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Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Links - 5th July 2023 (2 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Maajid Nawaz - "Did Israel “occupy” Palestine?  As with most issues related to this thorny topic this is, at best, a half truth...  in modern history this area was colonised by the Ottoman Turks, and then by the British Mandate. There was no “state of Palestine” in this area, and in fact there never has been - go as far back as you like... It took until 1948 for Israel to be created on the West Bank of the River Jordan, as a homeland for Jews after the Holocaust. What occurred was a typical British colonial partition plan, just like the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan (which was created in exactly the same fashion, as a homeland for Muslims)... there still was no, and never had been, a “state of Palestine” just as today there is no internationally recognised “state of Kashmir”, and never has been in that sense.  Other new states *were* created in the region by British colonialism however, including Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. All these states were populated primarily by Levantine Arabs. Interestingly, 60% of Jordan today is of the Palestinian-Arab group and only 40% of Jordan is Bedouin Arab (the difference between those two groups is not even as pronounced as the difference between the English and Scots)... the first time in history a group of Arabs known through their entirely modern colonial identity (inseparable from the British Mandate) calling themselves Palestinians, gained any form of political control over this land (even though, as stated, 60% of Jordan is Palestinian too, including the Queen of Jordan). And it was Israel that ceded this political control to the Arabs of the West Bank of the River Jordan (today known as Palestinians) in 1994, due to the Oslo Accords.  Before Oslo, Arabs from the West Bank of the River Jordan (today known as Palestinians) had never had political control of this land. The modern identity of Palestinian became a national identity in the 1960s, primarily through Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), and especially after the Arab Kingdom of Jordan lost control of the West Bank to Israel. Before this, the ‘people’ or nation in this area were Levantine Arabs. These Levantine Arabs were granted three other states by the British (Syria, Jordan and Lebanon), as well as many other Arab states in the region. Whereas Jews only have one state (Israel). All four of these states were arbitrarily created by the British and French after WWI, not just Israel. And mass-migration occurred in both directions, not just Arabs out of Israel, but Jews out of Arab lands too. All four involved expulsions (primarily of Jews going one way and Arabs going the other). But only one of these states gave Palestinian-Arabs citizenship (20% of Israel today is Arab). The three Arab states created by Britain (and in fact all other modern Arab states) are yet to provide naturalisation schemes and citizenship by birth right to the masses of Palestinian-Arabs stranded in their territories till this day. One can observe this in the refugee camps (effectively now townships) in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. These Palestinian-Arabs are pointedly and consistently refused citizenship by their host Arab states. Meanwhile, 20% of Israel’s citizens are Arabs, they sit in the Knesset and they partake in almost all Israeli affairs... when the evolution of the area is properly considered, and not used to score cheap political points or indeed for Europe to grind her ancient antisemitic axe, the truth is that this is a land dispute born of colonialism, no different to Kashmir. It is not a typical “occupation” by one state over another, and it is misleading to frame the conversation in terms of a typical “occupation”, and then to use this emotive basis as a launch pad for “debate”.  The “state of Palestine” has never existed. What has happened is that a land dispute over a colonial partition has dragged on.  It is also very clear that too much media focus is placed on Israel’s behaviour, and hardly any on the surrounding Arab dictatorships or absolute monarchies who have failed Palestinian-Arabs over and again. Nor is much of a media focus placed on the Palestinian Authority, which has consistently rejected every formal peace offer made, to a point where they no longer have anything to play for, nothing to negotiate and have become such an embarrassment that even Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt have urged them to consider President Trump’s latest proposal (which by historic standards is far less than what the 1947 UN partition plan offered, which Arabs rejected). Only those who reject the right of Israel to exist, and view her as an “occupying” power, would so consistently overplay their hand in this way. This is what I believe Arabs and Muslims have been doing. And this is why I believe it is so important to reframe this entire debate."

