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Thursday, July 06, 2023

Links - 6th July 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

Why Canada's plan to criminalize Holocaust denial could be unconstitutional — and redundant - ""I think it's problematic to criminalize Holocaust denial," said Cara Zwibel, lawyer and director of the Fundamental Freedoms Program at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. "That's not to say that that kind of expression is not harmful. But the truth is, we don't criminalize lying for the most part." "I think if it adds things that sort of go beyond the narrow definition of what the court has said is hate speech, then it's probably unconstitutional."... Zwibel warned the legislation could give Holocaust deniers a platform. She cited the case of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, who was tried twice in the 1980s for publishing the pamphlet Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last. Although convicted, Zundel was eventually acquitted when the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the country's laws against spreading false news as a violation of free speech. His trials also put the Holocaust on trial, with the crown bringing in Holocaust researchers and survivors to support their case, while the defence put noted Holocaust deniers on the stand. "What being prosecuted did for [Zundel] was give him a big platform and basically allow him to parade a bunch of witnesses in court to try and prove that the Holocaust didn't happen and have the government put survivors before the court. It's atrocious," Zwibel said. Zwibel also suggested there could be problems with how the amendment would define terms such as "condoning' and "downplaying" in relation to the Holocaust... Moon questioned whether the proposed amendment would add anything to what is already covered in the Criminal Code, other than to potentially specify or clarify in some way. "So one possibility, it's not actually doing anything new," he said. "The way this is framed, it sounds like someone being prosecuted under it, the prosecution would have to establish what they already have to establish under the existing Criminal Code."

Government bill on Holocaust denial ineffective and likely unconstitutional: civil liberties group - "“We’re singling out a particular historical genocide and tragedy and protecting it with the criminal law in a way that we’re not doing for others,” she said, adding groups are inevitably going to ask why a similar law doesn’t apply to the Rwandan genocide or even Canada’s residential schools. She said fighting racism and anti-Semitism is important, but simply criminalizing it doesn’t do that and risks becomes more about political theatre than actual progress. “If you look at other countries that have Holocaust denial laws, including Germany, big shocker, they still have anti-Semites. They still have problems with racism and anti-Semitism, so this is not an effective way to tackle the problem.”"

Meme - "Wow. 16% of white Americans think that it would be okay for states to enact anti miscegenation laws. Crazy. (Now look directly to the right of that number)"
"SCOTUS Survey - April 11, 2023
States should be allowed to prevent two people from different races from marrying
White - 18%, Black - 31%, Hispanic - 24%
Liberal - 22%, Moderate - 18%, Conservative 18%
Democrat - 21%, Republican - 19%, Independent - 16%
Liberals are against miscegenation the most.. wild"
Damn racist white supremacist Republicans!

Meme - @ElijahSchaffer: "Germany's Top Model Winner 2023 (left) vs Random Ethnic German Model (right)"

Planned Parenthood sex-ed flyer telling 11-year-olds they could have sex, as long as the partner isn't older than 13, distributed in WA public school

Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Planned Parenthood brought cards like this to a Grade 9 class in Saskatchewan, for kids to study the sexual alphabet.
"Half and Half: When someone sucks your dick, and then your ass"
"Yellow & Brown Showers. Yes, pissing and crapping on your partner"
"Auto-Fellation. The practice of sucking your own dick"
"Felching. The act of sucking semen from your partner's butt"...
The kids in Fort Nelson also received booklets about dildos and oral sex... The email to parents wasn’t even honest.
From 2023. I guess abortions are really 3% of all they do
The cope was very amusing

