When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, September 15, 2023

Links - 15th September 2023 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Why do you see more women than men travelling"
Chauncey Durrell" "Child support"

Meme - "Ladies, if you're dating an adult male who still plays video games, it's time to reevaluate that relationship."
"Ladies and gentiemen, if a grown ass adult, is actually sitting there shaming and criticizing another adult for interests and passions, and how they like to spend free time, it's time to reevaluate the actual intelligence and maturity level of that person, and who hurt them."
You're only allowed to shame men, not women, of course


brenda on Twitter - "i sometimes think ab this tiktok where the girl said „if an influencer gatekeeps her clothes i will comment ‚it‘s shein‘ under her post to force her to correct me“ and it’s still genius"

Meme - GA. P-EBT
Shamiya Lanea: "Can someone please help me I have four kids no food I'm waiting on my regular stamps going on two months now it's hard for me trying to keep bills paid and buy food every..all I'm asking is for help ide if it's 2 or 3 dollars anything will help me buy my babies some food.. please"
Cheryl Creamer: "five days ago you were on your page selling your stamps !"
Shamiya Lanea:  "I got yamps. who need em and if u playing don't inbox me okay"

Meme - "Girls: "I want a man who's 6 feet tall, hot, rich, ripped, and has a 6 inch cock!"
Guys: "I just want a girl that's not fat"
Girls: Brie Larson: is that like a personal attack or something"

Meme - Emo Juke Princess @TianaHRR: "U can tell the economy is fucked up cuz it used to be that if u dated a white person u had a pretty good chance of going boating, now the average white person is 2 or even in some cases 3 ppl removed from a boat. Something is not right....."

Meme - Alissa Azar: "On top of what's already been a very difficult few months for me, about two weeks ago i got taken to court in a custody battle by my extremely abusive ex. my kid is my best friend, we've been extremely close from the day they were born. i couldn't afford a lawyer, so i represented myself and did the best i could. but i failed. their arguments were all revolving around my involvement with antifascism and my criminal trial, with a sprinkle of misogyny."

Meme - "On today's episode of "did that creature of the void just try to dunk on a normal person?""
Hunter Cole: "lol tell me sex is the only unit of value you're capable of understanding, without telling me sex is the only unit of value youre capable of understanding. you cant call your dad just say that bro. what a pity."
Lilith Ophelia Web: "you can't fck just say that bro"

Meme -  Shaniqua Posting Delusions @DeludedShaniqwa: "This strange behavior ( very common in black women) should be studied by scientists. We need to undersrand what causes this bizzare phenomenon!"
Daily Loud @DailyLoud: "Cardi B was twerking on Grandpa Pickles"

Meme - "Sandra, 50
I'm sick of pretending to be a cool, laid back chick so people want to date me. I'm insane. I'm literally balls to the wall insane and that is OK. P*ssy is immaculate. Head game is otherworldly. I will treat you right and I will also cry every day. High risk, high reward."

I tried to ban my husband from attending his ex-wife's funeral- I always resented their relationship

Meme - "Always compliment the fat girls in the gym. They'll remember you when they get fit. #investment #business"

Meme - "How they post pictures *flexible*"
"How they have sex *lying down supine on bed*"

QU'IL EST DOMINANT *elle sourit*
QU'ELLE FAIT PLUS DE 20CM.. *elle sourit*

1 HOUR FREE *Woman*"

Naked cleaner who earns £50 an hour opens up on 'creeps' that hire her - "A woman who cleans houses completely in the nude has opened up about her unusual job.  Lottie Rae, 32, started naked cleaning back in 2017 as a way to earn a bit of extra cash and reckons she’s made a few thousand quid over the years. As you can imagine, Lottie has seen a lot over the six years with clients who are naturists, those who just want a bit of company and others who are hoping for something a bit more than a mop and polish.  Lottie, who charges £50 an hour for her cleaning services, said: “There’s a fair few people who are creepy – a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else.  “I’m clear I’m there just to clean but they’ll say that other cleaners have been strippers or given massages... “I’m always looking for ways to make extra money and I quite like being naked, so I though ‘okay, I’ll try it’,” said Lottie... “One of my clients I cleaned for three times altogether, and his house was the dirtiest house I’ve ever come across in my life, teeming with dirt and grime.  "But when I got there he didn’t want me to clean it at all. “He wasn’t creepy or pervy, he just wanted some company.  "I don't even wear gloves half the time even though I know I should - if it's a really dirty house I'm a bit conscious of where I stand but usually it doesn't bother me at all.  “One time a guy put porn on his TV and I had to say no. The people who are slightly creepier tend to have perfectly clean houses so it’s kind of an indicator.  “I’ve cleaned for some younger guys who seem more sociable, they’re out and about and just have disposable income and want to try something different... “The clients will get naked as well – a few of them are quite nervous at first and keep their clothes on until they’re confident enough to take them off.  “My friends and family know what I do, but I think they wonder why I do it. They think all these men are weird and creepy but in general they’re nice people.  “Over six years I've been in a couple of relationships and they’ve been completely cool with it, my current partner's sound with it, which is refreshing. I know a lot of my friend's partners wouldn’t be OK with it.”"
This is like having a bumper sticker that says "honk if you live Jesus" and getting upset when people honk their horns