Meme - Liberal woman to MAGA man with "I like America" shirt: "Fascist! Anti-Semite!"
Behind her: "Free Palestine". *Black Power symbol*. "Death to Israel". "Hitler was right". *Communist symbol*

Hitler quotes will not help the Palestinians - "As a Muslim and a supporter of the Palestinian cause, I find the collective indictment of the entire Jewish race for the war crimes of Israel deeply disturbing. Skim through the comments section of any major online paper and you will invariably find hundreds of sickening anti-Semitic insults targeting Jews. These slurs are occasionally peppered with cherry-picked verses from the Quran, misinterpreted and taken out of context to claim that Jews are the eternal enemies of Islam. Most disturbing of all is the citation of alleged quotes by Adolf Hitler and veiled praise for the Holocaust... We, as Muslims, should understand better than anyone else the injustice of attributing a singular nature to a global religion and demonising a community based on the actions of a sub-set. Is it too much to expect that we extend the same courtesy and understanding to those of another faith? By indicting all Jews for the Zionist occupation of Palestinian lands, we do a gross injustice and risk alienating the many religious and secular Jews across the world who have joined hands with Palestinians in opposing Israeli policies... Those invoking the spectre of the Muslim ummah up against the much vilified Jew would do well to remember that the daily plight of those living in Gaza is compounded by the Egyptian blockade of the strip. Palestinian refugees in countries like Lebanon and Egypt face major discrimination when it comes to employment and accessing basic government facilities like free education. A recent open letter calling for a military embargo on Israel signed by six Nobel peace laureates as well as many notable figures from across the world was not endorsed by a single Muslim recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. And let’s not forget the role played by our very own Mard-e-Momin Zia ul Haq in butchering thousands of Palestinians in Jordan during the Black September offensive in 1970-71."
Clearly Hitler was just an anti-Zionist

Ben & Jerry's sues owner Unilever over Israel boycott row - "Ben & Jerry's is suing parent company Unilever for ending its boycott of occupied Palestinian territories, saying the decision has harmed the "social integrity" of the ethical ice cream brand.  The US ice cream company is seeking an injunction after Unilever last week announced it had sold its interest in the ice cream to Israeli licence-holder Avi Zinger, allowing Ben & Jerry's to be stocked again in shops."

'We're not woke', says Unilever boss - "The boss of Unilever has insisted the consumer goods behemoth is not "woke", as he sought to distance it from a decision by its Ben & Jerry's brand to stop selling ice cream in occupied Palestinian territories.  Alan Jope rejected the label despite saying the Marmite, Domestos and Magnum owner is committed to campaigning for "universal human truths" such as social justice and refugee rights.  Unilever has long trumpeted its social values, slashing carbon emissions across its brands and vowing to become "a beacon of diversity and inclusion"."

Unilever's hypocrisy over Ben & Jerry's leaves a bitter taste - "In the US, 34 US states have anti-BDS statutes on their books, seven of which have already divested, or plan to divest from Unilever as a result of their decision to cease sales in these disputed Territories... Unilever insist that Ben & Jerry’s is some sort of independent entity run by a couple of hippies from Vermont, but according to UK Lawyers for Israel, the company can exercise control over its subsidiary by requiring all employees to abide by the Unilever Code of Conduct... The great irony is that singling out Israel and banning sales in the West Bank is so counterproductive. After all, food should be a way of bringing people together, not driving them apart, which is what boycotting Israel or singling it out always does.  Would it not be much more effective to open a factory in the West Bank, support the Palestinian economy, provide jobs for people who live there and employ them and Israelis on the same terms and conditions? That would be a much more productive approach to the conflict and play a much more constructive role in building a two-state solution, which is what they claim to support.  Instead, Unilever is allowing Israel to be singled out. Its subsidiary companies trade all over the world, in China, Saudi Arabia, Iran without a peep of protest or murmur of complaint.  Unilever are even still selling some of its ice cream in Russia and investing $112m to expand an ice cream factory in China, whilst allowing Ben & Jerry’s to be pulled out of the West Bank!"

Double Scoops and Double Standards Courtesy of Ben & Jerry's | Opinion - "It also maintains corporate offices in numerous human rights-abusing countries, including China, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Unilever is reportedly a major purchaser of tomato paste from state-owned factories in China's Xinjiang region, where the U.S. State Department says China is engaged in "horrific abuses." In January 2021, the U.S. government halted the import of all such tomato paste into the U.S., citing the use of forced labor that amounted to "exploiting modern slavery." Yet neither Unilever nor Ben & Jerry's appears to have ever taken action against China's massive human rights violations in Xinjiang.  It is difficult to say why Unilever shows greater concern for the sale of ice cream in West Bank settlements than it does for the exploitation of forced labor in Xinjiang, yet the company's board members and senior executives have a lengthy record of criticizing the Jewish state. Jeff Furman, the president of the Ben & Jerry's Foundation's board and former chair of the corporate board, visited the West Bank in 2012 on a tour organized by an activist group that advocated for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Furman also signed a letter that condemned Israeli military operations in Gaza, but conspicuously never mentioned Hamas—the terrorist outfit that runs Gaza. Furthermore, he has called for the end of U.S. aid to Israel and has falsely claimed that Palestinians endure "apartheid living conditions.""