Nadine Ness on Twitter - "It’s so disturbing that the left in Sask and NDP promoters are denying, minimizing and justifying the actions of Planned Parenthood who exposed 14 year olds to explicit sexual content that repulses even most adult. They deny this email is real. They deny the cards were in the classroom. They are saying this is not true and this was simply appropriate sexual health education. Here is a PDF of the physical cards that were in the classroom and pointed to in an attempt to start discussion. http://librarypdf.catie.ca/ATI-20000s/26124.pdf Several kids grabbed some of the cards and were discussing them among themselves inside and outside of the classroom. (Yea the email is incorrect). It was not one student. Every kids was given this flyer to bring home: https://catie.ca/sites/default/files/2022-01/CATIE_SaferSexGuide_2022_English_WEB.pdf A complaint was filed with the RCMP by at least one parent or more and they are investigating. I have spoken to parents personally. This happened and it should be condemned and investigated on how organizations like this one can come in and have access to our kids and teach anything that falls outside of the approved curriculum. Attached are pictures of the email and some of the cue cards kids took home and discussed in and out of the classroom. Some even encourages kids to watch porn. More will be posted in the comments. As a former police officer who is trained to profile and interview sex offenders including child sex offender I find this extremely disturbing."

B.C. school apologizes after 'vulgar' and 'excessively graphic' sex ed cards handed out to Grade 8 and 9 students - "A Chilliwack, B.C., school has apologized for giving Grade 8 and 9 students “inappropriate” sex education material that described graphic sex acts and used sexual slang words. Principal Chuck Lawson said a deck of sex cards was accidentally given to 15 students at C.H.A.N.C.E. Alternate School last Thursday following a presentation by a guest speaker on healthy relationships... The presentation was given by Sto:lo Health. School officials had previewed the presentation beforehand and given it the all-clear, said Lawson. The cards, however, were not approved. The school said it had talked to a supervisor from Sto:lo Health, which is investigating how the cards got into take-home bags given to students. The cards, which provide definitions of sexual terms from A to Z, angered some parents. A mother whose child attends C.H.A.N.C.E. told Global B.C. she was disgusted with the school’s carelessness in handing out material she considers to be pornography. On social media, people have called the cards “vulgar” and “excessively graphic.” The card creators themselves say the cards were not meant to be distributed to minors in school. “This resource in particular is for gay, bi, queer men,” said Chris Thomas, spokesman for the AIDS Committee of Toronto. “Generally, we use them in bars and bathhouses.” Thomas said if a student expressly asked for the card he would have no objections to providing a deck, but he would not hand the cards out in a general setting. “It’s operative on the idea of consent. We don’t force our resources on Grade 8 or 9 students.” Kristen Gilbert, director of education for Options for Sexual Health, said she does not believe there would be any lasting negative impact on the students exposed to the graphic material. Instead, she said the packing error could be a learning opportunity for parents to have a conversation with their child."
From 2015
As MTV says, sex is not an accident

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "In an interview w/left-wing paper Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian "eSafety Commissioner" said she plans to use legal powers to force @elonmusk to censor Twitter with threat of $700k per day fines. The report mentions yours truly as a problem"
Anything that threatens the liberal agenda is hate and dangerous and violent

Rebecca F Kuang rejects idea authors should not write about other races - "The author of Babel and The Poppy War, Rebecca F Kuang, has said she finds the idea that authors should only write about characters of their own race “deeply frustrating and pretty illogical”. Speaking at the Hay festival, the author, who was born in China but moved to the US when she was four, said that there is a “really weird kind of identity politics going on in American publishing”... this has now “spiralled into this really strict and reductive understanding of race”. As a result, a movement that began as a call for more authentic stories about marginalised communities “gets flipped around and weaponised against the marginalised writers to pigeonhole them into telling only certain kinds of stories”... When it comes to another contentious issue in the publishing world – sensitivity readers – Kuang said she has “mixed feelings”. “I’ve always found it really weird to pay somebody to tell you if you’ve accidentally been racist,” she added. “I think you should be able to do the research to know yourself.”"