Meme - "When you hear the guy you placed in the friend zone is getting married *sad*"

Meme - "Yeah women can't handle expectations or judgement, leave that to the human beings mentally strong enough to handle that: men"
Feminist News: Megan Rapinoe: "I just think there's some things women shouldn't wear. Like the weight of other people's expectations and judgments"

Meme - "When her friends ask her why she puts up with your shit
*Big Fat Daddy Thick Meat Sticks*"

Meme - "What happens when you get pregnant on vacation and marry your Nicaraguan kayak guide?

Model student - "After decades of reporting on women caught up in war, famine and brutality, I am not predisposed to feel sorry for those whose idea of a day’s work is smiling for a camera or prancing along a catwalk in ludicrous clothes for a multi-billion-pound industry. “That’s because you only see the Tyra Bankses and the Kate Mosses ... you don’t see everybody else who’s not making it,” says Mears. “We have the image that it’s very glamorous because we only see the winners.” Underneath these winners are many thousands of young women — and men — earning such a pittance she compares them to slaves, in debt to their agencies, who charge them exorbitant fees for everything from biking their portfolios to potential clients, to rent for staying four to a room in agency-owned apartments full of eastern European wannabes...  Many of her colleagues lived on what they called “green juice” — a concoction of raw kale, beetroot and carrot. Mears would arrive at casting calls to find the clothes so tight that they had to be cut open and taped on. She was told to lie about her ethnic origins, playing up or down her Asian quarter depending on the client, and to pretend she was 18 when she was 23. “They said it’s like when you go to the grocery store to buy milk: which milk carton would you want, one that is going to expire tomorrow or one that will expire next week?”...  Her take-home pay at the end of the first year was $11,318 — $18,660 before expenses and commissions were deducted...  There had always been a glut of prospective models, but now there was even more supply. “The fall of the Berlin Wall had opened up eastern Europe in the 1990s, then the internet and digital photography meant you have greater communication and greater travel. Now you have scouts who can go anywhere, any remote village; little agencies popping up everywhere, always looking.” This has led to plummeting pay. “For girls coming from poor countries where there aren’t a lot of good opportunities, even low rates are more than they could get in their villages.”... “Beauty is neither in the model nor in the eye of the beholder,” she says. “It’s a lottery.” “You know, you just know,” one stylist told her. “It’s like asking the meaning of life,” said a booker. She found that success is less about looks, more about marketing and timing, and a team of people creating a “buzz” akin to the emperor’s new clothes. “Everyone is trying to anticipate what everyone else will like”... While in 2009 Gisele Bundchen grossed $25m in modelling contracts, Heidi Klum $16m and Kate Moss $9m, the median income for a US model was $27,330 (£17,540)... Mears claims that some models even work under a kind of “indentured servitude”, in debt to their agencies for visa expenses, plane tickets, portfolio pictures, lessons in walking a catwalk, apartment rentals, even the cost of couriers who bike their portfolios to and from offices. She estimates that they may run up costs of $10,000 before going on their first casting call. “Imagine your paper tells you your piece on Afghanistan was critically acclaimed but it didn’t actually make any money for the paper, so you owe us $3,000 for the expenses,” she says. “It’s a bit like that in modelling.”   “When an agency takes a model on it’s an investment for them,” she adds. “If it doesn’t work out, you’re free to leave, technically, but if you want to try your luck somewhere else at another agency, your debt would follow you to another agency. But the agency would not be very likely to take on an indebted model. So in that way you have bonded debt.” She found that 20% of the models on her agency’s books were in debt to the agency...  There is an inverse relationship between the prestige of a job and how much the model gets paid. Mears received not a cent for what she regards as her own most valuable job — just a couple of dresses...  Surprisingly, she says her catwalk experience has been useful for her new life as a professor. “I teach Introduction to Sociology and I have to walk into this room with 120 freshmen and sophomores,” she explains. “And I have to be on it. I have to stand up straight, I have to do this kind of performance, trying to get my audience captivated. Being able to walk on a catwalk creates a kind of confidence and I think I may have had a hard time walking into a classroom otherwise.”... Male models also talked about and experienced the surveillance of their bodies, but not in terms of anguish and anxiety; they were more likely to the confront the challenges of their bodily capital with straightforward acceptance, as in, “well time to hit the gym,” or, “I must pay better attention to nutrition.”"
Many Americans get very upset when you talk about the importance of luck