If boycotting Israel: Ben & Jerry's should also cut ties with China - "Axios reporter Alexi McCammond questioned them on why they were still selling in states that had laws that conflicted with their political views like Texas and Georgia, the two founders were speechless... while Unilever can afford to virtue signal on Israel, they can’t afford to upset the Chinese Communist Party...  In 2016, the company was caught exposing its workers to mercury at a thermometer plant in India. It seems that Unilever only cares to “advocate for human rights” when American progressives are paying attention. Unilever and Ben & Jerry’s are happy to take discriminatory action against Israel because it’s politically convenient. In fact, it’s probably boosted their revenue from ideologically aligned consumers.   Meanwhile, Israel is one of the most democratic and free countries in the world. It is a beacon of freedom in the Middle East, and one of America’s greatest allies. China pales in comparison to Israel in so many ways: respect of basic human rights, religious freedom, free speech, the list goes on and on."

Ben & Jerry’s Boycotted Israel While Using Child Labor - "No company has been as vocal about fighting for migrants and exploiting them...   The ugly truth behind the virtue signaling was that Ben & Jerry’s depended on migrant labor to make its overpriced ice cream. A year before Trump took office, the progressive company faced protests by migrant workers who spoke of having to live in barns without heat during the Vermont winter while milking cows at midnight and being injured by exploding glass milk bottles.  Ben & Jerry’s claimed that it supported open borders because of the company’s “social mission” and “values”. Those values were measured in the dollar and cents bottom line. The milk that went into the company’s ice cream depended on the cheap labor of those same migrants. Open borders wasn’t an abstraction, it was a steady source of labor to be churned into ice cream.   When the Biden administration rammed open the southern borders, flooding the country with millions of migrants, adult migrant workers were quickly supplemented by children.  A New York Times investigation found that Ben & Jerry’s was among the corporate brands benefiting from child labor...   Ben & Jerry’s has a lot of experience with “well-monitored workplaces” for child labor. The company, which has boasted of its support for Black Lives Matter, had been previously accused of benefiting from the slave labor of 8-year-olds on cocoa plantations in Africa, vanilla plantations in Madagascar, and palm oil on Indonesian plantations...   Ben & Jerry’s support for BDS and for other radical leftist causes like BLM came as it was trying to divert attention from the products and processes at the heart of its business. Its social justice logorrhea has led the company in just the last month to endorse critical race theory as a “long-overdue correction to the whitewashed history taught in most American schools”, to claim that brain injuries are worse for black people and to endorse slavery reparations. Much like hating Israel, none of this has anything to do with ice cream. And that’s the whole point. Like a criminal in police custody, Ben & Jerry’s would like to talk about anything and everything in the world except its own crimes. Smearing Israel, America, Jews, white people and anyone else is a convenient distraction from the fact that the social justice ice cream empire is built on child labor and on the open borders it champions and whose exploitation it benefits from... The only values of the ice cream, that is uniquely flat and tasteless in all its diversity of overpriced social justice flavors, are what it does, not what it claims to believe. One of those revealing moments came some years ago when migrant workers protested in a march to the Ben & Jerry’s factory. A few of the illegal aliens were arrested.  “We are concerned that hard-working, productive members of our community, who contribute to the success of dairy farms in Vermont, would face criminalization,” Ben & Jerry’s said, in a statement that had a very different tone than its usual bellicose social justice tweets. “We need policy change that serves Vermont’s dairy workers, farmers, and industry as a whole.”  That was the sound of Ben & Jerry’s talking about the intersectionality of its support for open borders and its business model that depended on illegal aliens. Another came when its values sourcing boss responded to the New York Times story by suggesting that, “If migrant children needed to work full time, it was preferable for them to have jobs at a well-monitored workplace.”"

