ready to transition, assist her to do so – whether that means buying pink dresses now or approving her use of cross-sex hormones later on. Parents who affirm their kids’ desire to transition have been widely lauded for their courage; doctors who question whether medical intervention is in a child’s best interest have been accused of transphobia. So contentious is this argument that parents I have spoken to fear publicly raising issues that worry them. There is one, in particular, that troubles many: what if my child changes her mind?... children who begin taking blockers early on in puberty, followed immediately by cross-sex hormones, will never produce mature eggs or sperm of their own. “Can a 12-, 13-, 14-year-old imagine how they might feel as a 35-year-old adult, that they have agreed to a treatment that compromises their fertility or is likely to compromise their fertility?”... Max scheduled his mastectomy for July, even though he would still be 17 years old. In Britain, patients are eligible for surgery only if they are aged 18 or over. American guidelines are more flexible. If minors, with the backing of their parents, can find a surgeon who is willing to operate, then they can proceed. Max had no trouble finding one... When Max was 19, just over three years after he came out as transgender, she realised he’d made a mistake... Now 21, Max would be better described as FTMTF, female to male to female. Max is a woman and has been one for two years. Six months after he began successfully passing, he realised, deep down, that he wasn’t sure. “I started being like, oh damn, this is for real.” There were drawbacks to being seen as a man. Women he passed on the street were “scared” of him. He couldn’t talk about his childhood without lying or leaving things out. He found laddish banter distasteful. And the possibility that someone would discover he was transgender haunted him. “People don’t love to find out that you weren’t born a man.”... Dr Thomas Steensma, who belongs to an influential group of Dutch clinicians, says that reliably distinguishing between those who will carry on to be transgender adolescents and those who won’t is impossible – a view supported by the American Psychiatric Association... many who detransition never inform their doctors, Max says, so are not reflected in the statistics... After she stopped taking testosterone, her body began to change again... Her sex drive, which had been “ridiculous”, became “manageable”. She became “more emotional”: “I cried a ton less on testosterone.”... she is also part of a movement encouraging the World Health Organisation to declassify gender dysphoria as a mental illness, in much the same way that homosexuality was removed from the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” in 1973... But removing the mental-health element means it is less likely that people with gender dysphoria will see a therapist before they are treated. In America, a growing number of clinics will prescribe hormones to patients as long as they understand the effects of the treatment – letters from therapists are not needed... There is a growing view that transgender people, not their doctors, should be in charge of their own bodies. Many argue that identity, not health, is the fundamental issue. Though they know there may be deleterious consequences, they want autonomy over their own treatment. In this light, doctors – who are obliged to respect the right of patients to do what they want to their bodies – should acquiesce. But they are also required to do no harm... Max believed that transition was right for her and she wasn’t going to let a therapist tell her otherwise. Now, though, she wonders how anyone, whether adult or child, can “provide meaningful consent to an experience that’s pretty transformational…Kids are particularly susceptible to pursuing things that later in life they might not believe was the best possible thing for them to have been doing. Kids do all kinds of stuff.”"
From 2017
Damn male privilege!
TRAs will claim that Max only detransitioned due to transphobia, using the crappy study that wasn't designed to study detransitioning (the name of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey alone is telling, not to mention that it was an online study and so had even more selection issues)
Given the explosion in trans mania since 2017, the detransitioning statistics now are definitely much higher

Sirens, succubi & sex symbols: a history of female monsters | HistoryExtra - "‘There is also this other sort of horrible kinship with the mermaid for trans women in that mermaids are portrayed as sort of seducing men in for their own nefarious reasons and there's things like the trans panic defense which is the horrible idea that if a man sleeps with someone or even seems to be about to sleep with a woman and it's a trans woman, if he murders her because he finds out she's trans, that’s somehow mitigating rather than horrible and horrific and that that's still used as a defense. And that sort of does tie into this idea of the mermaid. Of the idea that trans women are somehow seducing people and that if you find out someone's trans then it's okay to act in whatever horrific way you want and you can still get away with it... the really horrible kinship there is um between the mermaid and trans women as well’"
Ironically, liberals claim that if you have sex with deception (stealthing) you are being raped because the conditions under which you agreed to have sex are no longer valid. And they certainly support women fighting back against their rapists

Meme - "Genitals don't determine gender.
Then why bother removing them?"

