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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Links - 12th September 2023 (Abortion)

An Alternative Feminist Perspective on Abortion - "In Argentina, the debate about abortion divides the population, so I expected the discussion to address its philosophical and ethical dimensions—How does one resolve the conflict of interest between an unborn human life and a pregnant woman? When does human life begin? Should economic profit from abortions and use of human remains be restricted? Should “eugenic” abortions be permitted? Should biological fathers be permitted a say in the decision to abort?—as well as the practical problems posed by a more liberal policy—Who should perform abortions? How can a collapsing public health system respond to the demands of an unrestricted legalization of abortion and effectively deal with the medical complications that abortions provoke without neglecting its existing patients? What are the consequences of abortion for a woman’s health? What time limits should be imposed to account for the fetus’s viability outside the womb and risks to the woman’s health?  But many of these dilemmas were left undiscussed. Instead, we were overwhelmed by a flood of activism that became known in the media as the “green wave” (after the color adopted by supporters of legalization). These activists insisted that the fight for abortion legalization was in fact a “war on patriarchal oppression” and this left many feminists (in the term’s original and broad meaning of defending the principle of equality of rights and opportunities between women and men) confused and disturbed. We could no longer consider ourselves feminists, we were told, unless we fully supported the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy bill... the bill compelled doctors to perform abortions within five days of a request (even in cases where the doctor judged that the abortion may be unadvisable from a medical perspective)... The claims and arguments used to promote and defend the bill often left a lot to be desired. Green organizations circulated inaccurate statistics, which were then enthusiastically promoted by local and foreign media... It was not just a disregard for and misuse of the available data and the absence of reasonable, constructive discussion that disturbed many Argentine women during the abortion debate. Many of us suddenly found that we had been ejected from the feminist movement and redefined as old-fashioned and unenlightened women who, unable to “deprogram” ourselves from patriarchal oppression, had become our oppressors’ collaborators. This came as a shock in a country where most men have not only respected but also steadily supported the expansion of women’s rights... after the Argentine Senate rejected the bill, the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR) released a statement declaring that UN human rights experts deeply regretted the rejection of the abortion bill by the Argentine Senate, and expressing their opinion that, “Legislators of the higher chamber have ensured the continuation of an archaic legacy supported by a religious doctrine that embodies harmful stereotypes of women’s roles in the family and society that are inherently discriminatory and oppressive to women.” The OHCHR ignored the secular arguments made by the great majority of legislators who voted against the bill, and the role played by women in defeating it (14 out of 27 female senators voted against the bill), many of whom had historically fought for women’s rights in Argentina... The fight to enshrine the right to unrestricted abortion in law is based on ideological feminism’s two main premises: victimization and what I call “undifferentiation.” In connection with abortion, ideological feminism argues that women are victimized twice over: first by the burden of pregnancy, and then by an oppressive patriarchal system that prevents us from taking a decision to abort that pregnancy. (Radical feminism adds a third ground for victimization by casting suspicion on women’s ability to fully consent to sex in the first place due to structural conditions of inequality; although this final claim was not made explicit during the Argentine debate, it may explain the repeated use of rape cases to justify the legalization of abortion, even though sexual abuse is already an exception to abortion’s punishability in Argentina.) The dogma of “undifferentiation” results from a confusion between (or conflation of) the aspiration that women and men enjoy equal rights and opportunities of personal development and participation in public life, with the aspiration that women and men be made biologically indistinguishable—in other words, that women must possess a body freed from the biological ties imposed upon us by our capacity to gestate... There is an alternative feminist perspective, however, in which the legalization of unrestricted abortion not only fails to put an end to the oppression of women but perpetuates it. Historically, abortion has been one of the most extreme manifestations of patriarchal oppression. Women have traditionally sought an abortion because they were compelled... the past decades of unrestricted abortion in many countries have created additional pressure on women, not individual and explicit, but generalized and unspoken: the need to compete with men under equal conditions... This is an individualistic and materialistic system in which a woman can only prevail over a man if she is willing to emulate him, postponing or sacrificing her maternal role in order to be able to develop economically and professionally in full, even to the point of inflicting violence on her own body and the body of the human being she is carrying inside it."