Wolf Attack! Naomi Wolf Responds to Shmuley, Believes that Jews Do Not Need a State - "I see you have never read the Hamas charter, a true call for genocide against the Jews with its repeated calls for the annihilation of Israel and its call for a time when even trees will ask Muslims to kill Jews hiding behind them. Find me one Israeli leader that would even dare speak that way of the Palestinians?  I shudder, Noami, to think about what you would have said about Winston Churchill during the Second World War. His response to the rockets being fired at London was the total destruction of German cities like Dresden and Hamburg, flattened utterly, something Israel has never even contemplated. I shudder to think what you would think of Franklin Roosevelt who ordered the pulverizing of Berlin and Tokyo and its civilian residents, let alone Harry Truman who dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Here I offer you a simple challenge. Since the actions of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Truman were infinitely more deadly in vastly greater numbers than Israel’s pre-warning of civilians via leaflets, phone calls, and other alarms, then at the very least, Naomi, be consistent. Say definitively that in the Second World War the United States was a genocidal power, seeking the extermination of the German and Japanese people. Say definitively that the aggressor was not Hitler but the Americans and the party guilty of genocide was not Hitler but Roosevelt. If you do so, I will at least know that there is a consistency to your thought and I will applaud you as the victor in this exchange. I suspect, however, that you would never say such a ridiculous thing. In the Second World War it was Hitler and Germany who were genocidal and the United States which saved freedom and liberty, even though, sadly and tragically, hundreds of thousands of German civilians died."

'Apartheid Israel' is a toxic lie intended to destroy the Jewish state - "The Palestinians have made postponing elections into a high political art, in keeping with the lack of democratic accountability in neighboring Arab states. How Israel should handle the threat of another terror state devoted to its destruction arising on its borders is, any fair-minded person should concede, an inherently difficult question. It has offered the Palestinians a state twice, in 2000 and 2008, to no avail. Israel evacuated the Gaza Strip entirely in 2005. It can’t be blamed for Hamas winning the aforementioned elections in 2006, taking over Gaza in a coup against Fatah a year later and misgoverning the territory ever since, with an emphasis on using it as a base from which to wage war against the Jewish state. Much is made of its border controls in Gaza and the West Bank, but a border isn’t a denial of citizenship rights, rather a demarcation between two societies. If the Palestinians would ever accept the right of Israel to exist and embrace a program of peaceful development, they would get their own sovereign state. Instead, they want to wipe Israel from the map and are getting an assist from purveyors of the malicious lie that Israel is an apartheid state."

Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر on Twitter: "Shocking phone call of IDF calling to warn a building owner where children are present. A heartbreaking response. Watch: H/t @YosephHaddad"
Where a Gazan proclaims that he wants more of them to die, including children, so their deaths can be used for political purposes

Facebook - "Meet Tiran Fero. He was supposed to celebrate his 18th birthday tomorrow. 💔 After he was critically injured in a car accident, he was taken to a hospital in Jenin. When Palestinian terrorists discovered that he was Israeli, they disconnected him from a respirator. The terrorists then STOLE his body and are holding it HOSTAGE. This horrendous crime is a grave and serious human rights abuse. It shows the blatant disregard that Palestinian terrorist organizations in Jenin have for human life. They do not differentiate between man, woman, child, religion, or ethnicity.  We are doing everything we can to bring Tiran home. Those responsible will be brought to justice."
Luckily nothing truly bad was done, like Israel arresting those attacking its soldiers (or indeed existing)

United Nations condemned Israel more than all other countries combined last year, watchdog says - "The United Nations General Assembly last year passed 15 resolutions critical of Israel, while passing just 13 resolutions on other countries... Countries with major alleged human rights offenses such as China or Venezuela were not mentioned in U.N. resolutions in 2022.   "The UN's disproportionate assault against the Jewish state undermines the credibility of what is meant to be an impartial world body," UN Watch Director Hillel Neuer said. "Politicization and selectivity harm its founding mission, eroding the UN Charter promise of equal treatment to all nations, large and small."   The U.N. General Assembly adopted twice as many resolutions from 2015 through 2022 on Israel as it did on other countries with 140 resolutions on the world's only Jewish state and 68 about other nations, the watchdog found."