Ashley Mears on Status and Beauty (Ep. 97) | Conversations with Tyler - "it’s a common perception that plastic surgery is oppressive. But from my understanding, there’s an opposite reading, which is that it’s really validating and really quite pleasurable to modify the appearance.  So, you’re right. In South Korea — it leads the world in double eyelid surgery to make that eyelid fold that is typical of a Western-shaped eye, but less so of an Asian-shaped eye. This is often read as “Oh, this is like internalized white Western hegemony onto Asian people.” But I actually think it’s a bit more complicated than that.  There’s a certain kind of beauty that is really popular throughout Asia because of the rise of K-Pop stars. And this kind of Asian beauty has a very specific kind of face that’s very pale skin with a certain kind of makeup regime around it, and yes, the eyes. But it would be hard to say that anybody is looking in Asia to the West as the beauty standard. I think, within Asia, people are looking to K-Pop as a beauty standard now.  And in the US, there’s all kinds of things that could be read as oppressive, too, that people do, like hair extensions, and these eyelash extensions to make really long and dark eyelashes, and all kinds of practices that, when you actually talk to people — they’re very validating or they feel pleasurable.  Where do those pleasures come from? Sure, a Marxist could say that it’s all false consciousness. But I think that there’s probably lots more interesting answers."

Meme - Lea Hutto: "I have a daughter who married a guy named Thomas. She had a very big tattoo of his name put on her back. They divorced and she got married to a different guy named Thomas. Well, they divorced and she started dating Another guy, you guessed it, Thomas. I guess it's easier to find a Thomas than it is to get a new tattoo. True story
She has over 50 tats and 50 piercings. She wont remove or cover them up. As she puts it, it's her body and her art. If you saw her you would recognize her. She is almost the perfect image of Amy Winehouse. No lie.
I think she dates them for a while and then hooks them by saying she loves them so much that she got their name tattooed on her back. Trust me, she's very manipulative."

Meme - Funny Canadian Memes: "Canadian women are on another level *dresses and heels in snowstorm*"

Meme - "All 3 generations are on OF! My mom, daughter, & myself. Crazy right?"
"Why a Daughter Needs a Dad"

Meme - "Ladies. Next time you ask why guys lie to women, look at Kevin Samuels and Derrick Jaxn for the answer. One told you the truth so you could improve yourself, and you hated him for it. The other lied to you and lived a double triple life, and you loved him for it. Make it make sense."

Meme - Blue Haired Woman: "marrying an 18 year old is pedophilia you have to marry an eggless 30 year old with a triple digit bodycount"

Meme - Jennifer Wortman @wrefinnej: "Today I discovered my husband has me in his phone as "Jennifer Wortman.""  
Velvet Revulva @velvetrevulva88: "A guy I hooked up with a few times once had me in his phone as "free pussy 3"."
When you don't understand security (imagine if she loses her phone and someone wants to scam her husband)

Meme - "I'll change him."
"Woman: d/dx
Man: e^x"

Thread by @doitmuvaaa on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "It’s crazy how a man gotta be financially stable to date a BROKE female……. WITH KIDS A woman won’t even look a man way if he don’t have a “ nice car, his own place, and money to blow “ but the same woman don’t EVEN have 2 Pennies to rub together. it’s given nasty work A lot of you woman that see a problem with this was raised by gold digging side hos as mothers lol be blessed 😇❤️ Now I’m a “ pick me “ lmaooo i suck my nigga dick because i want TOOO NOT HAVE TOOO That’s the difference between me & yall broke, cum bucket asses y’all be easy 😘 This is the last thing imma say on this lmao. Some of y’all are saying I’m “ jealous “ of a broke ass female with multiple kids with no income shows me y’all really some pin heads 🤧 ARGUE WITH THE MEN THAT MADE YALL SINGLE PARENTS !! Tf cause now y’all getting me tight lmao If i would’ve said “ Woman don’t date broke men, nasty work “ y’all would be perioddddddddd so stfuuu. The same rules apply for woman as well air heads @Shayyybuttaaa"
Black woman Twitter is crazy

Meme - "So i matched my professor on tinder"
"Margaret, 36
loving mother of 2
Game of thrones fanatic!"
"Hey, I'm in your Wednesday lecture lol.
I'm well aware of who you are Mc***
I'll dick you down for an A in class
Excuse me?
So... chapter 2 is due next class?"