Rethinking Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Defense of Abortion - "Thomson’s argument in defense of abortion ultimately fails to acknowledge three essential metaphysical and morally relevant considerations:
    Flawed action-individuation.
    Special duties of parents.
    Special rights and duties of fathers...
in normal cases of consensual intercourse, the foreseeable causal chain and accompanying risks are set into motion by the original decision to have sex. So, if the woman later chooses to terminate that process, doing so would constitute a knowledgeable act of doing/killing rather than a mere allowing/letting die. Indeed, baked into the woman’s choice to have sex in the first place is the moral risk of setting off a predictable causal chain whereby another human life becomes wholly dependent upon her bodily functions to survive.  The everyday risks of consensual sex stand in dramatic contrast to the outlandish scenario in which some parasitic foreign entity suddenly attaches itself to a person’s pre-existing life-sustaining processes without that person’s will, knowledge, or foresight... Even if we disregard this argument, it isn’t even as if the abortion procedure itself is remotely comparable to an “unplugging,” let alone a mere allowing...  if special duties to care for one’s own offspring and to not let them die apply during the moments immediately after birth, and if one’s offspring counts as a person while still in the womb (as the empirical data increasingly suggests and as Thomson grants for the sake of argument), then such special duties arguably trump bodily autonomy considerations for the same reasons in the womb as well... If we grant that a father has special duties to his offspring (once outside the womb), to care for and protect them or to at least pay child support, and we grant that the fetus is a person (either in virtue of the latest empirical evidence at some stage of gestation, or by stipulation according to Thomson), then the father’s special duties to care for and protect his would-be offspring within the womb deserve consideration. These may override the mother’s unilateral veto power in deciding to abort a fetus on bodily autonomy grounds. Either that, or it ought to be conceded that fathers have no special duties whatsoever to care for their offspring or to pay child-support once the child is born."
Feminists believe women have no say in whether they get pregnant - which fits in with their view of women as useless, powerless victims, after all

Meme - "They're all just mad they can't date me *Clarence Thomas*"
Too bad only liberal women get to play that card

Meme - "People with "Hope not Hate" and "BLM" in their profile the moment a black judge disagrees with them *N*"

Meme - "Democrats when a Black man has a position that they disagree with: *Leonardo DiCaprio turning into Calvin Candie in Django Unchained*"

Unhinged Leftwingnuts Threaten to Assassinate Judge Clarence Thomas, Burn Down SCOTUS - "Paging Merrick Garland.  Since the Roe v Wade decision, liberal fruitcakes have gone ballistic with threats and violence.
Liberals: “January 6th was an act of terrorism”
Liberals: “Not getting vaccinated is an act of terrorism.”
Also Liberals: “Burn down the Supreme Court!”...
Bloviating sewer mouth Samuel L. Jackson spewed racial comments...   Making threats of violence against anyone, including a sitting Supreme Court justice, can face felony charges... Threatening judges is illegal. And the libs’ racism is out in full force... Threaten to burn down the supreme court and the DOJ turns a blind eye. But complain about your child’s indoctrination at a school board meeting, and the Feds will label you a domestic terrorist and arrest you."
Terrorism is whatever thwarts the liberal agenda

Meme - "We'll See How You Feel About Abortions After I Fuck Your Husband! *tons of gay bumper stickers*"
Imagine telling on yourself like that

An Abortion - "The whole issue of abortion is so rife with politics with everyone defending their stand. There's nothing to defend. It's an individual choice. Either the foetus lives or dies. Make the decision and go with it. No point thinking too much about it. Especially not the what ifs. Sometimes I think it was a selfish choice - but life is cruel first before it is kind. I wouldn't have been the mother I'd wanted to be... NAH. What horseshit. The truth is, it was a selfish choice. I'm not living under the poverty line, I have a supportive partner, we would have been able to have made a good home for it. We were just not ready. Also, I question the relative benefits of children and the necessity to add to the human race.