Disparities in Childhood Abuse Between Transgender and Cisgender Adolescents - "Seventy-three percent of TGAs reported psychological abuse, 39% reported physical abuse, and 19% reported sexual abuse. Compared with heterosexual CGAs, TGAs had higher odds of psychological abuse (odds ratio [OR] = 1.84), physical abuse (OR = 1.61), and sexual abuse (OR = 2.04). Within separate subgroup analyses, transgender males and nonbinary adolescents assigned female at birth had higher odds of reporting psychological abuse than CGAs."
This is similar to the results for sexual orientation, and coheres with our knowledge that a lot of FTMs do it because they hate being women due to abuse, bullying etc

I still see liberals pretending there're no trans shooters

Meme - "TRANS RIGHTS OR ELSE *guns*"
"Nashville shooter, Audrey Hale."
Hysterical and violent rhetoric has consequences

Meme - ">be cis man
>feeling down
>go to FtM online support group
>post selfies
>"omg you're so handsome!"
>"you look so strong"
>"how did you get so handsome"
>rinse and repeat whenever I'm feeling insecure"

Rebel News on Twitter - "'Trans' rugby player confronted as unhinged teammates scream, police arrive One of the three women injured by Ash Davis last month has said, 'I had never been hit like that before, even at the competitive women’s level. There was so much more brute force. There are women who are bigger than him, but no girl hits like that. This is a strong human.' Meet Ash Davis. Or is it “Ashley” these days? Mr. Davis plays for the Fergus Highlanders WOMEN’s team. He tackles hard. Just ask those three women players who suited up for the Stoney Creek Camels last month who had to be removed from the game thanks to Ash’s debilitating tackles. Ash is clearly a male; in fact, he doesn’t even try to look female. He has an Adam’s apple. Male pattern baldness is setting in. And it’s impossible to ignore those leg muscles. We visited Fergus, Ont. last Saturday to take in a game between the Highlanders and Burlington. We think it is safe to describe Ash’s style as “ambush-predator.” Which is to say, he spends most of his time on the pitch casually strolling around, not that active at all. But what he’s actually doing is waiting for a female player on the other side to take procession of the ball. Then he goes into charging rhino mode. Think of that infamous hit Scott Stevens rendered onto Eric Lindros a few decades ago — that is Ash’s style. Except he’s a male and his victims are female. It is outrageous. It is egregious. And it is clearly unsafe for real women to play against this brute. And it is perhaps the most overlooked, underreported Canadian sports story of 2023. As far as we can see, Joe Warmington of the Toronto Sun is the only mainstream media scribe to pen a story on this gender-bending grifter. Indeed, Warmington noted that female players with the Stony Creek team felt as though they were being “hit by a bus on the field. Or a truck.” Stated one injured player: “I had never been hit like that before, even at the competitive women’s level. There was so much more brute force. There are women who are bigger than him, but no girl hits like that. This is a strong human.” Naturally, given our cancel culture environment that is championed by the rainbow mafia, the woman did not want to give her name. Diana Murphy, a friend of some of the players, tweeted: “Three women’s rugby players had to be removed from a game and treated for injuries from hits sustained by a transwoman” and that she feels “Trans have no place in women’s sports.”"

Woman sues hospital for removing her breasts when she was 13 - "A California woman whose breasts were removed when she was 13 years old because she thought she was transgender is now suing the doctors and hospital that oversaw the procedure — claiming they were in it for the money. Kayla Lovdahl, now 18, says she was pushed to “entertain the erroneous belief that she was transgender” at age 11, after being exposed to online influencers... “…they essentially handed Kayla the prescription pad, and allowed her naïve, emotional, childish, rollercoaster of feelings to dictate the so-called ‘treatment’ that she would receive”... By the age of 12 she was on hormone blockers and testosterone without a proper psychological evaluation, Lovdahl claims... ovdahl underwent a single 75-minute transition evaluation, she alleged. ” ‘It is better to have a live son than a dead daughter,’ ” the physicians allegedly told the family. The procedures were “ideological and profit-driven medical abuse,” Lovdahl now maintains... Lovdahl additionally accused the hospital and doctors of not providing her and her parents proper “informed consent,” which would have included in-depth therapy, something she said never happened. The procedures were “an insane form of child abuse,” lawyers for Lovdahl, who also uses the pseudonym Layla Jane, said in a statement."
Clearly gatekeeping is a bad thing
Weird how so many lawsuits exist saying that doctors failed in their duty of care in ushering kids down the transition pipeline when TRAs insist that it is very hard to transition