How the Israeli flag became a symbol for white nationalists
Israel: A model for the far right
Wait till the woke learn about what Hamas and Arab states do

The Soviet-Palestinian Lie - "The recent discovery that Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority (PA), was a KGB spy in Damascus in 1983, was discarded by many in the mainstream media as a "historical curiosity" -- except that the news inconveniently came out at the time that President Vladimir Putin was trying to organize new talks between Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Predictably, the Palestinian Authority immediately dismissed the news. Fatah official Nabil Shaath denied that Abbas was ever a KGB operative, and called the claim a "smear campaign."  The discovery, far from being a "historical curiosity," is an aspect of one of many pieces in the puzzle of the origins of 20th and 21st century Islamic terrorism. Those origins are almost always obfuscated and obscured in ill-concealed attempts at presenting a particular narrative about the causes of contemporary terrorism, while decrying all and any evidence to the contrary as "conspiracy theories."  There is nothing conspiratorial about the latest revelation. It comes from a document in the Mitrokhin archives at the Churchill Archives Center at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Vasily Mitrokhin was a former senior officer of the Soviet Foreign Intelligence service, who was later demoted to KGB archivist. At immense risk to his own life, he spent 12 years diligently copying secret KGB files that would not otherwise have become available to the public (the KGB foreign intelligence archives remain sealed from the public, despite the demise of the Soviet Union). When Mitrokhin defected from the Russia in 1992, he brought the copied files with him to the UK. The declassified parts of the Mitrokhin archives were brought to the public eye in the writings of Cambridge professor Christopher Andrew, who co-wrote The Mitrokhin Archive (published in two volumes) together with the Soviet defector. Mitrokhin's archives led, among other things, to the discovery of many KGB spies in the West and elsewhere."

MOE teacher becomes first public servant in Singapore to be arrested under ISA for terrorism offences - "A 38-year-old teacher with the Ministry of Education (MOE) who developed an interest in the Israel-Palestine conflict has been arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA), after he made plans to travel to Palestine to carry out armed violence.  Investigations so far have shown that Mohamed Khairul Riduan Mohamed Sarip acted alone, and there are no indications of him intending to carry out attacks in Singapore... Khairul is the second Singaporean to be detained under the ISA for wanting to carry out armed violence because he was affected by the Israel-Palestine conflict.  The first individual, Amirull Ali, 20, was arrested in February 2021 for planning to carry out a knife attack against Jews at a synagogue at Waterloo Street. Khairul was ready to travel to the city of Gaza in Palestine under the guise of humanitarian aid to join HAMAS and its military wing in its fight against Israel... Khairul is the first teacher and public servant to be detained for terrorism-related offences.  Apart from Khairul’s support for armed violence, he holds segregationist and hard-line religious beliefs...   He unsuccessfully tried to influence his family members and children to hold such views, such as by sharing videos of lectures by radical foreign preacher Zakir Naik, who once stated that Muslims should not wish Christians “Merry Christmas”. Khairul also banned his children from celebrating birthdays... Khairul’s interest in the Israel-Palestine conflict began in 2007, after he watched Facebook videos on purported Israeli acts of aggression against Palestinians including women and children... “He was willing to abide by any instructions given by HAMAS, including armed combat, kidnapping, and even executing Prisoners of War. He was confident of applying the weapons-handling skills and fieldcraft acquired during his National Service to engage in armed combat.”"
Weird. We keep being told that it's just anti-Zionism. Clearly Jews in Singapore represent Israel

Facebook - "Apparently #YangSupportsGenocide is trending because Andrew Yang has the gumption to think launching rockets at Jews is not the proper response to a real estate dispute.  The gaslighting is unreal. Whatever you think about the land dispute in East Jerusalem, it’s totally insane to think the proper response of any nation to having rockets launched at them is to do literally nothing.  "