Meme - @leméine @studiolemaine: "it is very difficult and emotional to read ‘no one is forcing you to have unprotected sex' when men do. all the time. boyfriends and partners and abusers the whole spectrum, men pressure us for unprotected sex all the time"
But we know from covid vaccines that it only counts as forcing someone when you threaten that person with jail or death, or literally tie the person down to do the deed, so too bad
Apparently women are unable to give consent, since the slightest bit of "pressure" voids it. So they shouldn't be able to vote, since they are so easily "forced" to do things

Brett Kavanaugh assassination suspect Nicholas John Roske was trans gamer girl - "The California man accused of attempting to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh identified himself as a "sissy slave" and a "trans gamer girl" named "Sophie" in online posts, according to a new report.  Nicholas John Roske, 26, was arrested on June 8 near the home of Kavanagh. He was caught carrying a black tactical chest rig, tactical knife, a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition, a thermal monocular, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, screwdriver, nail punch, crowbar, and duct tape, according to the affidavit. Roske faces federal charges of attempting to murder a U.S. Supreme Court justice... Roske – who is believed to be a pro-abortion extremist for allegedly wanting to assassinate the pro-life Justice Kavanaugh – allegedly wanted to abort every single baby in the womb... "Roske called for the redistribution of wealth in America on a leftist anti-capitalist subreddit. On 'r/LateStageCapitalism,' Roske uploaded a pie chart of progressive causes that can be aided by $3.2 trillion from 400 of the richest Americans, including paying for paid annual family leave, wiping out delinquent medical debt, handing out $10,000 to every American household, and vaccinating 'the world' against COVID-19."  Roske also believes "America hates black people more than it loves guns""
The Capitol "Insurrection" was bad because there was a guy with zip ties, but since Roske didn't kill anyone there's no problem

Abortion kills more than WWI? - "Father François Schneider is prohibited from celebrating public Masses for four weeks. His crime? He has declared that abortion has killed more human beings than the First World War.  There seems to be no place here for the exceptio veritatis, that is, the absolving fact that what he has said is true: Father François Schneider, the priest  responsible for 17 parishes in eastern France, has to pay for his boldness."

Should it be a crime to pray outside an abortion clinic? | The Spectator - "When MPs backed the enforcement of ‘buffer zones’ around abortion clinics, there were warnings that the measure might backfire. Two months on from that vote, those consequences are now clear for all to see.  The director of an anti-abortion group is facing prosecution after praying in front of an abortion clinic in Birmingham. Isabel Vaughan-Spruce of UK March for Life is accused of breaching a public space protection order – but she insists she was only exercising her freedom of religion ‘inside the privacy of my own mind’.   Vaughan-Spruce is not accused of harassing anyone. The 45-year-old simply said a prayer inside an exclusion zone. It’s come to something, hasn’t it, when you can be prosecuted after praying, silently or otherwise, under English law? But, of course, the warnings this might happen were there from the outset. The threat to free speech and free thought posed by the bill has been realised... Tory MP Fiona Bruce was one of those who pointed out that this law could be directed at people who simply stood outside clinics in silent prayer, thereby establishing an interesting new development in English law: an unexpressed thought crime. Yet it was passed by a majority of 297 to 110, including a sizeable number of Tories... Creasy said during the debate she had no wish to curb protesters’ freedom of expression, but this assertion is impossible to square with the terms of the bill. And expressing an opinion at a far distance from a clinic doesn’t serve a purpose, which is to suggest to women entering for an abortion that there is an alternative to the procedure. Some of those protesters will offer financial help or support if those things might help a woman change her mind about abortion, which is, of course, a life-changing decision. These are not US-style militants, but mostly, unassuming, herbivorous Christians.   While abortion is often designated as religious issue, I don’t think that’s right: for me, it’s a moral one, simply premised on the notion that a foetus is a human being, and ending a life is wrong. As it happens, this is also the view of the churches, but it’s hardly exclusive to them. Many pro-lifers, including the admirable Dominic Lawson, are atheist. As for the right to protest, even Peter Tatchell has said – he told me – that he supports the rights of anti-abortionists to protest outside clinics, even to the extent of holding up pictures of aborted foetuses, though he himself is pro-abortion."