Trans indigenous Canadian slams doctors for denying her euthanasia request, saying death would be better than her constant pain from a surgically-built vagina - "An indigenous transgender woman has slammed Canada's healthcare system for rejecting her euthanasia request despite the pain she endures from a surgically-built vagina. In social media posts, Lois Cardinal, a self-proclaimed 'sterilized First Nations post-op transsexual' said regret over her medical transition led her to apply for a lethal injection in January... Most recipients suffer pain and discomfort afterward, according to a recent study from the University of Florida. Pain during intercourse and bladder problems are common... Doctors are more interested in finding out what pronouns she uses than easing her pain... In other social media posts, Cardinal slams the transgender ideas that led to her to bottom surgery 14 years ago. In one video, she burns a version of the LGBTQ+ flag. In others, she appears frustrated and even on the verge of tears. 'I do not agree with the current rhetoric of the trans community,' she says. 'A lot of the so-called trans hate is fuelled by the trans community, because we aren't allowed to have honest and tough conversations.' She says 'children and vulnerable' Canadians, especially its native population, are 'falling prey to a trend that is medicalized.'... The country is on track to record some 13,500 state-sanctioned suicides in 2022, a 34 percent rise on the 10,064 in 2021, according to Schadenberg's analysis of official data. Alberta is conservative compared to the rest of Canada, but still saw MAiD numbers jump 41 percent to 836 cases last year."
Gender affirmation surgery is literally life-saving basic healthcare

Toco the human collie steps out for first ever walk in public - "A Japanese native has transformed himself into a canine after forking out more than $14,000 for a custom-made collie costume. The private citizen, who goes only by Toco online, says the unusual garment has helped actualize his dream of “becoming an animal.”... As an introduction to his unusual hobby, Toco answered a series of questions in a video posted last year, admitting he always “had a vague dream of becoming an animal” ever since he was a child. “When I fulfilled that dream, this is how it turned out,” he wrote in the clip, adding that he chose to become a collie due to the negligible size difference between the breed and humans. Zeppet, the company that manufactured Toco’s collie costume, says it took 40 days to create the furry fashion item, which cost a cool $2 million Yen (USD $14,161)... Despite garnering online fame with his puppy pursuit, Toco conceals his unusual proclivities from most of his friends and family. “I rarely tell my friends because I am afraid they will think I am weird,’ he said in a separate interview with the Mirror. “My friends and family seemed very surprised to learn I became an animal.” Meanwhile, the Japanese man said last year that most of his colleagues are also unaware that he dresses as a dog outside of work. “I don’t want my hobbies to be known, especially by the people I work with”"

Teenagers tell Education Secretary they're 'too frightened' to say there are only two sexes - "Teenagers have told the Education Secretary they are “too frightened” to tell their classmates that there are only two sexes.   Two 14-year-old girls have written an open letter to Gillian Keegan, saying they want her to know “what it’s like in a school environment where dissenting voices are stifled” and “extreme ideologies are presented as fact”, ahead of the upcoming publication of transgender guidance in schools. The girls, who said they attended different secondary schools in England and who have published the letter anonymously, said: “There is a growing atmosphere of fear around this topic, and many students, including us, are frightened to speak out openly due to the threat of ostracisation and bullying from students who adopt the authoritarian dogma of gender ideology.” They said they have “both experienced times when biased teachers attempt to implicate gender ideology in innocuous topics, for instance claiming that Zeus, the Greek god, was ‘non-binary’, or that Lady Macbeth was ‘gender-fluid’.”  They added: “There is immense pressure among students our age to conform to the popularly-held views that ‘trans women’ are women, and any opposition to this belief is considered ‘transphobic’ and unacceptable.  “There have been many cases of students being bullied and ostracised for disagreeing with gender ideology, where gender-critical pupils are punished by teachers, excluded by students, and abandoned by friends.  “A lot of us are too afraid to speak out due to fear of the consequences, and this must change so that different opinions are allowed to be heard, even on divisive topics such as this one.”"
Clearly this is not credible since it's anonymous, so we should ignore this. The letter is probably fake anyway

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