We seem to have forgotten that actors pretend to be other people for a living - "“How is working-class tourism still OK for posh actors?” asks actress Jessica Barden. “Emma Corrin finished playing Diana [in The Crown] and said they wanted to do a ‘gritty’ independent film in Scotland with an ‘outrageous accent’ and ‘red hair’. I was, like, why are you allowed to talk like this?” The 30-year-old star of Channel 4’s The End of the F---ing World made the broadside in an interview at the weekend, before doubling down on her point that “posh actors” should stick to the gravel drives in their DNA (my words, not hers), and not stray into portraying anyone from less privileged backgrounds, like her own (Barden was born in North Yorkshire and comes from a family of Yorkshire miners). At the time of writing, Corrin has not responded, and probably shouldn’t. Although personally, I’d be tempted to issue the following statement: “Acting: the performing art in which movement, gesture and intonation are used to realise a fictional character for the stage, for motion pictures, or for television.” We could all do with a reminder of what acting is. The starker the better. Because somewhere along the mine-strewn “authenticity in casting”, “cultural appropriation”, “my identity matters above all else” road, we seem to have forgotten that these people pretend to be other people for a living."... Guy Nattiv was forced to defend the casting of Dame Helen Mirren in a forthcoming film about the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. “For me,” he said, “she had the Jewish chops to play Golda.” Previous “Jewface” spats involved Felicity Jones portraying Ruth Bader Ginsburg in On the Basis of Sex in 2018, and another non-Jewish actress, Rachel Brosnahan, portraying the fictional Miriam Maisel in the Amazon series The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel. Back in 2021, screenwriter Russell T Davies – whose latest hit series It’s a Sin depicted the lives of a group of gay men during the HIV/Aids crisis – declared that only gay performers should play gay characters. “I’m going to war,” he said, adding that the likes of Colin Firth, who had played a gay professor in the 2009 film A Single Man, should be “ashamed of their actions”. But when I interviewed Rupert Everett last month, he disagreed. Straight actors can absolutely play gay characters, the 63-year-old assured me. What offended Everett was not being “allowed” to play a straight man after he came out. You can understand his annoyance (especially when gay Hollywood film stars have been pretending to be straight for decades)."

Man who beat elderly nursing home patient on video deemed incompetent for trial - "The man who recorded himself brutally beating 75-year-old Norman Bledsoe will not go to trial or face prison time – for now. Jadon Hayden was deemed incompetent to go to trial. His father says he was diagnosed with autism as a child, and schizophrenia years later. "Thinking that my son could go to prison for many years, that just put more pressure on me," his father Marty Hayden said. "But once the case was dismissed it really lifted a lot of burden off my shoulders." The case against Jadon Hayden was dismissed in late April after the 22-year-old was deemed incompetent to stand trial. Bledsoe died at another nursing home two months after the attack. His death was not ruled a homicide, but his family told The Detroit News he was not the same after the assault."
Weird. Liberals tell us only white people get off on mental health

Meme - "Are they calling gay a disability now?"
"Asking when straight month is is like asking where the non disabled parking spots are."

Meme - Into the Memory Hole: "'member that time lawnmowers genocided an entire people?"
"Number of domestic extremist-related killings in the U.S. 2009-2020: 17"
"President Biden says White supremacists are the greatest domestic terror threat in the US: "It's complex, it's wide-ranging and it's real." #BidenTownHall"
"Riding lawnmowers kill average of 70 people each year, injure 80,000 more"
Since liberal logic is that you're "more likely to die from being buried alive or from choking on food than at the hands of foreign-born terrorists attacking on American soil", so if you're worried about the later you're racist

Nadine Ness on Twitter - "Discrimination based on sexual orientation is very much alive and well in this Sask school, especially if that sexual orientation is straight. High school students in Swift Current were pulled into the principles office for signing their name on a poster that said “I’m straight and proud”. I’ve attached a copy and covered the student’s names in order to protect their identity. The principle allegedly had an RCMP officer brought in to question some of these kids without parents there and the kids have disclosed to their parents feeling being intimidated by this RCMP officer who was saying things like this borderlines a hate crime and they could get in legal trouble. What makes this worst is the school never even notified the parents of those kids! If you are a parent of one of those kids I’m sorry you’re hearing it from me first and not the school. As a former RCMP officer I find this alleged behaviour of the officer very disturbing and made worst by the fact parents were kept in the dark and kids were not offered parents to be present. I’m also hearing of other concerning stories coming out of that school which I will go public with once they are all confirmed. Some include the sex education program and it alleges an outside presenter is being brought into the school to present and is encouraging students to masturbate. What is happening in our Sask schools?!"
Heterophobia is a myth