The Pill: Contraceptive or Abortifacient? - The Atlantic - "Some pro-lifers, this one included, find it at least a little bit suspect that now, in the midst of controversy around this issue that directly threatens around this aspect of the Obama administration's attempts at national health care overhaul, scientists are suddenly backtracking on long held views about how the birth control pill works."

America’s abortion front line | The Times - "She’s been speaking to a 14-year-old, a cheerleader who is top of her class in school... Sonograms have shown that the 14-year-old girl is about 30 weeks pregnant... The 14-year-old girl mentioned at the top of this story might have carried on another month or two, delivered a healthy baby and offered it for adoption...  Boyd reviewed 268 cases of abortion at 25 weeks and beyond... 18 per cent were told that the foetus was very ill late in pregnancy... The remainder included two women whose health was endangered by their pregnancy"
Weird. Liberals keep telling us that late term abortions are only carried out for medical reasons. Of course, the cope is that anything that can "affect" the mother's "health" is a "medical reason"
Amazingly, 2 pro-abortion people with major comprehension problems thought that the statistics showing that 1% of late term abortions were due to the mother's life being in danger meant that 100% of them were. One called me a psycho and the other said there was something wrong with me in prioritising non-viable fetuses over people (not realising that the mother's life being in danger is not the same as the fetus not being viable)

Meme - Heifer Hotline @janetheeesq: "reading about Jennifer Aniston's IVF journeys, the one thing she said she wishes she'd done is freeze her eggs. so my career girlies in your late look into it!"
Dra. de Sociologia @prisc_lynnetie: "Lol You have to pay per month to store the eggs and if you don't pay they destroy it. I did all the blood work then realized I couldn't afford to pay $225 a month till I decided I wanted to have kids or not lol"
her. @brilliantnmoody: "destroy it?!?!?!"
Dra. de Sociologia @prisc_lynnetie: "Yes. They destroy your eggs if you don't pay the storage fee."
her. @brilliantnmoody: "that's barbaric. I hate capitalism."
MADVILLAIN @AScully789: "So abortions of full fetuses are okay but discarding eggs is where you draw the line?"

Much more violence against Pro-life people than against Pro-choice since the Supreme Court Leak on May 3rd: 135 Attacks on Pro-life people between the Supreme Court Leak on May 3rd and September 24th, 2022, Only 6 attacks were identified in the other direction - "The bottom line is that after the Dobbs decision was leaked, there was over 22 times more violence directed against pro-life groups than pro-choice organizations. However, if the media is less likely to cover violence pro-life organizations, the 22 times estimate will underestimate the relative violence against these groups.   Violence involving abortion has become even more of an issue as news stories focused on the threat of increased violence against abortion providers after the Dobbs decision leaked... There is other evidence that the US DOJ is selectively targeting pro-life leaders.  The US Department of Justice keeps an up-to-date list of recent violence cases against reproductive health care providers. Still, it doesn’t collect similar data for cases against pro-life centers...   The media has uncritically accepted pro-choice claims of violence without asking for a list of cases. The CPRC’s past research has shown that the news media has engaged in a similar false narrative of white supremacists doing mass public shootings."

Legislative Bombshell: Bill to Decriminalize Killing Newborns Introduced - "California policymakers who make up the “Future of Abortion Council” just dropped a bombshell. They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth.   New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.  The bill from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks additionally protects anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights. It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill... Maryland introduced a bill that “decriminalizes neglecting newborns to death” using the same “perinatal death” language, though the bill hearing was canceled. In 2019, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam was widely condemned for a radio interview asserting doctors could decide to allow children to die after birth “if that’s what the mother and the family desired.”"