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Israeli-Palestinian violence: Two mothers on different boarders - "‘Do you understand why Israel feels that It's entitled to defend itself against rockets coming from Gaza?’
‘I actually feel really angry when I receive such comments or questions because before answering this, we have to answer why this is started from the very beginning. We as Palestinians have been under occupation for more than seven decades. We Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been under blockade, severe blockade for 14 years. Our children, our sons, our daughters knows nothing about the outside world, only the inside. The walls of the Gaza Strip, the big prison they are. They only know that they will be targeted anytime, every time that Netanyahu wanted to have more votes in the elections. So please do not ask me why or if I understand why Israel has the right. Why not I am as a Palestinian do not have the right to defend my family, to defend my children’...
‘We have a community whatsapp group, and so I started seeing messages that there was a mob coming out of one of the local mosques, and they started burning things.’
‘How shocking was that? People you know, people you live alongside’
‘Really shocking, really, really shocking. Thank God, I left after one day of riots. But I know that it was getting less, you know, it got less awesome after we left and one of my friends actually told us that she could hear her Arab neighbor, an old woman who was directing the mob to throw stones and rocks into their house. She was like telling them where it is.’...
‘In your town, normally Jews and Arabs live side by side, maybe not as friends but in relatively peacefully.’
‘Yeah. Yeah, that was true until three days ago’
‘What’s changed, you think?’
‘Trying to put my thoughts together? Because that's one of the most painful points of this thing. I think in a way, we all felt that we were, well, at least the Jewish community, we felt that we were kind of living the ideal, you know, the, what the Jewish nation is striving to do, which is live peacefully side by side with, with our Arab neighbors.’"
Clearly history started 70 years ago (not that she didn't leave pertinent facts out, like why Israel didn't blockade the Gaza Strip from the start - only after there were terrorist attacks, or how Egypt is blockading Gaza too). Apparently Netanyahu controlled attacks by Palestinian terrorists, since he could make them attack Israel whenever he wanted votes. And it's telling that attacking Israel (and, as we know, also attacking Israeli civilians) is framed as "defence"

A Soros Plan, a Marginalized Israel - Bloomberg - "After the election of Barack Obama in 2009, the George Soros organization saw an opportunity to weaken the pro-Israel lobby's influence in Washington. So his Open Society Foundations began an ambitious project in 2009 to persuade Europe and the U.S. to "hold Israel accountable" for violations of international law.  This plan was outlined in two internal papers from the Open Society Foundations that were published online this month. They disclose how a web of grants to Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups were part of a larger strategy to influence Congress, reporters and government officials... Soros's organization, then known as the Open Society Institute, did not want to be open about its advocacy. A 2009 paper on the project says the organization must "maintain a low public profile regarding OSI sponsorship of this initiative."... the liberal Jewish group J Street had received Soros money but had denied receiving it to the press and on its website. In 2013, the pro-Israel group NGO Monitor issued a report on Soros funding for Israeli and Palestinian activists covered in the documents released this week.  Still, let's take a minute here to savor the irony. An outfit that promotes the "open society" is shielding its efforts to influence public policy. It's true that plenty of foundations take a similar sub rosa approach to funding advocacy work in Washington. But those foundations are not named for Karl Popper's famous defense of liberal democracies. It's enough to make you wish there was a new Open Society Foundations to expose the old one... "The materials reflect big-picture strategies over several years from the Open Society Foundations network, which supports human rights, democratic practice, economic advancement, and the rule of law in more than 100 countries around the world."  When it comes to Israel, that translates into funding organizations like Breaking the Silence, a group of Israeli ex-soldiers who tour Europe and the U.S. to discuss the Israel Defense Force's war crimes. The document says that between 2012 and 2014, the Open Society Foundations gave this group $100,000 -- a significant donation for a group that in 2012 had a budget of only $841,410... there is no equivalent organization to expose the human rights abuses of Hamas or the Palestinian Security Forces. And while there is fleeting mention in the 2013 Open Society paper of holding the Palestinian Authority accountable for such violations, there is no mention of any such organization to monitor Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007. To get a flavor of its human rights record, consider that Gazans deemed "collaborators" with Israel in 2012 were dragged through the streets by speeding motorcycles.   Funding groups like Breaking the Silence is not an accident. As the 2013 leaked report says: "Our theory of change was based on strengthening the advocacy efforts of civil society organizations and platforms in order to maintain sustained and targeted international advocacy that would oblige the international community (mostly Europe and America) to act and to hold Israel accountable to its obligations under the international law."... Open Society is treating Israel the way it treats autocratic countries like Russia or Iran, as an adversarial abuser of human rights. In the case of Iran though, the group has also supported Obama's outreach to the country... in a Middle East upended by civil war and revolution, the region's one open society has not become a pariah or ended its occupation of the West Bank. Despite the best efforts of George Soros and his foundations."
From 2016. So much for that anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jews are trying to destroy the West with leftist policies while applying double standards to Israel

Meme - "Arabs when you call Judea "Palestine" *smile*
Arabs when you call Egypt "Kemet" *angry look*"

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