Meme - "Alexandra Daddario
Stop staring at my eyes

Can my employer force me to wear a bra? - The Globe and Mail - "Employees are protected from many types of workplace discrimination, including those related to their sex, by the applicable Human Rights Code/Act in their jurisdiction. It is arguable that by applying a dress code policy to target people with breasts and their use of undergarments, this is a type of sexual discrimination. Depending on the circumstances, some employers might be able to justify that type of policy on the basis that there are health or safety reasons for wearing a bra. In your situation, the issue appears to be purely aesthetic; the employer believes that breasts without bras are not presentable. Simply put, that is not enough to justify their policy and it would likely be found to be discriminatory. Braless breasts are not inherently indecent or unpresentable."
Having a dress code is usually aesthetic anyway

Meme - "*Girl unsends message cause of a misspelled word
Every guy thinking they missed out on a nude: *heart attack*"

Meme - "Some habits are hard to forget *Woman holding gearstick like for a handjob*"

Meme - "Him: [yells at me]
my brain: :(
my pussy: :)"

SixBrownChicks on Twitter - "Q2 SugarDaddy said my mouth 👅gave him life. His woman was tired w/ kids & work, and she couldn’t satisfy him. Things were good $ until she bought him a suction sex toy; I can’t compete. I have no leverage. He’s not returning calls. Ego is crushed. I’m BROKE.  HALPP! #SBCCHAT"
SixBrownChicks on Twitter - "Q4. I cheated & husband walked out. I was lonely and desperate for HIS attention. Two years later,  I lost weight, shaved my head and convinced hubby that I was dying. He came back—with his girlfriend. He put life insurance on me & plans my funeral w/ me. 😳 Advice. #SBCCHAT ⚰️"
SixBrownChicks on Twitter - "Q5. My man was BORING but he took care of me; we had a house & food on the table. I left him to pursue my film dreams in Atlanta. That failed. I’ve been stripping (& other things) I got pregnant & I want to go back home so he’ll help me. He’s dating; how to win him back? #SBCCHAT"

Meme - Fella In Versace @Shadayaknight: "You're not my type", but when your type impregnates & abandons you, it becomes "any man who loves me must love my child"."

Meme - "Date 10 guys unsuccessfully* get a FREE CAT! any size, any color, unlimited supplies!
*Relationships cannot last more than 3 months"

Meme - Women's Rights News: "Ding ding ding
Study finds more than 60 percent of young men are single: 'Who are all the young women dating?'"
When they hate men so much they cheer over women flocking to older men (the Pew study found 37% of LGB women were single, which was actually higher than women as a whole (or indeed men as a whole) so combined with the low number of LGBs, young women can't be dating other women unless they're at a like 200 to 1 ratio while not identifying as LGB). Too bad most of them missed this. And more young men than women aren't looking for a relationship or casual dates - naturally, the explanation is different than if it's the other way around

Meme - "Mar Mathieuu @Mas___99: My cousin has a unique life hack !! She visited 14 cities in 6 countries and spent less than $600!!!"
"The best life hack I did on this trip
On tinder in every city I visited I would match with boys who are not good looking at max 4/10. They take me out and show me the city, pay for food etc. Then I match with an attractive guy for hook-up. Hot guys don't show you the city or bother to have a proper date. But mid guys will love to do that for you"
"Oh wow"
"Yes, most of my photos were taken by mid "potential" dates lol.. and if you can't find a bed to sleep they are happy to give you the bed and they sleep on the sofa"
"So you spend the day with ugly ones and the night with the hot ones? Right? Isn't that dangerous?"
"Lol, go for the boys with glasses or nerds looking! they're not dang, they're happy they get to talk to you nad have a platonic date"
Keywords: Sister, holiday, free, vacation

Meme - Past Life & Parallel Life Memories, reincarnation & spirituality: "My 8 year old son was my husband in several past lifetimes. This has been confirmed, not only by him (since he remembers his past) but also by 2 mediums. He treats me with a love I've never known. Cares for me when I'm sick, attends to (and intuits) my every need. Leaves me love notes by my bed. Talks about the devastation he felt when I died. Carries my groceries. Opens the door for me. The list goes on and on. Like you could never even IMAGINE or even expect an adult partner to act that way. He chose to come into this life as transgender (born female) and he's aware that I am here to help him navigate his upcoming challenges. He's always telling me how appreciative he is that he has such a strong protector. It's truly a very intense soul connection."

U.S. women’s hockey team scrimmaging against high school boys with mixed results - "Like it or not, most high school boys' varsity teams believe they can beat just about any womens' team that challenges them, even if it's the greatest women players in the world. Call it sexist, call it what you will, but there's a little Bobby Riggs in most of us.  In its quest for gold, the U.S. Olympic Women's Ice Hockey Team, currently ranked No. 1 globally, accepted that challenge, taking on a series of prep varsity boys' hockey teams over the past couple months in order to prepare for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.  So, how have the women fared? Well, mixed results, actually. They required an overtime glove save and sudden-death goal to defeat U.S. Olympic Women's coach Katey Stone's alma mater, The Taft School in Watertown, Mass., 2-1. You can watch the game here. A week later back in November, the U.S. women lost to Salisbury (Conn.) School, 3-1."
As usual, I saw people claiming that the women weren't trying

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