Meme - Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "Well, it's finally happening folks. Temple Israel of London is finally "decolonizing the synagogue.""
This won't shut the anti-Semites who claim it's all a Jewish plot to destabilise the West up

Outrage as club hires dwarf for St Patrick's Day 'leprechaun meet and greet' - "A student club is under fire for plans to hire a dwarf to play a leprechaun for St Patrick's Day... Actor and performer Gregory Doherty, who was booked for the event, added: "As you can imagine with a name like Doherty I am of Irish descent. Both my parents are Irish and I carry an Irish passport. I am incredibly proud to be of Irish heritage. "I do not consider dressing up as a mythical creature offensive/or a racial slur against the people of Ireland. Not sure if you’ve ever travelled to Ireland on Saint Patrick’s Day, but the iconography of a leprechaun is as iconic as a shillelagh or a shamrock.""
But if they'd hired a person of normal height, that would've been stealing jobs from short people. You can't win with grievance mongers

LA Dodgers: Pride Night Featuring Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Protested | National Review - "Thousands of people gathered outside Dodger Stadium to protest the inclusion of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in a Pride Event celebration before Friday night’s game. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a self-described “leading-edge Order of queer and trans nuns” known for satirizing Christian communities. The announcement drew the condemnation of numerous Catholic groups, including the Archdiocese of Los Angeles... during the game against rival San Francisco Giants, the group was introduced to a mostly empty stadium as many onlookers booed and jeered... Star Dodgers pitcher, Clayton Kershaw, was an outspoken critic of the team’s decision to include the group in its annual Pride celebrations. “I don’t agree with making fun of other people’s religions,” the Cy Young winner told the Los Angeles Times in an interview in late May. “It has nothing to do with anything other than that. I just don’t think that, no matter what religion you are, you should make fun of somebody else’s religion. So that’s something that I definitely don’t agree with.”"
Clearly Christian intolerance!

Meme - *LGBT extending head across the country painted in Pride flags into a Pride-less church*: "STOP OPPRESSING ME!!!"

Melbourne schoolboys are slammed as 'oppressors' because they're white, male and Christian - "A youth worker forced Year 11 male students at a co-ed public school to stand up in front of the class as she condemned them as historical 'oppressors' because they are white, male, and Christian. The female Kingston City Council worker gave a talk about privilege, pronouns, and intersectionality at Parkdale Secondary College in Mordialloc, Melbourne... The woman told these students that they were 'privileged' and 'oppressors', sparking outrage among parents and local councillors."

ABBA fans banned from wearing 70s ‘Afro wigs’ at concert - "ABBA fans have been banned from wearing 1970s “disco wigs” to the pop group’s virtual concert because they are “culturally insensitive”."

Meme - Kiki KingInExileKiki: "What if we kissed by the Trans-inclusive anti-homeless spikes?"
"Black Lives Matter. Women’s rights are human rights. No human is illegal. Science is real. Love is love. Kindness is everything"
sleepykk: "Imagine spreading love and hate at the same time"

Meme - Pandaskills: "Apparently I need to give this guy a blood sample to prove my Ethnicity!
Tyler Nazo: "Prove that your Asian. I think it's pretty important that you prove that you're Asian with the persona you put on. Or you should stop the insult if you're not actually Asian" PandaSkills: "pretty sure my face proves that I'm Asian..."

Meme - Monster: "Uh... I'm sorry ma'am, but this is a support group for monsters only."
Human: "Well, actually, I AM a monster."
Monster: "... How?"
Human: Well, you see, my mother was a mermaid, and my father was a minotaur.
Monster: "Riiight. And let me guess: you got the human half from both of them."
Human: "Exactly!"
Monster: "Gotcha. Hardy har har."
Monster: "Ya know, it's insensitive mockery like this that makes us need these groups in the first place."
Human: "Huh?"
Human: "Listen sir, I'm just here to drop off my brother and I'll be on my way."
Monster 2 (bull top, fish bottom): "This guy buggin' you sis'?"
Human with tail: "I'll be back to pick you up at seven"
Monster 2: "Sounds good, thanks."
Liberals love to gatekeep identity based on looks, so