Roe Decision Epitomizes Increasing Burnout Among Women - Bloomberg
This is basically a long wishlist of feminist grievances. If you don't allow women to defame men, that's misogyny

Woman's Protest Sign Brilliantly Points Out the Hypocrisy in Arguing Against Federal Funding for Birth Control - "Viagra is gov’t funded ($41.6 mil/year). If pregnancy is God’s will, so is limp dick"
More liberal delusions. I've never seen any pro-lifer claim abortion is wrong because pregnancy is God's Will, only that it's wrong because it's murder

Facebook - "to every woman agreeing with the overturn and has told other women to just ‘not have sex’ and ‘accept responsibility’ that is stank kitty energy and i hope you never have another orgasm again in your miserable gender betraying life. may you and yours suffer the same fate you wish on others 🫶🏻"
Good illustration of how quickly pro-choicers pivot from "only women get an opinion on abortion" to "only pro-choice woman get an opinion on abortion"
Body shaming is good when it's directed at someone liberals hate

Meme - "i am BEGGING other white people to stop talking about mandatory vasectomies as if Black and Indigenous peoples haven't been subjected to centuries of involuntary sterilization. there are other ways to discuss contraception and pregnancy prevention that don't invoke eugenics."

Meme - "There is a guy in my DM's that's just a little too nice and he seems boring."
"I found an exciting guy who is great at sex and makes me feel dangerous."
"We didn't use contraceptives and now I am pregnant with the baby of a guy who won't return my phone calls or texts."

Will on Twitter - "Vasectomies are up 900% since the Roe reversal. Liberal men getting “fixed” gives me great hope for the future of our country."

👨🏾‍🚀❤️ on Twitter - "Y’all worried about potential abortions more than choosing the right men to have unprotected sex with… and that’s very telling lol"

Carl Benjamin - Posts | Facebook - "I mean, the SCARIEST thing the men who wrote ALIEN (1979) could think of was a living thing taking up residence in your torso then bursting out of you."
"If every pregnancy was against your will, fatal, and produced a murderous alien organism, you would have a point."
No one thinks women have as little agency as feminists

Meme - ""You can't force a surgeon to perform a surgery, but once they're in the middle of it, they can't just stop and walk away, letting the person die. Likewise, you can't force a daycare professional to show up at work, but once she's there, she can't just leave the children unattended because she doesn't want to work anymore-it's child abandonment. In both cases, your actions have caused someone to be dependent on you and you are responsible for that dependent. Pregnancy is no different. The child has a right to your body because you made that child dependent on you." - H.C. Douglas"
This is the key problem with the Judith Thomson defence of abortion - it assumes that all women who want abortions are involuntarily pregnant

Fund Texas Choice on Twitter - "REMINDER: Abortion is a moral good, an act of self-care, a human right, essential, health care, and SAVES lives."
So much for no one being pro-abortion. The slippery slope slipped long ago

Rubatirabbit on Twitter - "I will bet cold hard cash that if we were ever to invent the gestation pod, the argument for abortion would very rapidly pivot from bodily autonomy or viability to women's power over their own child to decide its fate."

Meme - "Abortion as a form of birth control needs to remain available, safe, and legal."
Yet we keep getting told that no one uses abortion as birth control
The fact that half of women who get abortions didn't use contraception suggests that many people are indeed using abortion as birth control

Greg Price on Twitter - "Warren: “Crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber abortion clinics by 3-1. We need to shut them down all around the country.”"
Pro-choice means that you must choose an abortion

Meme - Liberal Woman: "No MAN will tell me what to do with my body!!!"
Fauci: "Stick this needle into your arm."
Liberal Woman: "Yes lord Fauci!!!"

Meme - "Going in for surgery. I hope I die so I won't have to listen to you fuckers bitch and moan about abortion anymore."

POP QUIZ *Female reproductive system*"

sassy sunflower on Twitter - "Women deserve the right to have sex for pleasure without wanting a baby just as much as men"
Wait till she discovers that men have no reproductive rights

CBS Reports on Adorable ‘Fetuses’, Gets Firestorm of Pro-Life Comments - "CBS News reported on a study that found unborn babies have likes and dislikes when it comes to food. The CBS report, which included ultrasound images of a baby smiling or frowning depending on what foods mom was eating, referred to the baby exclusively as a “fetus.”  “Fetuses are big fans of carrots but not leafy green vegetables – and you can tell by the look on their faces”... “I am so confused by this – are we to assume, from this information, that fetuses are actually alive and experience pleasure (which would mean they experience pain)?” another chided.  “It’s almost like they’re humans and therefore have senses and emotions and stuff,” added the musical artist Zuby."

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