Is The EEOC Protecting Workers Or Discriminatory Employers? - "The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is tasked by the U.S. Congress with enforcing federal laws that prohibit workplace discrimination but a recent analysis of EEOC complaints from 1997 to 2018 demonstrates how little the EEOC actually does with respect to enforcing those laws. The analysis was conducted by Paychex, Inc., a Rochester, NY – based company that provides payroll, human resource, and benefit outsourcing services to small and medium sized businesses. The Paychex data indicates the EEOC failed to failed to find discrimination in 87 percent of the almost 1.9 million cases filed by discrimination victims over the 21-year-period... The EEOC found reasonable cause for discrimination in only 4.6 percent of complaints and considered filing a lawsuit in only 3.2 percent of complaints. Annual statistics from the EEOC show that its percentage of reasonable cause determinations has declined considerably in recent years, from a high of 9.9 percent in 2001. The EEOC found reasonable cause in only 3.5 percent of complaints in 2018; 2.9 percent in 2017, and; 3.2 percent in 2016... The 21-year-retrospective of EEOC complaint handling ultimately raises a question about whether the “system” is working to protect discrimination victims or is it, instead, helping to shield discriminatory employers from the consequences of violating federal civil rights laws?"
Alternative interpretation: with victim culture, more and more accusations of discrimination are unreasonable

Jeffrey Dahmer: COME SEE MY FRIDGE."

Meme - "Here's a new one. I disagreed with the popular opinion about a movie.
Admin feedback
An admin turned off your ability to post and comment.
Group rules that were violated
1 No harassing other members for any reason.
2 Bad Faith and agenda-posting
3 No Flame Bait"
From Tiamat's D&D Meme Group. This is a telling insight into the liberal mentality. Disagreement with liberal groupthink is taken as harassment, bad faith and having an agenda. So when liberals allege "harassment" and "bullying", you really need to take it with a pound of salt

Meme - Daily Loud: "14-Year-Old rapper Lil Tuda shot & killed in Chicago *innocent look*" Anthony Cumia @AnthonyCu...: "Maybe show THIS picture for a bit more context. *holding gun*"

Meme - "Remember that what exists today was dismissed 15 years ago as a "paranoid unlikely slippery slope""

One Restaurant Calls Allergy Diners 'Privileged' and 'Entitled' and Refuses Service - "Chef Jozef and Nathalie Slavik at Jennifer’s Restaurant-Picnic in Manitoba, Canada, have conflated picky eaters with people who have to eat a certain way for medical reasons... Dear Guests with Allergies, We sympathize with your situation. However, for our own safety, we will recommend that you do not eat here. It is simply not possible to guarantee each product used in this kitchen. Furthermore, we do not have the qualifications to provide you with the service you require...
Chef Jozef and Nathalie went on to insult people with food allergies by writing the following:
Are you one of the small group of people who have been living an entitled and privileged life? Then you have been very lucky. If you are one of the few who would like to substitute, modify, customize, etc. then please read on. Maybe your mother has taken the onions out of your salad, put the dressing on the side, or substitute your vegetables. Here, however, all meals are served precisely the way we prepare them. We do not offer custom meals. Remember, we are not your mother, and we definitely are not genies that will make your every wish come true. Here are some choices we leave you with:
1. Hire yourself a private chef.
2. Cook for yourself precisely the way you like!
3. Try another establishment.
4. Or, accept our hospitality as is.
We have been cooking for almost 50 years. We have many kind, friendly people, acquaintances, and families that have been coming for many decades. So, look around, it is a pleasure to see their happy smiles and provide them with the best food possible".
Classic misrepresentation of the original material to push a grievance mongering agenda. The restaurant is clearly trying to chase fussy eaters away. The fact that this is conflated with mocking people with allergies is telling - given that this is a gluten-free site and that we know that most people claiming to be allergic to gluten really aren't, it's clear why they jump to this conclusion

Meme - "Posted by u/ChineseRCheebyes 18 hours ago
SG Hero highlights racism
Sudhir Thomas Vadak: "I would like to lodge a complaint against the driver of this vehicle."
"As if your username is not extremely racist."
"holy shit i cracked"

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